mod config; mod github; mod global; mod http; mod iw4x; mod misc; mod self_update; mod structs; use global::*; use structs::*; use colored::*; #[cfg(windows)] use mslnk::ShellLink; use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::HashMap, fs, path::Path, path::PathBuf}; #[cfg(windows)] use steamlocate::SteamDir; #[cfg(windows)] fn get_installed_games(games: &Vec) -> Vec<(u32, PathBuf)> { let mut installed_games = Vec::new(); let mut steamdir = match SteamDir::locate() { Some(steamdir) => steamdir, None => { println!("{}", "Steam not found!".yellow()); return installed_games; } }; for game in games { if let Some(app) = { installed_games.push((game.app_id, PathBuf::from(&app.path))); } } installed_games } #[cfg(windows)] fn setup_client_links(game: &Game, game_dir: &Path) { if game.client.len() > 1 { println!("Multiple clients installed, use the shortcuts (launch-.lnk in the game directory or on the desktop) to launch a specific client."); } let target = game_dir.join("alterware-launcher.exe"); for c in game.client.iter() { let lnk = game_dir.join(format!("launch-{}.lnk", c)); let mut sl = ShellLink::new(target.clone()).unwrap(); sl.set_arguments(Some(c.to_string())); sl.set_icon_location(Some( game_dir .join(format!("{}.exe", c)) .to_string_lossy() .into_owned(), )); sl.create_lnk(&lnk).unwrap(); } } #[cfg(windows)] fn setup_desktop_links(path: &Path, game: &Game) { println!("Create Desktop shortcut? (Y/n)"); let input = misc::stdin().to_ascii_lowercase(); if input == "y" || input.is_empty() { let desktop = PathBuf::from(&format!( "{}\\Desktop", std::env::var("USERPROFILE").unwrap() )); let target = path.join("alterware-launcher.exe"); for c in game.client.iter() { let lnk = desktop.join(format!("{}.lnk", c)); let mut sl = ShellLink::new(target.clone()).unwrap(); sl.set_arguments(Some(c.to_string())); sl.set_icon_location(Some( path.join(format!("{}.exe", c)) .to_string_lossy() .into_owned(), )); sl.create_lnk(lnk).unwrap(); } } } #[cfg(windows)] fn auto_install(path: &Path, game: &Game) { setup_client_links(game, path); setup_desktop_links(path, game); update(game, path, false, false); } #[cfg(windows)] fn windows_launcher_install(games: &Vec) { println!( "{}", "No game specified/found. Checking for installed Steam games..".yellow() ); let installed_games = get_installed_games(games); if !installed_games.is_empty() { let current_dir = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); for (id, path) in installed_games.iter() { if current_dir.starts_with(path) { println!("Found game in current directory."); println!("Installing AlterWare client for {}.", id); let game = games.iter().find(|&g| g.app_id == *id).unwrap(); auto_install(path, game); println!("Installation complete. Please run the launcher again or use a shortcut to launch the game."); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut String::new()).unwrap(); std::process::exit(0); } } println!("Installed games:"); for (id, path) in installed_games.iter() { println!("{}: {}", id, path.display()); } println!("Enter the ID of the game you want to install the AlterWare client for, enter 0 for manual selection:"); let input: u32 = misc::stdin().parse().unwrap(); if input == 0 { return manual_install(games); } for (id, path) in installed_games.iter() { if *id == input { let game = games.iter().find(|&g| g.app_id == input).unwrap(); let launcher_path = std::env::current_exe().unwrap(); let target_path = path.join("alterware-launcher.exe"); if launcher_path != target_path { fs::copy(launcher_path, target_path).unwrap(); println!("Launcher copied to {}", path.display()); } auto_install(path, game); println!("Installation complete. Please run the launcher again or use a shortcut to launch the game."); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut String::new()).unwrap(); break; } } std::process::exit(0); } else { manual_install(games); } } fn prompt_client_selection(games: &[Game]) -> String { println!