2023-08-31 22:07:52 +01:00
from src . imports import *
from src . helpers import show_message , cwd , check_config , \
save_config , reset_steamcmd , launch_boiii_func , get_latest_release_version
def check_for_updates_func ( window , ignore_up_todate = False ) :
try :
latest_version = get_latest_release_version ( )
current_version = VERSION
int_latest_version = int ( latest_version . replace ( " v " , " " ) . replace ( " . " , " " ) )
int_current_version = int ( current_version . replace ( " v " , " " ) . replace ( " . " , " " ) )
if latest_version and int_latest_version > int_current_version :
2023-09-04 01:35:00 +01:00
msg_box = CTkMessagebox ( title = " Update Available " , message = f " An update is available! Install now? \n \n Current Version: { current_version } \n Latest Version: { latest_version } " , option_1 = " View " , option_2 = " No " , option_3 = " Yes " , fade_in_duration = int ( 1 ) , sound = True )
2023-08-31 22:07:52 +01:00
result = msg_box . get ( )
if result == " View " :
webbrowser . open ( f " https://github.com/ { GITHUB_REPO } /releases/latest " )
from src . update_window import UpdateWindow
if result == " Yes " :
update_window = UpdateWindow ( window , LATEST_RELEASE_URL )
update_window . start_update ( )
if result == " No " :
elif int_latest_version < int_current_version :
if ignore_up_todate :
2023-09-04 01:35:00 +01:00
msg_box = CTkMessagebox ( title = " Up to Date! " , message = f " Unreleased version! \n Current Version: { current_version } \n Latest Version: { latest_version } " , option_1 = " Ok " , sound = True )
2023-08-31 22:07:52 +01:00
result = msg_box . get ( )
elif int_latest_version == int_current_version :
if ignore_up_todate :
2023-09-04 01:35:00 +01:00
msg_box = CTkMessagebox ( title = " Up to Date! " , message = " No Updates Available! " , option_1 = " Ok " , sound = True )
2023-08-31 22:07:52 +01:00
result = msg_box . get ( )
else :
show_message ( " Error! " , " An error occured while checking for updates! \n Check your internet and try again " )
except Exception as e :
show_message ( " Error " , f " Error while checking for updates: \n { e } " , icon = " cancel " )
class SettingsTab ( ctk . CTkFrame ) :
def __init__ ( self , master = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( master )
# settings default bools
self . skip_already_installed = True
self . stopped = False
self . console = False
self . clean_on_finish = True
self . continuous = True
self . estimated_progress = True
self . steam_fail_counter_toggle = True
self . steam_fail_counter = 0
self . steam_fail_number = 10
self . steamcmd_reset = False
self . show_fails = True
# Left and right frames, use fg_color="transparent"
self . grid_rowconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
self . grid_columnconfigure ( 1 , weight = 1 )
self . grid_columnconfigure ( 0 , weight = 1 )
left_frame = ctk . CTkFrame ( self )
left_frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = ( 20 , 20 ) , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " nsew " )
left_frame . grid_columnconfigure ( 1 , weight = 1 )
right_frame = ctk . CTkFrame ( self )
right_frame . grid ( row = 0 , column = 1 , padx = ( 20 , 20 ) , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " nsew " )
right_frame . grid_columnconfigure ( 1 , weight = 1 )
self . update_idletasks ( )
# Check for updates checkbox
self . check_updates_var = ctk . BooleanVar ( )
self . check_updates_var . trace_add ( " write " , self . enable_save_button )
self . check_updates_checkbox = ctk . CTkSwitch ( left_frame , text = " Check for updates on launch " , variable = self . check_updates_var )
self . check_updates_checkbox . grid ( row = 0 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " nw " )
self . check_updates_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " checkforupdates " ) )
# Show console checkbox
self . console_var = ctk . BooleanVar ( )
self . console_var . trace_add ( " write " , self . enable_save_button )
self . checkbox_show_console = ctk . CTkSwitch ( left_frame , text = " Console (On Download) " , variable = self . console_var )
self . checkbox_show_console . grid ( row = 1 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " nw " )
self . checkbox_show_console_tooltip = CTkToolTip ( self . checkbox_show_console , message = " Toggle SteamCMD console \n Please don ' t close the Console If you want to stop press the Stop button " )
