//Don't touch the first 3 lines below here. exec gamesettings_default.cfg exec gamesettings_conf.cfg set_gametype conf //Below this line you may uncomment the commands and edit to your liking. //gts timelimit 10 // Time limit of the game. //gts scorelimit 75 // Score limit reach to end the game. //gts teamCount 2 // Set this higher if you want Multi-Team Deathmatch that was cut from playlist. (2-6) //gts roundLimit 1 // The number of rounds that will be played before the game ends. //gts teamScorePerKill 0 // Points per Kill - The number of points for each kill. (0-25) //gts teamScorePerKillConfirmed 1 // Points per Kills Confirmed. - The number of points for each kill confirmed. (0-25) //gts teamScorePerKillDenied 0 // Points per Kill Denied - The number of points for each kill denied. (0-25) //gts teamScorePerHeadshot 0 // Headshot Bonus Points - Extra points awarded if the kill is a headshot in addition to the points per kill. (0-25) //gts playerNumLives 0 // Number of Lives - The number of times each player can die before they are no longer allowed to respawn. (0-25)