cleaned up the base event parser to not need the server object to generate the event Hopefully prevent anticheat from freaking out when database connection is lost
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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models;
using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos;
using SharedLibraryCore.Services;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
public class ClientController : BaseController
public async Task<IActionResult> ProfileAsync(int id)
var client = await Manager.GetClientService().Get(id);
if (client == null)
return NotFound();
var activePenalties = await Manager.GetPenaltyService().GetActivePenaltiesAsync(client.AliasLinkId, client.IPAddress);
var clientDto = new PlayerInfo()
Name = client.Name,
Level = client.Level.ToLocalizedLevelName(),
LevelInt = (int)client.Level,
ClientId = client.ClientId,
IPAddress = client.IPAddressString,
NetworkId = client.NetworkId,
Meta = new List<ProfileMeta>(),
Aliases = client.AliasLink.Children
.Where(a => a.Name != client.Name)
.Select(a => a.Name)
.OrderBy(a => a)
IPs = client.AliasLink.Children
.Select(i => i.IPAddress.ConvertIPtoString())
.Union(new List<string>() { client.CurrentAlias.IPAddress.ConvertIPtoString() })
.Where(i => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(i))
.OrderBy(i => i)
HasActivePenalty = activePenalties.Count > 0,
ActivePenaltyType = activePenalties.Count > 0 ? activePenalties.First().Type.ToString() : null,
Online = Manager.GetActiveClients().FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == client.ClientId) != null,
TimeOnline = (DateTime.UtcNow - client.LastConnection).TimeSpanText(),
LinkedAccounts = client.LinkedAccounts
var meta = await MetaService.GetRuntimeMeta(client.ClientId, 0, 1, DateTime.UtcNow);
var gravatar = await new MetaService().GetPersistentMeta("GravatarEmail", client);
if (gravatar != null)
clientDto.Meta.Add(new ProfileMeta()
Key = "GravatarEmail",
Type = ProfileMeta.MetaType.Other,
Value = gravatar.Value
var currentPenalty = activePenalties.FirstOrDefault();
if (currentPenalty != null && currentPenalty.Type == SharedLibraryCore.Objects.Penalty.PenaltyType.TempBan)
clientDto.Meta.Add(new ProfileMeta()
Value = ((currentPenalty.Expires - DateTime.UtcNow) ?? new TimeSpan()).TimeSpanText(),
When = currentPenalty.When
clientDto.Meta.AddRange(Authorized ? meta : meta.Where(m => !m.Sensitive));
ViewBag.Title = clientDto.Name.Substring(clientDto.Name.Length - 1).ToLower()[0] == 's' ?
clientDto.Name + "'" :
clientDto.Name + "'s";
ViewBag.Title += " " + Localization["WEBFRONT_CLIENT_PROFILE_TITLE"];
ViewBag.Description = $"Client information for {clientDto.Name}";
ViewBag.Keywords = $"IW4MAdmin, client, profile, {clientDto.Name}";
return View("Profile/Index", clientDto);
public async Task<IActionResult> PrivilegedAsync()
var admins = (await Manager.GetClientService().GetPrivilegedClients())
.GroupBy(a => a.AliasLinkId)
.Select(_client => _client.OrderByDescending(_c => _c.LastConnection).First())
.OrderByDescending(_client => _client.Level);
var adminsDict = new Dictionary<EFClient.Permission, IList<ClientInfo>>();
foreach (var admin in admins)
if (!adminsDict.ContainsKey(admin.Level))
adminsDict.Add(admin.Level, new List<ClientInfo>());
adminsDict[admin.Level].Add(new ClientInfo()
Name = admin.Name,
ClientId = admin.ClientId
ViewBag.Description = "List of all privileged clients on IW4MAdmin";
ViewBag.Keywords = "IW4MAdmin, privileged, admins, clients, administrators";
return View("Privileged/Index", adminsDict);
public async Task<IActionResult> FindAsync(string clientName)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientName))
return StatusCode(400);
var clientsDto = await Manager.GetClientService().FindClientsByIdentifier(clientName);
ViewBag.Title = $"{clientsDto.Count} {Localization["WEBFRONT_CLIENT_SEARCH_MATCHING"]} \"{clientName}\"";
return View("Find/Index", clientsDto);
public async Task<IActionResult> Meta(int id, int count, int offset, DateTime? startAt)
IEnumerable<ProfileMeta> meta = await MetaService.GetRuntimeMeta(id, startAt == null ? offset : 0, count, startAt ?? DateTime.UtcNow);
if (!Authorized)
meta = meta.Where(_meta => !_meta.Sensitive);
if (meta.Count() == 0)
return Ok();
return View("Components/ProfileMetaList/_List", meta);