RaidMax 161b27e2f2 fix alias command sending message to origin instead of target
(hopefully) fix an issue with banned players causing exception if they create events before they are kicked out
fix issues with sometimes wrong error message for timeout
show most recent IP address at top of alias list
optimization to some sql queries
2019-11-15 14:50:20 -06:00

173 lines
6.6 KiB

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models;
using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos;
using SharedLibraryCore.Services;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models.EFClient;
using static SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models.EFPenalty;
namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
public class ClientController : BaseController
public async Task<IActionResult> ProfileAsync(int id)
var client = await Manager.GetClientService().Get(id);
if (client == null)
return NotFound();
var activePenalties = (await Manager.GetPenaltyService().GetActivePenaltiesAsync(client.AliasLinkId, client.IPAddress))
.Where(_penalty => _penalty.Type != PenaltyType.Flag);
int displayLevelInt = (int)client.Level;
string displayLevel = client.Level.ToLocalizedLevelName();
if (!Authorized && client.Level.ShouldHideLevel())
displayLevelInt = (int)Permission.User;
displayLevel = Permission.User.ToLocalizedLevelName();
var clientDto = new PlayerInfo()
Name = client.Name,
Level = displayLevel,
LevelInt = displayLevelInt,
ClientId = client.ClientId,
IPAddress = client.IPAddressString,
NetworkId = client.NetworkId,
Meta = new List<ProfileMeta>(),
Aliases = client.AliasLink.Children
.Select(a => a.Name)
.OrderBy(a => a)
IPs = client.AliasLink.Children
.Where(i => i.IPAddress != null)
.OrderByDescending(i => i.DateAdded)
.Select(i => i.IPAddress.ConvertIPtoString())
HasActivePenalty = activePenalties.Count() > 0,
ActivePenaltyType = activePenalties.Count() > 0 ? activePenalties.First().Type.ToString() : null,
Online = Manager.GetActiveClients().FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == client.ClientId) != null,
TimeOnline = (DateTime.UtcNow - client.LastConnection).TimeSpanText(),
LinkedAccounts = client.LinkedAccounts
var meta = await MetaService.GetRuntimeMeta(client.ClientId, 0, 1, DateTime.UtcNow);
var gravatar = await new MetaService().GetPersistentMeta("GravatarEmail", client);
if (gravatar != null)
clientDto.Meta.Add(new ProfileMeta()
Key = "GravatarEmail",
Type = ProfileMeta.MetaType.Other,
Value = gravatar.Value
var currentPenalty = activePenalties.FirstOrDefault();
if (currentPenalty != null && currentPenalty.Type == PenaltyType.TempBan)
clientDto.Meta.Add(new ProfileMeta()
Value = ((currentPenalty.Expires - DateTime.UtcNow) ?? new TimeSpan()).TimeSpanText(),
When = currentPenalty.When
clientDto.Meta.AddRange(Authorized ? meta : meta.Where(m => !m.Sensitive));
string strippedName = clientDto.Name.StripColors();
ViewBag.Title = strippedName.Substring(strippedName.Length - 1).ToLower()[0] == 's' ?
strippedName + "'" :
strippedName + "'s";
ViewBag.Title += " " + Localization["WEBFRONT_CLIENT_PROFILE_TITLE"];
ViewBag.Description = $"Client information for {strippedName}";
ViewBag.Keywords = $"IW4MAdmin, client, profile, {strippedName}";
return View("Profile/Index", clientDto);
public async Task<IActionResult> PrivilegedAsync()
var admins = (await Manager.GetClientService().GetPrivilegedClients())
.OrderByDescending(_client => _client.Level)
.ThenBy(_client => _client.Name);
var adminsDict = new Dictionary<EFClient.Permission, IList<ClientInfo>>();
foreach (var admin in admins)
if (!adminsDict.ContainsKey(admin.Level))
adminsDict.Add(admin.Level, new List<ClientInfo>());
adminsDict[admin.Level].Add(new ClientInfo()
Name = admin.Name,
ClientId = admin.ClientId
ViewBag.Description = "List of all privileged clients on IW4MAdmin";
ViewBag.Keywords = "IW4MAdmin, privileged, admins, clients, administrators";
return View("Privileged/Index", adminsDict);
public async Task<IActionResult> FindAsync(string clientName)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientName))
return StatusCode(400);
var clientsDto = await Manager.GetClientService().FindClientsByIdentifier(clientName);
foreach (var client in clientsDto)
if (!Authorized && ((Permission)client.LevelInt).ShouldHideLevel())
client.LevelInt = (int)Permission.User;
client.Level = Permission.User.ToLocalizedLevelName();
ViewBag.Title = $"{clientsDto.Count} {Localization["WEBFRONT_CLIENT_SEARCH_MATCHING"]} \"{clientName}\"";
return View("Find/Index", clientsDto);
public async Task<IActionResult> GetMeta(int id, int count, int offset, DateTime? startAt)
IEnumerable<ProfileMeta> meta = await MetaService.GetRuntimeMeta(id, startAt == null ? offset : 0, count, startAt ?? DateTime.UtcNow);
if (!Authorized)
meta = meta.Where(_meta => !_meta.Sensitive);
if (meta.Count() == 0)
return Ok();
return View("Components/ProfileMetaList/_List", meta);