Updated Commands (markdown)
@ -1,43 +1,36 @@
| Name | Alias | Description | Requires Target | Syntax | Required Level |
|--------------| -----| --------------------------------------------------------| -----------------| -------------| ---------------|
|prune|pa|demote any trusted clients that have not connected recently (defaults to 30 days)|False|!pa \<optional inactive days\>|Owner|
| quit | q | quit IW4MAdmin | False | !q | Owner |
| restart | res | Restart IW4MAdmin | False | !res | Owner |
| rcon | rcon | send rcon command to server | False | !rcon \<commands\> | Owner |
| prune | pa | demote any trusted clients that have not connected recently (defaults to 30 days) | False | !pa \<optional inactive days\> | Owner |
| ban | b | permanently ban a client from the server | True | !b \<player\> \<reason\> | SeniorAdmin |
| unban | ub | unban client by client id | True | !ub \<client id\> \<reason\> | SeniorAdmin |
|find|f|find client in database|False|!f \<player\>|Administrator|
|killserver|kill|kill the game server|False|!kill |Administrator|
|map|m|change to specified map|False|!m \<map\>|Administrator|
| tempban | tb | temporarily ban a client for specified time (defaults to 1 hour) | True | !tb \<player\> \<duration(m,d,w,y)\> \<reason\> | Administrator |
| maprotate | mr | cycle to the next map in rotation | False | !mr | Administrator |
|plugins|p|view all loaded plugins|False|!p |Administrator|
|tempban|tb|temporarily ban a client for specified time (defaults to 1 hour)|True|!tb \<player\> \<duration (m\|h\|d\|w\|y)\> \<reason\>|Administrator|
|alias|known|get past aliases and ips of a client|True|!known \<player\>|Moderator|
|baninfo|bi|get information about a ban for a client|True|!bi \<player\>|Moderator|
|fastrestart|fr|fast restart current map|False|!fr |Moderator|
|flag|fp|flag a suspicious client and announce to admins on join|True|!fp \<player\> \<reason\>|Moderator|
| map | m | change to specified map | False | !m \<map\> | Administrator |
| unlinkclient | uc | Unlink a client from a shared GUID link | True | !uc | Administrator |
| kick | k | kick a client by name | True | !k \<player\> \<reason\> | Moderator |
|list|l|list active clients|False|!l |Moderator|
|mask|hide|hide your presence as a privileged client|False|!hide |Moderator|
|reports|reps|get or clear recent reports|False|!reps \<optional clear\>|Moderator|
|say|s|broadcast message to all clients|False|!s \<message\>|Moderator|
| fastrestart | fr | fast restart current map | False | !fr | Moderator |
| setlevel | sl | set client to specified privilege level | True | !sl \<player\> \<level\> | Moderator |
|setpassword|sp|set your authentication password|False|!sp \<password\>|Moderator|
|unflag|uf|Remove flag for client|True|!uf \<player\>|Moderator|
|uptime|up|get current application running time|False|!up |Moderator|
| usage | us | get application memory usage | False | !us | Moderator |
| uptime | up | get current application running time | False | !up | Moderator |
| flag | fp | flag a suspicious client and announce to admins on join | True | !fp \<player\> \<reason\> | Moderator |
| unflag | uf | Remove flag for client | True | !uf \<player\> \<reason\> | Moderator |
| mask | hide | hide your presence as a privileged client | False | !hide | Moderator |
| baninfo | bi | get information about a ban for a client | True | !bi \<player\> | Moderator |
| setpassword | sp | set your authentication password | False | !sp \<password\> | Moderator |
| privatemessageadmin | pma | Send a private message to all online privileged users | False | !pma | Moderator |
| runas | ra | Run a command as another client (impersonate) | True | !ra \<commands\> | Moderator |
| warn | w | warn client for infringing rules | True | !w \<player\> \<reason\> | Trusted |
| warnclear | wc | remove all warnings for a client | True | !wc \<player\> | Trusted |
|admins|a|list currently connected privileged clients|False|!a |User|
|getexternalip|ip|view your external IP address|False|!ip |User|
|help|h|list all available commands|False|!h \<optional commands\>|User|
|nextmap|nm|view next map in rotation|False|!nm |User|
|owner|iamgod|claim ownership of the server|False|!iamgod |User|
|ping|pi|get client's latency|False|!pi \<optional player\>|User|
|privatemessage|pm|send message to other client|True|!pm \<player\> \<message\>|User|
|report|rep|report a client for suspicious behavior|True|!rep \<player\> \<reason\>|User|
| requesttoken | rt | generate a login token for the webfront | False | !rt | Trusted |
| rules | r | list server rules | False | !r | User |
| getexternalip | ip | view your external IP address | False | !ip | User |
| ping | pi | get client's latency | False | !pi \<optional player\> | User |
| setgravatar | sg | set gravatar for webfront profile | False | !sg \<gravatar email\> | User |
|whoami|who|give information about yourself|False|!who |User|
| nextmap | nm | view next map in rotation | False | !nm | User |
| Name | Alias | Description | Requires Target | Syntax | Required Level |
Reference in New Issue
Block a user