/** * @preserve CanvasJS HTML5 & JavaScript Charts - v1.7.0 GA - http://canvasjs.com/ * Copyright 2013 fenopix */ (function() { function w(n, t) { n.prototype = yi(t.prototype); n.prototype.constructor = n; n.base = t.prototype } function yi(n) { function t() {} return t.prototype = n, new t } function oi(n, t, i) { return i === "millisecond" ? n.setMilliseconds(n.getMilliseconds() + 1 * t) : i === "second" ? n.setSeconds(n.getSeconds() + 1 * t) : i === "minute" ? n.setMinutes(n.getMinutes() + 1 * t) : i === "hour" ? n.setHours(n.getHours() + 1 * t) : i === "day" ? n.setDate(n.getDate() + 1 * t) : i === "week" ? n.setDate(n.getDate() + 7 * t) : i === "month" ? n.setMonth(n.getMonth() + 1 * t) : i === "year" && n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear() + 1 * t), n } function st(n, t) { return f[t + "Duration"] * n } function v(n, t) { var i = !1; for (n < 0 && (i = !0, n *= -1), n = "" + n, t = t ? t : 1; n.length < t;) n = "0" + n; return i ? "-" + n : n } function ht(n) { if (!n) return n; n = n.replace(/^\s\s*/, ""); for (var t = n.length; /\s/.test(n.charAt(--t));); return n.slice(0, t + 1) } function pi(n) { n.roundRect = function(n, t, i, r, u, f, e, o) { e && (this.fillStyle = e); o && (this.strokeStyle = o); typeof u == "undefined" && (u = 5); this.lineWidth = f; this.beginPath(); this.moveTo(n + u, t); this.lineTo(n + i - u, t); this.quadraticCurveTo(n + i, t, n + i, t + u); this.lineTo(n + i, t + r - u); this.quadraticCurveTo(n + i, t + r, n + i - u, t + r); this.lineTo(n + u, t + r); this.quadraticCurveTo(n, t + r, n, t + r - u); this.lineTo(n, t + u); this.quadraticCurveTo(n, t, n + u, t); this.closePath(); e && this.fill(); o && f > 0 && this.stroke() } } function si(n, t) { return n - t } function wi(n, t) { return n.x - t.x } function u(n) { var t = ((n & 16711680) >> 16).toString(16), i = ((n & 65280) >> 8).toString(16), r = ((n & 255) >> 0).toString(16); return t = t.length < 2 ? "0" + t : t, i = i.length < 2 ? "0" + i : i, r = r.length < 2 ? "0" + r : r, "#" + t + i + r } function bi(n, t, i) { return n << 16 | t << 8 | i } function ki(n) { var i = this.length >>> 0, t = Number(arguments[1]) || 0; for (t = t < 0 ? Math.ceil(t) : Math.floor(t), t < 0 && (t += i); t < i; t++) if (t in this && this[t] === n) return t; return -1 } function di(n) { return n.indexOf || (n.indexOf = ki), n } function pt(n, t, i) { var u, r, f, e, o; if (i = i || "normal", u = n + "_" + t + "_" + i, r = hi[u], isNaN(r)) { try { f = "position:absolute; left:0px; top:-20000px; padding:0px;margin:0px;border:none;white-space:pre;line-height:normal;font-family:" + n + "; font-size:" + t + "px; font-weight:" + i + ";"; g || (e = document.body, g = document.createElement("span"), g.innerHTML = "", o = document.createTextNode("Mpgyi"), g.appendChild(o), e.appendChild(g)); g.style.display = ""; g.setAttribute("style", f); r = Math.round(g.offsetHeight); g.style.display = "none" } catch (s) { r = Math.ceil(t * 1.1) } r = Math.max(r, t); hi[u] = r } return r } function y(n, t) { var i = [], r; if (n = n || "solid", lineDashTypeMap = { solid: [], shortDash: [3, 1], shortDot: [1, 1], shortDashDot: [3, 1, 1, 1], shortDashDotDot: [3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dot: [1, 2], dash: [4, 2], dashDot: [4, 2, 1, 2], longDash: [8, 2], longDashDot: [8, 2, 1, 2], longDashDotDot: [8, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2] }, i = lineDashTypeMap[n], i) for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++) i[r] *= t; else i = []; return i } function s(n, t, i, r) { if (n.addEventListener) n.addEventListener(t, i, r || !1); else if (n.attachEvent) n.attachEvent("on" + t, function(t) { t = t || window.event; t.preventDefault = t.preventDefault || function() { t.returnValue = !1 }; t.stopPropagation = t.stopPropagation || function() { t.cancelBubble = !0 }; i.call(n, t) }); else return !1 } function ci(n, t, i) { var r, f, u; for (n *= l, t *= l, r = i.getImageData(n, t, 2, 2).data, f = !0, u = 0; u < 4; u++) if (r[u] !