fixed unrepresentable datetime when minute rounded to 60 (forgot to copy changes to release code) fixed the player graph render time (apparently canvasjs doesn't like big numbers hopefully fixed duplicate 'stats' pages from appearing.
770 lines
31 KiB
770 lines
31 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SharedLibrary;
using SharedLibrary.Network;
using SharedLibrary.Interfaces;
namespace IW4MAdmin
public class IW4MServer : Server
public IW4MServer(IManager mgr, ServerConfiguration cfg) : base(mgr, cfg) { }
override public async Task<bool> AddPlayer(Player P)
if (P.ClientID < 0 || P.ClientID > (Players.Count - 1) || P.Ping < 1 || P.Ping == 999) // invalid index
return false;
if (Players[P.ClientID] != null && Players[P.ClientID].NetworkID == P.NetworkID) // if someone has left and a new person has taken their spot between polls
// update their ping
Players[P.ClientID].Ping = P.Ping;
return true;
Logger.WriteDebug($"Client slot #{P.ClientID} now reserved");
Player NewPlayer = Manager.GetClientDatabase().GetPlayer(P.NetworkID, P.ClientID);
if (NewPlayer == null) // first time connecting
Logger.WriteDebug($"Client slot #{P.ClientID} first time connecting");
NewPlayer = Manager.GetClientDatabase().GetPlayer(P.NetworkID, P.ClientID);
Manager.GetAliasesDatabase().AddPlayerAliases(new Aliases(NewPlayer.DatabaseID, NewPlayer.Name, NewPlayer.IP));
List<Player> Admins = Manager.GetClientDatabase().GetAdmins();
if (Admins.Find(x => x.Name == P.Name) != null)
if ((Admins.Find(x => x.Name == P.Name).NetworkID != P.NetworkID) && NewPlayer.Level < Player.Permission.Moderator)
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync("clientkick " + P.ClientID + " \"Please do not impersonate an admin^7\"");
// below this needs to be optimized ~ 425ms runtime
NewPlayer.Alias = Manager.GetAliasesDatabase().GetPlayerAliases(NewPlayer.DatabaseID);
if (NewPlayer.Alias == null)
Manager.GetAliasesDatabase().AddPlayerAliases(new Aliases(NewPlayer.DatabaseID, NewPlayer.Name, NewPlayer.IP));
NewPlayer.Alias = Manager.GetAliasesDatabase().GetPlayerAliases(NewPlayer.DatabaseID);
if (P.lastEvent == null || P.lastEvent.Owner == null)
NewPlayer.lastEvent = new Event(Event.GType.Say, null, NewPlayer, null, this); // this is messy but its throwing an error when they've started in too late
NewPlayer.lastEvent = P.lastEvent;
// lets check aliases
if ((NewPlayer.Alias.Names.Find(m => m.Equals(P.Name))) == null || NewPlayer.Name == null || NewPlayer.Name == String.Empty)
// and ips
if (NewPlayer.Alias.IPS.Find(i => i.Equals(P.IP)) == null || P.IP == null || P.IP == String.Empty)
await ExecuteEvent(new Event(Event.GType.Connect, "", NewPlayer, null, this));
if (NewPlayer.Level == Player.Permission.Banned) // their guid is already banned so no need to check aliases
Logger.WriteInfo($"Banned client {P.Name}::{P.NetworkID} trying to connect...");
await NewPlayer.Kick(NewPlayer.lastOffense != null ? "^7Previously banned for ^5 " + NewPlayer.lastOffense : "^7Previous Ban", NewPlayer);
return true;
var newPlayerAliases = Manager.GetAliasClients(NewPlayer);
foreach (Player aP in newPlayerAliases) // lets check their aliases
if (aP == null)
if (aP.Level == Player.Permission.Flagged)
Penalty B = IsBanned(aP);
if (B != null && B.BType == Penalty.Type.Ban)
Logger.WriteDebug($"Banned client {aP.Name}::{aP.NetworkID} is connecting with new alias {NewPlayer.Name}");
NewPlayer.lastOffense = String.Format("Evading ( {0} )", aP.Name);
await NewPlayer.Ban(B.Reason != null ? "^7Previously banned for ^5 " + B.Reason : "^7Previous Ban", NewPlayer);
Players[NewPlayer.ClientID] = null;
return true;
var activeTB = IsTempBanned(aP);
if (activeTB != null)
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync($"clientkick {NewPlayer.ClientID} \"You are temporarily banned. ({(activeTB.Expires - DateTime.Now).TimeSpanText()} left)\"");
Players[NewPlayer.ClientID] = NewPlayer;
Logger.WriteInfo($"Client {NewPlayer.Name}::{NewPlayer.NetworkID} connecting..."); // they're clean
if (NewPlayer.Level > Player.Permission.Moderator)
await NewPlayer.Tell("There are ^5" + Reports.Count + " ^7recent reports!");
