RaidMax a07ce112b0 ban/unban buttons added to profile
several css tweaks
changed administratorIPs to PrivilegedClients
added time step references to profile page
2018-03-26 23:54:20 -05:00

182 lines
6.3 KiB

// keeps track of how many events have been displayed
let count = 1;
$(document).ready(function () {
Expand alias tab if they have any
$('#profile_aliases_btn').click(function (e) {
const aliases = $('#profile_aliases').text().trim();
if (aliases && aliases.length !== 0) {
load the initial 40 events
$.each(clientInfo.Meta, function (index, meta) {
if (meta.key.includes("Event")) {
if (count % 40 === 0) {
return false;
load additional events on scroll
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() === $(document).height() - $(window).height() || $(document).height() === $(window).height()) {
while (count % 40 !== 0 && count < clientInfo.Meta.length) {
loadMeta(clientInfo.Meta[count - 1]);
load meta thats not an event
$.each(clientInfo.Meta, function (index, meta) {
if (!meta.key.includes("Event")) {
let metaString = `<div class="profile-meta-entry"><span class="profile-meta-value text-primary">${meta.value}</span><span class="profile-meta-title text-muted"> ${meta.key}</span></div>`;
get ip geolocation info into modal
$('.ip-locate-link').click(function (e) {
const ip = $(this).data("ip");
$.getJSON("http://ip-api.com/json/" + ip)
.done(function (response) {
$('.modal-body').append("ASN &mdash; " + response["as"] + "<br/>");
$('.modal-body').append("ISP &mdash; " + response["isp"] + "<br/>");
$('.modal-body').append("Organization &mdash; " + response["org"] + "<br/>");
$('.modal-body').append("Location &mdash; " + response["city"] + ", " + response["regionName"] + ", " + response["country"] + "<br/>");
* handle action modal
$('.profile-action').click(function (e) {
const actionType = $(this).data('action');
$.get('/Action/' + actionType + 'Form')
.done(function (response) {
$('#actionModal .modal-body').html(response);
.fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
$('#actionModal .modal-body').html('<span class="text-danger">' + error + '</span>');
* handle action submit
$(document).on('submit', '.action-form', function (e) {
$(this).append($('#target_id input'));
const data = $(this).serialize();
$.get($(this).attr('action') + '/?' + data)
.done(function (response) {
$('#actionModal .modal-body').html(response);
.fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
$('#actionModal .modal-body').html('<span class="text-danger">Error' + error + '</span>');
function penaltyToName(penaltyName) {
switch (penaltyName) {
case "Flag":
return "Flagged";
case "Warning":
return "Warned";
case "Report":
return "Reported";
case "Ban":
return "Banned";
case "Kick":
return "Kicked";
case "TempBan":
return "Temp Banned";
case "Unban":
return "Unbanned";
function shouldIncludePlural(num) {
return num > 1 ? 's' : '';
let mostRecentDate = 0;
let currentStepAmount = 0;
let lastStep = "";
function timeStep(stepDifference) {
let hours = (stepDifference / (1000 * 60 * 60));
let days = (stepDifference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
let weeks = (stepDifference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7));
if (Math.round(weeks) > Math.round(currentStepAmount / 24 * 7)) {
currentStepAmount = Math.round(weeks);
return `${currentStepAmount} week${shouldIncludePlural(currentStepAmount)} ago`;
if (Math.round(days) > Math.round(currentStepAmount / 24)) {
currentStepAmount = Math.round(days);
return `${currentStepAmount} day${shouldIncludePlural(currentStepAmount)} ago`;
if (Math.round(hours) > currentStepAmount) {
currentStepAmount = Math.round(hours);
return `${currentStepAmount} hour${shouldIncludePlural(currentStepAmount)} ago`;
function loadMeta(meta) {
let eventString = '';
const metaDate = Date.parse(meta.when);
if (mostRecentDate === 0) {
mostRecentDate = metaDate;
const step = timeStep(new Date().getTime() - metaDate);
if (step !== lastStep) {
$('#profile_events').append('<span class="p2 text-white profile-event-timestep"><span class="text-primary">&mdash;</span> ' + step + '</span>');
lastStep = step;
// it's a penalty
if (meta.class.includes("Penalty")) {
if (meta.value.punisherId !== clientInfo.clientId) {
eventString = `<div><span class="penalties-color-${meta.value.type.toLowerCase()}">${penaltyToName(meta.value.type)}</span> by <span class="text-highlight"> <a class="link-inverse" href="${meta.value.punisherId}">${meta.value.punisherName}</a></span > for <span style="color: white; ">${meta.value.offense}</span></div>`;
else {
eventString = `<div><span class="penalties-color-${meta.value.type.toLowerCase()}">${penaltyToName(meta.value.type)} </span> <span class="text-highlight"><a class="link-inverse" href="${meta.value.offenderId}"> ${meta.value.offenderName}</a></span > for <span style="color: white; ">${meta.value.offense}</span></div>`;
// it's a message
else if (meta.key.includes("Event")) {
eventString = `<div><span style="color:white;">></span><span class="text-muted"> ${meta.value}</span></div>`;