== r[u + 4] | r[u] !== r[u + 8] | r[u] !== r[u + 12]) { f = !1; break } return f ? bi(r[0], r[1], r[2]) : 0 } function gi(t, i, r) { var u = "", e = t ? t + "FontStyle" : "fontStyle", o = t ? t + "FontWeight" : "fontWeight", s = t ? t + "FontSize" : "fontSize", h = t ? t + "FontFamily" : "fontFamily", c, f; return u += i[e] ? i[e] + " " : r && r[e] ? r[e] + " " : "", u += i[o] ? i[o] + " " : r && r[o] ? r[o] + " " : "", u += i[s] ? i[s] + "px " : r && r[s] ? r[s] + "px " : "", c = i[h] ? i[h] + "" : r && r[h] ? r[h] + "" : "", !n && c ? (f = c.split(",")[0], f[0] !== "'" && f[0] !== '"' && (f = "'" + f + "'"), u += f) : u += c, u } function p(n, t, i) { return n in t ? t[n] : i[n] } function ct(t, i, r) { if (n && !!li) { var u = t.getContext("2d"); bt = u.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || u.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || u.msBackingStorePixelRatio || u.oBackingStorePixelRatio || u.backingStorePixelRatio || 1; l = ri / bt; t.width = i * l; t.height = r * l; ri !== bt && (t.style.width = i + "px", t.style.height = r + "px", u.scale(l, l)) } else t.width = i, t.height = r } function rt(t, i) { var r = document.createElement("canvas"); return r.setAttribute("class", "canvasjs-chart-canvas"), ct(r, t, i), n || typeof G_vmlCanvasManager == "undefined" || G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(r), r } function ai(n, t, i) { var u, o, s; if (n && t && i) { var h = i + "." + (t === "jpeg" ? "jpg" : t), c = "image/" + t, f = n.toDataURL(c), l = !1, r = document.createElement("a"); if (r.download = h, r.href = f, r.target = "_blank", typeof Blob != "undefined" && !!new Blob) { var v = f.replace(/^data:[a-z/]*;base64,/, ""), e = atob(v), a = new ArrayBuffer(e.length), y = new Uint8Array(a); for (u = 0; u < e.length; u++) y[u] = e.charCodeAt(u); o = new Blob([a], { type: "image/" + t }); try { window.navigator.msSaveBlob(o, h); l = !0 } catch (p) { r.dataset.downloadurl = [c, r.download, r.href].join(":"); r.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(o) } } if (!l) try { event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); event.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !1, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null); r.dispatchEvent ? r.dispatchEvent(event) : r.fireEvent && r.fireEvent("onclick") } catch (p) { s = window.open(); s.document.write("<img src='" + f + "'><\/img><div>Please right click on the image and save it to your device<\/div>"); s.document.close() } } } function b(n, t, i) { t.getAttribute("state") !== i && (t.setAttribute("state", i), t.setAttribute("type", "button"), t.style.position = "relative", t.style.margin = "0px 0px 0px 0px", t.style.padding = "3px 4px 0px 4px", t.style.cssFloat = "left", t.setAttribute("title", n._cultureInfo[i + "Text"]), t.innerHTML = "<img style='height:16px;' src='" + nr[i].image + "' alt='" + n._cultureInfo[i + "Text"] + "' />") } function ui() { for (var n = null, t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) n = arguments[t], n.style && (n.style.display = "inline") } function nt() { for (var n = null, t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) n = arguments[t], n && n.style && (n.style.display = "none") } function h(n, t, i, r) { this._defaultsKey = n; this.parent = r; this._eventListeners = []; var u = {}; i && ut[i] && ut[i][n] && (u = ut[i][n]); this._options = t ? t : {}; this.setOptions(this._options, u) } function t(i, r, u) { var f, e, o; if (this._publicChartReference = u, r = r || {}, t.base.constructor.call(this, "Chart", r, r.theme ? r.theme : "theme1"), f = this, this._containerId = i, this._objectsInitialized = !1, this.ctx = null, this.overlaidCanvasCtx = null, this._indexLabels = [], this._panTimerId = 0, this._lastTouchEventType = "", this._lastTouchData = null, this.isAnimating = !1, this.renderCount = 0, this.animatedRender = !1, this.disableToolTip = !1, this.panEnabled = !1, this._defaultCursor = "default", this.plotArea = { canvas: