RaidMax 77bf0710df Added AfterPublish commands to copy files to the right directory on publish
fixed profile name not being centered if no aliases
removed old build event command lines
2018-03-24 23:32:54 -05:00

47 lines
1.5 KiB

using SharedLibrary;
using SharedLibrary.Objects;
using SharedLibrary.Services;
using StatsPlugin.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace StatsPlugin.Commands
class TopStats : Command
public TopStats() : base("topstats", "view the top 5 players on this server", "ts", Player.Permission.User, false) { }
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(Event E)
var statsSvc = new GenericRepository<EFClientStatistics>();
int serverId = E.Owner.GetHashCode();
var iqStats = statsSvc.GetQuery(cs => cs.ServerId == serverId);
var topStats = iqStats.Where(cs => cs.Skill > 100)
.Where(cs => cs.TimePlayed >= 3600)
.Where(cs => cs.Client.Level != Player.Permission.Banned)
.OrderByDescending(cs => cs.Skill)
if (!E.Message.IsBroadcastCommand())
await E.Origin.Tell("^5--Top Players--");
foreach (var stat in topStats)
await E.Origin.Tell($"^3{stat.Client.Name}^7 - ^5{stat.KDR} ^7KDR | ^5{stat.Skill} ^7SKILL");
await E.Owner.Broadcast("^5--Top Players--");
foreach (var stat in topStats)
await E.Owner.Broadcast($"^3{stat.Client.Name}^7 - ^5{stat.KDR} ^7KDR | ^5{stat.Skill} ^7SKILL");