Add SharedLibraryCore code documentation
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# BaseController `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
subgraph Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controller --> SharedLibraryCore.BaseController
## Members
### Properties
#### Protected properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`ApplicationConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ApplicationConfiguration) | [`AppConfig`](#appconfig) | `get` |
| `bool` | [`Authorized`](#authorized) | `get, set` |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | [`Client`](#client) | `get` |
| [`TranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycorelocalization-TranslationLookup) | [`Localization`](#localization) | `get` |
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`IManager`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IManager) | [`Manager`](#manager) | `get` |
### Methods
#### Protected methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`SignInAsync`](#signinasync)(`ClaimsPrincipal` claimsPrinciple) |
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `void` | [`OnActionExecuting`](#onactionexecuting)(`ActionExecutingContext` context) |
## Details
### Inheritance
- `Controller`
### Constructors
#### BaseController
public BaseController(IManager manager)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`IManager`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IManager) | manager | |
### Methods
#### SignInAsync
protected async Task SignInAsync(ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrinciple)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `ClaimsPrincipal` | claimsPrinciple | |
#### OnActionExecuting
public override async void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `ActionExecutingContext` | context | |
### Properties
#### Authorized
protected bool Authorized { get; set; }
#### Localization
protected TranslationLookup Localization { get; }
#### Client
protected EFClient Client { get; }
#### AppConfig
protected ApplicationConfiguration AppConfig { get; }
#### Manager
public IManager Manager { get; }
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# ColorCode `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
subgraph Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers.TagHelper --> SharedLibraryCore.ColorCode
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Value`](#value) | `get, set` |
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `void` | [`Process`](#process)(`TagHelperContext` context, `TagHelperOutput` output) |
## Details
### Inheritance
- `TagHelper`
### Constructors
#### ColorCode
public ColorCode(ApplicationConfiguration appConfig)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`ApplicationConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ApplicationConfiguration) | appConfig | |
### Methods
#### Process
public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `TagHelperContext` | context | |
| `TagHelperOutput` | output | |
### Properties
#### Value
public string Value { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
# Command `Public class`
## Description
Abstract class for command
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
class SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IManagerCommand interfaceStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IManagerCommand --> SharedLibraryCore.Command
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Alias`](#alias)<br>Alternate name for this command to be executed by | `get, protected set` |
| `bool` | [`AllowImpersonation`](#allowimpersonation)<br>indicates if this command allows impersonation (run as) | `get, set` |
| [`CommandArgument`](./sharedlibrarycorecommands-CommandArgument)`[]` | [`Arguments`](#arguments)<br>Argument list for the command | `get, protected set` |
| `string` | [`Description`](#description)<br>Specifies the command description | `get, protected set` |
| `bool` | [`IsBroadcast`](#isbroadcast) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name)<br>Specifies the name and string that triggers the command | `get, protected set` |
| `Permission` | [`Permission`](#permission)<br>Minimum permission level to execute command | `get, protected set` |
| `int` | [`RequiredArgumentCount`](#requiredargumentcount)<br>Helper property to determine the number of required args | `get` |
| `bool` | [`RequiresTarget`](#requirestarget)<br>Indicates if the command requires a target to execute on | `get, protected set` |
| `Game``[]` | [`SupportedGames`](#supportedgames) | `get, protected set` |
| `string` | [`Syntax`](#syntax)<br>Helper property to provide the syntax of the command | `get` |
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent)<br>Executes the command |
## Details
### Summary
Abstract class for command
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### Command
public Command(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup layout)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | layout | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public abstract Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
##### Summary
Executes the command
##### Returns
### Properties
#### RequiredArgumentCount
public int RequiredArgumentCount { get; }
##### Summary
Helper property to determine the number of required args
#### Arguments
public CommandArgument Arguments { get; protected set; }
##### Summary
Argument list for the command
#### Name
public string Name { get; protected set; }
##### Summary
Specifies the name and string that triggers the command
#### Description
public string Description { get; protected set; }
##### Summary
Specifies the command description
#### Syntax
public virtual string Syntax { get; }
##### Summary
Helper property to provide the syntax of the command
#### Alias
public string Alias { get; protected set; }
##### Summary
Alternate name for this command to be executed by
#### RequiresTarget
public bool RequiresTarget { get; protected set; }
##### Summary
Indicates if the command requires a target to execute on
#### Permission
public Permission Permission { get; protected set; }
##### Summary
Minimum permission level to execute command
#### SupportedGames
public Game SupportedGames { get; protected set; }
#### AllowImpersonation
public bool AllowImpersonation { get; set; }
##### Summary
indicates if this command allows impersonation (run as)
#### IsBroadcast
public virtual bool IsBroadcast { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Dvar<T> `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
SharedLibraryCore.Dvar_1[[Dvar< T >]]
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `T` | [`DefaultValue`](#defaultvalue) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Domain`](#domain) | `get, set` |
| `T` | [`LatchedValue`](#latchedvalue) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
| `T` | [`Value`](#value) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### Dvar
public Dvar()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
#### Value
public T Value { get; set; }
#### DefaultValue
public T DefaultValue { get; set; }
#### LatchedValue
public T LatchedValue { get; set; }
#### Domain
public string Domain { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
# GameEvent `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Events
class SharedLibraryCore.Events.CoreEvent abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Events.CoreEvent --> SharedLibraryCore.GameEvent
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `object` | [`Extra`](#extra) | `get, set` |
| `EventFailReason` | [`FailReason`](#failreason) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`Failed`](#failed) | `get` |
| `Nullable`<`long`> | [`GameTime`](#gametime)<br>Specifies the game time offset as printed in the log | `get, set` |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | [`ImpersonationOrigin`](#impersonationorigin) | `get, set` |
| `long` | [`IncrementalId`](#incrementalid) | `get` |
| `bool` | [`IsBlocking`](#isblocking)<br>Indicates if the event should block until it is complete | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IsRemote`](#isremote) | `get, set` |
| `List`<`string`> | [`Output`](#output) | `get, set` |
| `EventRequiredEntity` | [`RequiredEntity`](#requiredentity) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Subtype`](#subtype)<br>suptype of the event for more detailed classification | `get, set` |
| `DateTime` | [`Time`](#time) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`TypeName`](#typename) | `get` |
### Methods
#### Protected methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `void` | [`Finalize`](#finalize)() |
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `void` | [`Complete`](#complete)() |
| `Task`<[`GameEvent`](sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent)> | [`WaitAsync`](#waitasync-12)(`...`) |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Nested types
#### Enums
- `EventFailReason`
- `EventRequiredEntity`
- `EventSource`
- `EventType`
### Constructors
#### GameEvent
public GameEvent()
### Methods
#### Finalize
protected override void Finalize()
#### Complete
public void Complete()
#### WaitAsync [1/2]
public async Task<GameEvent> WaitAsync()
#### WaitAsync [2/2]
public async Task<GameEvent> WaitAsync(TimeSpan timeSpan, CancellationToken token)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `TimeSpan` | timeSpan | |
| `CancellationToken` | token | |
##### Summary
asynchronously wait for GameEvent to be processed
##### Returns
waitable task
### Properties
#### TypeName
public string TypeName { get; }
#### Subtype
public string Subtype { get; set; }
##### Summary
suptype of the event for more detailed classification
#### RequiredEntity
public EventRequiredEntity RequiredEntity { get; set; }
#### GameTime
public Nullable<long> GameTime { get; set; }
##### Summary
Specifies the game time offset as printed in the log
#### ImpersonationOrigin
public EFClient ImpersonationOrigin { get; set; }
#### IsRemote
public bool IsRemote { get; set; }
#### Extra
public object Extra { get; set; }
#### Time
public DateTime Time { get; set; }
#### IncrementalId
public long IncrementalId { get; }
#### FailReason
public EventFailReason FailReason { get; set; }
#### Failed
public bool Failed { get; }
#### Output
public List<string> Output { get; set; }
#### IsBlocking
public bool IsBlocking { get; set; }
##### Summary
Indicates if the event should block until it is complete
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Gametype `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Alias`](#alias) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### Gametype
public Gametype()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
#### Alias
public string Alias { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# Map `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Alias`](#alias) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `string` | [`ToString`](#tostring)() |
## Details
### Constructors
#### Map
public Map()
### Methods
#### ToString
public override string ToString()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
#### Alias
public string Alias { get; set; }
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
# Server `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Server abstractStyle;
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
class SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IGameServer interfaceStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IGameServer --> SharedLibraryCore.Server
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `List`<[`ChatInfo`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-ChatInfo)> | [`ChatHistory`](#chathistory) | `get, protected set` |
| [`ClientHistoryInfo`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-ClientHistoryInfo) | [`ClientHistory`](#clienthistory) | `get` |
| `int` | [`ClientNum`](#clientnum) | `get` |
| `List`<[`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient)> | [`Clients`](#clients) | `get, protected set` |
| `IReadOnlyList`<[`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient)> | [`ConnectedClients`](#connectedclients) | `get` |
| [`Map`](./sharedlibrarycore-Map) | [`CurrentMap`](#currentmap) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`CustomCallback`](#customcallback) | `get, protected set` |
| `long` | [`EndPoint`](#endpoint) | `get` |
| [`IEventParser`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IEventParser) | [`EventParser`](#eventparser) | `get, set` |
| `SemaphoreSlim` | [`EventProcessing`](#eventprocessing) | `get` |
| `Game` | [`GameCode`](#gamecode) | `get` |
| `Game` | [`GameName`](#gamename) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`GamePassword`](#gamepassword) | `get, protected set` |
| `string` | [`Gametype`](#gametype) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`GametypeName`](#gametypename) | `get` |
| `string` | [`Hostname`](#hostname) | `get, protected set` |
| `string` | [`IP`](#ip)<br>this is actually the listen address now | `get, protected set` |
| `string` | [`Id`](#id) | `get` |
| `bool` | [`IsInitialized`](#isinitialized) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IsLegacyGameIntegrationEnabled`](#islegacygameintegrationenabled) | `get` |
| `long` | [`LegacyDatabaseId`](#legacydatabaseid) | `get` |
| `string` | [`ListenAddress`](#listenaddress) | `get` |
| `int` | [`ListenPort`](#listenport) | `get` |
| `string` | [`LogPath`](#logpath) | `get, protected set` |
| [`ILogger`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ILogger) | [`Logger`](#logger) | `get` |
| [`IManager`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IManager) | [`Manager`](#manager) | `get, protected set` |
| [`Map`](./sharedlibrarycore-Map) | [`Map`](#map) | `get` |
| `List`<[`Map`](./sharedlibrarycore-Map)> | [`Maps`](#maps) | `get, protected set` |
| `Nullable`<`DateTime`> | [`MatchEndTime`](#matchendtime) | `get, protected set` |
| `Nullable`<`DateTime`> | [`MatchStartTime`](#matchstarttime) | `get, protected set` |
| `int` | [`MaxClients`](#maxclients) | `get, protected set` |
| `string` | [`Password`](#password) | `get` |
| `string` | [`PerformanceBucket`](#performancebucket) | `get, init` |
| `int` | [`Port`](#port) | `get, protected set` |
| `int` | [`PrivateClientSlots`](#privateclientslots) | `get, protected set` |
| [`IRConParser`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IRConParser) | [`RconParser`](#rconparser) | `get, set` |
| [`IRConConnection`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IRConConnection) | [`RemoteConnection`](#remoteconnection) | `get, protected set` |
| `List`<[`Report`](./sharedlibrarycorehelpers-Report)> | [`Reports`](#reports) | `get, set` |
| `IPEndPoint` | [`ResolvedIpEndPoint`](#resolvedipendpoint) | `get, protected set` |
| `bool` | [`RestartRequested`](#restartrequested) | `get, set` |
| [`ServerConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ServerConfiguration) | [`ServerConfig`](#serverconfig) | `get` |
| `string` | [`ServerName`](#servername) | `get` |
| `bool` | [`Throttled`](#throttled) | `get, protected set` |
| `string` | [`Version`](#version) | `get, protected set` |
| `string` | [`Website`](#website) | `get, protected set` |
| `string` | [`WorkingDirectory`](#workingdirectory) | `get, protected set` |
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`Ban`](#ban)(`string` reason, [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) target, [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) origin, `bool` isEvade)<br>Perm ban a player from the server |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`Broadcast`](#broadcast-12)(`...`)<br>Send a message to all players |
| `Task` | [`BroadcastAsync`](#broadcastasync)(`IEnumerable`<`string`> messages, [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) sender, `CancellationToken` token) |
