import sqlite3 import re # Connect to the existing database existing_conn = sqlite3.connect("Database.db") existing_cur = existing_conn.cursor() # Connect to the new database new_conn = sqlite3.connect("Plutonium_Servers.db") new_cur = new_conn.cursor() # Create the modified Penalties table in the new database new_cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE "Penalties" ( "PenaltyId" INTEGER NOT NULL, "AutomatedOffense" TEXT NOT NULL, "Expires" INTEGER, -- This line is modified to allow NULL values "EvadedOffense" TEXT NOT NULL, "Offender" TEXT NOT NULL, "Offense" TEXT NOT NULL, "Punisher" TEXT NOT NULL, "Type" TEXT NOT NULL, "Timestamp" INTEGER NOT NULL ) """) # Fetch data from existing EFPenalties existing_cur.execute(""" SELECT EFPenalties.PenaltyId, EFPenalties.AutomatedOffense, EFPenalties.Expires, EFPenalties.IsEvadedOffense, EFPenalties.OffenderId, EFPenalties.Offense, EFPenalties.PunisherId, EFPenalties.Type, EFPenalties."When" FROM EFPenalties """) rows = existing_cur.fetchall() for row in rows: penalty_id = row[0] automated_offense = row[1] expires = row[2] evaded_offense = row[3] offender_id = row[4] offense = row[5] punisher_id = row[6] penalty_type = row[7] timestamp = row[8] # Retrieve offender name existing_cur.execute(""" SELECT EFAlias.Name FROM EFAlias INNER JOIN EFClients ON EFAlias.AliasId = EFClients.CurrentAliasId WHERE EFClients.ClientId = ? """, (offender_id,)) offender_name = existing_cur.fetchone() if offender_name: offender_name = offender_name[0].replace('^7', '') else: offender_name = 'Unknown' # Retrieve punisher name existing_cur.execute(""" SELECT EFAlias.Name FROM EFAlias INNER JOIN EFClients ON EFAlias.AliasId = EFClients.CurrentAliasId WHERE EFClients.ClientId = ? """, (punisher_id,)) punisher_name = existing_cur.fetchone() if punisher_name: punisher_name = punisher_name[0].replace('^7', '') else: punisher_name = 'Unknown' # Replace Type values type_map = {0: "Report", 1: "Warning", 2: "Flag", 3: "Kick", 4: "Temp Ban", 5: "Perm Ban", 6: "Unban", 8: "Unflag"} penalty_type = type_map.get(penalty_type, f"Unknown Type ({penalty_type})") # Set AutomatedOffense value to 'Yes' or 'No' automated_offense_patterns = [r"VPNs are not allowed", r"Ping is too high!", r"name is not allowed"] # Simplified the patterns # Search the 'Offense' field for specified patterns for pattern in automated_offense_patterns: if, offense): # Using with 'offense' instead of 'automated_offense' automated_offense = "Yes" break else: automated_offense = "No" # Set EvadedOffense values to 'Yes' or 'No' evaded_offense = "Yes" if evaded_offense == 1 else "No" # Set Expires value to 'Never' if it is NULL expires = "Never" if expires is None else expires # Insert the modified row into the new Penalties table new_cur.execute(""" INSERT INTO Penalties ( PenaltyId, AutomatedOffense, Expires, EvadedOffense, Offender, Offense, Punisher, Type, Timestamp ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """, (penalty_id, automated_offense, expires, evaded_offense, offender_name, offense, punisher_name, penalty_type, timestamp)) # Commit changes and close the new database new_conn.commit() new_conn.close() # Close the existing database existing_conn.close()