RaidMax dea5b3f954 fix reading PT6 having signed decimal GUID in log
fix  alternative encoding character converting
allow more paths for game log server
add localization for unknown ips in welcome plugin
add gamelog server uri to support game log server on games that must supply manual log path
misc fixes
2019-02-09 15:35:13 -06:00

980 lines
36 KiB

using IW4MAdmin.Application.EventParsers;
using IW4MAdmin.Application.IO;
using IW4MAdmin.Application.RconParsers;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models;
using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos;
using SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using SharedLibraryCore.Localization;
using SharedLibraryCore.Objects;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace IW4MAdmin
public class IW4MServer : Server
private static readonly Index loc = Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex;
private GameLogEventDetection LogEvent;
private DateTime SessionStart;
public int Id { get; private set; }
public IW4MServer(IManager mgr, ServerConfiguration cfg) : base(mgr, cfg)
override public async Task OnClientConnected(EFClient clientFromLog)
Logger.WriteDebug($"Client slot #{clientFromLog.ClientNumber} now reserved");
Clients[clientFromLog.ClientNumber] = new EFClient();
EFClient client = await Manager.GetClientService().GetUnique(clientFromLog.NetworkId);
// first time client is connecting to server
if (client == null)
Logger.WriteDebug($"Client {clientFromLog} first time connecting");
client = await Manager.GetClientService().Create(clientFromLog);
// client has connected in the past
// this is only a temporary version until the IPAddress is transmitted
client.CurrentAlias = new EFAlias
Name = clientFromLog.Name,
IPAddress = clientFromLog.IPAddress
Logger.WriteInfo($"Client {client} connected...");
// Do the player specific stuff
client.ClientNumber = clientFromLog.ClientNumber;
client.IsBot = clientFromLog.IsBot;
client.Score = clientFromLog.Score;
client.Ping = clientFromLog.Ping;
client.CurrentServer = this;
Clients[client.ClientNumber] = client;
client.State = EFClient.ClientState.Connected;
#if DEBUG == true
Logger.WriteDebug($"End PreConnect for {client}");
var e = new GameEvent()
Origin = client,
Owner = this,
Type = GameEvent.EventType.Connect
if (client.IPAddress != null)
await client.OnJoin(client.IPAddress);
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.WriteError($"{loc["SERVER_ERROR_ADDPLAYER"]} {clientFromLog}");
override public async Task OnClientDisconnected(EFClient client)
Logger.WriteInfo($"Client {client} [{client.State.ToString().ToLower()}] disconnecting...");
await client.OnDisconnect();
Clients[client.ClientNumber] = null;
#if DEBUG == true
Logger.WriteDebug($"End PreDisconnect for {client}");
var e = new GameEvent()
Origin = client,
Owner = this,
Type = GameEvent.EventType.Disconnect
public override async Task ExecuteEvent(GameEvent E)
bool canExecuteCommand = true;
if (!await ProcessEvent(E))
Command C = null;
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Command)
C = await SharedLibraryCore.Commands.CommandProcessing.ValidateCommand(E);
catch (CommandException e)
if (C != null)
E.Extra = C;
foreach (var plugin in SharedLibraryCore.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActivePlugins)
await plugin.OnEventAsync(E, this);
catch (AuthorizationException e)
E.Origin.Tell($"{loc["COMMAND_NOTAUTHORIZED"]} - {e.Message}");
canExecuteCommand = false;
catch (Exception Except)
Logger.WriteError($"{loc["SERVER_PLUGIN_ERROR"]} [{plugin.Name}]");
// hack: this prevents commands from getting executing that 'shouldn't' be
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Command &&
E.Extra != null &&
(canExecuteCommand ||
E.Origin?.Level == EFClient.Permission.Console))
await (((Command)E.Extra).ExecuteAsync(E));
/// <summary>
/// Perform the server specific tasks when an event occurs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="E"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
override protected async Task<bool> ProcessEvent(GameEvent E)
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.ChangePermission)
if (!E.Target.IsPrivileged())
// remove banned or demoted privileged user
Manager.GetPrivilegedClients()[E.Target.ClientId] = E.Target;
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.PreConnect)
