# BOIIIWD - A GUI Steam Workshop downloader meant for BO3 (boiii client) built using PyQt5
![image](https://github.com/faroukbmiled/BOIIIWD/assets/51106560/a33bd233-3879-47cf-99f3-0b22efa10da3) ## release: - Download the [release](https://github.com/faroukbmiled/BOIIIWD/releases/tag/Release) zip which has everything you need - Run steamcmd.exe to initialize it first -> Should only be done once - Finally run BOIIIWD.exe and use it ## Pre Usage: - Place [SteamCMD](https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd.zip) in the script's folder, and execute it to initiate SteamCMD. ## Usage: - ```pip install -r requirements.txt``` - ```python boiiiwd.py``` - to get a workshop id look at the link and get the id from it lol (For example: this workshop link "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3011930738" 3011930738 would be the workshop id) ## Compiling into an exe (pyinstaller): - ```pip install pyinstaller``` - ```pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --windowed --icon "ryuk.ico" --name "BOIIIWD" --ascii "boiiiwd.py"``` ### Notes: . It saves your input except workshop id
. Excuse the progress bar its pretty shit atm