| `Task`<`string``[]`> | [`ExecuteCommandAsync`](#executecommandasync)(`string` command, `CancellationToken` token) |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteEvent`](#executeevent)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
| `List`<[`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient)> | [`GetClientByName`](#getclientbyname)(`string` pName)<br>Get a player by name<br> todo: make this an extension |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | [`GetClientByNumber`](#getclientbynumber)(`int` clientNumber) |
| `List`<[`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient)> | [`GetClientsAsList`](#getclientsaslist)()<br>Returns list of all current players |
| `Task`<`long`> | [`GetIdForServer`](#getidforserver)([`Server`](sharedlibrarycore-Server) server) |
| `void` | [`InitializeTokens`](#initializetokens)()<br>Initalize the macro variables |
| `Task` | [`Kick`](#kick-12)(`...`) |
| `Task` | [`LoadMap`](#loadmap)(`string` mapName)<br>Change the current server map |
| `Task`<[`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient)> | [`OnClientConnected`](#onclientconnected)([`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) P)<br>Add a player to the server's player list |
| `Task` | [`OnClientDisconnected`](#onclientdisconnected)([`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) client)<br>Remove player by client number |
| `Task`<`bool`> | [`ProcessUpdatesAsync`](#processupdatesasync)(`CancellationToken` token) |
| `Task` | [`SetDvarAsync`](#setdvarasync)(`string` name, `object` value, `CancellationToken` token) |
| `Task` | [`TempBan`](#tempban)(`string` reason, `TimeSpan` length, [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) target, [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) origin)<br>Temporarily ban a player ( default 1 hour ) from the server |
| `void` | [`ToAdmins`](#toadmins)(`string` message)<br>Send a message to all admins on the server |
| `string` | [`ToString`](#tostring)() |
| `Task` | [`Unban`](#unban)(`string` reason, [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) targetClient, [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) originClient)<br>Unban a player by npID / GUID |
| `Task` | [`Warn`](#warn)(`string` reason, [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) target, [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) origin) |
#### Protected methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `void` | [`InitializeAutoMessages`](#initializeautomessages)()<br>Initialize the messages to be broadcasted |
| `Task`<`bool`> | [`ProcessEvent`](#processevent)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E)<br>Process any server event |
| `Task`<`bool`> | [`ScriptLoaded`](#scriptloaded)() |
| `Task` | [`Tell`](#tell)(`string` message, [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) targetClient)<br>Send a message to a particular players |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Nested types
#### Enums
- `Game`
### Constructors
#### Server
public Server(ILogger<Server> logger, ILogger deprecatedLogger, ServerConfiguration config, IManager mgr, IRConConnectionFactory rconConnectionFactory, IGameLogReaderFactory gameLogReaderFactory, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `ILogger`<[`Server`](sharedlibrarycore-Server)> | logger | |
| [`ILogger`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ILogger) | deprecatedLogger | |
| [`ServerConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ServerConfiguration) | config | |
| [`IManager`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IManager) | mgr | |
| [`IRConConnectionFactory`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IRConConnectionFactory) | rconConnectionFactory | |
| [`IGameLogReaderFactory`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IGameLogReaderFactory) | gameLogReaderFactory | |
| `IServiceProvider` | serviceProvider | |
### Methods
#### Kick [1/2]
public abstract Task Kick(string reason, EFClient target, EFClient origin, EFPenalty originalPenalty)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | reason | |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | target | |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | origin | |
| `EFPenalty` | originalPenalty | |
#### ExecuteCommandAsync
public abstract Task<string> ExecuteCommandAsync(string command, CancellationToken token)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | command | |
| `CancellationToken` | token | |
#### SetDvarAsync
public abstract Task SetDvarAsync(string name, object value, CancellationToken token)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | name | |
| `object` | value | |
| `CancellationToken` | token | |
#### GetClientsAsList
public List<EFClient> GetClientsAsList()
##### Summary
Returns list of all current players
##### Returns
#### OnClientConnected
public abstract Task<EFClient> OnClientConnected(EFClient P)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | P | EFClient pulled from memory reading |
##### Summary
Add a player to the server's player list
##### Returns
True if player added successfully, false otherwise
#### OnClientDisconnected
public abstract Task OnClientDisconnected(EFClient client)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | client | |
##### Summary
Remove player by client number
##### Returns
true if removal succeeded, false otherwise
#### GetClientByName
public List<EFClient> GetClientByName(string pName)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | pName | EFClient name to search for |
##### Summary
Get a player by name
todo: make this an extension
##### Returns
Matching player if found
#### ProcessUpdatesAsync
public virtual Task<bool> ProcessUpdatesAsync(CancellationToken token)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `CancellationToken` | token | |
#### ProcessEvent
protected abstract Task<bool> ProcessEvent(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | Event |
##### Summary
Process any server event
##### Returns
True on sucess
#### ExecuteEvent
public abstract Task ExecuteEvent(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
#### Broadcast [1/2]
public GameEvent Broadcast(string message, EFClient sender)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | message | Message to be sent to all players |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | Client that initiated the broadcast |
##### Summary
Send a message to all players
#### Broadcast [2/2]
public void Broadcast(IEnumerable<string> messages, EFClient sender)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `IEnumerable`<`string`> | messages | |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | |
#### BroadcastAsync
public async Task BroadcastAsync(IEnumerable<string> messages, EFClient sender, CancellationToken token)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `IEnumerable`<`string`> | messages | |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | |
| `CancellationToken` | token | |
#### Tell
protected async Task Tell(string message, EFClient targetClient)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | message | Message to send |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | targetClient | EFClient to send message to |
##### Summary
Send a message to a particular players
#### ToAdmins
public void ToAdmins(string message)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | message | Message to send out |
##### Summary
Send a message to all admins on the server
#### Kick [2/2]
public Task Kick(string reason, EFClient target, EFClient origin)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | reason | Reason for kicking |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | target | EFClient to kick |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | origin | Client initating the kick |
##### Summary
Kick a player from the server
#### TempBan
public abstract Task TempBan(string reason, TimeSpan length, EFClient target, EFClient origin)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | reason | Reason for banning the player |
| `TimeSpan` | length | Duration of the ban |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | target | The client to ban |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | origin | The client performing the ban |
##### Summary
Temporarily ban a player ( default 1 hour ) from the server
#### Ban
public abstract Task Ban(string reason, EFClient target, EFClient origin, bool isEvade)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | reason | The reason for the ban |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | target | The person to ban |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | origin | The person who banned the target |
| `bool` | isEvade | obsolete |
##### Summary
Perm ban a player from the server
#### Warn
public abstract Task Warn(string reason, EFClient target, EFClient origin)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | reason | |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | target | |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | origin | |
#### Unban
public abstract Task Unban(string reason, EFClient targetClient, EFClient originClient)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | reason | reason for unban |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | targetClient | client being unbanned |
| [`EFClient`](./sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | originClient | client performing the unban |
##### Summary
Unban a player by npID / GUID
##### Returns
#### LoadMap
public async Task LoadMap(string mapName)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | mapName | Non-localized map name |
##### Summary
Change the current server map
#### InitializeTokens
public abstract void InitializeTokens()
##### Summary
Initalize the macro variables
#### InitializeAutoMessages
protected void InitializeAutoMessages()
##### Summary
Initialize the messages to be broadcasted
#### ToString
public override string ToString()
#### ScriptLoaded
protected async Task<bool> ScriptLoaded()
#### GetIdForServer
public abstract Task<long> GetIdForServer(Server server)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`Server`](sharedlibrarycore-Server) | server | |
#### GetClientByNumber
public EFClient GetClientByNumber(int clientNumber)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | clientNumber | |
### Properties
#### EndPoint
public long EndPoint { get; }
#### LegacyDatabaseId
public abstract long LegacyDatabaseId { get; }
#### Id
public virtual string Id { get; }
#### Manager
public IManager Manager { get; protected set; }
#### Logger
public ILogger Logger { get; }
#### ServerConfig
public ServerConfiguration ServerConfig { get; }
#### Maps
public List<Map> Maps { get; protected set; }
#### Reports
public List<Report> Reports { get; set; }
#### ChatHistory
public List<ChatInfo> ChatHistory { get; protected set; }
#### ClientHistory
public ClientHistoryInfo ClientHistory { get; }
#### GameName
public Game GameName { get; set; }
#### GameCode
public virtual Game GameCode { get; }
#### MatchEndTime
public Nullable<DateTime> MatchEndTime { get; protected set; }
#### MatchStartTime
public Nullable<DateTime> MatchStartTime { get; protected set; }
#### Hostname
public string Hostname { get; protected set; }
#### ServerName
public virtual string ServerName { get; }
#### Website
public string Website { get; protected set; }
#### Gametype
public string Gametype { get; set; }
#### GametypeName
public string GametypeName { get; }
#### GamePassword
public string GamePassword { get; protected set; }
#### PrivateClientSlots
public int PrivateClientSlots { get; protected set; }
#### CurrentMap
public Map CurrentMap { get; set; }
#### Map
public virtual Map Map { get; }
#### ClientNum
public int ClientNum { get; }
#### MaxClients
public int MaxClients { get; protected set; }
#### Clients
public List<EFClient> Clients { get; protected set; }
#### ConnectedClients
public virtual IReadOnlyList<EFClient> ConnectedClients { get; }
#### Password
public string Password { get; }
#### Throttled
public bool Throttled { get; protected set; }
#### CustomCallback
public bool CustomCallback { get; protected set; }
#### IsLegacyGameIntegrationEnabled
public virtual bool IsLegacyGameIntegrationEnabled { get; }
#### WorkingDirectory
public string WorkingDirectory { get; protected set; }
#### RemoteConnection
public IRConConnection RemoteConnection { get; protected set; }
#### RconParser
public IRConParser RconParser { get; set; }
#### EventParser
public IEventParser EventParser { get; set; }
#### LogPath
public string LogPath { get; protected set; }
#### RestartRequested
public bool RestartRequested { get; set; }
#### EventProcessing
public SemaphoreSlim EventProcessing { get; }
#### IP
public string IP { get; protected set; }
##### Summary
this is actually the listen address now
#### ListenAddress
public virtual string ListenAddress { get; }
#### ResolvedIpEndPoint
public IPEndPoint ResolvedIpEndPoint { get; protected set; }
#### Version
public string Version { get; protected set; }
#### IsInitialized
public bool IsInitialized { get; set; }
#### Port
public int Port { get; protected set; }
#### ListenPort
public virtual int ListenPort { get; }
#### PerformanceBucket
public string PerformanceBucket { get; init; }
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Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Alert `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Alerts
## Details
### Nested types
#### Enums
- `AlertCategory`
#### Classes
- `AlertState`
### Constructors
#### Alert
public Alert()
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# AlertCategory `Public enum`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Alerts.Alert
## Details
### Fields
#### Information
#### Warning
#### Error
#### Message
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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# AlertState `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Alerts.Alert
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Guid` | [`AlertId`](#alertid) | `get` |
| `AlertCategory` | [`Category`](#category) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`bool`> | [`Consumed`](#consumed) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`bool`> | [`Delivered`](#delivered) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`DateTime`> | [`ExpiresAt`](#expiresat) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Message`](#message) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`Permission`> | [`MinimumPermission`](#minimumpermission) | `get, set` |
| `DateTime` | [`OccuredAt`](#occuredat) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`int`> | [`RecipientId`](#recipientid) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`int`> | [`ReferenceId`](#referenceid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Source`](#source) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`int`> | [`SourceId`](#sourceid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Type`](#type) | `get, set` |
### Methods
#### Public Static methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `AlertState` | [`Build`](#build)() |
## Details
### Constructors
#### AlertState
public AlertState()
### Methods
#### Build
public static AlertState Build()
### Properties
#### AlertId
public Guid AlertId { get; }
#### Category
public AlertCategory Category { get; set; }
#### OccuredAt
public DateTime OccuredAt { get; set; }
#### ExpiresAt
public Nullable<DateTime> ExpiresAt { get; set; }
#### Message
public string Message { get; set; }
#### Source
public string Source { get; set; }
#### RecipientId
public Nullable<int> RecipientId { get; set; }
#### SourceId
public Nullable<int> SourceId { get; set; }
#### ReferenceId
public Nullable<int> ReferenceId { get; set; }
#### Delivered
public Nullable<bool> Delivered { get; set; }
