RaidMax 12cf2e8247 Add server version to master api
Add IsEvadedOffense to EFPenalty
Fix remote log reading in not Windows
2018-12-16 21:16:56 -06:00

248 lines
8.1 KiB

import datetime
from warnings import warn
from flask import current_app
# Older versions of pyjwt do not have the requires_cryptography set. Also,
# older versions will not be adding new algorithms to them, so I can hard code
# the default version here and be safe. If there is a newer algorithm someone
# wants to use, they will need newer versions of pyjwt and it will be included
# in their requires_cryptography set, and if they attempt to use it in older
# versions of pyjwt, it will kick it out as an unrecognized algorithm.
from jwt.algorithms import requires_cryptography
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
requires_cryptography = {'RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512', 'ES256', 'ES384',
'ES521', 'ES512', 'PS256', 'PS384', 'PS512'}
class _Config(object):
Helper object for accessing and verifying options in this extension. This
is meant for internal use of the application; modifying config options
should be done with flasks ```app.config```.
Default values for the configuration options are set in the jwt_manager
object. All of these values are read only. This is simply a loose wrapper
with some helper functionality for flasks `app.config`.
def is_asymmetric(self):
return self.algorithm in requires_cryptography
def encode_key(self):
return self._private_key if self.is_asymmetric else self._secret_key
def decode_key(self):
return self._public_key if self.is_asymmetric else self._secret_key
def token_location(self):
locations = current_app.config['JWT_TOKEN_LOCATION']
if not isinstance(locations, list):
locations = [locations]
for location in locations:
if location not in ('headers', 'cookies'):
raise RuntimeError('JWT_TOKEN_LOCATION can only contain '
'"headers" and/or "cookies"')
return locations
def jwt_in_cookies(self):
return 'cookies' in self.token_location
def jwt_in_headers(self):
return 'headers' in self.token_location
def header_name(self):
name = current_app.config['JWT_HEADER_NAME']
if not name:
raise RuntimeError("JWT_ACCESS_HEADER_NAME cannot be empty")
return name
def header_type(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_HEADER_TYPE']
def access_cookie_name(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_ACCESS_COOKIE_NAME']
def refresh_cookie_name(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_REFRESH_COOKIE_NAME']
def access_cookie_path(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_ACCESS_COOKIE_PATH']
def refresh_cookie_path(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_REFRESH_COOKIE_PATH']
def cookie_secure(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_COOKIE_SECURE']
def cookie_domain(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_COOKIE_DOMAIN']
def session_cookie(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_SESSION_COOKIE']
def cookie_samesite(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_COOKIE_SAMESITE']
def csrf_protect(self):
return self.jwt_in_cookies and current_app.config['JWT_COOKIE_CSRF_PROTECT']
def csrf_request_methods(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_CSRF_METHODS']
def csrf_in_cookies(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_CSRF_IN_COOKIES']
def access_csrf_cookie_name(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_ACCESS_CSRF_COOKIE_NAME']
def refresh_csrf_cookie_name(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_REFRESH_CSRF_COOKIE_NAME']
def access_csrf_cookie_path(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_ACCESS_CSRF_COOKIE_PATH']
def refresh_csrf_cookie_path(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_REFRESH_CSRF_COOKIE_PATH']
def _get_depreciated_csrf_header_name():
# This used to be the same option for access and refresh header names.
# This gives users a warning if they are still using the old behavior
old_name = current_app.config.get('JWT_CSRF_HEADER_NAME', None)
if old_name:
msg = (
warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)
return old_name
def access_csrf_header_name(self):
return self._get_depreciated_csrf_header_name() or \
def refresh_csrf_header_name(self):
return self._get_depreciated_csrf_header_name() or \
def access_expires(self):
delta = current_app.config['JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES']
if not isinstance(delta, datetime.timedelta) and delta is not False:
raise RuntimeError('JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES must be a datetime.timedelta or False')
return delta
def refresh_expires(self):
delta = current_app.config['JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES']
if not isinstance(delta, datetime.timedelta) and delta is not False:
raise RuntimeError('JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES must be a datetime.timedelta or False')
return delta
def algorithm(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_ALGORITHM']
def blacklist_enabled(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_BLACKLIST_ENABLED']
def blacklist_checks(self):
check_type = current_app.config['JWT_BLACKLIST_TOKEN_CHECKS']
if not isinstance(check_type, list):
check_type = [check_type]
for item in check_type:
if item not in ('access', 'refresh'):
raise RuntimeError('JWT_BLACKLIST_TOKEN_CHECKS must be "access" or "refresh"')
return check_type
def blacklist_access_tokens(self):
return 'access' in self.blacklist_checks
def blacklist_refresh_tokens(self):
return 'refresh' in self.blacklist_checks
def _secret_key(self):
key = current_app.config['JWT_SECRET_KEY']
if not key:
key = current_app.config.get('SECRET_KEY', None)
if not key:
raise RuntimeError('JWT_SECRET_KEY or flask SECRET_KEY '
'must be set when using symmetric '
'algorithm "{}"'.format(self.algorithm))
return key
def _public_key(self):
key = current_app.config['JWT_PUBLIC_KEY']
if not key:
raise RuntimeError('JWT_PUBLIC_KEY must be set to use '
'asymmetric cryptography algorithm '
return key
def _private_key(self):
key = current_app.config['JWT_PRIVATE_KEY']
if not key:
raise RuntimeError('JWT_PRIVATE_KEY must be set to use '
'asymmetric cryptography algorithm '
return key
def cookie_max_age(self):
# Returns the appropiate value for max_age for flask set_cookies. If
# session cookie is true, return None, otherwise return a number of
# seconds a long ways in the future
return None if self.session_cookie else 2147483647 # 2^31
def identity_claim_key(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_IDENTITY_CLAIM']
def user_claims_key(self):
return current_app.config['JWT_USER_CLAIMS']
def exempt_methods(self):
return {"OPTIONS"}
def json_encoder(self):
return current_app.json_encoder
config = _Config()