moved killstreak/deathstreak messages into configuration file cleaned up configuration manager fixed misc startup issue and threading added more importing stuff network id is a ulong now ip str is now ip added time played (per server)
178 lines
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178 lines
7.3 KiB
using SharedLibrary;
using SharedLibrary.Helpers;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SharedLibrary.Objects;
using System.Linq;
using StatsPlugin.Models;
namespace StatsPlugin
/// <summary>
/// Each server runs from the same plugin ( for easier reloading and reduced memory usage ).
/// So, to have multiple stat tracking, we must store a stat struct for each server
/// </summary>
public class Stats : SharedLibrary.Interfaces.IPlugin
public static SharedLibrary.Interfaces.IManager ManagerInstance;
public static int MAX_KILLEVENTS = 1000;
public static Dictionary<int, ServerStatInfo> ServerStats { get; private set; }
public static SharedLibrary.Services.GenericService<Models.EFClientStatistics> ClientStatsSvc;
public static SharedLibrary.Services.GenericService<Models.EFServer> ServerSvc;
public class ServerStatInfo
public ServerStatInfo()
KillQueue = new Queue<KillInfo>();
ServerStartTime = DateTime.Now;
public DateTime ServerStartTime { get; private set; }
public DateTime RoundStartTime { get; set; }
public string Uptime => Utilities.GetTimePassed(ServerStartTime, false);
public string ElapsedRoundTime => Utilities.GetTimePassed(RoundStartTime);
private Queue<KillInfo> KillQueue { get; set; }
public Queue<KillInfo> GetKillQueue() { return KillQueue; }
public string Name => "Basic Stats";
public float Version => 1.1f;
public string Author => "RaidMax";
public async Task OnLoadAsync(SharedLibrary.Interfaces.IManager manager)
statLists = new List<StatTracking>();
ServerStats = new Dictionary<int, ServerStatInfo>();
ManagerInstance = manager;
WebService.PageList.Add(new StatsPage());
WebService.PageList.Add(new KillStatsJSON());
WebService.PageList.Add(new Chat.WordCloudJSON());
WebService.PageList.Add(new Chat.ClientChatJSON());
WebService.PageList.Add(new Chat.ChatPage());
ManagerInstance.GetMessageTokens().Add(new MessageToken("TOTALKILLS", GetTotalKills));
ManagerInstance.GetMessageTokens().Add(new MessageToken("TOTALPLAYTIME", GetTotalPlaytime));
ClientStatsSvc = new SharedLibrary.Services.GenericService<Models.EFClientStatistics>();
ServerSvc = new SharedLibrary.Services.GenericService<Models.EFServer>();
ChatDB = new ChatDatabase("Database/ChatHistory.rm", ManagerInstance.GetLogger());
var minimapConfig = MinimapConfig.Read("Config/minimaps.cfg");
catch (SharedLibrary.Exceptions.SerializeException e)
MinimapConfig.Write("Config/minimaps.cfg", MinimapConfig.IW4Minimaps());
public async Task OnUnloadAsync()
public async Task OnTickAsync(Server S)
public async Task OnEventAsync(Event E, Server S)
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Start)
statLists.Add(new StatTracking(S.GetPort()));
ServerStats.Add(S.GetPort(), new ServerStatInfo());
var config = new ConfigurationManager(S);
if (config.GetProperty("EnableTrusted") == null)
config.AddProperty(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("EnableTrusted", true));
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Stop)
statLists.RemoveAll(s => s.Port == S.GetPort());
if (E.Type == Event.GType.Connect)
ResetCounters(E.Origin.ClientNumber, S.GetPort());
var serverStats = statLists.First(s => s.Port == E.Owner.GetPort());
var clientStats = await ClientStatsSvc.Get(new int[] { E.Origin.ClientNumber });
var server = (await ServerSvc.Find(s => s.Port == E.Owner.GetPort())).First();
// create stats if not exist already
serverStats.clientStats[E.Origin.ClientNumber] = clientStats ?? await ClientStatsSvc.Create(new Models.EFClientStatistics()
Active = false,
Client = E.Target,
ClientId = E.Target.ClientId,
Deaths = 0,
KDR = 0,
Kills = 0,
Server = (await ServerSvc.Find(s => s.Port == E.Owner.GetPort())).First(),
ServerId = server.ServerId,
Skill = 0,
SPM = 0,
/* var config = new ConfigurationManager(E.Owner);
if (!(bool)config.GetProperty("EnableTrusted"))
PlayerStats checkForTrusted = statLists.Find(x => x.Port == S.GetPort()).playerStats.GetStats(E.Origin);
//todo: move this out of here!!
if (checkForTrusted.TotalPlayTime >= 4320 && E.Origin.Level < Player.Permission.Trusted && E.Origin.Level != Player.Permission.Flagged)
E.Origin.Level = Player.Permission.Trusted;
await E.Owner.Manager.GetDatabase().UpdateClient(E.Origin);
await E.Origin.Tell("Congratulations, you are now a ^5trusted ^7player! Type ^5!help ^7to view new commands.");
await E.Origin.Tell("You earned this by playing for ^53 ^7full days!");
if (E.Type == Event.GType.MapEnd || E.Type == Event.GType.Stop)
foreach (Player P in S.GetPlayersAsList())
if (P == null)
CalculateAndSaveSkill(P, statLists.Find(x => x.Port == S.GetPort()));
ResetCounters(P.ClientNumber, S.GetPort());
E.Owner.Logger.WriteInfo($"Updated skill for {P}");
//E.Owner.Log.Write(String.Format("\r\nJoin: {0}\r\nInactive Minutes: {1}\r\nnewPlayTime: {2}\r\nnewSPM: {3}\r\nkdrWeight: {4}\r\nMultiplier: {5}\r\nscoreWeight: {6}\r\nnewSkillFactor: {7}\r\nprojectedNewSkill: {8}\r\nKills: {9}\r\nDeaths: {10}", connectionTime[P.ClientNumber].ToShortTimeString(), inactiveMinutes[P.ClientNumber], newPlayTime, newSPM, kdrWeight, Multiplier, scoreWeight, newSkillFactor, disconnectStats.Skill, disconnectStats.Kills, disconnectStats.Deaths));
if (E.Type == Event.GType.MapChange)
ServerStats[S.GetPort()].RoundStartTime = DateTime.Now;