null, ctx: null, x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, this._dataInRenderedOrder = [], this._container = typeof this._containerId == "string" ? document.getElementById(this._containerId) : this._containerId, !this._container) { window.console && window.console.log('CanvasJS Error: Chart Container with id "' + this._containerId + '" was not found'); return } if (this._container.innerHTML = "", e = 0, o = 0, e = this._options.width ? this.width : this._container.clientWidth > 0 ? this._container.clientWidth : this.width, o = this._options.height ? this.height : this._container.clientHeight > 0 ? this._container.clientHeight : this.height, this.width = e, this.height = o, this.x1 = this.y1 = 0, this.x2 = this.width, this.y2 = this.height, this._selectedColorSet = typeof tt[this.colorSet] != "undefined" ? tt[this.colorSet] : tt.colorSet1, this._canvasJSContainer = document.createElement("div"), this._canvasJSContainer.setAttribute("class", "canvasjs-chart-container"), this._canvasJSContainer.style.position = "relative", this._canvasJSContainer.style.textAlign = "left", this._canvasJSContainer.style.cursor = "auto", n || (this._canvasJSContainer.style.height = "0px"), this._container.appendChild(this._canvasJSContainer), this.canvas = rt(e, o), this.canvas.style.position = "absolute", this.canvas.getContext) this._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this.canvas), this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), this.ctx.textBaseline = "top", pi(this.ctx); else return; n ? this.plotArea.ctx = this.ctx : (this.plotArea.canvas = rt(e, o), this.plotArea.canvas.style.position = "absolute", this.plotArea.canvas.setAttribute("class", "plotAreaCanvas"), this._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this.plotArea.canvas), this.plotArea.ctx = this.plotArea.canvas.getContext("2d")); this.overlaidCanvas = rt(e, o); this.overlaidCanvas.style.position = "absolute"; this._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this.overlaidCanvas); this.overlaidCanvasCtx = this.overlaidCanvas.getContext("2d"); this.overlaidCanvasCtx.textBaseline = "top"; this._eventManager = new at(this); s(window, "resize", function() { f._updateSize() && f.render() }); this._toolBar = document.createElement("div"); this._toolBar.setAttribute("class", "canvasjs-chart-toolbar"); this._toolBar.style.cssText = "position: absolute; right: 1px; top: 1px;"; this._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this._toolBar); this.bounds = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: this.width, y2: this.height }; s(this.overlaidCanvas, "click", function(n) { f._mouseEventHandler(n) }); s(this.overlaidCanvas, "mousemove", function(n) { f._mouseEventHandler(n) }); s(this.overlaidCanvas, "mouseup", function(n) { f._mouseEventHandler(n) }); s(this.overlaidCanvas, "mousedown", function(n) { f._mouseEventHandler(n); nt(f._dropdownMenu) }); s(this.overlaidCanvas, "mouseout", function(n) { f._mouseEventHandler(n) }); s(this.overlaidCanvas, window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerDown" : "touchstart", function(n) { f._touchEventHandler(n) }); s(this.overlaidCanvas, window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerMove" : "touchmove", function(n) { f._touchEventHandler(n) }); s(this.overlaidCanvas, window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerUp" : "touchend", function(n) { f._touchEventHandler(n) }); s(this.overlaidCanvas, window.navigator.msPointerEnabled ? "MSPointerCancel" : "touchcancel", function(n) { f._touchEventHandler(n) }); this._creditLink || (this._creditLink = document.createElement("a"), this._creditLink.setAttribute("class", "canvasjs-chart-credit"), this._creditLink.setAttribute("style", "outline:none;margin:0px;position:absolute;right:3px;top:" + (this.height - 14) + "px;color:dimgrey;text-decoration:none;font-size:10px;font-family:Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans Unicode, Arial, sans-serif"), this._creditLink.setAttribute("tabIndex", -1), this._creditLink.setAttribute("target", "_blank")); this._toolTip = new k(this, this._options.toolTip, this.theme); this.data = null; this.axisX = null; this.axisY = null; this.axisY2 = null; this.sessionVariables = { axisX: { internalMinimum: null, internalMaximum: null }, axisY: { internalMinimum: null, internalMaximum: null }, axisY2: { internalMinimum: null, internalMaximum: null } } } function kt(n, t) { for (var f, e, i, o, h, s, c, r = [], u = 0; u < n.length; u++) { if (u == 0) { r.push(n[0]); continue } i = u - 1; f = i === 0 ? 