RaidMax 9aea9e1c02 Made webfront optional for decreased ram usage
initialization should be better asynced
clean up publish folder after publish
added chevron hover icon for loading more penalties
added T6M maps to config
2018-04-16 15:31:14 -05:00

324 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using SharedLibraryCore.Commands;
using SharedLibraryCore.Helpers;
using SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions;
using SharedLibraryCore.Objects;
using SharedLibraryCore.Services;
using IW4MAdmin.Application.API;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using WebfrontCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
public class ApplicationManager : IManager
private List<Server> _servers;
public List<Server> Servers => _servers.OrderByDescending(s => s.ClientNum).ToList();
public Dictionary<int, Player> PrivilegedClients { get; set; }
public ILogger Logger { get; private set; }
public bool Running { get; private set; }
public EventHandler<GameEvent> ServerEventOccurred { get; private set; }
static ApplicationManager Instance;
List<AsyncStatus> TaskStatuses;
List<Command> Commands;
List<MessageToken> MessageTokens;
ClientService ClientSvc;
AliasService AliasSvc;
PenaltyService PenaltySvc;
BaseConfigurationHandler<ApplicationConfiguration> ConfigHandler;
EventApi Api;
const int UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 700;
const int UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 450;
private ApplicationManager()
Logger = new Logger($@"{Utilities.OperatingDirectory}IW4MAdmin.log");
_servers = new List<Server>();
Commands = new List<Command>();
TaskStatuses = new List<AsyncStatus>();
MessageTokens = new List<MessageToken>();
ClientSvc = new ClientService();
AliasSvc = new AliasService();
PenaltySvc = new PenaltyService();
PrivilegedClients = new Dictionary<int, Player>();
Api = new EventApi();
ServerEventOccurred += Api.OnServerEvent;
ConfigHandler = new BaseConfigurationHandler<ApplicationConfiguration>("IW4MAdminSettings");
Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(OnCancelKey);
private void OnCancelKey(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs args)
public IList<Server> GetServers()
return Servers;
public IList<Command> GetCommands()
return Commands;
public static ApplicationManager GetInstance()
return Instance ?? (Instance = new ApplicationManager());
public async Task Init()
#region DATABASE
var ipList = (await ClientSvc.Find(c => c.Level > Player.Permission.Trusted))
.Select(c => new
foreach (var a in ipList)
PrivilegedClients.Add(a.ClientId, new Player()
Name = a.Name,
ClientId = a.ClientId,
Level = a.Level,
PasswordSalt = a.PasswordSalt,
Password = a.Password
catch (ArgumentException)
#region CONFIG
var config = ConfigHandler.Configuration();
if (config?.Servers == null)
var newConfig = (ApplicationConfiguration)ConfigHandler.Configuration().Generate();
newConfig.AutoMessagePeriod = config.AutoMessagePeriod;
newConfig.AutoMessages = config.AutoMessages;
newConfig.GlobalRules = config.GlobalRules;
newConfig.Maps = config.Maps;
newConfig.Servers = ConfigurationGenerator.GenerateServerConfig(new List<ServerConfiguration>());
config = newConfig;
await ConfigHandler.Save();
else if (config.Servers.Count == 0)
throw new ServerException("A server configuration in IW4MAdminSettings.json is invalid");
#region PLUGINS
foreach (var Plugin in SharedLibraryCore.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActivePlugins)
await Plugin.OnLoadAsync(this);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.WriteError($"An error occured loading plugin {Plugin.Name}");
Logger.WriteDebug($"Exception: {e.Message}");
Logger.WriteDebug($"Stack Trace: {e.StackTrace}");
#region COMMANDS
if (ClientSvc.GetOwners().Result.Count == 0)
Commands.Add(new COwner());
