RaidMax 0cabf6f8a3 only fix double forward slash characters (instead of single) when sending messages
retry kicks on banned players if they're banned from webfront, but don't actually get kicked because the game doesn't process the command (looking at you T6)
allow capturing chat messages for names spoofed to an empty string
make sure mostkills uses days not month for cutoff
2020-05-16 20:55:18 -05:00

81 lines
3.2 KiB

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Config;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Helpers;
namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Commands
class MostKillsCommand : Command
private readonly IDatabaseContextFactory _contextFactory;
public MostKillsCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup translationLookup, IDatabaseContextFactory contextFactory) : base(config, translationLookup)
Name = "mostkills";
Description = translationLookup["PLUGINS_STATS_COMMANDS_MOSTKILLS_DESC"];
Alias = "mk";
Permission = EFClient.Permission.User;
_contextFactory = contextFactory;
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent E)
var mostKills = await GetMostKills(StatManager.GetIdForServer(E.Owner), Plugin.Config.Configuration(), _contextFactory, _translationLookup);
if (!E.Message.IsBroadcastCommand())
foreach (var stat in mostKills)
foreach (var stat in mostKills)
public static async Task<IEnumerable<string>> GetMostKills(long? serverId, StatsConfiguration config, IDatabaseContextFactory contextFactory, ITranslationLookup translationLookup)
using (var ctx = contextFactory.CreateContext(enableTracking: false))
var dayInPast = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-config.MostKillsMaxInactivityDays);
var iqStats = (from stats in ctx.Set<EFClientStatistics>()
join client in ctx.Clients
on stats.ClientId equals client.ClientId
join alias in ctx.Aliases
on client.CurrentAliasId equals alias.AliasId
where stats.ServerId == serverId
where client.Level != EFClient.Permission.Banned
where client.LastConnection >= dayInPast
orderby stats.Kills descending
select new
var iqList = await iqStats.ToListAsync();
return iqList.Select((stats, index) => translationLookup["PLUGINS_STATS_COMMANDS_MOSTKILLS_FORMAT"].FormatExt(index + 1, stats.Name, stats.Kills))