RaidMax 4caa4655e2 abstracting rcon parsing and event parsing
changed Event to GameEvent
finally fixed the stats NaN
check ip for bans
consolidated console, profile, and logout into dropdown
make sure game is iw4 before using :^ in say
fix pm not showing from name if in web console
show time left of temban on profile
2018-04-13 01:32:30 -05:00

984 lines
39 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using SharedLibraryCore.Objects;
using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models;
using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc;
using Application.RconParsers;
using Application.EventParsers;
namespace IW4MAdmin
public class IW4MServer : Server
private CancellationToken cts;
public IW4MServer(IManager mgr, ServerConfiguration cfg) : base(mgr, cfg) { }
public override int GetHashCode()
// todo: make this better with collisions
int id = Math.Abs($"{IP}:{Port.ToString()}".Select(a => (int)a).Sum());
// this is a nasty fix for get hashcode being changed
case 765:
return 886229536;
case 760:
return 1645744423;
case 761:
return 1645809959;
return id;
override public async Task<bool> AddPlayer(Player polledPlayer)
if (polledPlayer.Ping == 999 || polledPlayer.Ping < 1 || polledPlayer.ClientNumber > (MaxClients) || polledPlayer.ClientNumber < 0)
//Logger.WriteDebug($"Skipping client not in connected state {P}");
return true;
if (Players[polledPlayer.ClientNumber] != null &&
Players[polledPlayer.ClientNumber].NetworkId == polledPlayer.NetworkId)
// update their ping & score
Players[polledPlayer.ClientNumber].Ping = polledPlayer.Ping;
Players[polledPlayer.ClientNumber].Score = polledPlayer.Score;
return true;
#if !DEBUG
if (polledPlayer.Name.Length < 3)
Logger.WriteDebug($"Kicking {polledPlayer} because their name is too short");
string formattedKick = String.Format(RconParser.GetCommandPrefixes().Kick, polledPlayer.ClientNumber, "Your name must contain atleast 3 characters.");
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedKick);
return false;
if (Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p != null && p.Name == polledPlayer.Name) != null)
Logger.WriteDebug($"Kicking {polledPlayer} because their name is already in use");
string formattedKick = String.Format(RconParser.GetCommandPrefixes().Kick, polledPlayer.ClientNumber, "Your name is being used by someone else.");
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedKick);
return false;
if (polledPlayer.Name == "Unknown Soldier" ||
polledPlayer.Name == "UnknownSoldier" ||
polledPlayer.Name == "CHEATER")
Logger.WriteDebug($"Kicking {polledPlayer} because their name is generic");
string formattedKick = String.Format(RconParser.GetCommandPrefixes().Kick, polledPlayer.ClientNumber, "Please change your name using /name.");
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedKick);
return false;
if (polledPlayer.Name.Where(c => Char.IsControl(c)).Count() > 0)
Logger.WriteDebug($"Kicking {polledPlayer} because their contains control characters");
string formattedKick = String.Format(RconParser.GetCommandPrefixes().Kick, polledPlayer.ClientNumber, "Your name cannot contain control characters.");
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedKick);
return false;
Logger.WriteDebug($"Client slot #{polledPlayer.ClientNumber} now reserved");
Player player = null;
var client = await Manager.GetClientService().GetUnique(polledPlayer.NetworkId);
// first time client is connecting to server
if (client == null)
Logger.WriteDebug($"Client {polledPlayer} first time connecting");
player = (await Manager.GetClientService().Create(polledPlayer)).AsPlayer();
// client has connected in the past
client.LastConnection = DateTime.UtcNow;
client.Connections += 1;
var existingAlias = client.AliasLink.Children
.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == polledPlayer.Name && a.IPAddress == polledPlayer.IPAddress);
if (existingAlias == null)
Logger.WriteDebug($"Client {polledPlayer} has connected previously under a different ip/name");
client.CurrentAlias = new EFAlias()
IPAddress = polledPlayer.IPAddress,
Name = polledPlayer.Name,
// we need to update their new ip and name to the virtual property
client.Name = polledPlayer.Name;
client.IPAddress = polledPlayer.IPAddress;
await Manager.GetClientService().Update(client);
else if (existingAlias.Name == polledPlayer.Name)
client.CurrentAlias = existingAlias;
client.CurrentAliasId = existingAlias.AliasId;
await Manager.GetClientService().Update(client);
player = client.AsPlayer();
// Do the player specific stuff
player.ClientNumber = polledPlayer.ClientNumber;
player.Score = polledPlayer.Score;
player.CurrentServer = this;
Players[player.ClientNumber] = player;