if (Clients[E.Origin.ClientNumber] == null)
#if DEBUG == true
Logger.WriteDebug($"Begin PreConnect for {E.Origin}");
await OnClientConnected(E.Origin);
ChatHistory.Add(new ChatInfo()
Name = E.Origin.Name,
Message = "CONNECTED",
Time = DateTime.UtcNow
if (E.Origin.Level > EFClient.Permission.Moderator)
E.Origin.Tell(string.Format(loc["SERVER_REPORT_COUNT"], E.Owner.Reports.Count));
return false;
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Flag)
// todo: maybe move this to a seperate function
Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Flag,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow,
Offender = E.Target,
Offense = E.Data,
Punisher = E.Origin,
When = DateTime.UtcNow,
Link = E.Target.AliasLink
var addedPenalty = await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(newPenalty);
await Manager.GetClientService().Update(E.Target);
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Unflag)
await Manager.GetClientService().Update(E.Target);
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Report)
this.Reports.Add(new Report()
Origin = E.Origin,
Target = E.Target,
Reason = E.Data
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.TempBan)
await TempBan(E.Data, (TimeSpan)E.Extra, E.Target, E.Origin); ;
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Ban)
bool isEvade = E.Extra != null ? (bool)E.Extra : false;
await Ban(E.Data, E.Target, E.Origin, isEvade);
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Unban)
await Unban(E.Data, E.Target, E.Origin);
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Kick)
await Kick(E.Data, E.Target, E.Origin);
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Warn)
await Warn(E.Data, E.Target, E.Origin);
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Quit)
var origin = GetClientsAsList().FirstOrDefault(_client => _client.NetworkId.Equals(E.Origin));
if (origin != null)
var e = new GameEvent()
Type = GameEvent.EventType.Disconnect,
Origin = origin,
Owner = this
return false;
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.PreDisconnect)
if ((DateTime.UtcNow - SessionStart).TotalSeconds < 30)
Logger.WriteInfo($"Cancelling pre disconnect for {E.Origin} as it occured too close to map end");
E.FailReason = GameEvent.EventFailReason.Invalid;
return false;
// predisconnect comes from minimal rcon polled players and minimal log players
// so we need to disconnect the "full" version of the client
var client = GetClientsAsList().FirstOrDefault(_client => _client.Equals(E.Origin));
if (client != null)
#if DEBUG == true
Logger.WriteDebug($"Begin PreDisconnect for {client}");
ChatHistory.Add(new ChatInfo()
Name = client.Name,
Time = DateTime.UtcNow
await OnClientDisconnected(client);
return false;
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Update)
#if DEBUG == true
Logger.WriteDebug($"Begin Update for {E.Origin}");
await OnClientUpdate(E.Origin);
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Say)
E.Data = E.Data.StripColors();
if (E.Data.Length > 0)
// this may be a fix for a hard to reproduce null exception error
lock (ChatHistory)
ChatHistory.Add(new ChatInfo()
Name = E.Origin.Name,
Message = E.Data ?? "NULL",
Time = DateTime.UtcNow
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.MapChange)
Logger.WriteInfo($"New map loaded - {ClientNum} active players");
// iw4 doesn't log the game info
if (E.Extra == null)
var dict = await this.GetInfoAsync();
if (dict == null)
Logger.WriteWarning("Map change event response doesn't have any data");
Gametype = dict["gametype"].StripColors();
Hostname = dict["hostname"]?.StripColors();
string mapname = dict["mapname"]?.StripColors() ?? CurrentMap.Name;
CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname) ?? new Map() { Alias = mapname, Name = mapname };
var dict = (Dictionary<string, string>)E.Extra;
Gametype = dict["g_gametype"].StripColors();
Hostname = dict["sv_hostname"].StripColors();
MaxClients = Int32.Parse(dict["sv_maxclients"]);
string mapname = dict["mapname"].StripColors();
CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname) ?? new Map()
Alias = mapname,
Name = mapname
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.MapEnd)
Logger.WriteInfo("Game ending...");
SessionStart = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Tell)
await Tell(E.Message, E.Target);
