RaidMax 233aeeb12f added moment for parsing dates in profile timeline
fixed bug of duplicate penalties
fixed showing timeline date for non events
refresh player count on server overview
fix refresh privileged users on map load
fix 1h showing on tempban if manually specified
2018-03-27 19:27:01 -05:00

720 lines
20 KiB

declare function moment(inp?: moment.MomentInput, format?: moment.MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): moment.Moment;
declare function moment(inp?: moment.MomentInput, format?: moment.MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): moment.Moment;
declare namespace moment {
type RelativeTimeKey = 's' | 'ss' | 'm' | 'mm' | 'h' | 'hh' | 'd' | 'dd' | 'M' | 'MM' | 'y' | 'yy';
type CalendarKey = 'sameDay' | 'nextDay' | 'lastDay' | 'nextWeek' | 'lastWeek' | 'sameElse' | string;
type LongDateFormatKey = 'LTS' | 'LT' | 'L' | 'LL' | 'LLL' | 'LLLL' | 'lts' | 'lt' | 'l' | 'll' | 'lll' | 'llll';
interface Locale {
calendar(key?: CalendarKey, m?: Moment, now?: Moment): string;
longDateFormat(key: LongDateFormatKey): string;
invalidDate(): string;
ordinal(n: number): string;
preparse(inp: string): string;
postformat(inp: string): string;
relativeTime(n: number, withoutSuffix: boolean,
key: RelativeTimeKey, isFuture: boolean): string;
pastFuture(diff: number, absRelTime: string): string;
set(config: Object): void;
months(): string[];
months(m: Moment, format?: string): string;
monthsShort(): string[];
monthsShort(m: Moment, format?: string): string;
monthsParse(monthName: string, format: string, strict: boolean): number;
monthsRegex(strict: boolean): RegExp;
monthsShortRegex(strict: boolean): RegExp;
week(m: Moment): number;
firstDayOfYear(): number;
firstDayOfWeek(): number;
weekdays(): string[];
weekdays(m: Moment, format?: string): string;
weekdaysMin(): string[];
weekdaysMin(m: Moment): string;
weekdaysShort(): string[];
weekdaysShort(m: Moment): string;
weekdaysParse(weekdayName: string, format: string, strict: boolean): number;
weekdaysRegex(strict: boolean): RegExp;
weekdaysShortRegex(strict: boolean): RegExp;
weekdaysMinRegex(strict: boolean): RegExp;
isPM(input: string): boolean;
meridiem(hour: number, minute: number, isLower: boolean): string;
interface StandaloneFormatSpec {
format: string[];
standalone: string[];
isFormat?: RegExp;
interface WeekSpec {
dow: number;
doy: number;
type CalendarSpecVal = string | ((m?: MomentInput, now?: Moment) => string);
interface CalendarSpec {
sameDay?: CalendarSpecVal;
nextDay?: CalendarSpecVal;
lastDay?: CalendarSpecVal;
nextWeek?: CalendarSpecVal;
lastWeek?: CalendarSpecVal;
sameElse?: CalendarSpecVal;
// any additional properties might be used with moment.calendarFormat
[x: string]: CalendarSpecVal | void; // undefined
type RelativeTimeSpecVal = (
string |
((n: number, withoutSuffix: boolean,
key: RelativeTimeKey, isFuture: boolean) => string)
type RelativeTimeFuturePastVal = string | ((relTime: string) => string);
interface RelativeTimeSpec {
future: RelativeTimeFuturePastVal;
past: RelativeTimeFuturePastVal;
s: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
ss: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
m: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
mm: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
h: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
hh: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
d: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
dd: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
M: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
MM: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
y: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
yy: RelativeTimeSpecVal;
interface LongDateFormatSpec {
LTS: string;
LT: string;
L: string;
LL: string;
LLL: string;
LLLL: string;
// lets forget for a sec that any upper/lower permutation will also work
lts?: string;
lt?: string;
l?: string;
ll?: string;
lll?: string;
llll?: string;
type MonthWeekdayFn = (momentToFormat: Moment, format?: string) => string;
type WeekdaySimpleFn = (momentToFormat: Moment) => string;
interface LocaleSpecification {
months?: string[] | StandaloneFormatSpec | MonthWeekdayFn;
monthsShort?: string[] | StandaloneFormatSpec | MonthWeekdayFn;
weekdays?: string[] | StandaloneFormatSpec | MonthWeekdayFn;
weekdaysShort?: string[] | StandaloneFormatSpec | WeekdaySimpleFn;
weekdaysMin?: string[] | StandaloneFormatSpec | WeekdaySimpleFn;
meridiemParse?: RegExp;
meridiem?: (hour: number, minute:number, isLower: boolean) => string;
isPM?: (input: string) => boolean;
longDateFormat?: LongDateFormatSpec;
calendar?: CalendarSpec;
relativeTime?: RelativeTimeSpec;
invalidDate?: string;