#### Consumed
public Nullable<bool> Consumed { get; set; }
#### MinimumPermission
public Nullable<Permission> MinimumPermission { get; set; }
#### Type
public string Type { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# BanCommand `Public class`
## Description
Permanently bans a client
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.BanCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Summary
Permanently bans a client
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### BanCommand
public BanCommand(ApplicationConfiguration appConfig, CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`ApplicationConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ApplicationConfiguration) | appConfig | |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# CommandArgument `Public class`
## Description
Holds information about command args
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name)<br>Name of the argument | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`Required`](#required)<br>Indicates if the argument is required | `get, set` |
## Details
### Summary
Holds information about command args
### Constructors
#### CommandArgument
public CommandArgument()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
##### Summary
Name of the argument
#### Required
public bool Required { get; set; }
##### Summary
Indicates if the argument is required
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# CommandExtensions `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
## Members
### Methods
#### Public Static methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `bool` | [`CanPerformActionOnTarget`](#canperformactionontarget)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
| `bool` | [`IsTargetingSelf`](#istargetingself)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Methods
#### IsTargetingSelf
public static bool IsTargetingSelf(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
#### CanPerformActionOnTarget
public static bool CanPerformActionOnTarget(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# CommandProcessing `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
## Members
### Methods
#### Public Static methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task`<[`Command`](./sharedlibrarycore-Command)> | [`ValidateCommand`](#validatecommand)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent, [`ApplicationConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ApplicationConfiguration) appConfig, [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) commandConfig) |
## Details
### Constructors
#### CommandProcessing
public CommandProcessing()
### Methods
#### ValidateCommand
public static async Task<Command> ValidateCommand(GameEvent gameEvent, ApplicationConfiguration appConfig, CommandConfiguration commandConfig)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
| [`ApplicationConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ApplicationConfiguration) | appConfig | |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | commandConfig | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# ExecuteRConCommand `Public class`
## Description
Executes RCon command
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.ExecuteRConCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Executes RCon command
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### ExecuteRConCommand
public ExecuteRConCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# FastRestartCommand `Public class`
## Description
Fast restarts the map
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.FastRestartCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Fast restarts the map
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### FastRestartCommand
public FastRestartCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# FlagClientCommand `Public class`
## Description
Flag given client for specified reason
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.FlagClientCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Flag given client for specified reason
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### FlagClientCommand
public FlagClientCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# GetClientPingCommand `Public class`
## Description
Gets the ping of a client
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.GetClientPingCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Gets the ping of a client
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### GetClientPingCommand
public GetClientPingCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# KickCommand `Public class`
## Description
Kicks client for given reason
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.KickCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Summary
Kicks client for given reason
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### KickCommand
public KickCommand(ApplicationConfiguration appConfig, CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`ApplicationConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ApplicationConfiguration) | appConfig | |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# ListBanInfoCommand `Public class`
## Description
Lists ban information for given client
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.ListBanInfoCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Lists ban information for given client
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### ListBanInfoCommand
public ListBanInfoCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# ListExternalIPCommand `Public class`
## Description
Lists external IP
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.ListExternalIPCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Lists external IP
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### ListExternalIPCommand
public ListExternalIPCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# ListRulesCommands `Public class`
## Description
Lists server and global rules
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.ListRulesCommands
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Summary
Lists server and global rules
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### ListRulesCommands
public ListRulesCommands(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# LoadMapCommand `Public class`
## Description
Attempts to load the specified map
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.LoadMapCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Attempts to load the specified map
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### LoadMapCommand
public LoadMapCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# MapRotateCommand `Public class`
## Description
Cycles to the next map in rotation
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.MapRotateCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Cycles to the next map in rotation
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### MapRotateCommand
public MapRotateCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# MaskCommand `Public class`
## Description
Masks client from announcements and online admin list
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.MaskCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Masks client from announcements and online admin list
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### MaskCommand
public MaskCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# MemoryUsageCommand `Public class`
## Description
Prints the amount of memory IW4MAdmin is using
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.MemoryUsageCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Prints the amount of memory IW4MAdmin is using
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### MemoryUsageCommand
public MemoryUsageCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# NextMapCommand `Public class`
## Description
Retrieves the next map in rotation
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.NextMapCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public Static methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task`<`string`> | [`GetNextMap`](#getnextmap)([`Server`](./sharedlibrarycore-Server) s, [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) lookup) |
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Retrieves the next map in rotation
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### NextMapCommand
public NextMapCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### GetNextMap
public static async Task<string> GetNextMap(Server s, ITranslationLookup lookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`Server`](./sharedlibrarycore-Server) | s | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | lookup | |
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# OwnerCommand `Public class`
## Description
Claims ownership of the server
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.OwnerCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Claims ownership of the server
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### OwnerCommand
public OwnerCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# PrivateMessageAdminsCommand `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.PrivateMessageAdminsCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### PrivateMessageAdminsCommand
public PrivateMessageAdminsCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup lookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | lookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# PruneAdminsCommand `Public class`
## Description
Prunes inactive privileged clients
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.PruneAdminsCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Prunes inactive privileged clients
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### PruneAdminsCommand
public PruneAdminsCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup, IDatabaseContextFactory contextFactory)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
| `IDatabaseContextFactory` | contextFactory | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# QuitCommand `Public class`
## Description
Quits IW4MAdmin
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.QuitCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Quits IW4MAdmin
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### QuitCommand
public QuitCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# RequestTokenCommand `Public class`
## Description
Generates a token for use in webfront login
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.RequestTokenCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Summary
Generates a token for use in webfront login
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### RequestTokenCommand
public RequestTokenCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup lookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | lookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# RestartCommand `Public class`
## Description
Restarts IW4MAdmin
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.RestartCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Summary
Restarts IW4MAdmin
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### RestartCommand
public RestartCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# RunAsCommand `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.RunAsCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### RunAsCommand
public RunAsCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup lookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | lookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# SetGravatarCommand `Public class`
## Description
Sets the email for gravatar in webfront
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.SetGravatarCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Sets the email for gravatar in webfront
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### SetGravatarCommand
public SetGravatarCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup, IMetaServiceV2 metaService)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
| [`IMetaServiceV2`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IMetaServiceV2) | metaService | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# SetLevelCommand `Public class`
## Description
Sets the level of given client
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.SetLevelCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Summary
Sets the level of given client
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### SetLevelCommand
public SetLevelCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup, ILogger<SetLevelCommand> logger)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
| `ILogger`<[`SetLevelCommand`](sharedlibrarycorecommands-SetLevelCommand)> | logger | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# SetPasswordCommand `Public class`
## Description
Sets login password
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.SetPasswordCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Sets login password
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### SetPasswordCommand
public SetPasswordCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# TempBanCommand `Public class`
## Description
Temporarily bans a client
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.TempBanCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Summary
Temporarily bans a client
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### TempBanCommand
public TempBanCommand(ApplicationConfiguration appConfig, CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`ApplicationConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ApplicationConfiguration) | appConfig | |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# UnbanCommand `Public class`
## Description
Unbans a banned client
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.UnbanCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Summary
Unbans a banned client
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### UnbanCommand
public UnbanCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# UnflagClientCommand `Public class`
## Description
Unflag given client for specified reason
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.UnflagClientCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Unflag given client for specified reason
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### UnflagClientCommand
public UnflagClientCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# UnlinkClientCommand `Public class`
## Description
Provides a way for administrators to "unlink" linked accounts
This problem is common in IW4x where the client identifier is a file
that is commonly transmitted when uploading and sharing the game files
This command creates a new link and assigns the guid, and all aliases with the current IP
associated to the provided client ID to the new link
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.UnlinkClientCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Provides a way for administrators to "unlink" linked accounts
This problem is common in IW4x where the client identifier is a file
that is commonly transmitted when uploading and sharing the game files
This command creates a new link and assigns the guid, and all aliases with the current IP
associated to the provided client ID to the new link
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### UnlinkClientCommand
public UnlinkClientCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup lookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | lookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# UptimeCommand `Public class`
## Description
Prints out how long IW4MAdmin has been running
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.UptimeCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Prints out how long IW4MAdmin has been running
