using System; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Data.Abstractions; using Data.Models; using Data.Models.Client; using Data.Models.Client.Stats; using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos; using SharedLibraryCore.Helpers; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using Stats.Dtos; using ILogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger; namespace Stats.Helpers { public class AdvancedClientStatsResourceQueryHelper : IResourceQueryHelper<StatsInfoRequest, AdvancedStatsInfo> { private readonly IDatabaseContextFactory _contextFactory; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly IManager _manager; public AdvancedClientStatsResourceQueryHelper(ILogger<AdvancedClientStatsResourceQueryHelper> logger, IDatabaseContextFactory contextFactory, IManager manager) { _contextFactory = contextFactory; _logger = logger; _manager = manager; } public async Task<ResourceQueryHelperResult<AdvancedStatsInfo>> QueryResource(StatsInfoRequest query) { await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext(enableTracking: false); long? serverId = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.ServerEndpoint)) { serverId = (await context.Servers .Select(server => new {server.EndPoint, server.Id}) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(server => server.EndPoint == query.ServerEndpoint)) ?.Id; } var clientInfo = await context.Clients.Select(client => new { client.ClientId, client.CurrentAlias.Name, client.Level, client.GameName }).FirstOrDefaultAsync(client => client.ClientId == query.ClientId); if (clientInfo == null) { return null; } // gets all the hit stats for the client var hitStats = await context.Set<EFClientHitStatistic>() .Include(stat => stat.HitLocation) .Include(stat => stat.MeansOfDeath) .Include(stat => stat.Weapon) .Include(stat => stat.WeaponAttachmentCombo) .ThenInclude(attachment => attachment.Attachment1) .Include(stat => stat.WeaponAttachmentCombo) .ThenInclude(attachment => attachment.Attachment2) .Include(stat => stat.WeaponAttachmentCombo) .ThenInclude(attachment => attachment.Attachment3) .Where(stat => stat.ClientId == query.ClientId) .Where(stat => stat.ServerId == serverId) .ToListAsync(); var ratings = await context.Set<EFClientRankingHistory>() .Where(r => r.ClientId == clientInfo.ClientId) .Where(r => r.ServerId == serverId) .Where(r => r.Ranking != null) .OrderByDescending(r => r.CreatedDateTime) .Take(250) .ToListAsync(); var mostRecentRanking = ratings.FirstOrDefault(ranking => ranking.Newest); var ranking = mostRecentRanking?.Ranking + 1; // get stat for server, or all if no serverId var legacyStats = await context.Set<EFClientStatistics>() .Where(stat => stat.ClientId == query.ClientId) .Where(stat => serverId == null || stat.ServerId == serverId) .ToListAsync(); if (mostRecentRanking != null && mostRecentRanking.CreatedDateTime < Extensions.FifteenDaysAgo()) { ranking = 0; } if (clientInfo.Level == EFClient.Permission.Banned) { ranking = null; } var hitInfo = new AdvancedStatsInfo() { ServerId = serverId, Performance = mostRecentRanking?.PerformanceMetric, ZScore = mostRecentRanking?.ZScore, ServerEndpoint = query.ServerEndpoint, ClientName = clientInfo.Name, ClientId = clientInfo.ClientId, Level = clientInfo.Level, Rating = mostRecentRanking?.PerformanceMetric, All = hitStats, Servers = _manager.GetServers() .Select(server => new ServerInfo {Name = server.Hostname, IPAddress = server.ListenAddress, Port = server.ListenPort, Game = (Reference.Game)server.GameName}) .Where(server => server.Game == clientInfo.GameName) .ToList(), Aggregate = hitStats.FirstOrDefault(hit => hit.HitLocationId == null && hit.ServerId == serverId && hit.WeaponId == null && hit.MeansOfDeathId == null), ByHitLocation = hitStats .Where(hit => hit.HitLocationId != null) .Where(hit => hit.WeaponId == null) .Where(hit => hit.WeaponAttachmentComboId == null) .ToList(), ByWeapon = hitStats .Where(hit => hit.HitLocationId == null) .Where(hit => hit.WeaponId != null) .ToList(), ByAttachmentCombo = hitStats .Where(hit => hit.HitLocationId == null) .Where(hit => hit.WeaponId != null) .Where(hit => hit.WeaponAttachmentComboId != null) .ToList(), Ratings = ratings, LegacyStats = legacyStats, Ranking = ranking, }; // todo: when nothign found return new ResourceQueryHelperResult<AdvancedStatsInfo>() { Results = new[] {hitInfo} }; } public static Expression<Func<EFClientStatistics, bool>> GetRankingFunc(int minPlayTime, double? zScore = null, long? serverId = null) { return (stats) => (serverId == null || stats.ServerId == serverId) && stats.UpdatedAt >= Extensions.FifteenDaysAgo() && stats.Client.Level != EFClient.Permission.Banned && stats.TimePlayed >= minPlayTime && (zScore == null || stats.ZScore > zScore); } } }