2024-03-04 16:04:41 -05:00

89 lines
4.3 KiB

@echo off
::// WatchDog Configuration file ///
::// Name of the server to identify your bat ///
set name=My PlutoT6 MP Server 1
::// The regex search for the window name of the sever. (optional) //
::// //
::// This will help identify which window needs closing in case the //
::// server errors out or freezes according to filename on g_log //
::// //
::// No color codes! This is base off your server window title! //
set server_title_regex=Plutonium T6 Dedicated Server
::// Rate to check if server crash or freeze by reading game_mp.log //
::// If gts timelimit is longer then 10 mins. You might want to increase //
::// 10800 - 3 hours //
::// 7200 - 2 hours //
::// 3600 - 1 hour //
::// 1800 - 30 mins //
::// 1200 - 20 mins (recommended) //
::// 900 - 15 mins //
::// 720 - 12 mins //
::// 660 - 11 mins (Don't recommend!) //
set check_rate=1200
::// Server log location and filename //
::// Only change if you hosting more then 1 server //
::// Unless you change g_log on server.cfg then match with that. //
set log_path=%localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t6\logs
set log_file=games_mp.log
::// DONE!! WARNING! Don't mess with anything below this line. SEROUSLY! //
::// Only edit if you know what you doing!!! //
set gamepath=%cd%
set server_exe=plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe
::The Magic happens below..
::Code inspired by Guy from botware.
title %name% - Server watchdog
echo (%date%) - (%time%) Now watching %log_path%\%log_file% modified date.
dir "%log_path%"\"%log_file%" > nul
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('"forfiles /p "%log_path%" /m "%log_file%" /c "cmd /c echo @ftime" "') do set modif_time_temp=%%i
set modif_time=%modif_time_temp%
timeout /t %check_rate% /nobreak > nul
::echo (%date%) - (%time%) Checking if %log_file% date has been modified since %check_rate% seconds is up...
dir "%log_path%"\"%log_file%" > nul
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('"forfiles /p "%log_path%" /m "%log_file%" /c "cmd /c echo @ftime" "') do set modif_time_temp=%%i
if "%modif_time_temp%" == "%modif_time%" (
echo "(%date%) - (%time%) WARNING: %name% server hung, killing server..."
for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %%a in ('
tasklist /fi "imagename eq %server_exe%" /v /fo:csv /nh
^| findstr /r /c:"%server_title_regex%"
') do taskkill /pid %%a /f
timeout /T 8 /nobreak > nul
echo "(%date%) - (%time%) Now watching %log_path%\%log_file% modified date again."
goto Server