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### UptimeCommand
public UptimeCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# WarnClearCommand `Public class`
## Description
Clears all warnings for given client
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.WarnClearCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) E) |
## Details
### Summary
Clears all warnings for given client
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### WarnClearCommand
public WarnClearCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | E | |
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# WarnCommand `Public class`
## Description
Warns given client for reason
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Commands
subgraph SharedLibraryCore
class SharedLibraryCore.Command abstractStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Command --> SharedLibraryCore.Commands.WarnCommand
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `Task` | [`ExecuteAsync`](#executeasync)([`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) gameEvent) |
## Details
### Summary
Warns given client for reason
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### WarnCommand
public WarnCommand(ApplicationConfiguration appConfig, CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`ApplicationConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ApplicationConfiguration) | appConfig | |
| [`CommandConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandConfiguration) | config | |
| [`ITranslationLookup`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ITranslationLookup) | translationLookup | |
### Methods
#### ExecuteAsync
public override Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | gameEvent | |
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# ApplicationConfiguration `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
class SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IBaseConfiguration interfaceStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IBaseConfiguration --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.ApplicationConfiguration
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`AutoMessagePeriod`](#automessageperiod) | `get, set` |
| `string``[]` | [`AutoMessages`](#automessages) | `get, set` |
| `TimeSpan``[]` | [`BanDurations`](#bandurations) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`BroadcastCommandPrefix`](#broadcastcommandprefix) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`CommandPrefix`](#commandprefix) | `get, set` |
| [`CommunityInformationConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommunityInformationConfiguration) | [`CommunityInformation`](#communityinformation) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ConnectionString`](#connectionstring) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ContactUri`](#contacturi) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`CustomLocale`](#customlocale) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`CustomParserEncoding`](#customparserencoding) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`CustomSayName`](#customsayname) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`DatabaseProvider`](#databaseprovider) | `get, set` |
| `string``[]` | [`DisallowedClientNames`](#disallowedclientnames) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableColorCodes`](#enablecolorcodes) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableCustomLocale`](#enablecustomlocale) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableCustomParserEncoding`](#enablecustomparserencoding) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableCustomSayName`](#enablecustomsayname) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableImplicitAccountLinking`](#enableimplicitaccountlinking) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableMultipleOwners`](#enablemultipleowners) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnablePrivilegedUserPrivacy`](#enableprivilegeduserprivacy) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableSocialLink`](#enablesociallink) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableSteppedHierarchy`](#enablesteppedhierarchy) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableWebFront`](#enablewebfront) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableWebfrontConnectionWhitelist`](#enablewebfrontconnectionwhitelist) | `get, set` |
| `string``[]` | [`GlobalRules`](#globalrules) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Id`](#id) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IgnoreBots`](#ignorebots) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IgnoreServerConnectionLost`](#ignoreserverconnectionlost) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`IngameAccentColorKey`](#ingameaccentcolorkey) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ManualWebfrontUrl`](#manualwebfronturl) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`MapChangeDelaySeconds`](#mapchangedelayseconds) | `get, set` |
| [`MapConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-MapConfiguration)`[]` | [`Maps`](#maps) | `get, set` |
| `Uri` | [`MasterUrl`](#masterurl) | `get, set` |
| `TimeSpan` | [`MaxClientHistoryTime`](#maxclienthistorytime) | `get, set` |
| `TimeSpan` | [`MaximumTempBanTime`](#maximumtempbantime) | `get, set` |
| `Dictionary`<`string`, `Permission`> | [`MinimumAlertPermissions`](#minimumalertpermissions) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`MinimumNameLength`](#minimumnamelength) | `get, set` |
| `Dictionary`<`Permission`, `string`> | [`OverridePermissionLevelNames`](#overridepermissionlevelnames) | `get, set` |
| `Dictionary`<`string`, `List`<`string`>> | [`PermissionSets`](#permissionsets) | `get, set` |
| `Dictionary`<`string`, `string`> | [`PresetPenaltyReasons`](#presetpenaltyreasons) | `get, set` |
| [`QuickMessageConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-QuickMessageConfiguration)`[]` | [`QuickMessages`](#quickmessages) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`RConPollRate`](#rconpollrate) | `get, set` |
| `TimeSpan` | [`RecentAliasIpLinkTimeLimit`](#recentaliasiplinktimelimit) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`ServerConnectionAttempts`](#serverconnectionattempts) | `get, set` |
| `TimeSpan` | [`ServerDataCollectionInterval`](#serverdatacollectioninterval) | `get, set` |
| [`ServerConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ServerConfiguration)`[]` | [`Servers`](#servers) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`SocialLinkAddress`](#sociallinkaddress) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`SocialLinkTitle`](#sociallinktitle) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`SubscriptionId`](#subscriptionid) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`UseLocalTranslations`](#uselocaltranslations) | `get, set` |
| [`WebfrontConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-WebfrontConfiguration) | [`Webfront`](#webfront) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`WebfrontBindUrl`](#webfrontbindurl) | `get, set` |
| `string``[]` | [`WebfrontConnectionWhitelist`](#webfrontconnectionwhitelist) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`WebfrontCustomBranding`](#webfrontcustombranding) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`WebfrontPrimaryColor`](#webfrontprimarycolor) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`WebfrontSecondaryColor`](#webfrontsecondarycolor) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`WebfrontUrl`](#webfronturl) | `get` |
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| [`IBaseConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IBaseConfiguration) | [`Generate`](#generate)() |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name)() |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### ApplicationConfiguration
public ApplicationConfiguration()
### Methods
#### Generate
public virtual IBaseConfiguration Generate()
#### Name
public virtual string Name()
### Properties
#### CommunityInformation
public CommunityInformationConfiguration CommunityInformation { get; set; }
#### EnableWebFront
public bool EnableWebFront { get; set; }
#### WebfrontBindUrl
public string WebfrontBindUrl { get; set; }
#### ManualWebfrontUrl
public string ManualWebfrontUrl { get; set; }
#### WebfrontPrimaryColor
public string WebfrontPrimaryColor { get; set; }
#### WebfrontSecondaryColor
public string WebfrontSecondaryColor { get; set; }
#### WebfrontCustomBranding
public string WebfrontCustomBranding { get; set; }
#### Webfront
public WebfrontConfiguration Webfront { get; set; }
#### EnableMultipleOwners
public bool EnableMultipleOwners { get; set; }
#### EnableSteppedHierarchy
public bool EnableSteppedHierarchy { get; set; }
#### UseLocalTranslations
public bool UseLocalTranslations { get; set; }
#### IgnoreBots
public bool IgnoreBots { get; set; }
#### EnableCustomSayName
public bool EnableCustomSayName { get; set; }
#### CustomSayName
public string CustomSayName { get; set; }
#### EnableSocialLink
public bool EnableSocialLink { get; set; }
#### SocialLinkAddress
public string SocialLinkAddress { get; set; }
#### SocialLinkTitle
public string SocialLinkTitle { get; set; }
#### ContactUri
public string ContactUri { get; set; }
#### EnableCustomParserEncoding
public bool EnableCustomParserEncoding { get; set; }
#### CustomParserEncoding
public string CustomParserEncoding { get; set; }
#### EnableWebfrontConnectionWhitelist
public bool EnableWebfrontConnectionWhitelist { get; set; }
#### WebfrontConnectionWhitelist
public string WebfrontConnectionWhitelist { get; set; }
#### EnableCustomLocale
public bool EnableCustomLocale { get; set; }
#### CustomLocale
public string CustomLocale { get; set; }
#### CommandPrefix
public string CommandPrefix { get; set; }
#### BroadcastCommandPrefix
public string BroadcastCommandPrefix { get; set; }
#### DatabaseProvider
public string DatabaseProvider { get; set; }
#### ConnectionString
public string ConnectionString { get; set; }
#### RConPollRate
public int RConPollRate { get; set; }
#### MaximumTempBanTime
public TimeSpan MaximumTempBanTime { get; set; }
#### EnableColorCodes
public bool EnableColorCodes { get; set; }
#### IngameAccentColorKey
public string IngameAccentColorKey { get; set; }
#### AutoMessagePeriod
public int AutoMessagePeriod { get; set; }
#### AutoMessages
public string AutoMessages { get; set; }
#### GlobalRules
public string GlobalRules { get; set; }
#### DisallowedClientNames
public string DisallowedClientNames { get; set; }
#### MapChangeDelaySeconds
public int MapChangeDelaySeconds { get; set; }
#### BanDurations
public TimeSpan BanDurations { get; set; }
#### PermissionSets
public Dictionary<string, List<string>> PermissionSets { get; set; }
#### MinimumAlertPermissions
public Dictionary<string, Permission> MinimumAlertPermissions { get; set; }
#### PresetPenaltyReasons
public Dictionary<string, string> PresetPenaltyReasons { get; set; }
#### EnablePrivilegedUserPrivacy
public bool EnablePrivilegedUserPrivacy { get; set; }
#### EnableImplicitAccountLinking
public bool EnableImplicitAccountLinking { get; set; }
#### RecentAliasIpLinkTimeLimit
public TimeSpan RecentAliasIpLinkTimeLimit { get; set; }
#### MaxClientHistoryTime
public TimeSpan MaxClientHistoryTime { get; set; }
#### ServerDataCollectionInterval
public TimeSpan ServerDataCollectionInterval { get; set; }
#### ServerConnectionAttempts
public int ServerConnectionAttempts { get; set; }
#### OverridePermissionLevelNames
public Dictionary<Permission, string> OverridePermissionLevelNames { get; set; }
#### Servers
public ServerConfiguration Servers { get; set; }
#### MinimumNameLength
public int MinimumNameLength { get; set; }
#### Id
public string Id { get; set; }
#### SubscriptionId
public string SubscriptionId { get; set; }
#### Maps
public MapConfiguration Maps { get; set; }
#### QuickMessages
public QuickMessageConfiguration QuickMessages { get; set; }
#### WebfrontUrl
public string WebfrontUrl { get; }
#### IgnoreServerConnectionLost
public bool IgnoreServerConnectionLost { get; set; }
#### MasterUrl
public Uri MasterUrl { get; set; }
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# CommandConfiguration `Public class`
## Description
Basic command configuration
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
class SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IBaseConfiguration interfaceStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IBaseConfiguration --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.CommandConfiguration
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`BroadcastCommandPrefix`](#broadcastcommandprefix)<br>prefix indicating that the chat message is a broadcast command | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`CommandPrefix`](#commandprefix)<br>prefix indicated the chat message is a command | `get, set` |
| `Dictionary`<`string`, [`CommandProperties`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-CommandProperties)> | [`Commands`](#commands)<br>Dict of command class names mapped to configurable properties | `get, set` |
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| [`IBaseConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IBaseConfiguration) | [`Generate`](#generate)() |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name)() |
## Details
### Summary
Basic command configuration
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### CommandConfiguration
public CommandConfiguration()
### Methods
#### Generate
public virtual IBaseConfiguration Generate()
#### Name
public virtual string Name()
### Properties
#### Commands
public Dictionary<string, CommandProperties> Commands { get; set; }
##### Summary
Dict of command class names mapped to configurable properties
#### CommandPrefix
public string CommandPrefix { get; set; }
##### Summary
prefix indicated the chat message is a command
#### BroadcastCommandPrefix
public string BroadcastCommandPrefix { get; set; }
##### Summary
prefix indicating that the chat message is a broadcast command
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# CommandProperties `Public class`
## Description
Config driven command properties
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Alias`](#alias)<br>Alias of this command | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`AllowImpersonation`](#allowimpersonation)<br>Indicates if the command can be run by another user (impersonation) | `get, set` |
| `Permission` | [`MinimumPermission`](#minimumpermission)<br>Specifies the minimum permission level needed to execute the | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name)<br>Specifies the command name | `get, set` |
| `Game``[]` | [`SupportedGames`](#supportedgames)<br>Specifies the games supporting the functionality of the command | `get, set` |
## Details
### Summary
Config driven command properties
### Constructors
#### CommandProperties
public CommandProperties()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
##### Summary
Specifies the command name
#### Alias
public string Alias { get; set; }
##### Summary
Alias of this command
#### MinimumPermission
public Permission MinimumPermission { get; set; }
##### Summary
Specifies the minimum permission level needed to execute the
#### AllowImpersonation
public bool AllowImpersonation { get; set; }
##### Summary
Indicates if the command can be run by another user (impersonation)
#### SupportedGames
public Game SupportedGames { get; set; }
##### Summary
Specifies the games supporting the functionality of the command
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# CommunityInformationConfiguration `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Description`](#description) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`EnableBanner`](#enablebanner) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IsEnabled`](#isenabled) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
