using LiveRadar.Configuration; using SharedLibraryCore; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using ILogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger; namespace LiveRadar { public class Plugin : IPlugin { public string Name => "Live Radar"; public float Version => (float)Utilities.GetVersionAsDouble(); public string Author => "RaidMax"; private readonly IConfigurationHandler<LiveRadarConfiguration> _configurationHandler; private readonly Dictionary<string, long> _botGuidLookups; private bool addedPage; private readonly object lockObject = new object(); private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ApplicationConfiguration _appConfig; public Plugin(ILogger<Plugin> logger, IConfigurationHandlerFactory configurationHandlerFactory, ApplicationConfiguration appConfig) { _configurationHandler = configurationHandlerFactory.GetConfigurationHandler<LiveRadarConfiguration>("LiveRadarConfiguration"); _botGuidLookups = new Dictionary<string, long>(); _logger = logger; _appConfig = appConfig; } public Task OnEventAsync(GameEvent E, Server S) { // if it's an IW4 game, with custom callbacks, we want to // enable the live radar page lock (lockObject) { if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Start && S.GameName == Server.Game.IW4 && S.CustomCallback && !addedPage) { E.Owner.Manager.GetPageList().Pages.Add(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_RADAR_TITLE"], "/Radar"); addedPage = true; } } if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.PreConnect && E.Origin.IsBot) { string botKey = $"BotGuid_{E.Extra}"; lock (lockObject) { if (!_botGuidLookups.ContainsKey(botKey)) { _botGuidLookups.Add(botKey, E.Origin.NetworkId); } } } if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Other && E.Subtype == "LiveRadar") { try { if (((string) E.Extra).IsBotGuid() && _appConfig.IgnoreBots) { return Task.CompletedTask; } string botKey = $"BotGuid_{E.Extra}"; long generatedBotGuid; lock (lockObject) { var hasBotKey = _botGuidLookups.ContainsKey(botKey); if (!hasBotKey && ((string)E.Extra).IsBotGuid()) { // edge case where the bot guid has not been registered yet return Task.CompletedTask; } generatedBotGuid = hasBotKey ? _botGuidLookups[botKey] : (E.Extra.ToString() ?? "0").ConvertGuidToLong(NumberStyles.HexNumber); } var radarUpdate = RadarEvent.Parse(E.Data, generatedBotGuid); var client = S.Manager.GetActiveClients().FirstOrDefault(_client => _client.NetworkId == radarUpdate.Guid); if (client != null) { radarUpdate.Name = client.Name.StripColors(); client.SetAdditionalProperty("LiveRadar", radarUpdate); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Could not parse live radar output: {data}", e.Data); } } return Task.CompletedTask; } public async Task OnLoadAsync(IManager manager) { await _configurationHandler.BuildAsync(); if (_configurationHandler.Configuration() == null) { _configurationHandler.Set((LiveRadarConfiguration)new LiveRadarConfiguration().Generate()); await _configurationHandler.Save(); } } public Task OnTickAsync(Server S) { return Task.CompletedTask; } public Task OnUnloadAsync() { return Task.CompletedTask; } } }