RaidMax 7dfc2bbc1b I apparently initialized the commands for each server, which result in 114 commands being added. That is now fixed.
Hopefully this is the final fix for chat remaining on empty servers. (order matters!)
Configuration setting to allow multiple owners.
Fixed setlevel issues.
Organized Server class variables
2017-06-19 13:58:01 -04:00

316 lines
10 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SharedLibrary;
using SharedLibrary.Network;
using SharedLibrary.Interfaces;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Votemap_Plugin
/// <summary>
/// Allow clients to vote for the next map at the end of a round
/// Map choices are defined in the server
/// </summary>
public class VoteMap : Command
public VoteMap() : base("vote", "vote for the next map. syntax !v <mapname>", "v", Player.Permission.User, 1, false) { }
/// <summary>
/// Properties of Event E
/// Owner: The server the event came from
/// Origin: The player generating the event
/// Target: Optional target the player specified
/// Data: Chat message which triggered the command event
/// </summary>
/// <param name="E">This is the `say` event that comes from the server</param>
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(Event E)
var voting = Vote.GetServerVotes(E.Owner.GetPort());
// we only want to allow a vote during a vote session
if (voting.voteInSession)
if (voting.ClientHasVoted(E.Origin.NetworkID))
await E.Origin.Tell("You have already voted. Use ^5!vc ^7to ^5cancel ^7your vote");
string mapSearch = E.Data.ToLower().Trim();
// probably not the most optimized way to match the map.. but nothing is time critical here
Map votedMap = E.Owner.Maps.Find(m => (m.Alias.ToLower().Contains(mapSearch) || m.Name.Contains(mapSearch)));
if (votedMap == null)
await E.Origin.Tell("^1" + E.Data + " is not a recognized map");
voting.CastClientVote(E.Origin.NetworkID, votedMap);
await E.Origin.Tell("You voted for ^5" + votedMap.Alias);
await E.Origin.Tell("There is no vote in session");
public class VoteCancel : Command
public VoteCancel() : base("votecancel", "cancel your vote for the next map. syntax !vc", "vc", Player.Permission.User, 0, false) { }
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(Event E)
var voting = Vote.GetServerVotes(E.Owner.GetPort());
if (voting.voteInSession)
if (voting.ClientHasVoted(E.Origin.NetworkID))
await E.Origin.Tell("Vote cancelled");
await E.Origin.Tell("You have no vote to cancel");
await E.Origin.Tell("There is no vote in session");
public class Vote : IPlugin
public class VoteData
public string guid;
public Map map;
public class MapResult
public Map map;
public int voteNum;
public class ServerVoting
public int ServerId
get; private set;
public bool voteInSession;
public bool matchEnded;
public bool votePassed;
public bool waitForLoad;
public DateTime voteTimeStart;
public DateTime loadStartTime;
public List<VoteData> VoteList
get; private set;
public ServerVoting(int id)
ServerId = id;
voteInSession = false;
votePassed = false;
matchEnded = false;
waitForLoad = true;
VoteList = new List<VoteData>();
public int GetTotalVotes()
return VoteList.Count;
public bool ClientHasVoted(string guid)
return VoteList.Exists(x => (x.guid == guid));
public void CastClientVote(string guid, Map map)
var vote = new VoteData()
guid = guid,
map = map
public void CancelClientVote(string guid)
VoteList.RemoveAll(x => (x.guid == guid));
public MapResult GetTopVotedMap()
List<MapResult> results = new List<MapResult>();
MapResult result = new MapResult()
map = new Map("Remain", "Remain"),
voteNum = 0
foreach (var vote in VoteList)
if (!results.Exists(x => ( ==
MapResult newResult = new MapResult()
map =,
voteNum = 1
var map = results.Find(x => ==;
map.voteNum += 1;
foreach (var map in results)
if (map.voteNum > result.voteNum)
result = map;
return result;
private static List<ServerVoting> serverVotingList;
public static int minVotes = 3;
public string Author
return "RaidMax";
public float Version
return 1.0f;
public string Name
return "Votemap Plugin";
public async Task OnLoadAsync()
serverVotingList = new List<ServerVoting>();
public async Task OnUnloadAsync()
/// <summary>
/// The server monitor thread calls this about every 1 second
/// This is not high-precision, but will run 1 time per second
/// </summary>
/// <param name="S"></param>
public async Task OnTickAsync(Server S)
var serverVotes = GetServerVotes(S.GetPort());
if (serverVotes != null)
if ((DateTime.Now - serverVotes.loadStartTime).TotalSeconds < 30 /* || S.getPlayers().Count < 3*/)
serverVotes.waitForLoad = false;
// dvar that is set & updated by the game script...
serverVotes.matchEnded = (await S.GetDvarAsync<int>("scr_gameended")).Value == 1;
Console.WriteLine("Match ended->" + serverVotes.matchEnded);
Console.WriteLine("Vote in session->" + serverVotes.voteInSession);
Console.WriteLine("Vote passed->" + serverVotes.votePassed);*/
if (!serverVotes.voteInSession && serverVotes.matchEnded && serverVotes.voteTimeStart == DateTime.MinValue)
await S.Broadcast("Voting has started for the ^5next map");
await S.Broadcast("Type ^5!v <map> ^7to vote for the nextmap!");
serverVotes.voteInSession = true;
serverVotes.voteTimeStart = DateTime.Now;
if (!serverVotes.voteInSession && serverVotes.votePassed && (DateTime.Now - serverVotes.voteTimeStart).TotalSeconds > 30)
await S.ExecuteCommandAsync("map " + serverVotes.GetTopVotedMap().map.Name);
serverVotes.votePassed = false;
if (serverVotes.voteInSession)
if ((DateTime.Now - serverVotes.voteTimeStart).TotalSeconds > 25)
serverVotes.voteInSession = false;
MapResult m = serverVotes.GetTopVotedMap();
await S.Broadcast("Voting has ended!");
if (m.voteNum < minVotes && S.GetPlayersAsList().Count > 4)
await S.Broadcast("Vote map failed. At least ^5" + minVotes + " ^7people must choose the same map");
await S.Broadcast(String.Format("Next map is ^5{0} ^7- [^2{1}/{2}^7] votes",, m.voteNum, serverVotes.GetTotalVotes()));
serverVotes.votePassed = true;
public async Task OnEventAsync(Event E, Server S)
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Start)
serverVotingList.Add(new ServerVoting(S.GetPort()));
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Stop)
serverVotingList.RemoveAll(x => x.ServerId == S.GetPort());
if (E.Type == Event.GType.MapEnd || E.Type == Event.GType.MapChange)
var serverVotes = GetServerVotes(S.GetPort());
serverVotes.voteTimeStart = DateTime.MinValue;
serverVotes.loadStartTime = DateTime.Now;
serverVotes.waitForLoad = true;
public static ServerVoting GetServerVotes(int serverID)
return serverVotingList.Find(x => (x.ServerId == serverID));