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Broadcast)
#if DEBUG == false
// this is a little ugly but I don't want to change the abstract class
if (E.Data != null)
await E.Owner.ExecuteCommandAsync(E.Data);
lock (ChatHistory)
while (ChatHistory.Count > Math.Ceiling(ClientNum / 2.0))
// the last client hasn't fully disconnected yet
// so there will still be at least 1 client left
if (ClientNum < 2)
return true;
private Task OnClientUpdate(EFClient origin)
var client = Clients[origin.ClientNumber];
if (client != null)
client.Ping = origin.Ping;
client.Score = origin.Score;
// update their IP if it hasn't been set yet
if (client.IPAddress == null && !client.IsBot)
return client.OnJoin(origin.IPAddress);
return Task.CompletedTask;
/// <summary>
/// lists the connecting and disconnecting clients via RCon response
/// array index 0 = connecting clients
/// array index 1 = disconnecting clients
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
async Task<IList<EFClient>[]> PollPlayersAsync()
var now = DateTime.Now;
var currentClients = GetClientsAsList();
var polledClients = (await this.GetStatusAsync()).AsEnumerable();
if (Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().IgnoreBots)
polledClients = polledClients.Where(c => !c.IsBot);
Logger.WriteInfo($"Polling players took {(DateTime.Now - now).TotalMilliseconds}ms");
Throttled = false;
var disconnectingClients = currentClients.Except(polledClients);
var connectingClients = polledClients.Except(currentClients);
var updatedClients = polledClients.Except(connectingClients).Except(disconnectingClients);
return new List<EFClient>[]
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
DateTime playerCountStart = DateTime.Now;
DateTime lastCount = DateTime.Now;
override public async Task<bool> ProcessUpdatesAsync(CancellationToken cts)
#region SHUTDOWN
if (Manager.ShutdownRequested())
foreach (var client in GetClientsAsList())
var e = new GameEvent()
Type = GameEvent.EventType.PreDisconnect,
Origin = client,
Owner = this,
await e.WaitAsync();
foreach (var plugin in SharedLibraryCore.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActivePlugins)
await plugin.OnUnloadAsync();
return true;
var polledClients = await PollPlayersAsync();
var waiterList = new List<GameEvent>();
foreach (var disconnectingClient in polledClients[1])
if (disconnectingClient.State == EFClient.ClientState.Disconnecting)
var e = new GameEvent()
Type = GameEvent.EventType.PreDisconnect,
Origin = disconnectingClient,
Owner = this
// wait until the disconnect event is complete
// because we don't want to try to fill up a slot that's not empty yet
// wait for all the disconnect tasks to finish
await Task.WhenAll(waiterList.Select(e => e.WaitAsync(10 * 1000)));
// this are our new connecting clients
foreach (var client in polledClients[0])
var e = new GameEvent()
Type = GameEvent.EventType.PreConnect,
Origin = client,
Owner = this
// wait for all the connect tasks to finish
await Task.WhenAll(waiterList.Select(e => e.WaitAsync(10 * 1000)));
// these are the clients that have updated
foreach (var client in polledClients[2])
var e = new GameEvent()
Type = GameEvent.EventType.Update,
Origin = client,
Owner = this
await Task.WhenAll(waiterList.Select(e => e.WaitAsync(10 * 1000)));
if (ConnectionErrors > 0)
Logger.WriteVerbose($"{loc["MANAGER_CONNECTION_REST"]} {IP}:{Port}");
Throttled = false;
ConnectionErrors = 0;
LastPoll = DateTime.Now;
catch (NetworkException e)
if (ConnectionErrors == 3)
Logger.WriteError($"{e.Message} {IP}:{Port}, {loc["SERVER_ERROR_POLLING"]}");
Logger.WriteDebug($"Internal Exception: {e.Data["internal_exception"]}");
Throttled = true;
return true;
LastMessage = DateTime.Now - start;
lastCount = DateTime.Now;
// update the player history
if ((lastCount - playerCountStart).TotalMinutes >= SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.PlayerHistory.UpdateInterval)
while (ClientHistory.Count > ((60 / SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.PlayerHistory.UpdateInterval) * 12)) // 12 times a hour for 12 hours
ClientHistory.Enqueue(new SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.PlayerHistory(ClientNum));
playerCountStart = DateTime.Now;
// send out broadcast messages
if (LastMessage.TotalSeconds > Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().AutoMessagePeriod
&& BroadcastMessages.Count > 0