return true;
catch (Exception E)
Manager.GetLogger().WriteError($"Unable to add player {P.Name}::{P.NetworkID}");
return false;
//Remove player by CLIENT NUMBER
override public async Task RemovePlayer(int cNum)
if (cNum >= 0)
Player Leaving = Players[cNum];
Logger.WriteInfo($"Client {Leaving.Name}::{Leaving.NetworkID} disconnecting...");
await ExecuteEvent(new Event(Event.GType.Disconnect, "", Leaving, null, this));
Players[cNum] = null;
//Another version of client from line, written for the line created by a kill or death event
override public Player ParseClientFromString(String[] L, int cIDPos)
if (L.Length < cIDPos)
Logger.WriteError("Line sent for client creation is not long enough!");
return null;
int pID = -2; // apparently falling = -1 cID so i can't use it now
int.TryParse(L[cIDPos].Trim(), out pID);
if (pID == -1) // special case similar to mod_suicide
int.TryParse(L[2], out pID);
if (pID < 0 || pID > 17)
Logger.WriteError("Event player index " + pID + " is out of bounds!");
Logger.WriteDebug("Offending line -- " + String.Join(";", L));
return null;
return Players[pID];
//Check ban list for every banned player and return ban if match is found
override public Penalty IsBanned(Player C)
return Manager.GetClientPenalties().FindPenalties(C).Where(b => b.BType == Penalty.Type.Ban).FirstOrDefault();
public Penalty IsTempBanned(Player C)
return Manager.GetClientPenalties().FindPenalties(C).FirstOrDefault(b => b.BType == Penalty.Type.TempBan && b.Expires > DateTime.Now);
//Process requested command correlating to an event
// todo: this needs to be removed out of here
override public async Task<Command> ValidateCommand(Event E)
string CommandString = E.Data.Substring(1, E.Data.Length - 1).Split(' ')[0];
E.Message = E.Data;
Command C = null;
foreach (Command cmd in Manager.GetCommands())
if (cmd.Name == CommandString.ToLower() || cmd.Alias == CommandString.ToLower())
C = cmd;
if (C == null)
await E.Origin.Tell("You entered an unknown command");
throw new SharedLibrary.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} entered unknown command \"{CommandString}\"");
E.Data = E.Data.RemoveWords(1);
String[] Args = E.Data.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (E.Origin.Level < C.Permission)
await E.Origin.Tell("You do not have access to that command!");
throw new SharedLibrary.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} does not have access to \"{C.Name}\"");
if (Args.Length < (C.RequiredArgumentCount))
await E.Origin.Tell($"Not enough arguments supplied! ^5({C.RequiredArgumentCount} ^7required)");
throw new SharedLibrary.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} did not supply enough arguments for \"{C.Name}\"");
if (C.RequiresTarget || Args.Length > 0)
int cNum = -1;
int.TryParse(Args[0], out cNum);
if (Args[0] == String.Empty)
return C;
if (Args[0][0] == '@') // user specifying target by database ID
int dbID = -1;
int.TryParse(Args[0].Substring(1, Args[0].Length - 1), out dbID);
Player found = Manager.GetClientDatabase().GetPlayer(dbID);
if (found != null)
E.Target = found;
E.Target.lastEvent = E;
E.Owner = this as IW4MServer;
else if (Args[0].Length < 3 && cNum > -1 && cNum < 18) // user specifying target by client num
if (Players[cNum] != null)
E.Target = Players[cNum];
if (E.Target == null) // Find active player including quotes (multiple words)
E.Target = GetClientByName(E.Data.Trim());
if (E.Target == null) // Find active player as single word
E.Target = GetClientByName(Args[0]);
if (E.Target == null && C.RequiresTarget)
await E.Origin.Tell("Unable to find specified player.");
throw new SharedLibrary.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} specified invalid player for \"{C.Name}\"");
return C;
public override async Task ExecuteEvent(Event E)
if (Throttled)
await ProcessEvent(E);
foreach (IPlugin P in SharedLibrary.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActivePlugins)
await P.OnEventAsync(E, this);
catch (Exception Except)
Logger.WriteError(String.Format("The plugin \"{0}\" generated an error. ( see log )", P.Name));
Logger.WriteDebug(String.Format("Error Message: {0}", Except.Message));