ordinal?: (n: number) => string;
ordinalParse?: RegExp;
week?: WeekSpec;
// Allow anything: in general any property that is passed as locale spec is
// put in the locale object so it can be used by locale functions
[x: string]: any;
interface MomentObjectOutput {
years: number;
/* One digit */
months: number;
/* Day of the month */
date: number;
hours: number;
minutes: number;
seconds: number;
milliseconds: number;
interface Duration {
clone(): Duration;
humanize(withSuffix?: boolean): string;
abs(): Duration;
as(units: unitOfTime.Base): number;
get(units: unitOfTime.Base): number;
milliseconds(): number;
asMilliseconds(): number;
seconds(): number;
asSeconds(): number;
minutes(): number;
asMinutes(): number;
hours(): number;
asHours(): number;
days(): number;
asDays(): number;
weeks(): number;
asWeeks(): number;
months(): number;
asMonths(): number;
years(): number;
asYears(): number;
add(inp?: DurationInputArg1, unit?: DurationInputArg2): Duration;
subtract(inp?: DurationInputArg1, unit?: DurationInputArg2): Duration;
locale(): string;
locale(locale: LocaleSpecifier): Duration;
localeData(): Locale;
toISOString(): string;
toJSON(): string;
* @deprecated since version 2.8.0
lang(locale: LocaleSpecifier): Moment;
* @deprecated since version 2.8.0
lang(): Locale;
* @deprecated
toIsoString(): string;
interface MomentRelativeTime {
future: any;
past: any;
s: any;
ss: any;
m: any;
mm: any;
h: any;
hh: any;
d: any;
dd: any;
M: any;
MM: any;
y: any;
yy: any;
interface MomentLongDateFormat {
L: string;
LL: string;
LLL: string;
LLLL: string;
LT: string;
LTS: string;
l?: string;
ll?: string;
lll?: string;
llll?: string;
lt?: string;
lts?: string;
interface MomentParsingFlags {
empty: boolean;
unusedTokens: string[];
unusedInput: string[];
overflow: number;
charsLeftOver: number;
nullInput: boolean;
invalidMonth: string | void; // null
invalidFormat: boolean;
userInvalidated: boolean;
iso: boolean;
parsedDateParts: any[];
meridiem: string | void; // null
interface MomentParsingFlagsOpt {
empty?: boolean;
unusedTokens?: string[];
unusedInput?: string[];
overflow?: number;
charsLeftOver?: number;
nullInput?: boolean;
invalidMonth?: string;
invalidFormat?: boolean;
userInvalidated?: boolean;
iso?: boolean;
parsedDateParts?: any[];
meridiem?: string;
interface MomentBuiltinFormat {
__momentBuiltinFormatBrand: any;
type MomentFormatSpecification = string | MomentBuiltinFormat | (string | MomentBuiltinFormat)[];
namespace unitOfTime {
type Base = (
"year" | "years" | "y" |
"month" | "months" | "M" |
"week" | "weeks" | "w" |
"day" | "days" | "d" |
"hour" | "hours" | "h" |
"minute" | "minutes" | "m" |
"second" | "seconds" | "s" |
"millisecond" | "milliseconds" | "ms"
type _quarter = "quarter" | "quarters" | "Q";
type _isoWeek = "isoWeek" | "isoWeeks" | "W";
type _date = "date" | "dates" | "D";
type DurationConstructor = Base | _quarter;
type DurationAs = Base;
type StartOf = Base | _quarter | _isoWeek | _date;
type Diff = Base | _quarter;
type MomentConstructor = Base | _date;
type All = Base | _quarter | _isoWeek | _date |
"weekYear" | "weekYears" | "gg" |
"isoWeekYear" | "isoWeekYears" | "GG" |
"dayOfYear" | "dayOfYears" | "DDD" |
"weekday" | "weekdays" | "e" |
"isoWeekday" | "isoWeekdays" | "E";
interface MomentInputObject {
years?: number;
year?: number;
y?: number;
months?: number;
month?: number;
M?: number;
days?: number;
day?: number;
d?: number;
dates?: number;
date?: number;
D?: number;
hours?: number;
hour?: number;
h?: number;
minutes?: number;
minute?: number;
m?: number;
seconds?: number;
second?: number;
s?: number;
milliseconds?: number;
millisecond?: number;
ms?: number;
interface DurationInputObject extends MomentInputObject {
quarters?: number;
quarter?: number;
Q?: number;
weeks?: number;
week?: number;
w?: number;
interface MomentSetObject extends MomentInputObject {
weekYears?: number;
weekYear?: number;
gg?: number;
isoWeekYears?: number;
isoWeekYear?: number;
GG?: number;
quarters?: number;
quarter?: number;
Q?: number;
weeks?: number;
week?: number;
w?: number;
isoWeeks?: number;
isoWeek?: number;
W?: number;
dayOfYears?: number;
dayOfYear?: number;
DDD?: number;
weekdays?: number;
weekday?: number;
e?: number;
isoWeekdays?: number;
isoWeekday?: number;
E?: number;
interface FromTo {
from: MomentInput;
to: MomentInput;
type MomentInput = Moment | Date | string | number | (number | string)[] | MomentInputObject | void; // null | undefined
type DurationInputArg1 = Duration | number | string | FromTo | DurationInputObject | void; // null | undefined
type DurationInputArg2 = unitOfTime.DurationConstructor;
type LocaleSpecifier = string | Moment | Duration | string[] | boolean;
