-webfront now displays player info and link to repz account -webfront shows ips for authed admin ( determined by ip ) -webfront now show chat and allows authed players to send ingame messages -fixed time span issue in webfront -fixed most recent ban always missing -fixed crash when RCON stops responding and removing a player -version on footer
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295 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace IW4MAdmin
class Stats
public Stats(int n, int K, int D, double kdr, double skill, double mean, double dev)
statIndex = n;
Kills = K;
Deaths = D;
KDR = Math.Round(kdr,2);
Rating = new Moserware.Skills.Rating(mean, dev);
Skill = Math.Round(Rating.ConservativeRating, 3)*10;
public void updateKDR()
int tempDeaths = Deaths; // cuz we don't want undefined!
if (Deaths == 0)
tempDeaths = 1;
KDR = Math.Round((double)((double)Kills / (double)tempDeaths), 2);
public int Kills;
public int Deaths;
public double KDR;
public double Skill;
public int statIndex;
public Moserware.Skills.Rating Rating;
class Aliases
public Aliases(int Num, String N, String I)
Number = Num;
Names = N;
IPS = I;
public List<String> getNames()
return new List<String>(Names.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
public List<String> getIPS()
return new List<String>(IPS.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
public String getIPSDB()
return IPS;
public String getNamesDB()
return Names;
public int getNumber()
return Number;
public void addName(String Name)
if (Name.Trim() != String.Empty && Name != null)
Names += ';' + Name;
public void addIP(String IP)
if (IP.Trim() != String.Empty && IP != null)
IPS += ';' + IP;
private String Names;
private String IPS;
private int Number;
class Player
public enum Permission
Banned = -1,
User = 0,
Flagged = 1,
Moderator = 2,
Administrator = 3,
SeniorAdmin = 4,
Owner = 5,
Creator = 6,
public Player(string n, string id, int num, int l)
Name = n;
npID = id;
Number = num;
Level = (Player.Permission)l;
LastOffense = String.Empty;
Connections = 0;
IP = "";
Warnings = 0;
Alias = new Aliases(0, "", "");
stats = new Stats(0, 0, 0, 0, Moserware.Skills.GameInfo.DefaultGameInfo.DefaultRating.ConservativeRating, Moserware.Skills.GameInfo.DefaultGameInfo.DefaultRating.Mean, Moserware.Skills.GameInfo.DefaultGameInfo.DefaultRating.StandardDeviation);
LastConnection = DateTime.Now;
public Player(string n, string id, int num, String I)
Name = n;
npID = id;
Number = num;
IP = I;
LastConnection = DateTime.Now;
public Player(string n, string id, Player.Permission P, String I)
Name = n;
npID = id;
Level = P;
IP = I;
public Player(string n, string id, int num, Player.Permission l, int cind, String lo, int con, String IP2)
Name = n;
npID = id;
Number = num;
Level = l;
dbID = cind;
if (lo == null)
LastOffense = String.Empty;
LastOffense = lo;
Connections = con;
IP = IP2;
Warnings = 0;
Masked = false;
LastConnection = DateTime.Now;
public Player(string n, string id, int num, Player.Permission l, int cind, String lo, int con, String IP2, DateTime LC)
Name = n;
npID = id;
Number = num;
Level = l;
dbID = cind;
if (lo == null)
LastOffense = String.Empty;
LastOffense = lo;
Connections = con;
IP = IP2;
Warnings = 0;
Masked = false;
LastConnection = LC;
public String getName()
return Name;
public String getID()
return npID;
public int getDBID()
return dbID;
public int getClientNum()
return Number;
public Player.Permission getLevel()
return Level;
public int getConnections()
return Connections;
public String getLastO()
return LastOffense;
public String getIP()
return IP;
public String getLastConnection()
return Utilities.timePassed(LastConnection);
public void updateName(String n)
if (n.Trim() != String.Empty)
Name = n;
public void updateIP(String I)
IP = I;
public void setLevel(Player.Permission Perm)
Level = Perm;
public void Tell(String Message)
lastEvent.Owner.Tell(Message, this);
public void Warn(String Message)
public void Kick(String Message)
lastEvent.Owner.Kick(Message, this);
public void tempBan(String Message)
lastEvent.Owner.tempBan(Message, this);
public void Ban(String Message, Player Sender)
lastEvent.Owner.Ban(Message, this, Sender);
public void Alert()
//should be moved to utils
public Player findPlayer(String Nme)
foreach (Player P in lastEvent.Owner.getPlayers())
if (P == null)
if (P.getName().ToLower().Contains(Name.ToLower()))
return P;
return null;
private string Name;
private string npID;
private int Number;
private Player.Permission Level;
private int dbID;
public int Connections;
private String IP;
private DateTime LastConnection;
public Event lastEvent;
public String LastOffense;
public int Warnings;
public Stats stats;
public Aliases Alias;
public bool Masked;