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258 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018, Brandon Nielsen
# All rights reserved.
# This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
# of the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.
import datetime
from aniso8601.date import parse_date
from aniso8601.exceptions import HoursOutOfBoundsError, ISOFormatError, \
LeapSecondError, MidnightBoundsError, MinutesOutOfBoundsError, \
from aniso8601.resolution import TimeResolution
from aniso8601.timezone import parse_timezone
def get_time_resolution(isotimestr):
#Valid time formats are:
timestr = _split_tz(isotimestr)[0]
if timestr.count(':') == 2:
return TimeResolution.Seconds
elif timestr.count(':') == 1:
return TimeResolution.Minutes
#Format must be hhmmss, hhmm, or hh
if timestr.find('.') == -1:
#No time fractions
timestrlen = len(timestr)
#The lowest order element is a fraction
timestrlen = len(timestr.split('.')[0])
if timestrlen == 6:
return TimeResolution.Seconds
elif timestrlen == 4:
return TimeResolution.Minutes
elif timestrlen == 2:
return TimeResolution.Hours
raise ISOFormatError('"{0}" is not a valid ISO 8601 time.'.format(isotimestr))
def parse_time(isotimestr):
#Given a string in any ISO 8601 time format, return a datetime.time object
#that corresponds to the given time. Fixed offset tzdata will be included
#if UTC offset is given in the input string. Valid time formats are:
(timestr, tzstr) = _split_tz(isotimestr)
if tzstr is None:
return _parse_time_naive(timestr)
tzinfo = parse_timezone(tzstr)
return _parse_time_naive(timestr).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
def parse_datetime(isodatetimestr, delimiter='T'):
#Given a string in ISO 8601 date time format, return a datetime.datetime
#object that corresponds to the given date time.
#By default, the ISO 8601 specified T delimiter is used to split the
#date and time (<date>T<time>). Fixed offset tzdata will be included
#if UTC offset is given in the input string.
isodatestr, isotimestr = isodatetimestr.split(delimiter)
datepart = parse_date(isodatestr)
timepart = parse_time(isotimestr)
return datetime.datetime.combine(datepart, timepart)
def _parse_time_naive(timestr):
#timestr is of the format hh:mm:ss, hh:mm, hhmmss, hhmm, hh
#hh is between 0 and 24, 24 is not allowed in the Python time format, since
#it represents midnight, a time of 00:00:00 is returned
#mm is between 0 and 60, with 60 used to denote a leap second
#No tzinfo will be included
return _RESOLUTION_MAP[get_time_resolution(timestr)](timestr)
def _parse_hour(timestr):
#Format must be hh or hh.
isohour = float(timestr)
if isohour == 24:
return datetime.time(hour=0, minute=0)
elif isohour > 24:
raise HoursOutOfBoundsError('Hour must be between 0..24 with 24 representing midnight.')
#Since the time constructor doesn't handle fractional hours, we put
#the hours in to a timedelta, and add it to the time before returning
hoursdelta = datetime.timedelta(hours=isohour)
return _build_time(datetime.time(hour=0), hoursdelta)
def _parse_minute_time(timestr):
#Format must be hhmm, hhmm., hh:mm or hh:mm.
if timestr.count(':') == 1:
#hh:mm or hh:mm.
timestrarray = timestr.split(':')
isohour = int(timestrarray[0])
isominute = float(timestrarray[1]) #Minute may now be a fraction
#hhmm or hhmm.
isohour = int(timestr[0:2])
isominute = float(timestr[2:])
if isominute >= 60:
raise MinutesOutOfBoundsError('Minutes must be less than 60.')
if isohour == 24:
if isominute != 0:
raise MidnightBoundsError('Hour 24 may only represent midnight.')
return datetime.time(hour=0, minute=0)
#Since the time constructor doesn't handle fractional minutes, we put
#the minutes in to a timedelta, and add it to the time before returning
minutesdelta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=isominute)
return _build_time(datetime.time(hour=isohour), minutesdelta)
def _parse_second_time(timestr):
#Format must be hhmmss, hhmmss., hh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss.
if timestr.count(':') == 2:
#hh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss.
timestrarray = timestr.split(':')
isohour = int(timestrarray[0])
isominute = int(timestrarray[1])
#Since the time constructor doesn't handle fractional seconds, we put
#the seconds in to a timedelta, and add it to the time before returning
#The seconds value is truncated to microsecond resolution before
secondsdelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(timestrarray[2][:9]))
#hhmmss or hhmmss.
isohour = int(timestr[0:2])
isominute = int(timestr[2:4])
#Since the time constructor doesn't handle fractional seconds, we put
#the seconds in to a timedelta, and add it to the time before returning
#The seconds value is truncated to microsecond resolution before
secondsdelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(timestr[4:13]))
if isohour == 23 and isominute == 59 and secondsdelta.seconds == 60:
raise LeapSecondError('Leap seconds are not supported.')
elif secondsdelta.seconds >= 60:
raise SecondsOutOfBoundsError('Seconds must be less than 60.')
if isominute >= 60:
raise MinutesOutOfBoundsError('Minutes must be less than 60.')
if isohour == 24:
#Midnight, see 4.2.1, 4.2.3
if isominute != 0 or secondsdelta.total_seconds() != 0:
raise MidnightBoundsError('Hour 24 may only represent midnight.')
return datetime.time(hour=0, minute=0)
return _build_time(datetime.time(hour=isohour, minute=isominute),
def _build_time(time, delta):
#Combine today's date (just so we have a date object), the time, the
#delta, and return the time component
base_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.date.today(), time)
return (base_datetime + delta).time()
def _split_tz(isotimestr):
if isotimestr.find('+') != -1:
timestr = isotimestr[0:isotimestr.find('+')]
tzstr = isotimestr[isotimestr.find('+'):]
elif isotimestr.find('-') != -1:
timestr = isotimestr[0:isotimestr.find('-')]
tzstr = isotimestr[isotimestr.find('-'):]
elif isotimestr.endswith('Z'):
timestr = isotimestr[:-1]
tzstr = 'Z'
timestr = isotimestr
tzstr = None
return (timestr, tzstr)
TimeResolution.Hours: _parse_hour,
TimeResolution.Minutes: _parse_minute_time,
TimeResolution.Seconds: _parse_second_time