Logger.WriteDebug(String.Format("Error Trace: {0}", Except.StackTrace));
async Task<int> PollPlayersAsync()
return Players.Where(p => p != null).Count();
var CurrentPlayers = await this.GetStatusAsync();
for (int i = 0; i < Players.Count; i++)
if (CurrentPlayers.Find(p => p.ClientID == i) == null && Players[i] != null)
await RemovePlayer(i);
foreach (var P in CurrentPlayers)
await AddPlayer(P);
return CurrentPlayers.Count;
long l_size = -1;
String[] lines = new String[8];
String[] oldLines = new String[8];
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
DateTime playerCountStart = DateTime.Now;
DateTime lastCount = DateTime.Now;
DateTime tickTime = DateTime.Now;
override public async Task ProcessUpdatesAsync(CancellationToken cts)
#if DEBUG == false
if ((DateTime.Now - LastPoll).TotalMinutes < 2 && ConnectionErrors >= 1)
await PollPlayersAsync();
if (ConnectionErrors > 0)
Logger.WriteInfo($"Connection has been reestablished with {IP}:{Port}");
Throttled = false;
ConnectionErrors = 0;
LastPoll = DateTime.Now;
catch (SharedLibrary.Exceptions.NetworkException e)
if (ConnectionErrors == 1)
Logger.WriteError($"{e.Message} {IP}:{Port}, reducing polling rate");
Throttled = true;
LastMessage = DateTime.Now - start;
lastCount = DateTime.Now;
if ((DateTime.Now - tickTime).TotalMilliseconds >= 1000)
foreach (var Plugin in SharedLibrary.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActivePlugins)
await Plugin.OnTickAsync(this);
tickTime = DateTime.Now;
if ((lastCount - playerCountStart).TotalMinutes >= 15)
while (PlayerHistory.Count > 48) // 4 times a hour for 12 hours
PlayerHistory.Enqueue(new SharedLibrary.Helpers.PlayerHistory(ClientNum));
playerCountStart = DateTime.Now;
if (LastMessage.TotalSeconds > MessageTime && BroadcastMessages.Count > 0 && ClientNum > 0)
await Broadcast(Utilities.ProcessMessageToken(Manager.GetMessageTokens(), BroadcastMessages[NextMessage]));
NextMessage = NextMessage == (BroadcastMessages.Count - 1) ? 0 : NextMessage + 1;
start = DateTime.Now;
if (LogFile == null)
if (l_size != LogFile.Length())
// this should be the longest running task
await Task.FromResult(lines = LogFile.Tail(12));
if (lines != oldLines)
l_size = LogFile.Length();
int end;
if (lines.Length == oldLines.Length)
end = lines.Length - 1;
end = Math.Abs((lines.Length - oldLines.Length)) - 1;
for (int count = 0; count < lines.Length; count++)
if (lines.Length < 1 && oldLines.Length < 1)
if (lines[count] == oldLines[oldLines.Length - 1])
if (lines[count].Length < 10) // it's not a needed line
string[] game_event = lines[count].Split(';');
Event event_ = Event.ParseEventString(game_event, this);
if (event_ != null)
if (event_.Origin == null)
event_.Origin.lastEvent = event_;
event_.Origin.lastEvent.Owner = this;
await ExecuteEvent(event_);
oldLines = lines;
l_size = LogFile.Length();
#if DEBUG == false
catch (SharedLibrary.Exceptions.NetworkException)
Logger.WriteError($"Could not communicate with {IP}:{Port}");
catch (Exception E)
Logger.WriteError($"Encountered error on {IP}:{Port}");
Logger.WriteDebug("Error Message: " + E.Message);
Logger.WriteDebug("Error Trace: " + E.StackTrace);
public async Task Initialize()
var version = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("version");
GameName = Utilities.GetGame(version.Value);
if (GameName == Game.UKN)
Logger.WriteWarning($"Game name not recognized: {version}");
var shortversion = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("shortversion");
var hostname = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("sv_hostname");
var mapname = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("mapname");
var maxplayers = (GameName == Game.IW4) ? // gotta love IW4 idiosyncrasies
await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("party_maxplayers") :
await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("sv_maxclients");
var gametype = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_gametype");
var basepath = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("fs_basepath");
var game = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("fs_game");