( "Couldn't detect any games, please select a client to install in the current directory:" ); for (i, g) in games.iter().enumerate() { for c in g.client.iter() { println!("{}: {}", i, c); } } let input: usize = misc::stdin().parse().unwrap(); String::from(games[input].client[0]) } fn manual_install(games: &[Game]) { let selection = prompt_client_selection(games); let game = games.iter().find(|&g| g.client[0] == selection).unwrap(); update(game, &std::env::current_dir().unwrap(), false, false); println!("Installation complete. Please run the launcher again or use a shortcut to launch the game."); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut String::new()).unwrap(); std::process::exit(0); } fn update_dir( cdn_info: &Vec, remote_dir: &str, dir: &Path, hashes: &mut HashMap, ) { let remote_dir = format!("{}/", remote_dir); for file in cdn_info { if ! || == "iw4/iw4x.dll" { continue; } let sha1_remote = file.hash.to_lowercase(); let file_name = &, ""); let file_path = dir.join(file_name); if file_path.exists() { let sha1_local = hashes .get(file_name) .map(Cow::Borrowed) .unwrap_or_else(|| Cow::Owned(misc::get_file_sha1(&file_path))) .to_string(); if sha1_local != sha1_remote { println!( "[{}] {}", "Updating".bright_yellow(), file_path.display() ); http::download_file(&format!("{}/{}", MASTER,, &file_path); } else { println!("[{}] {}", "Checked".bright_blue(), file_path.display()); } hashes.insert(file_name.to_owned(), sha1_remote.to_owned()); } else { println!( "[{}] {}", "Downloading".bright_yellow(), file_path.display() ); if let Some(parent) = file_path.parent() { if !parent.exists() { fs::create_dir_all(parent).unwrap(); } } http::download_file(&format!("{}/{}", MASTER,, &file_path); hashes.insert(file_name.to_owned(), sha1_remote.to_owned()); } } } fn update(game: &Game, dir: &Path, bonus_content: bool, force: bool) { let cdn_info: Vec = serde_json::from_str(&http::get_body_string( format!("{}/files.json", MASTER).as_str(), )) .unwrap(); let mut hashes = HashMap::new(); let hash_file = dir.join(".sha-sums"); if hash_file.exists() && !force { let hash_file = fs::read_to_string(hash_file).unwrap(); for line in hash_file.lines() { let mut split = line.split_whitespace(); let hash =; let file =; hashes.insert(file.to_owned(), hash.to_owned()); } } update_dir(&cdn_info, game.engine, dir, &mut hashes); if game.engine == "iw4" { iw4x::update(dir); } if bonus_content && !game.bonus.is_empty() { for bonus in game.bonus.iter() { update_dir(&cdn_info, bonus, dir, &mut hashes); } } let mut hash_file_content = String::new(); for (file, hash) in hashes.iter() { hash_file_content.push_str(&format!("{} {}\n", hash, file)); } fs::write(dir.join(".sha-sums"), hash_file_content).unwrap(); } fn launch(file_path: &PathBuf, args: &str) { println!("Launching {}...", file_path.display()); std::process::Command::new(file_path) .args(args.split(' ')) .spawn() .expect("Failed to launch the game") .wait() .expect("Failed to wait for the game process to finish"); } #[cfg(windows)] fn setup_env() { colored::control::set_virtual_terminal(true).unwrap_or_else(|error| { println!("{:#?}", error); colored::control::SHOULD_COLORIZE.set_override(false); }); } fn arg_value(args: &[String], arg: &str) -> Option { args.iter() .position(|r| r == arg) .map(|e| args[e + 1].clone()) } fn arg_bool(args: &[String], arg: &str) -> bool { args.iter().any(|r| r == arg) } fn arg_remove(args: &mut Vec, arg: &str) { args.iter().position(|r| r == arg).map(|e| args.remove(e)); } fn arg_remove_value(args: &mut Vec, arg: &str) { if let Some(e) = args.iter().position(|r| r == arg) { args.remove(e); args.remove(e); }; } fn main() { #[cfg(windows)] setup_env(); let mut args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); if arg_bool(&args, "--help") { println!("CLI Args:"); println!(" : Specify the client to launch"); println!(" --help: Display this help message"); println!(" --version: Display the launcher version"); println!(" --path/-p : Specify the game directory"); println!