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<h2 class="section-title wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="0.3s">IW6x <span>FAQ</span></h2>
<hr class="lines wow zoomIn" data-wow-delay="0.3s">
<p class="section-subtitle wow fadeInDown" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="0.3s">Frequently Asked Questions about the IW6x Project.</p>
<p class="section-subtitle wow fadeInDown" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="0.3s">Experiencing errors? View our error page<a href="iw6x_errors"> HERE</a>.</p>
<a href="#name" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">How can I change my name?</a>
<a href="#classes" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">My classes don't work online?</a>
<a href="#steam" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">Can I use my Steam copy of Ghosts to play IW6x?</a>
<a href="#steamfriends" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">On IW6x, can I play with players on Steam or Steam players play with me?</a>
<a href="#steamvac" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">Will IW6x get me VAC banned?</a>
<a href="#steamrank" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">Does my Steam rank and stats carry over to IW6x?</a>
<a href="#sensitivity" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">How can I change my sensitivity?</a>
<a href="#fov" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">How can I change my FOV?</a>
<a href="#devmap" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">How can I use cheat protected commands in private match such as noclip?</a>
<a href="#fps" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">How can I improve my FPS?</a>
<a href="#lowfps" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">Why is my gaming laptop getting low FPS?</a>
<a href="#reportcheaters" class="btn btn-common wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1000ms" data-wow-delay="400ms">How can I report cheaters?</a>
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<a class="anchor" id="name"></a>
Q: How do I change my name?
A: To change your name, open the in-game console (press the ~ key) and type <code>name yourname</code>.
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<a class="anchor" id="classes"></a>
Q: My classes don't work online?
A: For now, you must make classes in private match.
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<a class="anchor" id="steam"></a>
Q: Can I use my Steam copy of Ghosts to play IW6x?
A: You certainly can! A Steam copy of Ghosts is the prefered way to play IW6x. Read the <a href="support_iw6x_client">Install Guide</a> to learn how to use your Steam copy.
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<a class="anchor" id="steamfriends"></a>
Q: On IW6x, can I play with players on Steam or Steam players play with me?
A: IW6x is entirely seperate from Steam services, so it is not possible to play with people playing on the Steam version of Ghosts. You can, however, invite your Steam Ghosts friends to install IW6x, and then you'll be able to play together.
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<a class="anchor" id="steamvac"></a>
Q: Will IW6x get me VAC banned?
A: The short answer is no. IW6x is completely external to Steam and Steam Servers (You don't play with Steam users). It's impossible to get VAC banned. IW6x players only play with fellow IW6x players as the servers are completely seperate from Steam.
You are at no risk of recieving a VAC ban.
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<div class="blog-item-text">
Q: Is IW6x full of cheaters?
A: Absolutely Not! [...]
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<a class="anchor" id="steamrank"></a>
Q: Does my Steam rank and stats carry over to IW6x?
A: No. When you start IW6x, you will be starting fresh. As stated above, IW6x is external from Steam. So you will have a separate rank, classes, title, etc. When, and if, you go back to Steam Ghosts, you will still have the same rank you had before in
Steam. IW6x does not alter this at all. However, you can always manually set your rank back to the level you were if you wish as this is allowed, or just use the command <code>unlockstats</code> to get max prestige level 60 everything unlocked.
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<a class="anchor" id="sensitivity"></a>
Q: How do I change my sensitivity?
A: You can change your sensitivty either though the options menu in-game or for more precise values use the command <code>sensitivty 1</code> (Replace the number with your desired sensitivty).
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<a class="anchor" id="fov"></a>
Q: How can I change my Field of View (FOV)?
A: Using the in-game menu or using the console command <code>cg_fov 90</code> (Replace the number with your desired FOV).
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<a class="anchor" id="devmap"></a>
Q: How can I use cheat protected commands in private match such as noclip?
A: You must use the <code>sv_cheats 1</code> command to enable cheats. For more information on console commands, see the <a href="console_commands">Console Commands Guide</a>.
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<a class="anchor" id="fps"></a>
Q: How can I improve my FPS?
A: The best way is to go into the graphic options of the game and lower all the settings. The next step you can take is to lower your games resolution. Keep lowering it until you reach your desired FPS. If your FPS is still low, there's a good chance
your PC isn't good enough to play IW6x.
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<a class="anchor" id="lowfps"></a>
Q: Why is my gaming laptop getting low FPS?
A: By default many gaming laptops use intergrated CPU graphics to preserve battery. It may be the case that you need to force IW6x to use your dedicated graphics card.
<li>Go to the NVIDIA Control Panel by right clicking on your desktop and clicking on "NVIDIA Control Panel".</li>
<li>In the default screen that pops up (it should be "manage 3D settings", and the "Program Settings" tab should be automatically selected), under "1. Select a program to customize:" hit the "Add" button.</li>
<li>From here, navigate to the folder where your IW6x is installed.</li>
<li>Select IW6x.exe and click Open.</li>
<li>Then, under "2. Select the preferred graphics processor for this program". Open the drop-down menu and select "High-performance NVIDIA processor".</li>
<li>Finally, hit Apply in the far bottom right corner, and the correct GPU should be used for the game.</li>
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<a class="anchor" id="reportcheaters"></a>
Q: How can I report cheaters?
A: Report cheaters to the admins or owner of the server. Most server owners will provide links to their Discord or website.
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