RaidMax 718087309c migrating Stats to .Net Core 2
moved buildscripts to application
added publish profile
2018-04-08 16:50:58 -05:00

265 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Reflection;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos;
using SharedLibraryCore.Helpers;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using SharedLibraryCore.Services;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Config;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Helpers;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Models;
namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats
class Plugin : IPlugin
public string Name => "Simple Stats";
public float Version => Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Major + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Minor / 10.0f;
public string Author => "RaidMax";
public static StatManager Manager { get; private set; }
private IManager ServerManager;
public static BaseConfigurationHandler<StatsConfiguration> Config { get; private set; }
public async Task OnEventAsync(Event E, Server S)
switch (E.Type)
case Event.GType.Start:
case Event.GType.Stop:
case Event.GType.Connect:
await Manager.AddPlayer(E.Origin);
case Event.GType.Disconnect:
await Manager.RemovePlayer(E.Origin);
case Event.GType.Say:
if (E.Data != string.Empty && E.Data.Trim().Length > 0 && E.Message.Trim()[0] != '!' && E.Origin.ClientId > 1)
await Manager.AddMessageAsync(E.Origin.ClientId, E.Owner.GetHashCode(), E.Data);
case Event.GType.MapChange:
await Manager.Sync(S);
case Event.GType.MapEnd:
case Event.GType.Broadcast:
case Event.GType.Tell:
case Event.GType.Kick:
case Event.GType.Ban:
case Event.GType.Remote:
case Event.GType.Unknown:
case Event.GType.Report:
case Event.GType.Flag:
case Event.GType.Script:
case Event.GType.Kill:
string[] killInfo = (E.Data != null) ? E.Data.Split(';') : new string[0];
if (killInfo.Length >= 9 && killInfo[0].Contains("ScriptKill") && E.Owner.CustomCallback)
await Manager.AddScriptKill(E.Origin, E.Target, S.GetHashCode(), S.CurrentMap.Name, killInfo[7], killInfo[8],
killInfo[5], killInfo[6], killInfo[3], killInfo[4], killInfo[9], killInfo[10], killInfo[11], killInfo[12]);
else if (!E.Owner.CustomCallback)
await Manager.AddStandardKill(E.Origin, E.Target);
case Event.GType.Death:
public async Task OnLoadAsync(IManager manager)
// load custom configuration
Config = new BaseConfigurationHandler<StatsConfiguration>("StatsPluginSettings");
if (Config.Configuration() == null)
Config.Set((StatsConfiguration)new StatsConfiguration().Generate());
await Config.Save();
// meta data info
async Task<List<ProfileMeta>> getStats(int clientId)
var statsSvc = new GenericRepository<EFClientStatistics>();
var clientStats = await statsSvc.FindAsync(c => c.ClientId == clientId);
int kills = clientStats.Sum(c => c.Kills);
int deaths = clientStats.Sum(c => c.Deaths);
double kdr = Math.Round(kills / (double)deaths, 2);
double skill = Math.Round(clientStats.Sum(c => c.Skill) / clientStats.Count, 2);
double spm = Math.Round(clientStats.Sum(c => c.SPM), 1);
return new List<ProfileMeta>()
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Kills",
Value = kills
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Deaths",
Value = deaths
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "KDR",
Value = kdr
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Skill",
Value = skill
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Score Per Minute",
Value = spm
async Task<List<ProfileMeta>> getAnticheatInfo(int clientId)
var statsSvc = new GenericRepository<EFClientStatistics>();
var clientStats = await statsSvc.FindAsync(c => c.ClientId == clientId);
double headRatio = 0;
double chestRatio = 0;
double abdomenRatio = 0;
double chestAbdomenRatio = 0;
double hitOffsetAverage = 0;
if (clientStats.Where(cs => cs.HitLocations.Count > 0).FirstOrDefault() != null)
chestRatio = Math.Round(clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(c =>
c.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_upper).HitCount) /
(double)clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0)
.Sum(c => c.HitLocations.Where(hl => hl.Location != IW4Info.HitLocation.none).Sum(f => f.HitCount)), 2);
abdomenRatio = Math.Round(clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(c =>
c.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_lower).HitCount) /
(double)clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(c => c.HitLocations.Where(hl => hl.Location != IW4Info.HitLocation.none).Sum(f => f.HitCount)), 2);
chestAbdomenRatio = Math.Round(clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(cs => cs.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_upper).HitCount) /
(double)clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(cs => cs.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_lower).HitCount), 2);
headRatio = Math.Round(clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0).Sum(cs => cs.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == IW4Info.HitLocation.head).HitCount) /
(double)clientStats.Where(c => c.HitLocations.Count > 0)
.Sum(c => c.HitLocations.Where(hl => hl.Location != IW4Info.HitLocation.none).Sum(f => f.HitCount)), 2);
hitOffsetAverage = clientStats.Sum(c => c.AverageHitOffset) / Math.Max(1, clientStats.Where(c => c.AverageHitOffset > 0).Count());
return new List<ProfileMeta>()
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Chest Ratio",
Value = chestRatio,
Sensitive = true
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Abdomen Ratio",
Value = abdomenRatio,
Sensitive = true
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Chest To Abdomen Ratio",
Value = chestAbdomenRatio,
Sensitive = true
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Headshot Ratio",
Value = headRatio,
Sensitive = true
new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Hit Offset Average",
Value = $"{Math.Round(((float)hitOffsetAverage).ToDegrees(), 4)}°",
Sensitive = true
async Task<List<ProfileMeta>> getMessages(int clientId)
var messageSvc = new GenericRepository<EFClientMessage>();
var messages = await messageSvc.FindAsync(m => m.ClientId == clientId);
var messageMeta = messages.Select(m => new ProfileMeta()
Key = "EventMessage",
Value = m.Message,
When = m.TimeSent
messageMeta.Add(new ProfileMeta()
Key = "Messages",
Value = messages.Count
return messageMeta;
if (Config.Configuration().EnableAntiCheat)
string totalKills()
var serverStats = new GenericRepository<EFServerStatistics>();
return serverStats.Find(s => s.Active)
.Sum(c => c.TotalKills).ToString("#,##0");
string totalPlayTime()
var serverStats = new GenericRepository<EFServerStatistics>();
return Math.Ceiling((serverStats.GetQuery(s => s.Active)
.Sum(c => c.TotalPlayTime) / 3600.0)).ToString("#,##0");
manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new MessageToken("TOTALKILLS", totalKills));
manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new MessageToken("TOTALPLAYTIME", totalPlayTime));
ServerManager = manager;
Manager = new StatManager(manager);
public Task OnTickAsync(Server S) => Utilities.CompletedTask;
public async Task OnUnloadAsync()
foreach (var sv in ServerManager.GetServers())
await Manager.Sync(sv);