| [`SocialAccountConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-SocialAccountConfiguration)`[]` | [`SocialAccounts`](#socialaccounts) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### CommunityInformationConfiguration
public CommunityInformationConfiguration()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
#### Description
public string Description { get; set; }
#### EnableBanner
public bool EnableBanner { get; set; }
#### SocialAccounts
public SocialAccountConfiguration SocialAccounts { get; set; }
#### IsEnabled
public bool IsEnabled { get; set; }
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# DefaultSettings `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
class SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IBaseConfiguration interfaceStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IBaseConfiguration --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.DefaultSettings
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string``[]` | [`AutoMessages`](#automessages) | `get, set` |
| `string``[]` | [`DisallowedClientNames`](#disallowedclientnames) | `get, set` |
| [`GameStringConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-GameStringConfiguration) | [`GameStrings`](#gamestrings) | `get, set` |
| [`GametypeConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-GametypeConfiguration)`[]` | [`Gametypes`](#gametypes) | `get, set` |
| `string``[]` | [`GlobalRules`](#globalrules) | `get, set` |
| [`MapConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-MapConfiguration)`[]` | [`Maps`](#maps) | `get, set` |
| [`QuickMessageConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-QuickMessageConfiguration)`[]` | [`QuickMessages`](#quickmessages) | `get, set` |
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| [`IBaseConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IBaseConfiguration) | [`Generate`](#generate)() |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name)() |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### DefaultSettings
public DefaultSettings()
### Methods
#### Generate
public virtual IBaseConfiguration Generate()
#### Name
public virtual string Name()
### Properties
#### AutoMessages
public string AutoMessages { get; set; }
#### GlobalRules
public string GlobalRules { get; set; }
#### Maps
public MapConfiguration Maps { get; set; }
#### Gametypes
public GametypeConfiguration Gametypes { get; set; }
#### QuickMessages
public QuickMessageConfiguration QuickMessages { get; set; }
#### DisallowedClientNames
public string DisallowedClientNames { get; set; }
#### GameStrings
public GameStringConfiguration GameStrings { get; set; }
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# GameStringConfiguration `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
subgraph System.Collections.Generic
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary_2 --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.GameStringConfiguration
## Members
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `string` | [`GetStringForGame`](#getstringforgame)(`string` key, `Nullable`<`Game`> game) |
## Details
### Inheritance
- `Dictionary`<`Game`, `Dictionary`<`string`, `string`>>
### Constructors
#### GameStringConfiguration
public GameStringConfiguration()
### Methods
#### GetStringForGame
public string GetStringForGame(string key, Nullable<Game> game)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | key | |
| `Nullable`<`Game`> | game | |
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# GametypeConfiguration `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Game` | [`Game`](#game) | `get, set` |
| [`Gametype`](./sharedlibrarycore-Gametype)`[]` | [`Gametypes`](#gametypes) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### GametypeConfiguration
public GametypeConfiguration()
### Properties
#### Game
public Game Game { get; set; }
#### Gametypes
public Gametype Gametypes { get; set; }
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# MapConfiguration `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Game` | [`Game`](#game) | `get, set` |
| [`Map`](./sharedlibrarycore-Map)`[]` | [`Maps`](#maps) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### MapConfiguration
public MapConfiguration()
### Properties
#### Game
public Game Game { get; set; }
#### Maps
public Map Maps { get; set; }
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# QuickMessageConfiguration `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Game` | [`Game`](#game) | `get, set` |
| `Dictionary`<`string`, `string`> | [`Messages`](#messages) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### QuickMessageConfiguration
public QuickMessageConfiguration()
### Properties
#### Game
public Game Game { get; set; }
#### Messages
public Dictionary<string, string> Messages { get; set; }
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# ServerConfiguration `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
class SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IBaseConfiguration interfaceStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IBaseConfiguration --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.ServerConfiguration
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string``[]` | [`AutoMessages`](#automessages) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`CustomHostname`](#customhostname) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`EventParserVersion`](#eventparserversion) | `get, set` |
| `Uri` | [`GameLogServerUrl`](#gamelogserverurl) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`IPAddress`](#ipaddress) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ManualLogPath`](#manuallogpath) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Password`](#password) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`PerformanceBucket`](#performancebucket) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`Port`](#port) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`RConParserVersion`](#rconparserversion) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`ReservedSlotNumber`](#reservedslotnumber) | `get, set` |
| `string``[]` | [`Rules`](#rules) | `get, set` |
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `void` | [`AddEventParser`](#addeventparser)([`IEventParser`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IEventParser) parser) |
| `void` | [`AddRConParser`](#addrconparser)([`IRConParser`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IRConParser) parser) |
| [`IBaseConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IBaseConfiguration) | [`Generate`](#generate)() |
| `void` | [`ModifyParsers`](#modifyparsers)() |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name)() |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### ServerConfiguration
public ServerConfiguration()
### Methods
#### Generate
public virtual IBaseConfiguration Generate()
#### Name
public virtual string Name()
#### AddRConParser
public void AddRConParser(IRConParser parser)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`IRConParser`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IRConParser) | parser | |
#### AddEventParser
public void AddEventParser(IEventParser parser)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`IEventParser`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IEventParser) | parser | |
#### ModifyParsers
public void ModifyParsers()
### Properties
#### IPAddress
public string IPAddress { get; set; }
#### Port
public int Port { get; set; }
#### Password
public string Password { get; set; }
#### Rules
public string Rules { get; set; }
#### AutoMessages
public string AutoMessages { get; set; }
#### ManualLogPath
public string ManualLogPath { get; set; }
#### RConParserVersion
public string RConParserVersion { get; set; }
#### EventParserVersion
public string EventParserVersion { get; set; }
#### ReservedSlotNumber
public int ReservedSlotNumber { get; set; }
#### GameLogServerUrl
public Uri GameLogServerUrl { get; set; }
#### CustomHostname
public string CustomHostname { get; set; }
#### PerformanceBucket
public string PerformanceBucket { get; set; }
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# SocialAccountConfiguration `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`IconId`](#iconid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`IconUrl`](#iconurl) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Title`](#title) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Url`](#url) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### SocialAccountConfiguration
public SocialAccountConfiguration()
### Properties
#### Title
public string Title { get; set; }
#### Url
public string Url { get; set; }
#### IconUrl
public string IconUrl { get; set; }
#### IconId
public string IconId { get; set; }
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# WebfrontConfiguration `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`ScriptInjection`](#scriptinjection) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### WebfrontConfiguration
public WebfrontConfiguration()
### Properties
#### ScriptInjection
public string ScriptInjection { get; set; }
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# ConfigurationIgnore `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Attributes
subgraph System
System.Attribute --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Attributes.ConfigurationIgnore
## Details
### Inheritance
- `Attribute`
### Constructors
#### ConfigurationIgnore
public ConfigurationIgnore()
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# ConfigurationLinked `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Attributes
subgraph System
System.Attribute --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Attributes.ConfigurationLinked
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string``[]` | [`LinkedPropertyNames`](#linkedpropertynames) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- `Attribute`
### Constructors
#### ConfigurationLinked
public ConfigurationLinked(string[] linkedPropertyNames)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string``[]` | linkedPropertyNames | |
### Properties
#### LinkedPropertyNames
public string LinkedPropertyNames { get; set; }
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# ConfigurationOptional `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Attributes
subgraph System
System.Attribute --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Attributes.ConfigurationOptional
## Details
### Inheritance
- `Attribute`
### Constructors
#### ConfigurationOptional
public ConfigurationOptional()
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# LocalizedDisplayName `Internal class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Attributes
subgraph System.ComponentModel
System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Attributes.LocalizedDisplayName
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`DisplayName`](#displayname) | `get` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- `DisplayNameAttribute`
### Constructors
#### LocalizedDisplayName
public LocalizedDisplayName(string localizationKey)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | localizationKey | |
### Properties
#### DisplayName
public override string DisplayName { get; }
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# ConfigurationExtensions `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Extensions
## Members
### Methods
#### Public Static methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| (`string` Item1, `string` Item2)`[]` | [`TryGetRConPasswords`](#trygetrconpasswords)([`IRConParser`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IRConParser) parser) |
| `void` | [`TrySetIpAddress`](#trysetipaddress)([`ServerConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ServerConfiguration) config) |
## Details
### Methods
#### TrySetIpAddress
public static void TrySetIpAddress(ServerConfiguration config)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`ServerConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ServerConfiguration) | config | |
#### TryGetRConPasswords
public static (string Item1, string Item2) TryGetRConPasswords(IRConParser parser)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`IRConParser`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IRConParser) | parser | |
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# ApplicationConfigurationValidator `Public class`
## Description
Validation class for main application configuration
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Validation
subgraph FluentValidation
FluentValidation.AbstractValidator_1 --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Validation.ApplicationConfigurationValidator
## Details
### Summary
Validation class for main application configuration
### Inheritance
- `AbstractValidator`<[`ApplicationConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ApplicationConfiguration)>
### Constructors
#### ApplicationConfigurationValidator
public ApplicationConfigurationValidator()
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# ServerConfigurationValidator `Public class`
## Description
Validation class for server configuration
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Validation
subgraph FluentValidation
FluentValidation.AbstractValidator_1 --> SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Validation.ServerConfigurationValidator
## Details
### Summary
Validation class for server configuration
### Inheritance
- `AbstractValidator`<[`ServerConfiguration`](./sharedlibrarycoreconfiguration-ServerConfiguration)>
### Constructors
#### ServerConfigurationValidator
public ServerConfigurationValidator()
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@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
# EFClient `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models
subgraph Data.Models.Client
Data.Models.Client.EFClient --> SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models.EFClient
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`CleanedName`](#cleanedname) | `get` |
| `int` | [`ClientNumber`](#clientnumber) | `get, set` |
| [`ClientPermission`](./sharedlibrarycorelocalization-ClientPermission) | [`ClientPermission`](#clientpermission) | `get` |
| `int` | [`ConnectionLength`](#connectionlength) | `get` |
| `DateTime` | [`ConnectionTime`](#connectiontime) | `get, set` |
| [`Server`](./sharedlibrarycore-Server) | [`CurrentServer`](#currentserver) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`GuidString`](#guidstring) | `get` |
| `Nullable`<`int`> | [`IPAddress`](#ipaddress) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`IPAddressString`](#ipaddressstring) | `get` |
| `bool` | [`IsBot`](#isbot) | `get` |
| `bool` | [`IsIngame`](#isingame) | `get` |
| `bool` | [`IsZombieClient`](#iszombieclient) | `get` |
| `IDictionary`<`int`, `long`> | [`LinkedAccounts`](#linkedaccounts) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`Ping`](#ping) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`Score`](#score) | `get, set` |
| `ClientState` | [`State`](#state) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Tag`](#tag) | `get, set` |
| `TeamType` | [`Team`](#team) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`TeamName`](#teamname) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`TemporalClientNumber`](#temporalclientnumber) | `get` |
| `int` | [`Warnings`](#warnings) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`XuidString`](#xuidstring) | `get` |
### Methods
#### Protected methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `void` | [`Finalize`](#finalize)() |
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`Ban`](#ban)(`string` banReason, [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) sender, `bool` isEvade)<br>permanently ban a client |