&& ClientNum > 0)
string[] messages = this.ProcessMessageToken(Manager.GetMessageTokens(), BroadcastMessages[NextMessage]).Split(Environment.NewLine);
foreach (string message in messages)
NextMessage = NextMessage == (BroadcastMessages.Count - 1) ? 0 : NextMessage + 1;
start = DateTime.Now;
return true;
// this one is ok
catch (ServerException e)
if (e is NetworkException)
Logger.WriteError($"{loc["SERVER_ERROR_COMMUNICATION"]} {IP}:{Port}");
return false;
catch (Exception E)
Logger.WriteError($"{loc["SERVER_ERROR_EXCEPTION"]} {IP}:{Port}");
return false;
public async Task Initialize()
RconParser = Manager.AdditionalRConParsers
.FirstOrDefault(_parser => _parser.Version == ServerConfig.RConParserVersion);
EventParser = Manager.AdditionalEventParsers
.FirstOrDefault(_parser => _parser.Version == ServerConfig.EventParserVersion);
RconParser = RconParser ?? new BaseRConParser();
EventParser = EventParser ?? new BaseEventParser();
var version = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("version");
Version = version.Value;
GameName = Utilities.GetGame(version?.Value ?? RconParser.Version);
if (GameName == Game.UKN)
GameName = RconParser.GameName;
if (version?.Value?.Length != 0)
RconParser = Manager.AdditionalRConParsers.FirstOrDefault(_parser => _parser.Version == version.Value) ?? RconParser;
EventParser = Manager.AdditionalEventParsers.FirstOrDefault(_parser => _parser.Version == version.Value) ?? EventParser;
var infoResponse = RconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.RConGetInfo != null ? await this.GetInfoAsync() : null;
// this is normally slow, but I'm only doing it because different games have different prefixes
var hostname = infoResponse == null ?
(await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("sv_hostname")).Value :
infoResponse.Where(kvp => kvp.Key.Contains("hostname")).Select(kvp => kvp.Value).First();
var mapname = infoResponse == null ?
(await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("mapname")).Value :
int maxplayers = (GameName == Game.IW4) ? // gotta love IW4 idiosyncrasies
(await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("party_maxplayers")).Value :
infoResponse == null ?
(await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("sv_maxclients")).Value :
var gametype = infoResponse == null ?
(await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_gametype")).Value :
infoResponse.Where(kvp => kvp.Key.Contains("gametype")).Select(kvp => kvp.Value).First();
var basepath = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("fs_basepath");
var game = infoResponse == null || !infoResponse.ContainsKey("fs_game") ?
(await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("fs_game")).Value :
var logfile = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_log");
var logsync = await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("g_logsync");
var ip = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("net_ip");
WorkingDirectory = basepath.Value;
var website = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("_website");
Website = website.Value;
catch (DvarException)
this.Hostname = hostname.StripColors();
this.CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname) ?? new Map() { Alias = mapname, Name = mapname };
this.MaxClients = maxplayers;
this.FSGame = game;
this.Gametype = gametype;
this.IP = ip.Value == "localhost" ? ServerConfig.IPAddress : ip.Value ?? ServerConfig.IPAddress;
if ((logsync.Value == 0 || logfile.Value == string.Empty) && RconParser.CanGenerateLogPath)
// this DVAR isn't set until the a map is loaded
await this.SetDvarAsync("logfile", 2);
await this.SetDvarAsync("g_logsync", 2); // set to 2 for continous in other games, clamps to 1 for IW4
//await this.SetDvarAsync("g_log", "games_mp.log");
Logger.WriteWarning("Game log file not properly initialized, restarting map...");
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync("map_restart");
logfile = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_log");
CustomCallback = await ScriptLoaded();
// they've manually specified the log path
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerConfig.ManualLogPath))
LogPath = ServerConfig.ManualLogPath;
string mainPath = EventParser.Configuration.GameDirectory;
LogPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(game) ?