self . console_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " console " ) )
# Show continuous checkbox
self . continuous_var = ctk . BooleanVar ( )
self . continuous_var . trace_add ( " write " , self . enable_save_button )
self . checkbox_continuous = ctk . CTkSwitch ( left_frame , text = " Continuous Download " , variable = self . continuous_var )
self . checkbox_continuous . grid ( row = 2 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " nw " )
self . checkbox_continuous_tooltip = CTkToolTip ( self . checkbox_continuous , message = " This will make sure that the download restarts and resumes! until it finishes if steamcmd crashes randomly (it will not redownload from the start) " )
self . continuous_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " continuous_download " ) )
# clean on finish checkbox
self . clean_checkbox_var = ctk . BooleanVar ( )
self . clean_checkbox_var . trace_add ( " write " , self . enable_save_button )
self . clean_checkbox = ctk . CTkSwitch ( left_frame , text = " Clean on finish " , variable = self . clean_checkbox_var )
self . clean_checkbox . grid ( row = 3 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " nw " )
self . clean_checkbox_tooltip = CTkToolTip ( self . clean_checkbox , message = " Cleans the map that have been downloaded and installed from steamcmd ' s steamapps folder ,to save space " )
self . clean_checkbox_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " clean_on_finish " , " on " ) )
# Show estimated_progress checkbox
self . estimated_progress_var = ctk . BooleanVar ( )
self . estimated_progress_var . trace_add ( " write " , self . enable_save_button )
self . estimated_progress_cb = ctk . CTkSwitch ( left_frame , text = " Estimated Progress Bar " , variable = self . estimated_progress_var )
self . estimated_progress_cb . grid ( row = 4 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " nw " )
self . estimated_progress_var_tooltip = CTkToolTip ( self . estimated_progress_cb , message = " This will change how to progress bar works by estimating how long the download will take \
\nThis is not accurate , it ' s better than with it off which is calculating the downloaded folder size which steamcmd dumps the full size rigth mostly " )
self . estimated_progress_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " estimated_progress " , " on " ) )
# Show show fails checkbox
self . show_fails_var = ctk . BooleanVar ( )
self . show_fails_var . trace_add ( " write " , self . enable_save_button )
self . show_fails_cb = ctk . CTkSwitch ( left_frame , text = " Show fails (on top of progress bar): " , variable = self . show_fails_var )
self . show_fails_cb . grid ( row = 5 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " nw " )
self . show_fails_tooltip = CTkToolTip ( self . show_fails_cb , message = " Display how many times steamcmd has failed/crashed \n If the number is getting high quickly then try pressing Reset SteamCMD and try again, otherwise its fine " )
self . estimated_progress_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " show_fails " , " on " ) )
# Show skip_already_installed maps checkbox
self . skip_already_installed_var = ctk . BooleanVar ( )
self . skip_already_installed_var . trace_add ( " write " , self . enable_save_button )
self . skip_already_installed_ch = ctk . CTkSwitch ( left_frame , text = " Skip already installed maps: " , variable = self . skip_already_installed_var )
self . skip_already_installed_ch . grid ( row = 6 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " nw " )
self . skip_already_installed_ch_tooltip = CTkToolTip ( self . skip_already_installed_ch , message = " If on it will not download installed maps, \n this can miss sometimes if you remove maps manually and not from library tab while the app is running " )
self . skip_already_installed_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " skip_already_installed " , " on " ) )
# Resetr steam on many fails
self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail_var = ctk . IntVar ( )
self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail_var . trace_add ( " write " , self . enable_save_button )
self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail_text = ctk . CTkLabel ( left_frame , text = f " Reset steamcmd on % fails: (n of fails) " , anchor = " w " )
