RaidMax 9db8ad80ef fixed bug with lifetime hit ratio causing erroneous ban
ip lookup on profile shows error if failed
truncate chat messages over 50 characters
removed html raw on client messages :c
show client rank colors on server overview if authorized
break long messages on profile page
prevent masked status showing up to non privileged users in webfront
2018-03-28 22:01:09 -05:00

186 lines
6.7 KiB

// keeps track of how many events have been displayed
let count = 1;
$(document).ready(function () {
Expand alias tab if they have any
$('#profile_aliases_btn').click(function (e) {
const aliases = $('#profile_aliases').text().trim();
if (aliases && aliases.length !== 0) {
load the initial 40 events
$.each(clientInfo.Meta, function (index, meta) {
if (meta.key.includes("Event")) {
if (count % 40 === 0) {
return false;
load additional events on scroll
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() === $(document).height() - $(window).height() || $(document).height() === $(window).height()) {
while (count % 40 !== 0 && count < clientInfo.Meta.length) {
loadMeta(clientInfo.Meta[count - 1]);
load meta thats not an event
$.each(clientInfo.Meta, function (index, meta) {
if (!meta.key.includes("Event")) {
let metaString = `<div class="profile-meta-entry"><span class="profile-meta-value text-primary">${meta.value}</span><span class="profile-meta-title text-muted"> ${meta.key}</span></div>`;
get ip geolocation info into modal
$('.ip-locate-link').click(function (e) {
const ip = $(this).data("ip");
$.getJSON("" + ip)
.done(function (response) {
$('#mainModal .modal-title').text(ip);
$('#mainModal .modal-body').text("");
$('#mainModal .modal-body').append("ASN &mdash; " + response["as"] + "<br/>");
$('#mainModal .modal-body').append("ISP &mdash; " + response["isp"] + "<br/>");
$('#mainModal .modal-body').append("Organization &mdash; " + response["org"] + "<br/>");
$('#mainModal .modal-body').append("Location &mdash; " + response["city"] + ", " + response["regionName"] + ", " + response["country"] + "<br/>");
.fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
$('#mainModal .modal-title').text("Error");
$('#mainModal .modal-body').html('<span class="text-danger">&mdash;'+ error + '</span>');
* handle action modal
$('.profile-action').click(function (e) {
const actionType = $(this).data('action');
$.get('/Action/' + actionType + 'Form')
.done(function (response) {
$('#actionModal .modal-body').html(response);
.fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
$('#actionModal .modal-body').html('<span class="text-danger">' + error + '</span>');
* handle action submit
$(document).on('submit', '.action-form', function (e) {
$(this).append($('#target_id input'));
const data = $(this).serialize();
$.get($(this).attr('action') + '/?' + data)
.done(function (response) {
$('#actionModal .modal-body').html(response);
.fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
$('#actionModal .modal-body').html('<span class="text-danger">Error' + error + '</span>');
function penaltyToName(penaltyName) {
switch (penaltyName) {
case "Flag":
return "Flagged";
case "Warning":
return "Warned";
case "Report":
return "Reported";
case "Ban":
return "Banned";
case "Kick":
return "Kicked";
case "TempBan":
return "Temp Banned";
case "Unban":
return "Unbanned";
function shouldIncludePlural(num) {
return num > 1 ? 's' : '';
let mostRecentDate = 0;
let currentStepAmount = 0;
let lastStep = '';
function timeStep(stepDifference) {
let hours = stepDifference / (1000 * 60 * 60);
let days = stepDifference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
let weeks = stepDifference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
if (Math.round(weeks) > Math.round(currentStepAmount / 24 * 7)) {
currentStepAmount = Math.round(weeks);
return `${currentStepAmount} week${shouldIncludePlural(currentStepAmount)} ago`;
if (Math.round(days) > Math.round(currentStepAmount / 24)) {
currentStepAmount = Math.round(days);
return `${currentStepAmount} day${shouldIncludePlural(currentStepAmount)} ago`;
if (Math.round(hours) > currentStepAmount) {
currentStepAmount = Math.round(hours);
return `${currentStepAmount} hour${shouldIncludePlural(currentStepAmount)} ago`;
function loadMeta(meta) {
let eventString = '';
const metaDate = moment.utc(meta.when).valueOf();
if (mostRecentDate === 0) {
mostRecentDate = metaDate;
const step = timeStep(moment.utc().valueOf() - metaDate);
if (step !== lastStep && step !== undefined && metaDate > 0) {
$('#profile_events').append('<span class="p2 text-white profile-event-timestep"><span class="text-primary">&mdash;</span> ' + step + '</span>');
lastStep = step;
// it's a penalty
if (meta.class.includes("Penalty")) {
if (meta.value.punisherId !== clientInfo.clientId) {
eventString = `<div><span class="penalties-color-${meta.value.type.toLowerCase()}">${penaltyToName(meta.value.type)}</span> by <span class="text-highlight"> <a class="link-inverse" href="${meta.value.punisherId}">${meta.value.punisherName}</a></span > for <span style="color: white; ">${meta.value.offense}</span></div>`;
else {
eventString = `<div><span class="penalties-color-${meta.value.type.toLowerCase()}">${penaltyToName(meta.value.type)} </span> <span class="text-highlight"><a class="link-inverse" href="${meta.value.offenderId}"> ${meta.value.offenderName}</a></span > for <span style="color: white; ">${meta.value.offense}</span></div>`;
// it's a message
else if (meta.key.includes("Event")) {
eventString = `<div><span style="color:white;">></span><span class="text-muted"> ${meta.value}</span></div>`;