$"{basepath?.Value?.Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{mainPath}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{logfile?.Value}" :
$"{basepath?.Value?.Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{game?.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{logfile?.Value}";
// fix wine drive name mangling
if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
LogPath = Regex.Replace($"{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{LogPath}", @"[A-Z]:/", "");
if (!File.Exists(LogPath))
Logger.WriteError($"{LogPath} {loc["SERVER_ERROR_DNE"]}");
throw new ServerException($"{loc["SERVER_ERROR_LOG"]} {LogPath}");
LogEvent = new GameLogEventDetection(this, LogPath, ServerConfig.GameLogServerUrl);
Logger.WriteInfo($"Log file is {LogPath}");
_ = Task.Run(() => LogEvent.PollForChanges());
#if !DEBUG
protected override async Task Warn(String Reason, EFClient Target, EFClient Origin)
// ensure player gets warned if command not performed on them in game
if (Target.ClientNumber < 0)
var ingameClient = Manager.GetActiveClients()
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == Target.ClientId);
if (ingameClient != null)
await Warn(Reason, ingameClient, Origin);
if (Target.Warnings >= 4)
Target.Kick(loc["SERVER_WARNLIMT_REACHED"], Utilities.IW4MAdminClient(this));
string message = $"^1{loc["SERVER_WARNING"]} ^7[^3{Target.Warnings}^7]: ^3{Target.Name}^7, {Reason}";
Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Warning,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow,
Offender = Target,
Punisher = Origin,
Offense = Reason,
Link = Target.AliasLink
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(newPenalty);
protected override async Task Kick(String Reason, EFClient Target, EFClient Origin)
// ensure player gets kicked if command not performed on them in game
if (Target.ClientNumber < 0)
var ingameClient = Manager.GetActiveClients()
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == Target.ClientId);
if (ingameClient != null)
await Kick(Reason, ingameClient, Origin);
#if !DEBUG
string formattedKick = String.Format(RconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Kick, Target.ClientNumber, $"{loc["SERVER_KICK_TEXT"]} - ^5{Reason}^7");
await Target.CurrentServer.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedKick);
await Target.CurrentServer.OnClientDisconnected(Target);
var newPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Kick,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow,
Offender = Target,
Offense = Reason,
Punisher = Origin,
Link = Target.AliasLink
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(newPenalty);
protected override async Task TempBan(String Reason, TimeSpan length, EFClient Target, EFClient Origin)
// ensure player gets banned if command not performed on them in game
if (Target.ClientNumber < 0)
var ingameClient = Manager.GetActiveClients()
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == Target.ClientId);
if (ingameClient != null)
await TempBan(Reason, length, ingameClient, Origin);
#if !DEBUG
string formattedKick = String.Format(RconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Kick, Target.ClientNumber, $"^7{loc["SERVER_TB_TEXT"]}- ^5{Reason}");
await Target.CurrentServer.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedKick);
await Target.CurrentServer.OnClientDisconnected(Target);
Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.TempBan,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow + length,
Offender = Target,
Offense = Reason,
Punisher = Origin,
Link = Target.AliasLink
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(newPenalty);
override protected async Task Ban(string reason, EFClient targetClient, EFClient originClient, bool isEvade = false)
// ensure player gets banned if command not performed on them in game
if (targetClient.ClientNumber < 0)
EFClient ingameClient = null;
ingameClient = Manager.GetServers()
.Select(s => s.GetClientsAsList())
.FirstOrDefault(l => l.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == targetClient?.ClientId) != null)
?.First(c => c.ClientId == targetClient.ClientId);
if (ingameClient != null)
await Ban(reason, ingameClient, originClient, isEvade);
// this is set only because they're still in the server.
targetClient.Level = EFClient.Permission.Banned;
#if !DEBUG
string formattedString = String.Format(RconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Kick, targetClient.ClientNumber, $"{loc["SERVER_BAN_TEXT"]} - ^5{reason} ^7({loc["SERVER_BAN_APPEAL"]} {Website})^7");
await targetClient.CurrentServer.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedString);
await targetClient.CurrentServer.OnClientDisconnected(targetClient);
Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Ban,
Expires = null,
Offender = targetClient,
Offense = reason,
Punisher = originClient,
Link = targetClient.AliasLink,
AutomatedOffense = originClient.AdministeredPenalties?.FirstOrDefault()?.AutomatedOffense,
IsEvadedOffense = isEvade
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(newPenalty);
override public async Task Unban(string reason, EFClient Target, EFClient Origin)
var unbanPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Unban,
Expires = null,
Offender = Target,
Offense = reason,
Punisher = Origin,
When = DateTime.UtcNow,
Active = true,
Link = Target.AliasLink
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().RemoveActivePenalties(Target.AliasLink.AliasLinkId);
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(unbanPenalty);
override public void InitializeTokens()
Manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.MessageToken("TOTALPLAYERS", (Server s) => Manager.GetClientService().GetTotalClientsAsync().Result.ToString()));
Manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.MessageToken("VERSION", (Server s) => Application.Program.Version.ToString()));
Manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.MessageToken("NEXTMAP", (Server s) => SharedLibraryCore.Commands.CNextMap.GetNextMap(s).Result));
Manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.MessageToken("ADMINS", (Server s) => SharedLibraryCore.Commands.CListAdmins.OnlineAdmins(s)));