Amos cf3209e1d0 Added !unmute, !tempmute, !listmutes
Quick fix for PowerShell IE use

Makes date readable for target player

Resolved translation string inconsistencies

Minor code cleanups

Initial commit from review

Cleaned up code & amended a few checks

Comment typo

Fix infinite unmuting

Removed unnecessary checks (Unmuting an already unmuted player will not trigger MuteStateMeta creation (if already doesn't exist))
Resolved !listmutes showing expired mutes

Committing before refactor

Refactor from review

Removed reference to AdditionalProperty

Fix check for meta state when unmuting

Continued request solves main problem

Handle potential failed command execution

Missed CommandExecuted onJoin

Fix another PS Reference to Invoke-WebRequest

Fixes review issues & Cleaned up code
Adds support for Intercepting Commands via Plugin (Credit: @RaidMax)


Revert formatting changes

Removing MuteList for Penalty
Added Mute, TempMute & Unmute Penalty

Fixed reference in Mute.csproj & Removed ListMutesCommand.cs
2022-10-13 13:29:39 -05:00

119 lines
3.2 KiB

param (
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Do not prompt for any user input")]
[switch]$Silent = $False,
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Clean unneeded files listed in _delete.txt after update")]
[switch]$Clean = $False,
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Only update releases in the verified stream")]
[switch]$Verified = $False,
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Directory to install to")]
if (-Not($_ | Test-Path))
throw "File or folder does not exist"
} return $true
Write-Output "======================================="
Write-Output " IW4MAdmin Updater v1 "
Write-Output " by XERXES & RaidMax "
Write-Output "======================================="
$stopwatch = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
$repoName = "RaidMax/IW4M-Admin"
$assetPattern = "IW4MAdmin-20*.zip"
if ($Verified)
$releasesUri = "$repoName/releases/latest"
$releasesUri = "$repoName/releases"
Write-Output "Retrieving latest version info..."
$releaseInfo = (Invoke-WebRequest $releasesUri -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json) | Select -First 1
$asset = $releaseInfo.assets | Where-Object name -like $assetPattern | Select -First 1
$downloadUri = $asset.browser_download_url
$filename = Split-Path $downloadUri -leaf
Write-Output "The latest version is $( $releaseInfo.tag_name ) released $( $releaseInfo.published_at )"
if (!$Silent)
Write-Warning "All IW4MAdmin files will be updated. Your database and configuration will not be modified. Are you sure you want to continue?" -WarningAction Inquire
Write-Output "Downloading update. This might take a moment..."
$fileDownload = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadUri -UseBasicParsing
if ($fileDownload.StatusDescription -ne "OK")
throw "Could not update IW4MAdmin. ($fileDownload.StatusDescription)"
$remoteHash = $fileDownload.Headers['Content-MD5']
$decodedHash = [System.BitConverter]::ToString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($remoteHash)).replace('-', '')
$directoryPath = Get-Location
$fullPath = "$directoryPath\$filename"
$outputFile = [System.IO.File]::Open($fullPath, 2)
$stream = [System.IO.BinaryWriter]::new($outputFile)
if ($Directory)
$outputDir = $Directory
$outputDir = Get-Location
$localHash = (Get-FileHash -Path $fullPath -Algorithm MD5).Hash
if ($localHash -ne $decodedHash)
throw "Failed to update. File hashes don't match!"
Write-Output "Extracting $filename to $outputDir"
Expand-Archive -Path $fullPath -DestinationPath $outputDir -Force
if ($Clean)
Write-Output "Running post-update clean..."
$DeleteList = Get-Content -Path ./_delete.txt
ForEach ($file in $DeleteList)
Write-Output "Deleting $file"
Remove-Item -Path $file
Write-Output "Removing temporary files..."
Remove-Item -Force $fullPath
$executionTime = [math]::Round($stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, 0)
Write-Output "Update completed successfully in $executionTime seconds!"