var logfile = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_log");
var logsync = await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("g_logsync");
DVAR<int> onelog = null;
if (GameName == Game.IW4)
onelog = await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("iw4x_onelog");
var website = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("_website");
Website = website.Value;
catch (SharedLibrary.Exceptions.DvarException)
Website = "this server's website";
this.Hostname = hostname.Value.StripColors();
this.CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname.Value) ?? new Map(mapname.Value, mapname.Value);
this.MaxClients = maxplayers.Value;
this.FSGame = game.Value;
await this.SetDvarAsync("sv_kickbantime", 3600);
await this.SetDvarAsync("sv_network_fps", 1000);
await this.SetDvarAsync("com_maxfps", 1000);
if (logsync.Value == 0 || logfile.Value == string.Empty)
// this DVAR isn't set until the a map is loaded
await this.SetDvarAsync("logfile", 2);
await this.SetDvarAsync("g_logsync", 2); // set to 2 for continous in other games, clamps to 1 for IW4
await this.SetDvarAsync("g_log", "games_mp.log");
Logger.WriteWarning("Game log file not properly initialized, restarting map...");
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync("map_restart");
logfile = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_log");
//if (Environment.OSVersion.VersionString != "Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0")
basepath.Value = (GameName == Game.IW4) ?
@"\\tsclient\J\WIN7_10.25\MW2" :
@"\\tsclient\G\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty 4";
// else
// {
// basepath.Value = @"C:\MW2";
// }
string mainPath = (GameName == Game.IW4) ? "userraw" : "main";
string logPath = (game.Value == "" || onelog?.Value == 1) ?
$"{ basepath.Value.Replace("\\", "/")}/{mainPath}/{logfile.Value}" :
$"{basepath.Value.Replace("\\", "/")}/{game.Value}/{logfile.Value}";
if (!File.Exists(logPath))
Logger.WriteError($"Gamelog {logPath} does not exist!");
#if !DEBUG
throw new SharedLibrary.Exceptions.ServerException($"Invalid gamelog file {logPath}");
LogFile = new IFile(logPath);
Logger.WriteInfo("Log file is " + logPath);
await ExecuteEvent(new Event(Event.GType.Start, "Server started", null, null, this));
#if !DEBUG
Broadcast("IW4M Admin is now ^2ONLINE");
//Process any server event
override protected async Task ProcessEvent(Event E)
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Connect)
ChatHistory.Add(new Chat(E.Origin.Name, "<i>CONNECTED</i>", DateTime.Now));
else if (E.Type == Event.GType.Disconnect)
ChatHistory.Add(new Chat(E.Origin.Name, "<i>DISCONNECTED</i>", DateTime.Now));
else if (E.Type == Event.GType.Script)
if (E.Origin == E.Target)// suicide/falling
await ExecuteEvent(new Event(Event.GType.Death, E.Data, E.Target, E.Target, this));
await ExecuteEvent(new Event(Event.GType.Kill, E.Data, E.Origin, E.Target, this));
await ExecuteEvent(new Event(Event.GType.Death, E.Data, E.Target, E.Origin, this));
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Say && E.Data.Length >= 2)
if (E.Data.Substring(0, 1) == "!" || E.Data.Substring(0, 1) == "@" || E.Origin.Level == Player.Permission.Console)
Command C = null;
C = await ValidateCommand(E);
catch (SharedLibrary.Exceptions.CommandException e)
if (C != null)
if (C.RequiresTarget && E.Target == null)
Logger.WriteWarning("Requested event (command) requiring target does not have a target!");
await C.ExecuteAsync(E);
catch (Exception Except)
Logger.WriteError(String.Format("A command request \"{0}\" generated an error.", C.Name));
Logger.WriteDebug(String.Format("Error Message: {0}", Except.Message));
Logger.WriteDebug(String.Format("Error Trace: {0}", Except.StackTrace));
await E.Origin.Tell("^1An internal error occured while processing your command^7");
await E.Origin.Tell(Except.Message);
else // Not a command
E.Data = E.Data.StripColors().CleanChars();
if (E.Data.Length > 50)
E.Data = E.Data.Substring(0, 50) + "...";
ChatHistory.Add(new Chat(E.Origin.Name, E.Data, DateTime.Now));
if (E.Type == Event.GType.MapChange)
Logger.WriteInfo($"New map loaded - {ClientNum} active players");
