* Fix self-targeting Remove creation of penalty on mute expiration * Display mute penalties on profile Expire mute penalties on unmute * Resolves issues in code review Added comment in ClientController.cs Fixed order of operations in MuteManager.cs Fixed condition in MuteManager.cs * Fix self-targeting Remove creation of penalty on mute expiration * Display mute penalties on profile Expire mute penalties on unmute * Resolves issues in code review Added comment in ClientController.cs Fixed order of operations in MuteManager.cs Fixed condition in MuteManager.cs * Changed localisation value to be more generic Fix null reference warning (it should never be null) (34da216)
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Data.Abstractions;
using Data.Models;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
namespace SharedLibraryCore.Services
public class PenaltyService : IEntityService<EFPenalty>
private readonly ApplicationConfiguration _appConfig;
private readonly IDatabaseContextFactory _contextFactory;
public PenaltyService(IDatabaseContextFactory contextFactory, ApplicationConfiguration appConfig)
_contextFactory = contextFactory;
_appConfig = appConfig;
public virtual async Task<EFPenalty> Create(EFPenalty newEntity)
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext();
var penalty = new EFPenalty
Active = true,
OffenderId = newEntity.Offender.ClientId,
PunisherId = newEntity.Punisher.ClientId,
LinkId = newEntity.Link?.AliasLinkId,
Type = newEntity.Type,
Expires = newEntity.Expires,
Offense = newEntity.Offense,
When = DateTime.UtcNow,
AutomatedOffense = newEntity.AutomatedOffense ??
IsEvadedOffense = newEntity.IsEvadedOffense
if (LinkedPenalties.Contains(newEntity.Type))
var penaltyIdentifiers = new EFPenaltyIdentifier
Penalty = penalty,
NetworkId = newEntity.Offender.NetworkId,
IPv4Address = newEntity.Offender.CurrentAlias.IPAddress
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
return newEntity;
public async Task CreatePenaltyIdentifier(int penaltyId, long networkId, int ipv4Address)
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext();
var penaltyIdentifiers = new EFPenaltyIdentifier
PenaltyId = penaltyId,
NetworkId = networkId,
IPv4Address = ipv4Address
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public Task<EFPenalty> Delete(EFPenalty entity)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public async Task<IList<EFPenalty>> Find(Func<EFPenalty, bool> expression)
throw await Task.FromResult(new Exception());
public Task<EFPenalty> Get(int entityID)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task<EFPenalty> GetUnique(long entityProperty, object altKey)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task<EFPenalty> Update(EFPenalty entity)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public async Task<IList<PenaltyInfo>> GetRecentPenalties(int count, int offset,
EFPenalty.PenaltyType showOnly = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Any, bool ignoreAutomated = true)
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext(false);
var iqPenalties = context.Penalties
.Where(p => showOnly == EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Any
? p.Type != EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Any
: p.Type == showOnly)
.Where(_penalty => !ignoreAutomated || _penalty.PunisherId != 1)
.OrderByDescending(p => p.When)
.Select(_penalty => new PenaltyInfo
Id = _penalty.PenaltyId,
Offense = _penalty.Offense,
AutomatedOffense = _penalty.AutomatedOffense,
OffenderId = _penalty.OffenderId,
OffenderName = _penalty.Offender.CurrentAlias.Name,
OffenderLevel = _penalty.Offender.Level,
PunisherId = _penalty.PunisherId,
PunisherName = _penalty.Punisher.CurrentAlias.Name,
PunisherLevel = _penalty.Punisher.Level,
PenaltyType = _penalty.Type,
Expires = _penalty.Expires,
TimePunished = _penalty.When,
IsEvade = _penalty.IsEvadedOffense
return await iqPenalties.ToListAsync();
private static readonly EFPenalty.PenaltyType[] LinkedPenalties =
{ EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Ban, EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Flag, EFPenalty.PenaltyType.TempBan, EFPenalty.PenaltyType.TempMute, EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Mute };
private static readonly Expression<Func<EFPenalty, bool>> Filter = p =>
LinkedPenalties.Contains(p.Type) && p.Active && (p.Expires == null || p.Expires > DateTime.UtcNow);
private static readonly Expression<Func<EFPenaltyIdentifier, bool>> FilterById = pi =>
LinkedPenalties.Contains(pi.Penalty.Type) && pi.Penalty.Active &&
(pi.Penalty.Expires == null || pi.Penalty.Expires > DateTime.UtcNow);
public async Task<List<EFPenalty>> GetActivePenaltiesAsync(int linkId, int currentAliasId, long networkId, Reference.Game game,
int? ip = null)
var penaltiesByIdentifier = await GetActivePenaltiesByIdentifier(ip, networkId, game);
if (penaltiesByIdentifier.Any())
return penaltiesByIdentifier;
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext(false);
IQueryable<EFPenalty> iqIpPenalties;
if (_appConfig.EnableImplicitAccountLinking)
iqIpPenalties = context.Aliases
.Where(a => a.IPAddress != null && a.IPAddress == ip)
.SelectMany(a => a.Link.ReceivedPenalties)
var usedIps = await context.Aliases.AsNoTracking()
.Where(alias =>
(alias.LinkId == linkId || alias.AliasId == currentAliasId) && alias.IPAddress != null)
.Select(alias => alias.IPAddress).ToListAsync();
var aliasedIds = await context.Aliases.AsNoTracking().Where(alias => usedIps.Contains(alias.IPAddress))
.Select(alias => alias.LinkId)
iqIpPenalties = context.Penalties.AsNoTracking()
.Where(penalty => aliasedIds.Contains(penalty.LinkId ?? -1) || penalty.LinkId == linkId)
var activeIpPenalties = await iqIpPenalties.ToListAsync();
var activePenalties = activeIpPenalties.Distinct();
// this is a bit more performant in memory (ordering)
return activePenalties.OrderByDescending(p => p.When).ToList();
public async Task<List<EFPenalty>> GetActivePenaltiesByIdentifier(int? ip, long networkId, Reference.Game game)
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext(false);
var activePenaltiesIds = context.PenaltyIdentifiers.Where(identifier =>
identifier.IPv4Address != null && identifier.IPv4Address == ip || identifier.NetworkId == networkId && identifier.Penalty.Offender.GameName == game)
return await activePenaltiesIds.Select(ids => ids.Penalty).ToListAsync();
public async Task<List<EFPenalty>> ActivePenaltiesByRecentIdentifiers(int linkId)
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext(false);
var recentlyUsedIps = await context.Aliases.Where(alias => alias.LinkId == linkId)
.Where(alias => alias.IPAddress != null)
.Where(alias => alias.DateAdded >= DateTime.UtcNow - _appConfig.RecentAliasIpLinkTimeLimit)
.Select(alias => alias.IPAddress).ToListAsync();
if (!recentlyUsedIps.Any())
return new List<EFPenalty>();
var activePenaltiesIds = context.PenaltyIdentifiers
.Where(identifier => recentlyUsedIps.Contains(identifier.IPv4Address))
return await activePenaltiesIds.Select(ids => ids.Penalty).ToListAsync();
public virtual async Task RemoveActivePenalties(int aliasLinkId, long networkId, Reference.Game game, int? ipAddress = null)
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext();
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
var activePenalties = await GetActivePenaltiesByIdentifier(ipAddress, networkId, game);
if (activePenalties.Any())
var ids = activePenalties.Select(penalty => penalty.PenaltyId);
await context.Penalties.Where(penalty => ids.Contains(penalty.PenaltyId))
.ForEachAsync(penalty =>
penalty.Active = false;
penalty.Expires = now;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
var penaltiesByLink = context.Penalties
.Where(p => p.LinkId == aliasLinkId)
.Where(p => p.Expires > now || p.Expires == null);
var penaltiesByIp = context.Penalties
.Where(p => p.Offender.CurrentAlias.IPAddress != null && p.Offender.CurrentAlias.IPAddress == null)
.Where(p => p.Expires > now || p.Expires == null);
await penaltiesByLink.Union(penaltiesByIp).Distinct().ForEachAsync(p =>
p.Active = false;
p.Expires = now;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();