self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail_text . grid ( row = 7 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 10 , 0 ) , sticky = " nw " )
self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail = ctk . CTkOptionMenu ( left_frame , values = [ " 5 " , " 10 " , " 20 " , " 30 " , " 40 " , " Custom " , " Disable " ] , variable = self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail_var , command = self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail_func )
self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail . grid ( row = 8 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 0 , 0 ) , sticky = " nw " )
self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail_tooltip = CTkToolTip ( self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail , message = " This actually fixes steamcmd when its crashing way too much " )
self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail . set ( value = self . load_settings ( " reset_on_fail " , " 10 " ) )
# Check for updates button n Launch boiii
self . check_for_updates = ctk . CTkButton ( right_frame , text = " Check for updates " , command = self . settings_check_for_updates )
self . check_for_updates . grid ( row = 1 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " n " )
self . launch_boiii = ctk . CTkButton ( right_frame , text = " Launch boiii " , command = self . settings_launch_boiii )
self . launch_boiii . grid ( row = 2 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " n " )
self . reset_steamcmd = ctk . CTkButton ( right_frame , text = " Reset SteamCMD " , command = self . settings_reset_steamcmd )
self . reset_steamcmd . grid ( row = 3 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) , sticky = " n " )
self . reset_steamcmd_tooltip = CTkToolTip ( self . reset_steamcmd , message = " This will remove steamapps folder + all the maps that are potentioaly corrupted or not so use at ur own risk (could fix some issues as well) " )
# appearance
self . appearance_mode_label = ctk . CTkLabel ( right_frame , text = " Appearance Mode: " , anchor = " n " )
self . appearance_mode_label . grid ( row = 4 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 0 ) )
self . appearance_mode_optionemenu = ctk . CTkOptionMenu ( right_frame , values = [ " Light " , " Dark " , " System " ] ,
command = master . change_appearance_mode_event )
self . appearance_mode_optionemenu . grid ( row = 5 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 0 , 0 ) )
self . scaling_label = ctk . CTkLabel ( right_frame , text = " UI Scaling: " , anchor = " n " )
self . scaling_label . grid ( row = 6 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 10 , 0 ) )
self . scaling_optionemenu = ctk . CTkOptionMenu ( right_frame , values = [ " 80 % " , " 90 % " , " 100 % " , " 110 % " , " 120 % " ] ,
command = master . change_scaling_event )
self . scaling_optionemenu . grid ( row = 7 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 0 , 0 ) )
# self.custom_theme = ctk.CTkButton(right_frame, text="Custom theme", command=self.boiiiwd_custom_theme)
# self.custom_theme.grid(row=8, column=1, padx=20, pady=(20, 0), sticky="n")
self . theme_options_label = ctk . CTkLabel ( right_frame , text = " Themes: " , anchor = " n " )
self . theme_options_label . grid ( row = 8 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 10 , 0 ) )
2023-09-02 17:03:25 +01:00
self . theme_options = ctk . CTkOptionMenu ( right_frame , values = [ " Default " , " Blue " , " Grey " , " Obsidian " , " Ghost " , " NeonBanana " , " Custom " ] ,
2023-08-31 22:07:52 +01:00
command = self . theme_options_func )
self . theme_options . grid ( row = 9 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 0 , 0 ) )
self . theme_options . set ( value = self . load_settings ( " theme " , " Default " ) )
# Save button
self . save_button = ctk . CTkButton ( self , text = " Save " , command = self . save_settings , state = ' disabled ' )
self . save_button . grid ( row = 3 , column = 0 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 20 ) , sticky = " nw " )
self . version_info = ctk . CTkLabel ( self , text = f " { VERSION } " )
self . version_info . grid ( row = 3 , column = 1 , padx = 20 , pady = ( 20 , 20 ) , sticky = " e " )
def reset_steamcmd_on_fail_func ( self , option : str ) :
if option == " Custom " :
try :
save_config ( " reset_on_fail " , " 10 " )
2023-09-04 01:35:00 +01:00
def callback ( ) :