| `Task`<`bool`> | [`CanConnect`](#canconnect)(`Nullable`<`int`> ipAddress, `bool` enableImplicitLinking) |
| `bool` | [`Equals`](#equals)(`object` obj) |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`Flag`](#flag)(`string` flagReason, [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) sender, `Nullable`<`TimeSpan`> flagLength) |
| `int` | [`GetHashCode`](#gethashcode)() |
| `bool` | [`IsAbleToConnectSimple`](#isabletoconnectsimple)()<br>Handles any client related logic on connection |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`Kick`](#kick-12)(`...`)<br>kick a client for the given reason |
| `Task` | [`Lock`](#lock)() |
| `Task` | [`OnDisconnect`](#ondisconnect)() |
| `Task` | [`OnJoin`](#onjoin)(`Nullable`<`int`> ipAddress, `bool` enableImplicitLinking) |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`Report`](#report)(`string` reportReason, [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) sender)<br>report a client for a given reason |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`SetLevel`](#setlevel)(`Permission` newPermission, [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) sender) |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`Tell`](#tell-12)(`...`)<br>send a message directly to the connected client |
| `Task` | [`TellAsync`](#tellasync)(`IEnumerable`<`string`> messages, `CancellationToken` token) |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`TempBan`](#tempban)(`string` tempbanReason, `TimeSpan` banLength, [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) sender)<br>temporarily ban a client for the given time span |
| `string` | [`ToString`](#tostring)() |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`Unban`](#unban)(`string` unbanReason, [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) sender)<br>unban a client |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`Unflag`](#unflag)(`string` unflagReason, [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) sender)<br>unflag a client for a given reason |
| `void` | [`Unlock`](#unlock)() |
| `void` | [`UpdateTeam`](#updateteam)(`string` newTeam) |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`Warn`](#warn)(`string` warnReason, [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) sender)<br>warn a client with given reason |
| [`GameEvent`](./sharedlibrarycore-GameEvent) | [`WarnClear`](#warnclear)([`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) sender)<br>clear all warnings for a client |
## Details
### Inheritance
- `EFClient`
### Nested types
#### Enums
- `ClientState`
- `TeamType`
### Constructors
#### EFClient
public EFClient()
### Methods
#### Finalize
protected override void Finalize()
#### ToString
public override string ToString()
#### Tell [1/2]
public GameEvent Tell(string message)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | message | message content to send to client |
##### Summary
send a message directly to the connected client
#### Tell [2/2]
public void Tell(IEnumerable<string> messages)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `IEnumerable`<`string`> | messages | |
#### TellAsync
public async Task TellAsync(IEnumerable<string> messages, CancellationToken token)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `IEnumerable`<`string`> | messages | |
| `CancellationToken` | token | |
#### Warn
public GameEvent Warn(string warnReason, EFClient sender)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | warnReason | reason for warn |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | client performing the warn |
##### Summary
warn a client with given reason
#### WarnClear
public GameEvent WarnClear(EFClient sender)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | client performing the warn clear |
##### Summary
clear all warnings for a client
##### Returns
#### Report
public GameEvent Report(string reportReason, EFClient sender)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | reportReason | reason for the report |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | client performing the report |
##### Summary
report a client for a given reason
##### Returns
#### Flag
public GameEvent Flag(string flagReason, EFClient sender, Nullable<TimeSpan> flagLength)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | flagReason | |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | |
| `Nullable`<`TimeSpan`> | flagLength | |
#### Unflag
public GameEvent Unflag(string unflagReason, EFClient sender)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | unflagReason | reason to unflag a player for |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | client performing the unflag |
##### Summary
unflag a client for a given reason
##### Returns
game event for the un flug
#### Kick [1/2]
public GameEvent Kick(string kickReason, EFClient sender)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | kickReason | reason to kick for |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | client performing the kick |
##### Summary
kick a client for the given reason
#### Kick [2/2]
public GameEvent Kick(string kickReason, EFClient sender, EFPenalty originalPenalty)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | kickReason | reason to kick for |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | client performing the kick |
| `EFPenalty` | originalPenalty | original client penalty |
##### Summary
kick a client for the given reason
#### TempBan
public GameEvent TempBan(string tempbanReason, TimeSpan banLength, EFClient sender)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | tempbanReason | reason for the temp ban |
| `TimeSpan` | banLength | how long the temp ban lasts |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | client performing the tempban |
##### Summary
temporarily ban a client for the given time span
#### Ban
public GameEvent Ban(string banReason, EFClient sender, bool isEvade)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | banReason | reason for the ban |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | client performing the ban |
| `bool` | isEvade | obsolete |
##### Summary
permanently ban a client
#### Unban
public GameEvent Unban(string unbanReason, EFClient sender)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | unbanReason | reason for the unban |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | client performing the unban |
##### Summary
unban a client
##### Returns
#### SetLevel
public GameEvent SetLevel(Permission newPermission, EFClient sender)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Permission` | newPermission | |
| [`EFClient`](sharedlibrarycoredatabasemodels-EFClient) | sender | |
#### IsAbleToConnectSimple
public bool IsAbleToConnectSimple()
##### Summary
Handles any client related logic on connection
#### OnDisconnect
public async Task OnDisconnect()
#### OnJoin
public async Task OnJoin(Nullable<int> ipAddress, bool enableImplicitLinking)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Nullable`<`int`> | ipAddress | |
| `bool` | enableImplicitLinking | |
#### CanConnect
public async Task<bool> CanConnect(Nullable<int> ipAddress, bool enableImplicitLinking)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Nullable`<`int`> | ipAddress | |
| `bool` | enableImplicitLinking | |
#### UpdateTeam
public void UpdateTeam(string newTeam)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | newTeam | |
#### Lock
public async Task Lock()
#### Unlock
public void Unlock()
#### Equals
public override bool Equals(object obj)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `object` | obj | |
#### GetHashCode
public override int GetHashCode()
### Properties
#### Name
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
#### CleanedName
public string CleanedName { get; }
#### IPAddress
public virtual Nullable<int> IPAddress { get; set; }
#### IPAddressString
public string IPAddressString { get; }
#### IsIngame
public bool IsIngame { get; }
#### LinkedAccounts
public virtual IDictionary<int, long> LinkedAccounts { get; set; }
#### ClientNumber
public int ClientNumber { get; set; }
#### Ping
public int Ping { get; set; }
#### Warnings
public int Warnings { get; set; }
#### ConnectionTime
public DateTime ConnectionTime { get; set; }
#### ConnectionLength
public int ConnectionLength { get; }
#### CurrentServer
public Server CurrentServer { get; set; }
#### Score
public int Score { get; set; }
#### IsBot
public bool IsBot { get; }
#### IsZombieClient
public bool IsZombieClient { get; }
#### XuidString
public string XuidString { get; }
#### GuidString
public string GuidString { get; }
#### State
public ClientState State { get; set; }
#### Team
public TeamType Team { get; set; }
#### TeamName
public string TeamName { get; set; }
#### ClientPermission
public ClientPermission ClientPermission { get; }
#### Tag
public string Tag { get; set; }
#### TemporalClientNumber
public int TemporalClientNumber { get; }
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# ClientState `Public enum`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models.EFClient
## Details
### Fields
#### Unknown
##### Summary
default client state
#### Connecting
##### Summary
represents when the client has been detected as joining
by the log file, but has not be authenticated by RCon
#### Connected
##### Summary
represents when the client has been authenticated by RCon
and validated by the database
#### Disconnecting
##### Summary
represents when the client is leaving (either through RCon or log file)
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# TeamType `Public enum`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models.EFClient
## Details
### Fields
#### Unknown
#### Spectator
#### Allies
#### Axis
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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
# AuditInfo `Public class`
## Description
data transfer class for audit information
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Action`](#action)<br>what audit action occured | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Data`](#data)<br>additional comment data about the audit event | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`NewValue`](#newvalue)<br>new value | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`OldValue`](#oldvalue)<br>previous value | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`OriginId`](#originid)<br>id of the origin entity | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`OriginName`](#originname)<br>name of the origin entity | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`int`> | [`TargetId`](#targetid)<br>id of the target entity | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`TargetName`](#targetname)<br>name of the target entity | `get, set` |
| `DateTime` | [`When`](#when)<br>when the audit event occured | `get, set` |
## Details
### Summary
data transfer class for audit information
### Constructors
#### AuditInfo
public AuditInfo()
### Properties
#### OriginName
public string OriginName { get; set; }
##### Summary
name of the origin entity
#### OriginId
public int OriginId { get; set; }
##### Summary
id of the origin entity
#### TargetName
public string TargetName { get; set; }
##### Summary
name of the target entity
#### TargetId
public Nullable<int> TargetId { get; set; }
##### Summary
id of the target entity
#### When
public DateTime When { get; set; }
##### Summary
when the audit event occured
#### Action
public string Action { get; set; }
##### Summary
what audit action occured
#### Data
public string Data { get; set; }
##### Summary
additional comment data about the audit event
#### OldValue
public string OldValue { get; set; }
##### Summary
previous value
#### NewValue
public string NewValue { get; set; }
##### Summary
new value
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# ChatInfo `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`ClientId`](#clientid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`HiddenMessage`](#hiddenmessage) | `get` |
| `bool` | [`IsHidden`](#ishidden) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IsQuickMessage`](#isquickmessage) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Message`](#message) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
| `Game` | [`ServerGame`](#servergame) | `get, set` |
| `DateTime` | [`Time`](#time) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### ChatInfo
public ChatInfo()
### Properties
#### ClientId
public int ClientId { get; set; }
#### Message
public string Message { get; set; }
#### Time
public DateTime Time { get; set; }
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
#### ServerGame
public Game ServerGame { get; set; }
#### IsQuickMessage
public bool IsQuickMessage { get; set; }
#### IsHidden
public bool IsHidden { get; set; }
#### HiddenMessage
public string HiddenMessage { get; }
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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# ClientCountSnapshot `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`ClientCount`](#clientcount) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`ConnectionInterrupted`](#connectioninterrupted) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Map`](#map) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`MapAlias`](#mapalias) | `get, set` |
| `DateTime` | [`Time`](#time) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`TimeString`](#timestring) | `get` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### ClientCountSnapshot
public ClientCountSnapshot()
### Properties
#### Time
public DateTime Time { get; set; }
#### TimeString
public string TimeString { get; }
#### ClientCount
public int ClientCount { get; set; }
#### ConnectionInterrupted
public bool ConnectionInterrupted { get; set; }
#### Map
public string Map { get; set; }
#### MapAlias
public string MapAlias { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# ClientHistoryInfo `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `List`<[`ClientCountSnapshot`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-ClientCountSnapshot)> | [`ClientCounts`](#clientcounts) | `get, set` |
| `long` | [`ServerId`](#serverid) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### ClientHistoryInfo
public ClientHistoryInfo()
### Properties
#### ServerId
public long ServerId { get; set; }
#### ClientCounts
public List<ClientCountSnapshot> ClientCounts { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# ClientInfo `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`ClientId`](#clientid) | `get, set` |
| `Game` | [`Game`](#game) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IsMasked`](#ismasked) | `get, set` |
| `DateTime` | [`LastConnection`](#lastconnection) | `get, set` |
| `Permission` | [`Level`](#level) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`LinkId`](#linkid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### ClientInfo
public ClientInfo()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
#### ClientId
public int ClientId { get; set; }
#### LinkId
public int LinkId { get; set; }
#### Level
public Permission Level { get; set; }
#### LastConnection
public DateTime LastConnection { get; set; }
#### Game
public Game Game { get; set; }
#### IsMasked
public bool IsMasked { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# CommandResponseInfo `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`ClientId`](#clientid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Response`](#response) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### CommandResponseInfo
public CommandResponseInfo()
### Properties
#### Response
public string Response { get; set; }
#### ClientId
public int ClientId { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# EntityInfo `Public class`
## Description
This class holds the basic info for api entities
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `long` | [`Id`](#id) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Summary
