//Don't touch the first 3 lines below here. exec gamesettings_default.cfg exec gamesettings_dem.cfg set_gametype dem //Below this line you may uncomment the commands and edit to your liking. //gts timelimit 2.5 // Time limit of the game. //gts scorelimit 2 // Score limit reach to end the game. //gts roundlimit 0 // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends. //gts bombTimer 45 // Bomb Timer. The amount of time before the bomb detonates. (2.5-150 seconds) //gts plantTime 5 // Plant Time. The amount of time it takes to plant the bomb. (1-10 seconds) //gts defuseTime 5 // Defuse Time. The amount of time it takes to defuse the bomb.(1-10 seconds) //gts extraTime 2 // Extra Time. The amount of time added on to the current time when a bomb site is destroyed. //gts OvertimetimeLimit 2 // Overtime. The amount of time the Overtime round will last before it ends. //gts silentPlant 0 // Silent Plant. Players can hear the bomb being planted. //gts roundStartExplosiveDelay 2 // Delay explosive weapon use at the start of the round. //gts roundStartKillstreakDelay 15 // Delay scorestreaks start of the round. //gts multiBomb 1 // This needs to be set for the bomb carry icon to show up on the HUD //gts roundscorecarry 0 // Winning is round-based //gts maxObjectiveEventsPerMinute 5 // Used to determine whether a player is scoreboosting. //gts maxPlayerDefensive 128 // Used to determine whether a player is scoreboosting. //gts maxPlayerEventsPerMinute 2.5 // Used to determine whether a player is scoreboosting.