msg = CTkMessagebox ( title = " config.ini " , message = " change reset_on_fail value to whatever you want " , icon = " info " , option_1 = " No " , option_2 = " Ok " , sound = True )
response = msg . get ( )
if response == " No " :
elif response == " Ok " :
os . system ( f " notepad { os . path . join ( cwd ( ) , ' config.ini ' ) } " )
else :
self . after ( 0 , callback )
2023-08-31 22:07:52 +01:00
except :
show_message ( " Couldn ' t open config.ini " , " you can do so by yourself and change reset_on_fail value to whatever you want " )
else :
2023-09-04 01:35:00 +01:00
2023-08-31 22:07:52 +01:00
def theme_options_func ( self , option : str ) :
if option == " Default " :
self . boiiiwd_custom_theme ( disable_only = True )
save_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_theme.json " )
if option == " Blue " :
self . boiiiwd_custom_theme ( disable_only = True )
save_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_blue.json " )
if option == " Grey " :
self . boiiiwd_custom_theme ( disable_only = True )
save_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_grey.json " )
2023-09-02 17:03:25 +01:00
if option == " Ghost " :
self . boiiiwd_custom_theme ( disable_only = True )
save_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_ghost.json " )
if option == " Obsidian " :
self . boiiiwd_custom_theme ( disable_only = True )
save_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_obsidian.json " )
if option == " NeonBanana " :
self . boiiiwd_custom_theme ( disable_only = True )
save_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_neonbanana.json " )
2023-08-31 22:07:52 +01:00
if option == " Custom " :
self . boiiiwd_custom_theme ( )
save_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_theme.json " )
if not option == " Custom " :
show_message ( " Restart to take effect! " , f " { option } theme has been set ,please restart to take effect " , icon = " info " )
def enable_save_button ( self , * args ) :
try :
self . save_button . configure ( state = ' normal ' )
except :
def save_settings ( self ) :
self . save_button . configure ( state = ' disabled ' )
if self . check_updates_checkbox . get ( ) :
save_config ( " checkforupdtes " , " on " )
else :
save_config ( " checkforupdtes " , " off " )
if self . checkbox_show_console . get ( ) :
save_config ( " console " , " on " )
self . console = True
else :
save_config ( " console " , " off " )
self . console = False
if self . skip_already_installed_ch . get ( ) :
save_config ( " skip_already_installed " , " on " )
self . skip_already_installed = True
else :
save_config ( " skip_already_installed " , " off " )
self . skip_already_installed = False
if self . clean_checkbox . get ( ) :
save_config ( " clean_on_finish " , " on " )
self . clean_on_finish = True
else :
save_config ( " clean_on_finish " , " off " )
self . clean_on_finish = False
if self . checkbox_continuous . get ( ) :
save_config ( " continuous_download " , " on " )
self . continuous = True
else :
save_config ( " continuous_download " , " off " )
self . continuous = False
if self . estimated_progress_cb . get ( ) :
save_config ( " estimated_progress " , " on " )
self . estimated_progress = True
else :
save_config ( " estimated_progress " , " off " )
self . estimated_progress = False
if self . show_fails_cb . get ( ) :
save_config ( " show_fails " , " on " )
self . show_fails = True
else :
save_config ( " show_fails " , " off " )
self . show_fails = False
if self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail . get ( ) :
value = self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail . get ( )
if value == " Disable " :
self . steam_fail_counter_toggle = False
else :
self . steam_fail_counter_toggle = True
self . steam_fail_number = int ( value )
save_config ( " reset_on_fail " , value )
def load_settings ( self , setting , fallback = None ) :
if setting == " console " :
if check_config ( setting , fallback ) == " on " :
self . console = True
return 1
else :
self . console = False
return 0
if setting == " continuous_download " :
if check_config ( setting , " on " ) == " on " :
self . continuous = True
return 1
else :
self . continuous = False
return 0
if setting == " clean_on_finish " :
if check_config ( setting , fallback ) == " on " :
self . clean_on_finish = True
return 1
else :
self . clean_on_finish = False
return 0
if setting == " estimated_progress " :
