using System; using System.Threading; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace SharedLibrary { public static class Utilities { //Get string with specified number of spaces -- really only for visual output public static String GetSpaces(int Num) { String SpaceString = String.Empty; while (Num > 0) { SpaceString += ' '; Num--; } return SpaceString; } //Remove words from a space delimited string public static String RemoveWords(this string str, int num) { if (str == null || str.Length == 0) return ""; String newStr = String.Empty; String[] tmp = str.Split(' '); for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++) { if (i >= num) newStr += tmp[i] + ' '; } return newStr; } public static List PlayersFromStatus(String[] Status) { List StatusPlayers = new List(); foreach (String S in Status) { String responseLine = S.Trim(); if (Regex.Matches(responseLine, @"\d+$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Count > 0 && responseLine.Length > 72) // its a client line! { String[] playerInfo = responseLine.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int cID = -1; int Ping = -1; Int32.TryParse(playerInfo[2], out Ping); String cName = Utilities.StripColors(responseLine.Substring(46, 18)).Trim(); String npID = responseLine.Substring(29, 17).Trim(); // DONT TOUCH PLZ int.TryParse(playerInfo[0], out cID); String cIP = responseLine.Substring(72, 20).Trim().Split(':')[0]; if (cIP.Split(' ').Count() > 1) cIP = cIP.Split(' ')[1]; Player P = new Player(cName, npID, cID, cIP) { Ping = Ping }; StatusPlayers.Add(P); } } return StatusPlayers; } public static Player.Permission MatchPermission(String str) { String lookingFor = str.ToLower(); for (Player.Permission Perm = Player.Permission.User; Perm < Player.Permission.Console; Perm++) if (lookingFor.Contains(Perm.ToString().ToLower())) return Perm; return Player.Permission.Banned; } public static String StripIllegalCharacters(String str) { if (str != null) return str.Replace("`", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(""", "").Replace("&", "&").Replace("\"", "''").Replace("'", "").Replace("?", ""); else return String.Empty; } public static String CleanChars(this string S) { if (S == null) return ""; StringBuilder Cleaned = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char c in S) if (c < 127 && c > 31 && c != 37 && c != 34 && c != 92) Cleaned.Append(c); return Cleaned.ToString(); } /// /// Remove all IW Engine color codes /// /// String containing color codes /// public static String StripColors(this string str) { if (str == null) return ""; return Regex.Replace(str, @"\^([0-9]|\:)", ""); } /// /// Get the IW Engine color code corresponding to an admin level /// /// Specified player level /// public static String ConvertLevelToColor(Player.Permission level) { switch (level) { case Player.Permission.Banned: return "^1" + Player.Permission.Banned; case Player.Permission.Flagged: return "^9" + Player.Permission.Flagged; case Player.Permission.Owner: return "^5" + Player.Permission.Owner; case Player.Permission.User: return "^2" + Player.Permission.User; case Player.Permission.Trusted: return "^3" + Player.Permission.Trusted; default: return "^6" + level; } } public static String ProcessMessageToken(IList tokens, String str) { MatchCollection RegexMatches = Regex.Matches(str, @"\{\{[A-Z]+\}\}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match M in RegexMatches) { String Match = M.Value; String Identifier = M.Value.Substring(2, M.Length - 4); var found = tokens.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name.ToLower() == Identifier.ToLower()); if (found != null) str = str.Replace(Match, found.ToString()); } return str; } public static bool IsBroadcastCommand(this string str) { return str[0] == '@'; } /// /// Get the full gametype name /// /// Shorthand gametype reported from server /// public static String GetLocalizedGametype(String input) { switch (input) { case "dm": return "Deathmatch"; case "war": return "Team Deathmatch"; case "koth": return "Headquarters"; case "ctf": return "Capture The Flag"; case "dd": return "Demolition"; case "dom": return "Domination"; case "sab": return "Sabotage"; case "sd": return "Search & Destroy"; case "vip": return "Very Important Person"; case "gtnw": return "Global Thermonuclear War"; case "oitc": return "One In The Chamber"; case "arena": return "Arena"; case "dzone": return "Drop Zone"; case "gg": return "Gun Game"; case "snipe": return "Sniping"; case "ss": return "Sharp Shooter"; case "m40a3": return "M40A3"; case "fo": return "Face Off"; case "dmc": return "Deathmatch Classic"; case "killcon": return "Kill Confirmed"; case "oneflag": return "One Flag CTF"; default: return input; } } public static String DateTimeSQLite(DateTime datetime) { return datetime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss"); } public static String GetTimePassed(DateTime start) { TimeSpan Elapsed = DateTime.Now - start; if (Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 30) return "just now"; if (Elapsed.TotalMinutes < 120) { if (Elapsed.TotalMinutes < 1.5) return "1 minute"; return Math.Round(Elapsed.TotalMinutes, 0) + " minutes"; } if (Elapsed.TotalHours <= 24) { if (Elapsed.TotalHours < 1.5) return "1 hour"; return Math.Round(Elapsed.TotalHours, 0) + " hours"; } if (Elapsed.TotalDays <= 365) { if (Elapsed.TotalDays < 1.5) return "1 day"; return Math.Round(Elapsed.TotalDays, 0) + " days"; } else return "a very long time"; } } }