interface MomentCreationData {
input: MomentInput;
format?: MomentFormatSpecification;
locale: Locale;
isUTC: boolean;
strict?: boolean;
interface Moment extends Object {
format(format?: string): string;
startOf(unitOfTime: unitOfTime.StartOf): Moment;
endOf(unitOfTime: unitOfTime.StartOf): Moment;
add(amount?: DurationInputArg1, unit?: DurationInputArg2): Moment;
* @deprecated reverse syntax
add(unit: unitOfTime.DurationConstructor, amount: number|string): Moment;
subtract(amount?: DurationInputArg1, unit?: DurationInputArg2): Moment;
* @deprecated reverse syntax
subtract(unit: unitOfTime.DurationConstructor, amount: number|string): Moment;
calendar(time?: MomentInput, formats?: CalendarSpec): string;
clone(): Moment;
* @return Unix timestamp in milliseconds
valueOf(): number;
// current date/time in local mode
local(keepLocalTime?: boolean): Moment;
isLocal(): boolean;
// current date/time in UTC mode
utc(keepLocalTime?: boolean): Moment;
isUTC(): boolean;
* @deprecated use isUTC
isUtc(): boolean;
parseZone(): Moment;
isValid(): boolean;
invalidAt(): number;
hasAlignedHourOffset(other?: MomentInput): boolean;
creationData(): MomentCreationData;
parsingFlags(): MomentParsingFlags;
year(y: number): Moment;
year(): number;
* @deprecated use year(y)
years(y: number): Moment;
* @deprecated use year()
years(): number;
quarter(): number;
quarter(q: number): Moment;
quarters(): number;
quarters(q: number): Moment;
month(M: number|string): Moment;
month(): number;
* @deprecated use month(M)
months(M: number|string): Moment;
* @deprecated use month()
months(): number;
day(d: number|string): Moment;
day(): number;
days(d: number|string): Moment;
days(): number;
date(d: number): Moment;
date(): number;
* @deprecated use date(d)
dates(d: number): Moment;
* @deprecated use date()
dates(): number;
hour(h: number): Moment;
hour(): number;
hours(h: number): Moment;
hours(): number;
minute(m: number): Moment;
minute(): number;
minutes(m: number): Moment;
minutes(): number;
second(s: number): Moment;
second(): number;
seconds(s: number): Moment;
seconds(): number;
millisecond(ms: number): Moment;
millisecond(): number;
milliseconds(ms: number): Moment;
milliseconds(): number;
weekday(): number;
weekday(d: number): Moment;
isoWeekday(): number;
isoWeekday(d: number|string): Moment;
weekYear(): number;
weekYear(d: number): Moment;
isoWeekYear(): number;
isoWeekYear(d: number): Moment;
week(): number;
week(d: number): Moment;
weeks(): number;
weeks(d: number): Moment;
isoWeek(): number;
isoWeek(d: number): Moment;
isoWeeks(): number;
isoWeeks(d: number): Moment;
weeksInYear(): number;
isoWeeksInYear(): number;
dayOfYear(): number;
dayOfYear(d: number): Moment;
from(inp: MomentInput, suffix?: boolean): string;
to(inp: MomentInput, suffix?: boolean): string;
fromNow(withoutSuffix?: boolean): string;
toNow(withoutPrefix?: boolean): string;
diff(b: MomentInput, unitOfTime?: unitOfTime.Diff, precise?: boolean): number;
toArray(): number[];
toDate(): Date;
toISOString(keepOffset?: boolean): string;
inspect(): string;
toJSON(): string;
unix(): number;
isLeapYear(): boolean;
* @deprecated in favor of utcOffset
zone(): number;
zone(b: number|string): Moment;
utcOffset(): number;
utcOffset(b: number|string, keepLocalTime?: boolean): Moment;
isUtcOffset(): boolean;
daysInMonth(): number;
isDST(): boolean;
zoneAbbr(): string;
zoneName(): string;
isBefore(inp?: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf): boolean;
isAfter(inp?: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf): boolean;
isSame(inp?: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf): boolean;
isSameOrAfter(inp?: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf): boolean;
isSameOrBefore(inp?: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf): boolean;
isBetween(a: MomentInput, b: MomentInput, granularity?: unitOfTime.StartOf, inclusivity?: "()" | "[)" | "(]" | "[]"): boolean;
* @deprecated as of 2.8.0, use locale
lang(language: LocaleSpecifier): Moment;
* @deprecated as of 2.8.0, use locale
lang(): Locale;
locale(): string;
locale(locale: LocaleSpecifier): Moment;
localeData(): Locale;
* @deprecated no reliable implementation
isDSTShifted(): boolean;
// NOTE(constructor): Same as moment constructor
* @deprecated as of 2.7.0, use moment.min/max
max(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): Moment;
* @deprecated as of 2.7.0, use moment.min/max
max(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment;
// NOTE(constructor): Same as moment constructor
* @deprecated as of 2.7.0, use moment.min/max
min(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): Moment;
* @deprecated as of 2.7.0, use moment.min/max