if check_config ( setting , fallback ) == " on " :
self . estimated_progress = True
return 1
else :
self . estimated_progress = False
return 0
if setting == " reset_on_fail " :
option = check_config ( setting , fallback )
if option == " Disable " or option == " Custom " :
self . steam_fail_counter_toggle = False
return " Disable "
else :
try :
self . steam_fail_number = int ( option )
self . steam_fail_counter_toggle = True
return option
except :
self . steam_fail_counter_toggle = True
self . steam_fail_number = 10
return " 10 "
if setting == " show_fails " :
if check_config ( setting , fallback ) == " on " :
self . show_fails = True
return 1
else :
self . show_fails = False
return 0
if setting == " skip_already_installed " :
if check_config ( setting , fallback ) == " on " :
self . skip_already_installed = True
return 1
else :
self . skip_already_installed = False
return 0
if setting == " theme " :
if os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( cwd ( ) , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) ) :
return " Custom "
if check_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) == " boiiiwd_theme.json " :
return " Default "
if check_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) == " boiiiwd_grey.json " :
return " Grey "
if check_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) == " boiiiwd_blue.json " :
return " Blue "
2023-09-02 17:03:25 +01:00
if check_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) == " boiiiwd_obsidian.json " :
return " Obsidian "
if check_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) == " boiiiwd_ghost.json " :
return " Ghost "
if check_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) == " boiiiwd_neonbanana.json " :
return " NeonBanana "
2023-08-31 22:07:52 +01:00
else :
if check_config ( setting , fallback ) == " on " :
return 1
else :
return 0
def boiiiwd_custom_theme ( self , disable_only = None ) :
file_to_rename = os . path . join ( cwd ( ) , " boiiiwd_theme.json " )
if os . path . exists ( file_to_rename ) :
timestamp = datetime . datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d - % H- % M- % S " )
new_name = f " boiiiwd_theme_ { timestamp } .json "
os . rename ( file_to_rename , os . path . join ( cwd ( ) , new_name ) )
if not disable_only :
show_message ( " Preset file renamed " , " Custom preset disabled, file has been renmaed \n * Restart the app to take effect " , icon = " info " )
else :
if disable_only :
try :
shutil . copy ( os . path . join ( RESOURCES_DIR , check_config ( " theme " , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) ) , os . path . join ( cwd ( ) , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) )
except :
shutil . copy ( os . path . join ( RESOURCES_DIR , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) , os . path . join ( cwd ( ) , " boiiiwd_theme.json " ) )
show_message ( " Preset file created " , " You can now edit boiiiwd_theme.json in the current directory to your liking \n * Edits will apply next time you open boiiiwd \n * Program will always take boiiiwd_theme.json as the first theme option if found \n * Click on this button again to disable your custom theme or just rename boiiiwd_theme.json " , icon = " info " )
def settings_check_for_updates ( self ) :
check_for_updates_func ( self , ignore_up_todate = False )
def load_on_switch_screen ( self ) :
self . check_updates_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " checkforupdtes " ) )
self . console_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " console " ) )
self . reset_steamcmd_on_fail . set ( value = self . load_settings ( " reset_on_fail " , " 10 " ) )
self . estimated_progress_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " estimated_progress " , " on " ) )
self . clean_checkbox_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " clean_on_finish " , " on " ) )
self . continuous_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " continuous_download " ) )
self . show_fails_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " show_fails " , " on " ) )
self . skip_already_installed_var . set ( self . load_settings ( " skip_already_installed " , " on " ) )
# keep last cuz of trace_add()
self . save_button . configure ( state = ' disabled ' )
def settings_launch_boiii ( self ) :
launch_boiii_func ( check_config ( " destinationfolder " ) )
def settings_reset_steamcmd ( self ) :
reset_steamcmd ( )