var activePenalties = await Manager.GetPenaltyService().GetActivePenaltiesAsync(player.AliasLinkId, player.IPAddress);
var currentBan = activePenalties.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Expires > DateTime.UtcNow);
if (currentBan != null)
Logger.WriteInfo($"Banned client {player} trying to connect...");
var autoKickClient = (await Manager.GetClientService().Get(1)).AsPlayer();
autoKickClient.CurrentServer = this;
if (currentBan.Type == Penalty.PenaltyType.TempBan)
string formattedKick = String.Format(RconParser.GetCommandPrefixes().Kick, polledPlayer.ClientNumber, $"You are temporarily banned. ({(currentBan.Expires - DateTime.UtcNow).TimeSpanText()} left)");
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedKick);
await player.Kick($"Previously banned for {currentBan.Offense}", autoKickClient);
if (player.Level != Player.Permission.Banned && currentBan.Type == Penalty.PenaltyType.Ban)
await player.Ban($"Previously banned for {currentBan.Offense}", autoKickClient);
return true;
Logger.WriteInfo($"Client {player} connecting...");
await ExecuteEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.EventType.Connect, "", player, null, this));
if (!Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().EnableClientVPNs &&
await VPNCheck.UsingVPN(player.IPAddressString, Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().IPHubAPIKey))
await player.Kick("VPNs are not allowed on this server", new Player() { ClientId = 1 });
return true;
catch (Exception E)
Manager.GetLogger().WriteError($"Unable to add player {polledPlayer.Name}::{polledPlayer.NetworkId}");
return false;
//Remove player by CLIENT NUMBER
override public async Task RemovePlayer(int cNum)
if (cNum >= 0 && Players[cNum] != null)
Player Leaving = Players[cNum];
Logger.WriteInfo($"Client {Leaving} disconnecting...");
await ExecuteEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.EventType.Disconnect, "", Leaving, null, this));
Leaving.TotalConnectionTime += (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - Leaving.ConnectionTime).TotalSeconds;
Leaving.LastConnection = DateTime.UtcNow;
await Manager.GetClientService().Update(Leaving);
Players[cNum] = null;
//Process requested command correlating to an event
// todo: this needs to be removed out of here
override public async Task<Command> ValidateCommand(GameEvent E)
string CommandString = E.Data.Substring(1, E.Data.Length - 1).Split(' ')[0];
E.Message = E.Data;
Command C = null;
foreach (Command cmd in Manager.GetCommands())
if (cmd.Name == CommandString.ToLower() || cmd.Alias == CommandString.ToLower())
C = cmd;
if (C == null)
await E.Origin.Tell("You entered an unknown command");
throw new SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} entered unknown command \"{CommandString}\"");
E.Data = E.Data.RemoveWords(1);
String[] Args = E.Data.Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (E.Origin.Level < C.Permission)
await E.Origin.Tell("You do not have access to that command");
throw new SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} does not have access to \"{C.Name}\"");
if (Args.Length < (C.RequiredArgumentCount))
await E.Origin.Tell($"Not enough arguments supplied");
await E.Origin.Tell(C.Syntax);
throw new SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} did not supply enough arguments for \"{C.Name}\"");
if (C.RequiresTarget || Args.Length > 0)
int cNum = -1;
cNum = Convert.ToInt32(Args[0]);
catch (FormatException)
if (Args[0][0] == '@') // user specifying target by database ID
int dbID = -1;
int.TryParse(Args[0].Substring(1, Args[0].Length - 1), out dbID);
var found = await Manager.GetClientService().Get(dbID);
if (found != null)
E.Target = found.AsPlayer();
E.Target.CurrentServer = this as IW4MServer;
E.Owner = this as IW4MServer;
E.Data = String.Join(" ", Args.Skip(1));
else if (Args[0].Length < 3 && cNum > -1 && cNum < MaxClients) // user specifying target by client num
if (Players[cNum] != null)
E.Target = Players[cNum];
E.Data = String.Join(" ", Args.Skip(1));
List<Player> matchingPlayers;
if (E.Target == null) // Find active player including quotes (multiple words)
matchingPlayers = GetClientByName(E.Data.Trim());
if (matchingPlayers.Count > 1)
await E.Origin.Tell("Multiple players match that name");
throw new SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} had multiple players found for {C.Name}");
else if (matchingPlayers.Count == 1)
E.Target = matchingPlayers.First();
string escapedName = Regex.Escape(E.Target.Name);
var reg = new Regex($"(\"{escapedName}\")|({escapedName})", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
E.Data = reg.Replace(E.Data, "", 1).Trim();
if (E.Data.Length == 0 && C.RequiredArgumentCount > 1)