min(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment;
get(unit: unitOfTime.All): number;
set(unit: unitOfTime.All, value: number): Moment;
set(objectLiteral: MomentSetObject): Moment;
toObject(): MomentObjectOutput;
export var version: string;
export var fn: Moment;
// NOTE(constructor): Same as moment constructor
export function utc(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): Moment;
export function utc(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment;
export function unix(timestamp: number): Moment;
export function invalid(flags?: MomentParsingFlagsOpt): Moment;
export function isMoment(m: any): m is Moment;
export function isDate(m: any): m is Date;
export function isDuration(d: any): d is Duration;
* @deprecated in 2.8.0
export function lang(language?: string): string;
* @deprecated in 2.8.0
export function lang(language?: string, definition?: Locale): string;
export function locale(language?: string): string;
export function locale(language?: string[]): string;
export function locale(language?: string, definition?: LocaleSpecification | void): string; // null | undefined
export function localeData(key?: string | string[]): Locale;
export function duration(inp?: DurationInputArg1, unit?: DurationInputArg2): Duration;
// NOTE(constructor): Same as moment constructor
export function parseZone(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean): Moment;
export function parseZone(inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean): Moment;
export function months(): string[];
export function months(index: number): string;
export function months(format: string): string[];
export function months(format: string, index: number): string;
export function monthsShort(): string[];
export function monthsShort(index: number): string;
export function monthsShort(format: string): string[];
export function monthsShort(format: string, index: number): string;
export function weekdays(): string[];
export function weekdays(index: number): string;
export function weekdays(format: string): string[];
export function weekdays(format: string, index: number): string;
export function weekdays(localeSorted: boolean): string[];
export function weekdays(localeSorted: boolean, index: number): string;
export function weekdays(localeSorted: boolean, format: string): string[];
export function weekdays(localeSorted: boolean, format: string, index: number): string;
export function weekdaysShort(): string[];
export function weekdaysShort(index: number): string;
export function weekdaysShort(format: string): string[];
export function weekdaysShort(format: string, index: number): string;
export function weekdaysShort(localeSorted: boolean): string[];
export function weekdaysShort(localeSorted: boolean, index: number): string;
export function weekdaysShort(localeSorted: boolean, format: string): string[];
export function weekdaysShort(localeSorted: boolean, format: string, index: number): string;
export function weekdaysMin(): string[];
export function weekdaysMin(index: number): string;
export function weekdaysMin(format: string): string[];
export function weekdaysMin(format: string, index: number): string;
export function weekdaysMin(localeSorted: boolean): string[];
export function weekdaysMin(localeSorted: boolean, index: number): string;
export function weekdaysMin(localeSorted: boolean, format: string): string[];
export function weekdaysMin(localeSorted: boolean, format: string, index: number): string;
export function min(moments: Moment[]): Moment;
export function min(...moments: Moment[]): Moment;
export function max(moments: Moment[]): Moment;
export function max(...moments: Moment[]): Moment;
* Returns unix time in milliseconds. Overwrite for profit.
export function now(): number;
export function defineLocale(language: string, localeSpec: LocaleSpecification | void): Locale; // null
export function updateLocale(language: string, localeSpec: LocaleSpecification | void): Locale; // null
export function locales(): string[];
export function normalizeUnits(unit: unitOfTime.All): string;
export function relativeTimeThreshold(threshold: string): number | boolean;
export function relativeTimeThreshold(threshold: string, limit: number): boolean;
export function relativeTimeRounding(fn: (num: number) => number): boolean;
export function relativeTimeRounding(): (num: number) => number;
export function calendarFormat(m: Moment, now: Moment): string;
* Constant used to enable explicit ISO_8601 format parsing.
export var ISO_8601: MomentBuiltinFormat;
export var RFC_2822: MomentBuiltinFormat;
export var defaultFormat: string;
export var defaultFormatUtc: string;
export = moment;