(" --update/-u: Update only, don't launch the game"); println!(" --bonus: Download bonus content"); println!(" --force/-f: Force file hash recheck"); println!(" --pass : Pass arguments to the game"); println!(" --skip-launcher-update: Skip launcher self-update"); println!( "\nExample:\n alterware-launcher.exe iw4x --bonus --pass \"-console -nointro\"" ); std::process::exit(0); } if arg_bool(&args, "--version") || arg_bool(&args, "-v") { println!( "{} v{}", "AlterWare Launcher".bright_green(), env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") ); println!("{}/{}", GH_OWNER, GH_REPO); println!( "\n{}{}{}{}{}{}{}", "For ".on_black(), "Alter".bright_blue().on_black().underline(), "Ware".white().on_black().underline(), ".dev".on_black().underline(), " by ".on_black(), "mxve".bright_magenta().on_black().underline(), ".de".on_black().underline() ); std::process::exit(0); } let install_path: PathBuf; if let Some(path) = arg_value(&args, "--path") { install_path = PathBuf::from(path); arg_remove_value(&mut args, "--path"); } else if let Some(path) = arg_value(&args, "-p") { install_path = PathBuf::from(path); arg_remove_value(&mut args, "-p"); } else { install_path = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); } let mut cfg = config::load(install_path.join("alterware-launcher.json")); if !arg_bool(&args, "--skip-launcher-update") && !cfg.skip_self_update { self_update::run(cfg.update_only); } else { arg_remove(&mut args, "--skip-launcher-update"); } if arg_bool(&args, "--update") || arg_bool(&args, "-u") { cfg.update_only = true; arg_remove(&mut args, "--update"); arg_remove(&mut args, "-u"); } if arg_bool(&args, "--bonus") { cfg.download_bonus_content = true; arg_remove(&mut args, "--bonus"); } if arg_bool(&args, "--force") || arg_bool(&args, "-f") { cfg.force_update = true; arg_remove(&mut args, "--force"); arg_remove(&mut args, "-f"); } if let Some(pass) = arg_value(&args, "--pass") { cfg.args = pass; arg_remove_value(&mut args, "--pass"); } else if cfg.args.is_empty() { cfg.args = String::from(""); } let games_json = http::get_body_string(format!("{}/games.json", MASTER).as_str()); let games: Vec = serde_json::from_str(&games_json).unwrap(); let mut game: String = String::new(); if args.len() > 1 { game = String::from(&args[1]); } else { 'main: for g in games.iter() { for r in g.references.iter() { if install_path.join(r).exists() { if g.client.len() > 1 { if cfg.update_only { game = String::from(g.client[0]); break 'main; } #[cfg(windows)] setup_client_links(g, &std::env::current_dir().unwrap()); #[cfg(not(windows))] println!("Multiple clients installed, set the client as the first argument to launch a specific client."); println!("Select a client to launch:"); for (i, c) in g.client.iter().enumerate() { println!("{}: {}", i, c); } game = String::from(g.client[misc::stdin().parse::().unwrap()]); break 'main; } game = String::from(g.client[0]); break 'main; } } } } for g in games.iter() { for c in g.client.iter() { if c == &game { if cfg.ask_bonus_content && !g.bonus.is_empty() { println!("Download bonus content? (Y/n)"); let input = misc::stdin().to_ascii_lowercase(); cfg.download_bonus_content = input != "n"; config::save_value( install_path.join("alterware-launcher.json"), "download_bonus_content", cfg.download_bonus_content, ); config::save_value( install_path.join("alterware-launcher.json"), "ask_bonus_content", false, ); } update( g, install_path.as_path(), cfg.download_bonus_content, cfg.force_update, ); if !cfg.update_only { launch(&install_path.join(format!("{}.exe", c)), &cfg.args); } return; } } } #[cfg(windows)] windows_launcher_install(&games); #[cfg(not(windows))] manual_install(&games); println!("{}", "Game not found!".bright_red()); println!("Place the launcher in the game folder, if that doesn't work specify the client on the command line (ex. alterware-launcher.exe iw4-sp)"); println!("Press enter to exit..."); std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut String::new()).unwrap(); }