await E.Origin.Tell($"Not enough arguments supplied!");
await E.Origin.Tell(C.Syntax);
throw new SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} did not supply enough arguments for \"{C.Name}\"");
if (E.Target == null) // Find active player as single word
matchingPlayers = GetClientByName(Args[0]);
if (matchingPlayers.Count > 1)
await E.Origin.Tell("Multiple players match that name");
foreach (var p in matchingPlayers)
await E.Origin.Tell($"[^3{p.ClientNumber}^7] {p.Name}");
throw new SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} had multiple players found for {C.Name}");
else if (matchingPlayers.Count == 1)
E.Target = matchingPlayers.First();
string escapedName = Regex.Escape(E.Target.Name);
string escapedArg = Regex.Escape(Args[0]);
var reg = new Regex($"({escapedName})|({escapedArg})", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
E.Data = reg.Replace(E.Data, "", 1).Trim();
if ((E.Data.Trim() == E.Target.Name.ToLower().Trim() ||
E.Data == String.Empty) &&
await E.Origin.Tell($"Not enough arguments supplied!");
await E.Origin.Tell(C.Syntax);
throw new SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} did not supply enough arguments for \"{C.Name}\"");
if (E.Target == null && C.RequiresTarget)
await E.Origin.Tell("Unable to find specified player.");
throw new SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} specified invalid player for \"{C.Name}\"");
E.Data = E.Data.Trim();
return C;
public override async Task ExecuteEvent(GameEvent E)
if (Throttled)
await ProcessEvent(E);
Manager.GetEventApi().OnServerEvent(this, E);
foreach (IPlugin P in SharedLibraryCore.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActivePlugins)
#if !DEBUG
if (cts.IsCancellationRequested)
await P.OnEventAsync(E, this);
#if !DEBUG
catch (Exception Except)
Logger.WriteError(String.Format("The plugin \"{0}\" generated an error. ( see log )", P.Name));
Logger.WriteDebug(String.Format("Error Message: {0}", Except.Message));
Logger.WriteDebug(String.Format("Error Trace: {0}", Except.StackTrace));
while (Except.InnerException != null)
Except = Except.InnerException;
Logger.WriteDebug($"Inner exception: {Except.Message}");
async Task<int> PollPlayersAsync()
var now = DateTime.Now;
List<Player> CurrentPlayers = null;
CurrentPlayers = await this.GetStatusAsync();
// when the server has lost connection
catch (SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.NetworkException)
Throttled = true;
return ClientNum;
Logger.WriteInfo($"Polling players took {(DateTime.Now - now).TotalMilliseconds}ms");
Throttled = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Players.Count; i++)
if (CurrentPlayers.Find(p => p.ClientNumber == i) == null && Players[i] != null)
await RemovePlayer(i);
for (int i = 0; i < CurrentPlayers.Count; i++)
await AddPlayer(CurrentPlayers[i]);
return CurrentPlayers.Count;
long l_size = -1;
String[] lines = new String[8];
String[] oldLines = new String[8];
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
DateTime playerCountStart = DateTime.Now;
DateTime lastCount = DateTime.Now;
DateTime tickTime = DateTime.Now;
bool firstRun = true;
override public async Task<bool> ProcessUpdatesAsync(CancellationToken cts)
this.cts = cts;
//#if DEBUG == false
// first start
if (firstRun)
await ExecuteEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.EventType.Start, "Server started", null, null, this));
firstRun = false;
if ((DateTime.Now - LastPoll).TotalMinutes < 2 && ConnectionErrors >= 1)
return true;
int polledPlayerCount = await PollPlayersAsync();
if (ConnectionErrors > 0)
Logger.WriteVerbose($"Connection has been reestablished with {IP}:{Port}");
Throttled = false;
ConnectionErrors = 0;
LastPoll = DateTime.Now;
catch (SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.NetworkException e)
if (ConnectionErrors == 1)
Logger.WriteError($"{e.Message} {IP}:{Port}, reducing polling rate");
Logger.WriteDebug($"Internal Exception: {e.Data["internal_exception"]}");
Throttled = true;
return true;
LastMessage = DateTime.Now - start;
lastCount = DateTime.Now;
if ((DateTime.Now - tickTime).TotalMilliseconds >= 1000)
foreach (var Plugin in SharedLibraryCore.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActivePlugins)
if (cts.IsCancellationRequested)
await Plugin.OnTickAsync(this);
tickTime = DateTime.Now;
if ((lastCount - playerCountStart).TotalMinutes >= SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.PlayerHistory.UpdateInterval)
while (PlayerHistory.Count > ((60 / SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.PlayerHistory.UpdateInterval) * 12)) // 12 times a hour for 12 hours
PlayerHistory.Enqueue(new SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.PlayerHistory(ClientNum));