This class holds the basic info for api entities
### Constructors
#### EntityInfo
public EntityInfo()
### Properties
#### Id
public long Id { get; set; }
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# ErrorResponse `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string``[]` | [`Messages`](#messages)<br>relevant error messages | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Type`](#type)<br>todo: type of error | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### ErrorResponse
public ErrorResponse()
### Properties
#### Type
public string Type { get; set; }
##### Summary
todo: type of error
#### Messages
public string Messages { get; set; }
##### Summary
relevant error messages
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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# EventInfo `Public class`
## Description
This class wraps the information related to a generated event for the API
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `DateTime` | [`EventTime`](#eventtime) | `get, set` |
| [`EntityInfo`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-EntityInfo) | [`EventType`](#eventtype) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ExtraInfo`](#extrainfo) | `get, set` |
| [`EntityInfo`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-EntityInfo) | [`GameInfo`](#gameinfo) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Id`](#id) | `get` |
| [`EntityInfo`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-EntityInfo) | [`OriginEntity`](#originentity) | `get, set` |
| [`EntityInfo`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-EntityInfo) | [`OwnerEntity`](#ownerentity) | `get, set` |
| [`EntityInfo`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-EntityInfo) | [`TargetEntity`](#targetentity) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Summary
This class wraps the information related to a generated event for the API
### Constructors
#### EventInfo
public EventInfo()
### Properties
#### GameInfo
public EntityInfo GameInfo { get; set; }
#### OriginEntity
public EntityInfo OriginEntity { get; set; }
#### TargetEntity
public EntityInfo TargetEntity { get; set; }
#### EventType
public EntityInfo EventType { get; set; }
#### OwnerEntity
public EntityInfo OwnerEntity { get; set; }
#### EventTime
public DateTime EventTime { get; set; }
#### ExtraInfo
public string ExtraInfo { get; set; }
#### Id
public string Id { get; }
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# FindClientRequest `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.PaginationRequest --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.FindClientRequest
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name)<br>name of client | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Xuid`](#xuid)<br>network id of client | `get, set` |
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `string` | [`ToDebugString`](#todebugstring)() |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### FindClientRequest
public FindClientRequest()
### Methods
#### ToDebugString
public string ToDebugString()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
##### Summary
name of client
#### Xuid
public string Xuid { get; set; }
##### Summary
network id of client
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# FindClientResult `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`ClientId`](#clientid)<br>client identifier | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name)<br>name of client | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Xuid`](#xuid)<br>networkid of client | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### FindClientResult
public FindClientResult()
### Properties
#### ClientId
public int ClientId { get; set; }
##### Summary
client identifier
#### Xuid
public string Xuid { get; set; }
##### Summary
networkid of client
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
##### Summary
name of client
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
# IW4MAdminInfo `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Game``[]` | [`ActiveServerGames`](#activeservergames)<br>collection of unique game names being monitored | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`Game`> | [`Game`](#game)<br>specifies the game name filter | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`MaxConcurrentClients`](#maxconcurrentclients) | `get, set` |
| `DateTime` | [`MaxConcurrentClientsTime`](#maxconcurrentclientstime) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`RecentClientCount`](#recentclientcount) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`TotalAvailableClientSlots`](#totalavailableclientslots) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`TotalClientCount`](#totalclientcount) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`TotalOccupiedClientSlots`](#totaloccupiedclientslots) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### IW4MAdminInfo
public IW4MAdminInfo()
### Properties
#### TotalClientCount
public int TotalClientCount { get; set; }
#### RecentClientCount
public int RecentClientCount { get; set; }
#### TotalOccupiedClientSlots
public int TotalOccupiedClientSlots { get; set; }
#### TotalAvailableClientSlots
public int TotalAvailableClientSlots { get; set; }
#### MaxConcurrentClients
public int MaxConcurrentClients { get; set; }
#### MaxConcurrentClientsTime
public DateTime MaxConcurrentClientsTime { get; set; }
#### Game
public Nullable<Game> Game { get; set; }
##### Summary
specifies the game name filter
#### ActiveServerGames
public Game ActiveServerGames { get; set; }
##### Summary
collection of unique game names being monitored
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# LookupValue<TObject> `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.LookupValue_1[[LookupValue< TObject >]]
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.ILookupValue_1[[ILookupValue< TObject >]]
class SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.ILookupValue_1 interfaceStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.ILookupValue_1 --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.LookupValue_1
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`Id`](#id) | `get, set` |
| `TObject` | [`Value`](#value) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [`ILookupValue`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-ILookupValueT)<`TObject`>
### Constructors
#### LookupValue
public LookupValue()
### Properties
#### Id
public int Id { get; set; }
#### Value
public TObject Value { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Page `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Location`](#location) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### Page
public Page()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
#### Location
public string Location { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# PaginationRequest `Public class`
## Description
pagination information holder class
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `Nullable`<`DateTime`> | [`After`](#after) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`DateTime`> | [`Before`](#before) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`Count`](#count)<br>how many items to take | `get, set` |
| [`SortDirection`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-SortDirection) | [`Direction`](#direction)<br>direction of ordering | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Filter`](#filter)<br>filter query | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`Offset`](#offset)<br>how many items to skip | `get, set` |
## Details
### Summary
pagination information holder class
### Constructors
#### PaginationRequest
public PaginationRequest()
### Properties
#### Offset
public int Offset { get; set; }
##### Summary
how many items to skip
#### Count
public int Count { get; set; }
##### Summary
how many items to take
#### Filter
public string Filter { get; set; }
##### Summary
filter query
#### Direction
public SortDirection Direction { get; set; }
##### Summary
direction of ordering
#### Before
public Nullable<DateTime> Before { get; set; }
#### After
public Nullable<DateTime> After { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
# PenaltyInfo `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.SharedInfo --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.PenaltyInfo
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`AdditionalPenaltyInformation`](#additionalpenaltyinformation) | `get` |
| `string` | [`AutomatedOffense`](#automatedoffense) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`Expired`](#expired) | `get` |
| `Nullable`<`DateTime`> | [`Expires`](#expires) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IsEvade`](#isevade) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`OffenderIPAddress`](#offenderipaddress) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`OffenderId`](#offenderid) | `get, set` |
| `Permission` | [`OffenderLevel`](#offenderlevel) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`OffenderName`](#offendername) | `get, set` |
| `ulong` | [`OffenderNetworkId`](#offendernetworkid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Offense`](#offense) | `get, set` |
| `PenaltyType` | [`PenaltyType`](#penaltytype) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`PenaltyTypeText`](#penaltytypetext) | `get` |
| `string` | [`PunisherIPAddress`](#punisheripaddress) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`PunisherId`](#punisherid) | `get, set` |
| `Permission` | [`PunisherLevel`](#punisherlevel) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`PunisherLevelText`](#punisherleveltext) | `get` |
| `string` | [`PunisherName`](#punishername) | `get, set` |
| `ulong` | [`PunisherNetworkId`](#punishernetworkid) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`Sensitive`](#sensitive) | `get` |
| `DateTime` | [`TimePunished`](#timepunished) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`TimePunishedString`](#timepunishedstring) | `get` |
| `string` | [`TimeRemaining`](#timeremaining) | `get` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### PenaltyInfo
public PenaltyInfo()
### Properties
#### OffenderName
public string OffenderName { get; set; }
#### OffenderLevel
public Permission OffenderLevel { get; set; }
#### OffenderId
public int OffenderId { get; set; }
#### OffenderNetworkId
public ulong OffenderNetworkId { get; set; }
#### OffenderIPAddress
public string OffenderIPAddress { get; set; }
#### PunisherName
public string PunisherName { get; set; }
#### PunisherId
public int PunisherId { get; set; }
#### PunisherNetworkId
public ulong PunisherNetworkId { get; set; }
#### PunisherIPAddress
public string PunisherIPAddress { get; set; }
#### PunisherLevel
public Permission PunisherLevel { get; set; }
#### PunisherLevelText
public string PunisherLevelText { get; }
#### Offense
public string Offense { get; set; }
#### AutomatedOffense
public string AutomatedOffense { get; set; }
#### PenaltyType
public PenaltyType PenaltyType { get; set; }
#### PenaltyTypeText
public string PenaltyTypeText { get; }
#### TimePunished
public DateTime TimePunished { get; set; }
#### TimePunishedString
public string TimePunishedString { get; }
#### TimeRemaining
public string TimeRemaining { get; }
#### Expired
public bool Expired { get; }
#### Expires
public Nullable<DateTime> Expires { get; set; }
#### Sensitive
public override bool Sensitive { get; }
#### IsEvade
public bool IsEvade { get; set; }
#### AdditionalPenaltyInformation
public string AdditionalPenaltyInformation { get; }
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@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
# PlayerInfo `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `EFPenalty` | [`ActivePenalty`](#activepenalty) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ActivePenaltyType`](#activepenaltytype) | `get, set` |
| `List`<(`string` Item1, `DateTime` Item2)> | [`Aliases`](#aliases) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`Authenticated`](#authenticated) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`ClientId`](#clientid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ConnectProtocolUrl`](#connectprotocolurl) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`CurrentServerName`](#currentservername) | `get, set` |
| `Game` | [`Game`](#game) | `get, set` |
| [`IGeoLocationResult`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IGeoLocationResult) | [`GeoLocationInfo`](#geolocationinfo) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`HasActivePenalty`](#hasactivepenalty) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`IPAddress`](#ipaddress) | `get, set` |
| `List`<(`string` Item1, `DateTime` Item2)> | [`IPs`](#ips) | `get, set` |
| `List`<[`IInteractionData`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-IInteractionData)> | [`Interactions`](#interactions) | `get, set` |
| `DateTime` | [`LastConnection`](#lastconnection) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`LastConnectionText`](#lastconnectiontext) | `get` |
| `string` | [`Level`](#level) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`LevelInt`](#levelint) | `get, set` |
| `IDictionary`<`int`, `long`> | [`LinkedAccounts`](#linkedaccounts) | `get, set` |
| `List`<[`InformationResponse`](./sharedlibrarycoredtosmetaresponses-InformationResponse)> | [`Meta`](#meta) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<[`MetaType`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-MetaType)> | [`MetaFilterType`](#metafiltertype) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
| `long` | [`NetworkId`](#networkid) | `get, set` |
| [`ClientNoteMetaResponse`](./sharedlibrarycoredtosmetaresponses-ClientNoteMetaResponse) | [`NoteMeta`](#notemeta) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`Online`](#online) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Tag`](#tag) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`TimeOnline`](#timeonline) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`double`> | [`ZScore`](#zscore) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### PlayerInfo
public PlayerInfo()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
#### Game
public Game Game { get; set; }
#### ClientId
public int ClientId { get; set; }
#### Level
public string Level { get; set; }
#### Tag
public string Tag { get; set; }
#### LevelInt
public int LevelInt { get; set; }
#### IPAddress
public string IPAddress { get; set; }
#### NetworkId
public long NetworkId { get; set; }
#### Aliases
public List<(string Item1, DateTime Item2)> Aliases { get; set; }
#### IPs
public List<(string Item1, DateTime Item2)> IPs { get; set; }
#### HasActivePenalty
public bool HasActivePenalty { get; set; }
#### ActivePenaltyType
public string ActivePenaltyType { get; set; }
#### Authenticated
public bool Authenticated { get; set; }
#### Meta
public List<InformationResponse> Meta { get; set; }
#### ActivePenalty
public EFPenalty ActivePenalty { get; set; }
#### Online
public bool Online { get; set; }
#### TimeOnline
public string TimeOnline { get; set; }
#### LastConnection
public DateTime LastConnection { get; set; }
#### LastConnectionText
public string LastConnectionText { get; }
#### LinkedAccounts
public IDictionary<int, long> LinkedAccounts { get; set; }
#### MetaFilterType
public Nullable<MetaType> MetaFilterType { get; set; }
#### ZScore
public Nullable<double> ZScore { get; set; }
#### ConnectProtocolUrl
public string ConnectProtocolUrl { get; set; }
#### CurrentServerName
public string CurrentServerName { get; set; }
#### GeoLocationInfo
public IGeoLocationResult GeoLocationInfo { get; set; }
#### NoteMeta
public ClientNoteMetaResponse NoteMeta { get; set; }
#### Interactions
public List<IInteractionData> Interactions { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