Commands.Add(new CQuit());
Commands.Add(new CKick());
Commands.Add(new CSay());
Commands.Add(new CTempBan());
Commands.Add(new CBan());
Commands.Add(new CWhoAmI());
Commands.Add(new CList());
Commands.Add(new CHelp());
Commands.Add(new CFastRestart());
Commands.Add(new CMapRotate());
Commands.Add(new CSetLevel());
Commands.Add(new CUsage());
Commands.Add(new CUptime());
Commands.Add(new CWarn());
Commands.Add(new CWarnClear());
Commands.Add(new CUnban());
Commands.Add(new CListAdmins());
Commands.Add(new CLoadMap());
Commands.Add(new CFindPlayer());
Commands.Add(new CListRules());
Commands.Add(new CPrivateMessage());
Commands.Add(new CFlag());
Commands.Add(new CReport());
Commands.Add(new CListReports());
Commands.Add(new CListBanInfo());
Commands.Add(new CListAlias());
Commands.Add(new CExecuteRCON());
Commands.Add(new CPlugins());
Commands.Add(new CIP());
Commands.Add(new CMask());
Commands.Add(new CPruneAdmins());
Commands.Add(new CKillServer());
Commands.Add(new CSetPassword());
Commands.Add(new CPing());
foreach (Command C in SharedLibraryCore.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActiveCommands)
#region INIT
async Task Init(ServerConfiguration Conf)
var ServerInstance = new IW4MServer(this, Conf);
await ServerInstance.Initialize();
lock (_servers)
Logger.WriteVerbose($"Now monitoring {ServerInstance.Hostname}");
// this way we can keep track of execution time and see if problems arise.
var Status = new AsyncStatus(ServerInstance, UPDATE_FREQUENCY);
lock (TaskStatuses)
catch (ServerException e)
Logger.WriteError($"Not monitoring server {Conf.IPAddress}:{Conf.Port} due to uncorrectable errors");
if (e.GetType() == typeof(DvarException))
Logger.WriteDebug($"Could not get the dvar value for {(e as DvarException).Data["dvar_name"]} (ensure the server has a map loaded)");
else if (e.GetType() == typeof(NetworkException))
// throw the exception to the main method to stop before instantly exiting
throw e;
await Task.WhenAll(config.Servers.Select(c => Init(c)).ToArray());
Running = true;
public void Start()
while (Running || TaskStatuses.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < TaskStatuses.Count; i++)
var Status = TaskStatuses[i];
// task is read to be rerun
if (Status.RequestedTask == null || Status.RequestedTask.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
// remove the task when we want to quit and last run has finished
if (!Running)
// normal operation
Status.Update(new Task<bool>(() => { return (Status.Dependant as Server).ProcessUpdatesAsync(Status.GetToken()).Result; }));
if (Status.RunAverage > 1000 + UPDATE_FREQUENCY && !(Status.Dependant as Server).Throttled)
Logger.WriteWarning($"Update task average execution is longer than desired for {(Status.Dependant as Server)} [{Status.RunAverage}ms]");
if (Status.RequestedTask.Status == TaskStatus.Faulted)
Logger.WriteWarning($"Update task for {(Status.Dependant as Server)} faulted, restarting");
#if !DEBUG
foreach (var S in Servers)
S.Broadcast("^1IW4MAdmin going offline!").Wait();
public void Stop()
Running = false;
public ILogger GetLogger()
return Logger;
public IList<MessageToken> GetMessageTokens()
return MessageTokens;
public IList<Player> GetActiveClients()
var ActiveClients = new List<Player>();
foreach (var server in _servers)
ActiveClients.AddRange(server.Players.Where(p => p != null));
return ActiveClients;
public ClientService GetClientService() => ClientSvc;
public AliasService GetAliasService() => AliasSvc;
public PenaltyService GetPenaltyService() => PenaltySvc;
public IConfigurationHandler<ApplicationConfiguration> GetApplicationSettings() => ConfigHandler;
public IDictionary<int, Player> GetPrivilegedClients() => PrivilegedClients;
public IEventApi GetEventApi() => Api;
public bool ShutdownRequested() => !Running;