playerCountStart = DateTime.Now;
if (LastMessage.TotalSeconds > Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().AutoMessagePeriod
&& BroadcastMessages.Count > 0
&& ClientNum > 0)
await Broadcast(Utilities.ProcessMessageToken(Manager.GetMessageTokens(), BroadcastMessages[NextMessage]));
NextMessage = NextMessage == (BroadcastMessages.Count - 1) ? 0 : NextMessage + 1;
start = DateTime.Now;
if (LogFile == null)
return true;
if (l_size != LogFile.Length())
// this should be the longest running task
await Task.FromResult(lines = LogFile.Tail(12));
if (lines != oldLines)
l_size = LogFile.Length();
int end = (lines.Length == oldLines.Length) ? lines.Length - 1 : Math.Abs((lines.Length - oldLines.Length)) - 1;
for (int count = 0; count < lines.Length; count++)
if (lines.Length < 1 && oldLines.Length < 1)
if (lines[count] == oldLines[oldLines.Length - 1])
if (lines[count].Length < 10) // it's not a needed line
GameEvent event_ = EventParser.GetEvent(this, lines[count]);
if (event_ != null)
if (event_.Origin == null)
await ExecuteEvent(event_);
oldLines = lines;
l_size = LogFile.Length();
if (Manager.ShutdownRequested())
foreach (var plugin in SharedLibraryCore.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActivePlugins)
await plugin.OnUnloadAsync();
for (int i = 0; i < Players.Count; i++)
await RemovePlayer(i);
return true;
//#if !DEBUG
catch (SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.NetworkException)
Logger.WriteError($"Could not communicate with {IP}:{Port}");
return false;
catch (Exception E)
Logger.WriteError($"Encountered error on {IP}:{Port}");
Logger.WriteDebug("Error Message: " + E.Message);
Logger.WriteDebug("Error Trace: " + E.StackTrace);
return false;
public async Task Initialize()
RconParser = ServerConfig.UseT6MParser ? (IRConParser)new T6MRConParser() : new IW4RConParser();
EventParser = ServerConfig.UseT6MParser ? (IEventParser)new T6MEventParser() : new IW4EventParser();
var version = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("version");
GameName = Utilities.GetGame(version.Value);
if (GameName == Game.UKN)
Logger.WriteWarning($"Game name not recognized: {version}");
var shortversion = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("shortversion");
var hostname = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("sv_hostname");
var mapname = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("mapname");
var maxplayers = (GameName == Game.IW4) ? // gotta love IW4 idiosyncrasies
await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("party_maxplayers") :
await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("sv_maxclients");
var gametype = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_gametype");
var basepath = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("fs_basepath");
WorkingDirectory = basepath.Value;
var game = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("fs_game");
var logfile = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_log");
var logsync = await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("g_logsync");
Dvar<int> onelog = null;
if (GameName == Game.IW4)
onelog = await this.GetDvarAsync<int>("iw4x_onelog");
catch (Exception)
onelog = new Dvar<int>("iw4x_onelog")
Value = -1
var website = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("_website");
Website = website.Value;
catch (SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.DvarException)
Website = "this server's website";
this.Hostname = hostname.Value.StripColors();
this.CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname.Value) ?? new Map() { Alias = mapname.Value, Name = mapname.Value };
this.MaxClients = maxplayers.Value;
this.FSGame = game.Value;
await this.SetDvarAsync("sv_kickbantime", 60);
if (logsync.Value == 0 || logfile.Value == string.Empty)
// this DVAR isn't set until the a map is loaded
await this.SetDvarAsync("logfile", 2);
await this.SetDvarAsync("g_logsync", 2); // set to 2 for continous in other games, clamps to 1 for IW4
await this.SetDvarAsync("g_log", "games_mp.log");
Logger.WriteWarning("Game log file not properly initialized, restarting map...");
await this.ExecuteCommandAsync("map_restart");
logfile = await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_log");
CustomCallback = await ScriptLoaded();
string mainPath = (GameName == Game.IW4 && onelog.Value >= 0) ? "userraw" : "main";
// patch for T5M:V2 log path
mainPath = (GameName == Game.T5M) ? "rzodemo" : mainPath;
// patch for T6M:PLUTONIUM
mainPath = (GameName == Game.T6M) ? $"t6r{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}data" : mainPath;
basepath.Value = @"\\\Call of Duty Black Ops II";
string logPath = (game.Value == "" || onelog?.Value == 1) ?
