import sqlite3 # Connect to the existing database existing_conn = sqlite3.connect("Database.db") existing_cur = existing_conn.cursor() # Create a new database new_conn = sqlite3.connect("Plutonium_Servers.db") new_cur = new_conn.cursor() # Create the new InboxMessagesModified table new_cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE InboxMessagesModified ( InboxMessageId INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Created TEXT, Origin TEXT, Target TEXT, ServerId INTEGER, Message TEXT, Read TEXT ) """) # Fetch data from the InboxMessages table existing_cur.execute("SELECT * FROM InboxMessages") inbox_messages = existing_cur.fetchall() # Iterate through the InboxMessages and insert modified data into the new table for msg in inbox_messages: msg_id, created, _, source_client_id, dest_client_id, server_id, message, is_delivered = msg # Find the SourceClientId and DestinationClientId names for client_id in (source_client_id, dest_client_id): existing_cur.execute("SELECT CurrentAliasId FROM EFClients WHERE ClientId = ?", (client_id,)) alias_id = existing_cur.fetchone()[0] existing_cur.execute("SELECT Name FROM EFAlias WHERE AliasId = ?", (alias_id,)) name = existing_cur.fetchone()[0].replace('^7', '') if client_id == source_client_id: origin = name else: target = name # Update Read status read = "Yes" if is_delivered == 1 else "No" # Insert the modified data into the new table new_cur.execute(""" INSERT INTO InboxMessagesModified (InboxMessageId, Created, Origin, Target, ServerId, Message, Read) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (msg_id, created, origin, target, server_id, message, read)) # Commit the changes and close the connections new_conn.commit() existing_conn.close() new_conn.close()