enable preview of tiered compiliation (faster startup) ban events are sent to the API properly now add vpn except id configuration begin work on javascript plugin support
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214 lines
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import requests
import time
import json
import collections
import os
# the following classes model the discord webhook api parameters
class WebhookAuthor():
def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, icon_url=None):
if name:
self.name = name
if url:
self.url = url
if icon_url:
self.icon_url = icon_url
class WebhookField():
def __init__(self, name=None, value=None, inline=False):
if name:
self.name = name
if value:
self.value = value
if inline:
self.inline = inline
class WebhookEmbed():
def __init__(self):
self.author = ''
self.title = ''
self.url = ''
self.description = ''
self.color = 0
self.fields = []
self.thumbnail = {}
class WebhookParams():
def __init__(self, username=None, avatar_url=None, content=None):
self.username = ''
self.avatar_url = ''
self.content = ''
self.embeds = []
# quick way to convert all the objects to a nice json object
def to_json(self):
return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, sort_keys=True)
# gets the relative link to a user's profile
def get_client_profile(profile_id):
return u'{}/Client/ProfileAsync/{}'.format(base_url, profile_id)
def get_client_profile_markdown(client_name, profile_id):
return u'[{}]({})'.format(client_name, get_client_profile(profile_id))
#todo: exception handling for opening the file
if os.getenv("DEBUG"):
config_file_name = 'config.dev.json'
config_file_name = 'config.json'
with open(config_file_name) as json_config_file:
json_config = json.load(json_config_file)
# this should be an URL to an IP or FQN to an IW4MAdmin instance
# ie or http://IW4MAdmin.com
base_url = json_config['IW4MAdminUrl']
end_point = '/api/event'
request_url = base_url + end_point
# this should be the full discord webhook url
# ie https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/<id>/<token>
discord_webhook_notification_url = json_config['DiscordWebhookNotificationUrl']
discord_webhook_information_url = json_config['DiscordWebhookInformationUrl']
# this should be the numerical id of the discord group
# 12345678912345678
notify_role_ids = json_config['NotifyRoleIds']
def get_new_events():
events = []
response = requests.get(request_url)
data = response.json()
should_notify = False
for event in data:
# commonly used event info items
event_type = event['eventType']['name']
server_name = event['ownerEntity']['name']
if event['originEntity']:
origin_client_name = event['originEntity']['name']
origin_client_id = int(event['originEntity']['id'])
if event['targetEntity']:
target_client_name = event['targetEntity']['name'] or ''
target_client_id = int(event['targetEntity']['id']) or 0
webhook_item = WebhookParams()
webhook_item_embed = WebhookEmbed()
#todo: the following don't need to be generated every time, as it says the same
webhook_item.username = 'IW4MAdmin'
webhook_item.avatar_url = 'https://raidmax.org/IW4MAdmin/img/iw4adminicon-3.png'
webhook_item_embed.color = 31436
webhook_item_embed.url = base_url
webhook_item_embed.thumbnail = { 'url' : 'https://raidmax.org/IW4MAdmin/img/iw4adminicon-3.png' }
# the server should be visible on all event types
server_field = WebhookField('Server', server_name)
role_ids_string = ''
for id in notify_role_ids:
role_ids_string += '\r\n<@&{}>\r\n'.format(id)
if event_type == 'Report':
report_reason = event['extraInfo']
report_reason_field = WebhookField('Reason', report_reason)
reported_by_field = WebhookField('By', get_client_profile_markdown(origin_client_name, origin_client_id))
reported_field = WebhookField('Reported Player',get_client_profile_markdown(target_client_name, target_client_id))
# add each fields to the embed
webhook_item_embed.title = 'Player Reported'
should_notify = True
elif event_type == 'Ban':
ban_reason = event['extraInfo']
ban_reason_field = WebhookField('Reason', ban_reason)
banned_by_field = WebhookField('By', get_client_profile_markdown(origin_client_name, origin_client_id))
banned_field = WebhookField('Banned Player', get_client_profile_markdown(target_client_name, target_client_id))
# add each fields to the embed
webhook_item_embed.title = 'Player Banned'
should_notify = True
elif event_type == 'Connect':
connected_field = WebhookField('Connected Player', get_client_profile_markdown(origin_client_name, origin_client_id))
webhook_item_embed.title = 'Player Connected'
elif event_type == 'Disconnect':
disconnected_field = WebhookField('Disconnected Player', get_client_profile_markdown(origin_client_name, origin_client_id))
webhook_item_embed.title = 'Player Disconnected'
elif event_type == 'Say':
say_client_field = WebhookField('Player', get_client_profile_markdown(origin_client_name, origin_client_id))
message_field = WebhookField('Message', event['extraInfo'])
webhook_item_embed.title = 'Message From Player'
#if event_type == 'ScriptKill' or event_type == 'Kill':
# kill_str = '{} killed {}'.format(get_client_profile_markdown(origin_client_name, origin_client_id),
# get_client_profile_markdown(target_client_name, target_client_id))
# killed_field = WebhookField('Kill Information', kill_str)
# webhook_item_embed.title = 'Player Killed'
# webhook_item_embed.fields.append(killed_field)
#todo: handle other events
#make sure there's at least one group to notify
if len(notify_role_ids) > 0:
# unfortunately only the content can be used to to notify members in groups
#embed content shows the role but doesn't notify
webhook_item.content = role_ids_string
events.append({'item' : webhook_item, 'notify' : should_notify})
return events
# sends the data to the webhook location
def execute_webhook(data):
for event in data:
event_json = event['item'].to_json()
url = None
if event['notify']:
url = discord_webhook_notification_url
if len(discord_webhook_information_url) > 0:
url = discord_webhook_information_url
if url :
response = requests.post(url,
headers={'Content-type' : 'application/json'})
# grabs new events and executes the webhook fo each valid event
def run():
failed_count = 1
print('starting polling for events')
while True:
new_events = get_new_events()
except Exception as e:
print('failed to get new events ({})'.format(failed_count))
failed_count += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
run() |