$"{basepath.Value.Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{mainPath}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{logfile.Value}" :
$"{basepath.Value.Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{game.Value.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{logfile.Value}";
if (!File.Exists(logPath))
Logger.WriteError($"Gamelog {logPath} does not exist!");
#if !DEBUG
throw new SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.ServerException($"Invalid gamelog file {logPath}");
LogFile = new IFile(logPath);
Logger.WriteInfo($"Log file is {logPath}");
// LogFile = new RemoteFile("https://raidmax.org/IW4MAdmin/getlog.php");
await Broadcast("IW4M Admin is now ^2ONLINE");
//Process any server event
override protected async Task ProcessEvent(GameEvent E)
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Connect)
ChatHistory.Add(new ChatInfo()
Name = E.Origin.Name,
Message = "CONNECTED",
Time = DateTime.UtcNow
if (E.Origin.Level > Player.Permission.Moderator)
await E.Origin.Tell($"There are ^5{Reports.Count} ^7recent reports");
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Disconnect)
ChatHistory.Add(new ChatInfo()
Name = E.Origin.Name,
Time = DateTime.UtcNow
else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Script)
await ExecuteEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.EventType.Kill, E.Data, E.Origin, E.Target, this));
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Say && E.Data.Length >= 2)
if (E.Data.Substring(0, 1) == "!" || E.Data.Substring(0, 1) == "@" || E.Origin.Level == Player.Permission.Console)
Command C = null;
C = await ValidateCommand(E);
catch (SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions.CommandException e)
if (C != null)
if (C.RequiresTarget && E.Target == null)
Logger.WriteWarning("Requested event (command) requiring target does not have a target!");
await C.ExecuteAsync(E);
catch (Exception Except)
Logger.WriteError(String.Format("A command request \"{0}\" generated an error.", C.Name));
Logger.WriteDebug(String.Format("Error Message: {0}", Except.Message));
Logger.WriteDebug(String.Format("Error Trace: {0}", Except.StackTrace));
await E.Origin.Tell("^1An internal error occured while processing your command^7");
await E.Origin.Tell(Except.Message);
else // Not a command
E.Data = E.Data.StripColors();
ChatHistory.Add(new ChatInfo()
Name = E.Origin.Name,
Message = E.Data,
Time = DateTime.UtcNow
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.MapChange)
Logger.WriteInfo($"New map loaded - {ClientNum} active players");
Gametype = (await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("g_gametype")).Value.StripColors();
Hostname = (await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("sv_hostname")).Value.StripColors();
FSGame = (await this.GetDvarAsync<string>("fs_game")).Value.StripColors();
string mapname = this.GetDvarAsync<string>("mapname").Result.Value;
CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname) ?? new Map() { Alias = mapname, Name = mapname };
if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.MapEnd)
Logger.WriteInfo("Game ending...");
//todo: move
while (ChatHistory.Count > Math.Ceiling((double)ClientNum / 2))
// the last client hasn't fully disconnected yet
// so there will still be at least 1 client left
if (ClientNum < 2)
public override async Task Warn(String Reason, Player Target, Player Origin)
// ensure player gets warned if command not performed on them in game
if (Target.ClientNumber < 0)
var ingameClient = Manager.GetActiveClients()
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == Target.ClientId);
if (ingameClient != null)
await Warn(Reason, ingameClient, Origin);
if (Target.Warnings >= 4)
await Target.Kick("Too many warnings!", (await Manager.GetClientService().Get(1)).AsPlayer());
String Message = String.Format("^1WARNING ^7[^3{0}^7]: ^3{1}^7, {2}", Target.Warnings, Target.Name, Reason);
await Target.CurrentServer.Broadcast(Message);
Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Warning,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow,
Offender = Target,
