using System; using SharedLibrary; using System.Threading; namespace Webfront_Plugin { public class Webfront : Plugin { private static Thread webManagerThread; public override void onEvent(Event E) { if (E.Type == Event.GType.Start) { Manager.webFront.addServer(E.Owner); E.Owner.Log.Write("Webfront now has access to server on port " + E.Owner.getPort(), Log.Level.Production); } if (E.Type == Event.GType.Stop) { Manager.webFront.removeServer(E.Owner); E.Owner.Log.Write("Webfront has lost access to server on port " + E.Owner.getPort(), Log.Level.Production); } } public override void onLoad() { webManagerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Manager.Init)); webManagerThread.Name = "Webfront"; webManagerThread.Start(); } public override void onUnload() { Manager.webScheduler.Stop(); webManagerThread.Join(); } public override String Name { get { return "Webfront"; } } public override float Version { get { return 0.1f; } } } }