# ServerInfo `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `List`<[`ChatInfo`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-ChatInfo)> | [`ChatHistory`](#chathistory) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`ClientCount`](#clientcount) | `get, set` |
| [`ClientHistoryInfo`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-ClientHistoryInfo) | [`ClientHistory`](#clienthistory) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ConnectProtocolUrl`](#connectprotocolurl) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Endpoint`](#endpoint) | `get` |
| `string` | [`ExternalIPAddress`](#externalipaddress) | `get, set` |
| `Game` | [`Game`](#game) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`GameType`](#gametype) | `get, set` |
| `long` | [`ID`](#id) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`IPAddress`](#ipaddress) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IsPasswordProtected`](#ispasswordprotected) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`double`> | [`LobbyZScore`](#lobbyzscore) | `get` |
| `string` | [`Map`](#map) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`MaxClients`](#maxclients) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`Online`](#online) | `get, set` |
| `List`<[`PlayerInfo`](./sharedlibrarycoredtos-PlayerInfo)> | [`Players`](#players) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`Port`](#port) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`PrivateClientSlots`](#privateclientslots) | `get, set` |
| `List`<[`Report`](./sharedlibrarycorehelpers-Report)> | [`Reports`](#reports) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### ServerInfo
public ServerInfo()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
#### Port
public int Port { get; set; }
#### Map
public string Map { get; set; }
#### GameType
public string GameType { get; set; }
#### ClientCount
public int ClientCount { get; set; }
#### MaxClients
public int MaxClients { get; set; }
#### PrivateClientSlots
public int PrivateClientSlots { get; set; }
#### ChatHistory
public List<ChatInfo> ChatHistory { get; set; }
#### Players
public List<PlayerInfo> Players { get; set; }
#### Reports
public List<Report> Reports { get; set; }
#### ClientHistory
public ClientHistoryInfo ClientHistory { get; set; }
#### ID
public long ID { get; set; }
#### Online
public bool Online { get; set; }
#### ConnectProtocolUrl
public string ConnectProtocolUrl { get; set; }
#### IPAddress
public string IPAddress { get; set; }
#### ExternalIPAddress
public string ExternalIPAddress { get; set; }
#### IsPasswordProtected
public bool IsPasswordProtected { get; set; }
#### Endpoint
public string Endpoint { get; }
#### LobbyZScore
public Nullable<double> LobbyZScore { get; }
#### Game
public Game Game { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# SharedInfo `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`Id`](#id) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`Sensitive`](#sensitive) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`Show`](#show) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### SharedInfo
public SharedInfo()
### Properties
#### Sensitive
public virtual bool Sensitive { get; set; }
#### Show
public bool Show { get; set; }
#### Id
public int Id { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# SortDirection `Public enum`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
## Details
### Fields
#### Ascending
#### Descending
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# WebfrontTranslationHelper `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `bool` | [`IsInterpolation`](#isinterpolation) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`MatchValue`](#matchvalue) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`TranslationValue`](#translationvalue) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### WebfrontTranslationHelper
public WebfrontTranslationHelper()
### Properties
#### IsInterpolation
public bool IsInterpolation { get; set; }
#### MatchValue
public string MatchValue { get; set; }
#### TranslationValue
public string TranslationValue { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# BaseClientMetaRequest `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Requests
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.PaginationRequest --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Requests.BaseClientMetaRequest
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`ClientId`](#clientid) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### BaseClientMetaRequest
public BaseClientMetaRequest()
### Properties
#### ClientId
public int ClientId { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# ReceivedPenaltyRequest `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Requests
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Requests.BaseClientMetaRequest --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Requests.ReceivedPenaltyRequest
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### ReceivedPenaltyRequest
public ReceivedPenaltyRequest()
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# AdministeredPenaltyResponse `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.ReceivedPenaltyResponse --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.AdministeredPenaltyResponse
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### AdministeredPenaltyResponse
public AdministeredPenaltyResponse()
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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# BaseMetaResponse `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
class SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IClientMeta interfaceStyle;
class SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IClientMetaResponse interfaceStyle;
SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IClientMeta --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.BaseMetaResponse
SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.IClientMetaResponse --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.BaseMetaResponse
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`ClientId`](#clientid) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`int`> | [`Column`](#column) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IsSensitive`](#issensitive) | `get, set` |
| `long` | [`MetaId`](#metaid) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`int`> | [`Order`](#order) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`ShouldDisplay`](#shoulddisplay) | `get, set` |
| [`MetaType`](./sharedlibrarycoreinterfaces-MetaType) | [`Type`](#type) | `get, set` |
| `DateTime` | [`When`](#when) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
- [
### Constructors
#### BaseMetaResponse
public BaseMetaResponse()
### Properties
#### Type
public MetaType Type { get; set; }
#### When
public DateTime When { get; set; }
#### IsSensitive
public bool IsSensitive { get; set; }
#### ShouldDisplay
public bool ShouldDisplay { get; set; }
#### Column
public virtual Nullable<int> Column { get; set; }
#### Order
public virtual Nullable<int> Order { get; set; }
#### MetaId
public long MetaId { get; set; }
#### ClientId
public int ClientId { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# ClientNoteMetaResponse `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `DateTime` | [`ModifiedDate`](#modifieddate) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Note`](#note) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`OriginEntityId`](#originentityid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`OriginEntityName`](#originentityname) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Constructors
#### ClientNoteMetaResponse
public ClientNoteMetaResponse()
### Properties
#### Note
public string Note { get; set; }
#### OriginEntityId
public int OriginEntityId { get; set; }
#### OriginEntityName
public string OriginEntityName { get; set; }
#### ModifiedDate
public DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# ConnectionHistoryResponse `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.BaseMetaResponse --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.ConnectionHistoryResponse
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `ConnectionType` | [`ConnectionType`](#connectiontype) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ServerName`](#servername) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### ConnectionHistoryResponse
public ConnectionHistoryResponse()
### Properties
#### ServerName
public string ServerName { get; set; }
#### ConnectionType
public ConnectionType ConnectionType { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# InformationResponse `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.BaseMetaResponse --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.InformationResponse
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`Key`](#key) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ToolTipText`](#tooltiptext) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Value`](#value) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### InformationResponse
public InformationResponse()
### Properties
#### Key
public string Key { get; set; }
#### Value
public string Value { get; set; }
#### ToolTipText
public string ToolTipText { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# MessageResponse `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.BaseMetaResponse --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.MessageResponse
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`ClientName`](#clientname)<br>name of the client | `get, set` |
| `Game` | [`GameName`](#gamename)<br>specifies the game the chat occured on | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`HiddenMessage`](#hiddenmessage) | `get` |
| `bool` | [`IsHidden`](#ishidden) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`IsQuickMessage`](#isquickmessage)<br>indicates if the chat message is a quick message phrase | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Message`](#message) | `get, set` |
| `bool` | [`SentIngame`](#sentingame)<br>indicates if the message was sent ingame | `get, set` |
| `long` | [`ServerId`](#serverid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ServerName`](#servername)<br>hostname of the server | `get, set` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### MessageResponse
public MessageResponse()
### Properties
#### ServerId
public long ServerId { get; set; }
#### Message
public string Message { get; set; }
#### IsHidden
public bool IsHidden { get; set; }
#### ClientName
public string ClientName { get; set; }
##### Summary
name of the client
#### ServerName
public string ServerName { get; set; }
##### Summary
hostname of the server
#### GameName
public Game GameName { get; set; }
##### Summary
specifies the game the chat occured on
#### IsQuickMessage
public bool IsQuickMessage { get; set; }
##### Summary
indicates if the chat message is a quick message phrase
#### SentIngame
public bool SentIngame { get; set; }
##### Summary
indicates if the message was sent ingame
#### HiddenMessage
public string HiddenMessage { get; }
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# PermissionLevelChangedResponse `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.BaseMetaResponse --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.PermissionLevelChangedResponse
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `int` | [`ChangedById`](#changedbyid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ChangedByName`](#changedbyname) | `get, set` |
| `Permission` | [`CurrentPermissionLevel`](#currentpermissionlevel) | `get` |
| `string` | [`CurrentPermissionLevelValue`](#currentpermissionlevelvalue) | `get, set` |
| `Permission` | [`PreviousPermissionLevel`](#previouspermissionlevel) | `get` |
| `string` | [`PreviousPermissionLevelValue`](#previouspermissionlevelvalue) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### PermissionLevelChangedResponse
public PermissionLevelChangedResponse()
### Properties
#### PreviousPermissionLevel
public Permission PreviousPermissionLevel { get; }
#### PreviousPermissionLevelValue
public string PreviousPermissionLevelValue { get; set; }
#### CurrentPermissionLevel
public Permission CurrentPermissionLevel { get; }
#### CurrentPermissionLevelValue
public string CurrentPermissionLevelValue { get; set; }
#### ChangedById
public int ChangedById { get; set; }
#### ChangedByName
public string ChangedByName { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# ReceivedPenaltyResponse `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.BaseMetaResponse --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.ReceivedPenaltyResponse
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`AutomatedOffense`](#automatedoffense) | `get, set` |
| `Nullable`<`DateTime`> | [`ExpirationDate`](#expirationdate) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`ExpiresInText`](#expiresintext) | `get` |
| `bool` | [`IsLinked`](#islinked) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`LengthText`](#lengthtext) | `get` |
| `int` | [`LinkedClientId`](#linkedclientid) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`OffenderClientId`](#offenderclientid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`OffenderName`](#offendername) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Offense`](#offense) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`PenaltyId`](#penaltyid) | `get, set` |
| `PenaltyType` | [`PenaltyType`](#penaltytype) | `get, set` |
| `int` | [`PunisherClientId`](#punisherclientid) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`PunisherName`](#punishername) | `get, set` |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### ReceivedPenaltyResponse
public ReceivedPenaltyResponse()
### Properties
#### PenaltyId
public int PenaltyId { get; set; }
#### OffenderClientId
public int OffenderClientId { get; set; }
#### OffenderName
public string OffenderName { get; set; }
#### PunisherName
public string PunisherName { get; set; }
#### PunisherClientId
public int PunisherClientId { get; set; }
#### PenaltyType
public PenaltyType PenaltyType { get; set; }
#### Offense
public string Offense { get; set; }
#### AutomatedOffense
public string AutomatedOffense { get; set; }
#### ExpirationDate
public Nullable<DateTime> ExpirationDate { get; set; }
#### ExpiresInText
public string ExpiresInText { get; }
#### LengthText
public string LengthText { get; }
#### IsLinked
public bool IsLinked { get; set; }
#### LinkedClientId
public int LinkedClientId { get; set; }
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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# UpdatedAliasResponse `Public class`
## Diagram
flowchart LR
classDef interfaceStyle stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef abstractStyle stroke-width:4px
subgraph SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses
SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.BaseMetaResponse --> SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses.UpdatedAliasResponse
## Members
### Properties
#### Public properties
| Type | Name | Methods |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `string` | [`IPAddress`](#ipaddress) | `get, set` |
| `string` | [`Name`](#name) | `get, set` |
### Methods
#### Public methods
| Returns | Name |
| --- | --- |
| `bool` | [`Equals`](#equals)(`object` obj) |
| `int` | [`GetHashCode`](#gethashcode)() |
## Details
### Inheritance
- [
### Constructors
#### UpdatedAliasResponse
public UpdatedAliasResponse()
### Methods
#### Equals
public override bool Equals(object obj)
##### Arguments
| Type | Name | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `object` | obj | |
#### GetHashCode
public override int GetHashCode()
### Properties
#### Name
public string Name { get; set; }
#### IPAddress
public string IPAddress { get; set; }
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