Offense = Reason,
Punisher = Origin,
Active = true,
When = DateTime.UtcNow,
Link = Target.AliasLink
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(newPenalty);
public override async Task Kick(String Reason, Player Target, Player Origin)
// ensure player gets kicked if command not performed on them in game
if (Target.ClientNumber < 0)
var ingameClient = Manager.GetActiveClients()
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == Target.ClientId);
if (ingameClient != null)
await Kick(Reason, ingameClient, Origin);
#if !DEBUG
string formattedKick = String.Format(RconParser.GetCommandPrefixes().Kick, Target.ClientNumber, $"You were Kicked - ^5{Reason}^7");
await Target.CurrentServer.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedKick);
await Target.CurrentServer.RemovePlayer(Target.ClientNumber);
var newPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Kick,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow,
Offender = Target,
Offense = Reason,
Punisher = Origin,
Active = true,
When = DateTime.UtcNow,
Link = Target.AliasLink
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(newPenalty);
public override async Task TempBan(String Reason, TimeSpan length, Player Target, Player Origin)
// ensure player gets banned if command not performed on them in game
if (Target.ClientNumber < 0)
var ingameClient = Manager.GetActiveClients()
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == Target.ClientId);
if (ingameClient != null)
await TempBan(Reason, length, ingameClient, Origin);
#if !DEBUG
string formattedKick = String.Format(RconParser.GetCommandPrefixes().Kick, Target.ClientNumber, $"^7You're Temporarily Banned - ^5{Reason}");
await Target.CurrentServer.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedKick);
await Target.CurrentServer.RemovePlayer(Target.ClientNumber);
Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.TempBan,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow + length,
Offender = Target,
Offense = Reason,
Punisher = Origin,
Active = true,
When = DateTime.UtcNow,
Link = Target.AliasLink
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(newPenalty);
override public async Task Ban(String Message, Player Target, Player Origin)
// ensure player gets banned if command not performed on them in game
if (Target.ClientNumber < 0)
Player ingameClient = null;
ingameClient = Manager.GetServers()
.Select(s => s.GetPlayersAsList())
.FirstOrDefault(l => l.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == Target.ClientId) != null)
?.First(c => c.ClientId == Target.ClientId);
if (ingameClient != null)
await Ban(Message, ingameClient, Origin);
// this is set only because they're still in the server.
Target.Level = Player.Permission.Banned;
#if !DEBUG
string formattedString = String.Format(RconParser.GetCommandPrefixes().Kick, Target.ClientNumber, $"You're Banned - ^5{Message} ^7(appeal at {Website})^7");
await Target.CurrentServer.ExecuteCommandAsync(formattedString);
await Target.CurrentServer.RemovePlayer(Target.ClientNumber);
Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Ban,
Expires = DateTime.MaxValue,
Offender = Target,
Offense = Message,
Punisher = Origin,
Active = true,
When = DateTime.UtcNow,
Link = Target.AliasLink
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(newPenalty);
override public async Task Unban(string reason, Player Target, Player Origin)
var unbanPenalty = new Penalty()
Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Unban,
Expires = DateTime.UtcNow,
Offender = Target,
Offense = reason,
Punisher = Origin,
When = DateTime.UtcNow,
Active = true,
Link = Target.AliasLink
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(unbanPenalty);
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().RemoveActivePenalties(Target.AliasLink.AliasLinkId);
override public void InitializeTokens()
Manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.MessageToken("TOTALPLAYERS", Manager.GetClientService().GetTotalClientsAsync().Result.ToString));
Manager.GetMessageTokens().Add(new SharedLibraryCore.Helpers.MessageToken("VERSION", Application.Program.Version.ToString));