Gametype = (await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_gametype")).Value.StripColors();
Hostname = (await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("sv_hostname")).Value.StripColors();
FSGame = (await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("fs_game")).Value.StripColors();
string mapname = this.GetDvarAsync<string>("mapname").Result.Value;
CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname) ?? new Map(mapname, mapname);
if (E.Type == Event.GType.MapEnd)
Logger.WriteInfo("Game ending...");
//todo: move
while (ChatHistory.Count > Math.Ceiling((double)ClientNum / 2))
// the last client hasn't fully disconnected yet
// so there will still be at least 1 client left
if (ClientNum < 2)
public override async Task Warn(String Reason, Player Target, Player Origin)
if (Target.Warnings >= 4)
await Target.Kick("Too many warnings!", Origin);
Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty(Penalty.Type.Warning, Reason.StripColors(), Target.NetworkID, Origin.NetworkID, DateTime.Now, Target.IP, DateTime.Now);
String Message = String.Format("^1WARNING ^7[^3{0}^7]: ^3{1}^7, {2}", Target.Warnings, Target.Name, Target.lastOffense);
await Broadcast(Message);
public override async Task Kick(String Reason, Player Target, Player Origin)
if (Target.ClientID > -1)
String Message = "^1Player Kicked: ^5" + Reason;
Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty(Penalty.Type.Kick, Reason.StripColors().Trim(), Target.NetworkID, Origin.NetworkID, DateTime.Now, Target.IP, DateTime.Now);
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync($"clientkick {Target.ClientID} \"{Message}^7\"");
public override async Task TempBan(String Reason, TimeSpan length, Player Target, Player Origin)
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync($"tempbanclient {Target.ClientID } \"^1Player Temporarily Banned: ^5{ Reason }\"");
Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty(Penalty.Type.TempBan, Reason.StripColors(), Target.NetworkID, Origin.NetworkID, DateTime.Now, Target.IP, DateTime.Now + length);
await Task.Run(() =>
override public async Task Ban(String Message, Player Target, Player Origin)
if (Target == null)
Logger.WriteError("Ban target is null");
Logger.WriteDebug($"Message: {Message}");
Logger.WriteDebug($"Origin: {Origin.Name}::{Origin.NetworkID}");
// banned from all servers if active
foreach (var server in Manager.GetServers())
if (server.GetPlayersAsList().Count > 0)
var activeClient = server.GetPlayersAsList().Find(x => x.NetworkID == Target.NetworkID);
if (activeClient != null)
await server.ExecuteCommandAsync($"tempbanclient {activeClient.ClientID} \"{Message} ^7 ({Website}) ^7\"");
if (Origin != null)
Penalty newBan = new Penalty(Penalty.Type.Ban, Target.lastOffense, Target.NetworkID, Origin.NetworkID, DateTime.Now, Target.IP, DateTime.MaxValue);
await Task.Run(() =>
lock (Reports) // threading seems to do something weird here
List<Report> toRemove = new List<Report>();
foreach (Report R in Reports)
if (R.Target.NetworkID == Target.NetworkID)
foreach (Report R in toRemove)
Logger.WriteInfo("Removing report for banned GUID - " + R.Origin.NetworkID);
override public async Task Unban(Player Target)
// database stuff can be time consuming
await Task.Run(() =>
var FoundPenalties = Manager.GetClientPenalties().FindPenalties(Target);
FoundPenalties.Where(p => p.BType > Penalty.Type.Kick)
.All(p =>
return true;
Player P = Manager.GetClientDatabase().GetPlayer(Target.NetworkID, -1);
if (P.Level < Player.Permission.Trusted)
public override bool Reload()
return true;
catch (Exception E)
Logger.WriteError("Unable to reload configs! - " + E.Message);
BroadcastMessages = new List<String>();
Maps = new List<Map>();
Rules = new List<String>();
return false;
override public void InitializeTokens()
Manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new SharedLibrary.Helpers.MessageToken("TOTALPLAYERS", Manager.GetClientDatabase().TotalPlayers().ToString));
Manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new SharedLibrary.Helpers.MessageToken("VERSION", Program.Version.ToString));