0 : i - 1; e = i === n.length - 1 ? i : i + 1; o = { x: (n[e].x - n[f].x) / t, y: (n[e].y - n[f].y) / t }; h = { x: n[i].x + o.x / 3, y: n[i].y + o.y / 3 }; r[r.length] = h; i = u; f = i === 0 ? 0 : i - 1; e = i === n.length - 1 ? i : i + 1; s = { x: (n[e].x - n[f].x) / t, y: (n[e].y - n[f].y) / t }; c = { x: n[i].x - s.x / 3, y: n[i].y - s.y / 3 }; r[r.length] = c; r[r.length] = n[u] } return r } function ft(n, t, i, r, u) { typeof u == "undefined" && (u = 0); this._padding = u; this._x1 = n; this._y1 = t; this._x2 = i; this._y2 = r; this._topOccupied = this._padding; this._bottomOccupied = this._padding; this._leftOccupied = this._padding; this._rightOccupied = this._padding } function c(n, t) { c.base.constructor.call(this, "TextBlock", t); this.ctx = n; this._isDirty = !0; this._wrappedText = null; this._lineHeight = pt(this.fontFamily, this.fontSize, this.fontWeight) } function lt(n, t) { lt.base.constructor.call(this, "Title", t, n.theme); this.chart = n; this.canvas = n.canvas; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx; typeof this._options.fontSize == "undefined" && (this.fontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.fontSize)); this.width = null; this.height = null; this.bounds = { x1: null, y1: null, x2: null, y2: null } } function gt(n, t) { gt.base.constructor.call(this, "Subtitle", t, n.theme); this.chart = n; this.canvas = n.canvas; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx; typeof this._options.fontSize == "undefined" && (this.fontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.fontSize)); this.width = null; this.height = null; this.bounds = { x1: null, y1: null, x2: null, y2: null } } function ni(n, t, i) { ni.base.constructor.call(this, "Legend", t, i); this.chart = n; this.canvas = n.canvas; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx; this.ghostCtx = this.chart._eventManager.ghostCtx; this.items = []; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.orientation = null; this.dataSeries = []; this.bounds = { x1: null, y1: null, x2: null, y2: null }; typeof this._options.fontSize == "undefined" && (this.fontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.fontSize)); this.lineHeight = pt(this.fontFamily, this.fontSize, this.fontWeight); this.horizontalSpacing = this.fontSize } function fi(n, t) { fi.base.constructor.call(this, t); this.chart = n; this.canvas = n.canvas; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx } function d(n, t, i, r, u) { d.base.constructor.call(this, "DataSeries", t, i); this.chart = n; this.canvas = n.canvas; this._ctx = n.canvas.ctx; this.index = r; this.noDataPointsInPlotArea = 0; this.id = u; this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[u] = { id: u, objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: r }; this.dataPointIds = []; this.plotUnit = []; this.axisX = null; this.axisY = null; this.fillOpacity === null && (this.fillOpacity = this.type.match(/area/i) ? .7 : 1); this.axisPlacement = this.getDefaultAxisPlacement(); typeof this._options.indexLabelFontSize == "undefined" && (this.indexLabelFontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.indexLabelFontSize)) } function e(n, t, i, r) { if (e.base.constructor.call(this, "Axis", t, n.theme), this.chart = n, this.canvas = n.canvas, this.ctx = n.ctx, this.maxWidth = 0, this.maxHeight = 0, this.intervalstartTimePercent = 0, this.labels = [], this._labels = null, this.dataInfo = { min: Infinity, max: -Infinity, viewPortMin: Infinity, viewPortMax: -Infinity, minDiff: Infinity }, i === "axisX" ? (this.sessionVariables = this.chart.sessionVariables[i], this._options.interval || (this.intervalType = null)) : this.sessionVariables = r === "left" || r === "top" ? this.chart.sessionVariables.axisY : this.chart.sessionVariables.axisY2, typeof this._options.titleFontSize == "undefined" && (this.titleFontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.titleFontSize)), typeof this._options.labelFontSize == "undefined" && (this.labelFontSize = this.chart.getAutoFontSize(this.labelFontSize)), this.type = i, i !== "axisX" || t && typeof t.gridThickness != "undefined" || (this.gridThickness = 0), this._position = r, this.lineCoordinates = { x1: null, y1: null, x2: null, y2: null, width: null }, this.labelAngle = (this.labelAngle % 360 + 360) % 360, this.labelAngle > 90 && this.labelAngle <= 270 ? this.labelAngle -= 180 : this.labelAngle > 180 && this.labelAngle <= 270 ? this.labelAngle -= 180 : this.labelAngle > 270 && this.labelAngle <= 360 && (this.labelAngle -= 360), this._options.stripLines && this._options.stripLines.length > 0) { this.stripLines = []; for (var u = 0; u < this._options.stripLines.length; u++) this.stripLines.push(new ti(this.chart, this._options.stripLines[u], n.theme, ++this.chart._eventManager.lastObjectId, this)) } this._titleTextBlock = null; this._absoluteMinimum = null; this._absoluteMaximum = null; this.hasOptionChanged("minimum") && (this.sessionVariables.internalMinimum = this.minimum); this.hasOptionChanged("maximum") && (this.sessionVariables.internalMaximum = this.maximum); this.trackChanges("minimum"); this.trackChanges("maximum") } function ti(n, t, i, r, u) { ti.base.constructor.call(this, "StripLine", t, i, u); this.id = r; this.chart = n; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx; this.label = this.label; this._thicknessType = "pixel"; this.startValue !== null && this.endValue !== null && (this.value = ((this.startValue.getTime ? this.startValue.getTime() : this.startValue) + (this.endValue.getTime ? this.endValue.getTime() : this.endValue)) / 2, this.thickness = Math.max(this.endValue - this.startValue), this._thicknessType = "value") } function k(n, t, i) { k.base.constructor.call(this, "ToolTip", t, i); this.chart = n; this.canvas = n.canvas; this.ctx = this.chart.ctx; this.currentSeriesIndex = -1; this.currentDataPointIndex = -1; this._timerId = 0; this._prevX = NaN; this._prevY = NaN; this._initialize() } function at(n) { var t, i; this.chart = n; this.lastObjectId = 0; t = this; this.objectMap = []; this.rectangularRegionEventSubscriptions = []; this.previousDataPointEventObject = null; this.ghostCanvas = rt(this.chart.width, this.chart.height); this.ghostCtx = this.ghostCanvas.getContext("2d"); i = function(n) { t.mouseEventHandler.call(t, n) }; this.mouseoveredObjectMaps = [] } function vt(n) { var t; n && ot[n] && (t = ot[n]); vt.base.constructor.call(this, "CultureInfo", t) } function ei(n) { this.chart = n; this.ctx = this.chart.plotArea.ctx; this.animations = []; this.animationRequestId = null } var yt = !1, n = !!document.createElement("canvas").getContext, et = { Chart: { width: 500, height: 400, zoomEnabled: !1, backgroundColor: "white", theme: "theme1", animationEnabled: !1, animationDuration: 1200, dataPointMaxWidth: null, colorSet: "colorSet1", culture: "en", creditText: "CanvasJS.com", interactivityEnabled: !0, exportEnabled: !1, exportFileName: "Chart" }, Title: { padding: 0, text: null, verticalAlign: "top", horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: 20, fontFamily: "Calibri", fontWeight: "normal", fontColor: "black", fontStyle: "normal", borderThickness: 0, borderColor: "black", cornerRadius: 0, backgroundColor: null, margin: 5, wrap: !0, maxWidth: null, dockInsidePlotArea: !1 }, Subtitle: { padding: 0, text: null, verticalAlign: "top", horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: 14, fontFamily: "Calibri", fontWeight: "normal", fontColor: "black", fontStyle: "normal", borderThickness: 0, borderColor: "black", cornerRadius: 0, backgroundColor: null, margin: 2, wrap: !0, maxWidth: null, dockInsidePlotArea: !1 }, Legend: { name: null, verticalAlign: "center", horizontalAlign: "right", fontSize: 14, fontFamily: "calibri", fontWeight: "normal", fontColor: "black", fontStyle: "normal", cursor: null, itemmouseover: null, itemmouseout: null, itemmousemove: null, itemclick: null, dockInsidePlotArea: !1, reversed: !1, maxWidth: null, maxHeight: null, itemMaxWidth: null, itemWidth: null, itemWrap: !0, itemTextFormatter: null }, ToolTip: { enabled: !0, shared: !1, animationEnabled: !0, content: null, contentFormatter: null, reversed: !1, backgroundColor: null, borderColor: null, borderThickness: 2, cornerRadius: 5, fontSize: 14, fontColor: "#000000", fontFamily: "Calibri, Arial, Georgia, serif;", fontWeight: "normal", fontStyle: "italic" }, Axis: { minimum: null, maximum: null, interval: null, intervalType: null, title: null, titleFontColor: "black", titleFontSize: 20, titleFontFamily: "arial", titleFontWeight: "normal", titleFontStyle: "normal", labelAngle: 0, labelFontFamily: "arial", labelFontColor: "black", labelFontSize: 12, labelFontWeight: "normal", labelFontStyle: "normal", labelAutoFit: !1, labelWrap: !0, labelMaxWidth: null, labelFormatter: null, prefix: "", suffix: "", includeZero: !0, tickLength: 5, tickColor: "black", tickThickness: 1, lineColor: "black", lineThickness: 1, lineDashType: "solid", gridColor: "A0A0A0", gridThickness: 0, gridDashType: "solid", interlacedColor: null, valueFormatString: null, margin: 2, stripLines: [] }, StripLine: { value: null, startValue: null, endValue: null, color: "orange", opacity: null, thickness: 2, lineDashType: "solid", label: "", labelBackgroundColor: "#EEEEEE", labelFontFamily: "arial", labelFontColor: "orange", labelFontSize: 12, labelFontWeight: "normal", labelFontStyle: "normal", labelFormatter: null, showOnTop: !1 }, DataSeries: { name: null, dataPoints: null, label: "", bevelEnabled: !1, highlightEnabled: !0, cursor: null, indexLabel: "", indexLabelPlacement: "auto", indexLabelOrientation: "horizontal", indexLabelFontColor: "black", indexLabelFontSize: 12, indexLabelFontStyle: "normal", indexLabelFontFamily: "Arial", indexLabelFontWeight: "normal", indexLabelBackgroundColor: null, indexLabelLineColor: null, indexLabelLineThickness: 1, indexLabelLineDashType: "solid", indexLabelMaxWidth: null, indexLabelWrap: !0, indexLabelFormatter: null, lineThickness: 2, lineDashType: "solid", color: null, risingColor: "white", fillOpacity: null, startAngle: 0, type: "column", xValueType: "number", axisYType: "primary", xValueFormatString: null, yValueFormatString: null, zValueFormatString: null, percentFormatString: null, showInLegend: null, legendMarkerType: null, legendMarkerColor: null, legendText: null, legendMarkerBorderColor: null, legendMarkerBorderThickness: null, markerType: "circle", markerColor: null, markerSize: null, markerBorderColor: null, markerBorderThickness: null, mouseover: null, mouseout: null, mousemove: null, click: null, toolTipContent: null, visible: !0 }, TextBlock: { x: 0, y: 0, width: null, height: null, maxWidth: null, maxHeight: null, padding: 0, angle: 0, text: "", horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: 12, fontFamily: "calibri", fontWeight: "normal", fontColor: "black", fontStyle: "normal", borderThickness: 0, borderColor: "black", cornerRadius: 0, backgroundColor: null, textBaseline: "top" }, CultureInfo: { decimalSeparator: ".", digitGroupSeparator: ",", zoomText: "Zoom", panText: "Pan", resetText: "Reset", menuText: "More Options", saveJPGText: "Save as JPG", savePNGText: "Save as PNG", days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], shortDays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], shortMonths: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] } }, ot = { en: {} }, tt = { colorSet1: ["#369EAD", "#C24642", "#7F6084", "#86B402", "#A2D1CF", "#C8B631", "#6DBCEB", "#52514E", "#4F81BC", "#A064A1", "#F79647"], colorSet2: ["#4F81BC", "#C0504E", "#9BBB58", "#23BFAA", "#8064A1", "#4AACC5", "#F79647", "#33558B"], colorSet3: ["#8CA1BC", "#36845C", "#017E82", "#8CB9D0", "#708C98", "#94838D", "#F08891", "#0366A7", "#008276", "#EE7757", "#E5BA3A", "#F2990B", "#03557B", "#782970"] }, ut = { theme1: { Chart: { colorSet: "colorSet1" }, Title: { fontFamily: n ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", fontSize: 33, fontColor: "#3A3A3A", fontWeight: "bold", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Subtitle: { fontFamily: n ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", fontSize: 16, fontColor: "#3A3A3A", fontWeight: "bold", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Axis: { titleFontSize: 26, titleFontColor: "#666666", titleFontFamily: n ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", labelFontFamily: n ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", labelFontSize: 18, labelFontColor: "grey", tickColor: "#BBBBBB", tickThickness: 2, gridThickness: 2, gridColor: "#BBBBBB", lineThickness: 2, lineColor: "#BBBBBB" }, Legend: { verticalAlign: "bottom", horizontalAlign: "center", fontFamily: n ? "monospace, sans-serif,arial black" : "calibri" }, DataSeries: { indexLabelFontColor: "grey", indexLabelFontFamily: n ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", indexLabelFontSize: 18, indexLabelLineThickness: 1 } }, theme2: { Chart: { colorSet: "colorSet2" }, Title: { fontFamily: "impact, charcoal, arial black, sans-serif", fontSize: 32, fontColor: "#333333", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Subtitle: { fontFamily: "impact, charcoal, arial black, sans-serif", fontSize: 14, fontColor: "#333333", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Axis: { titleFontSize: 22, titleFontColor: "rgb(98,98,98)", titleFontFamily: n ? "monospace, sans-serif,arial black" : "arial", titleFontWeight: "bold", labelFontFamily: n ? "monospace, Courier New, Courier" : "arial", labelFontSize: 16, labelFontColor: "grey", labelFontWeight: "bold", tickColor: "grey", tickThickness: 2, gridThickness: 2, gridColor: "grey", lineColor: "grey", lineThickness: 0 }, Legend: { verticalAlign: "bottom", horizontalAlign: "center", fontFamily: n ? "monospace, sans-serif,arial black" : "arial" }, DataSeries: { indexLabelFontColor: "grey", indexLabelFontFamily: n ? "Courier New, Courier, monospace" : "arial", indexLabelFontWeight: "bold", indexLabelFontSize: 18, indexLabelLineThickness: 1 } }, theme3: { Chart: { colorSet: "colorSet1" }, Title: { fontFamily: n ? "Candara, Optima, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Trebuchet MS, serif" : "calibri", fontSize: 32, fontColor: "#3A3A3A", fontWeight: "bold", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Subtitle: { fontFamily: n ? "Candara, Optima, Trebuchet MS, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Trebuchet MS, serif" : "calibri", fontSize: 16, fontColor: "#3A3A3A", fontWeight: "bold", verticalAlign: "top", margin: 5 }, Axis: { titleFontSize: 22, titleFontColor: "rgb(98,98,98)", titleFontFamily: n ? "Verdana, Geneva, Calibri, sans-serif" : "calibri", labelFontFamily: n ? "Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", labelFontSize: 18, labelFontColor: "grey", tickColor: "grey", tickThickness: 2, gridThickness: 2, gridColor: "grey", lineThickness: 2, lineColor: "grey" }, Legend: { verticalAlign: "bottom", horizontalAlign: "center", fontFamily: n ? "monospace, sans-serif,arial black" : "calibri" }, DataSeries: { bevelEnabled: !0, indexLabelFontColor: "grey", indexLabelFontFamily: n ? "Candara, Optima, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif" : "calibri", indexLabelFontSize: 18, indexLabelLineColor: "lightgrey", indexLabelLineThickness: 2 } } }, f = { numberDuration: 1, yearDuration: 314496e5, monthDuration: 2592e6, weekDuration: 6048e5, dayDuration: 864e5, hourDuration: 36e5, minuteDuration: 6e4, secondDuration: 1e3, millisecondDuration: 1, dayOfWeekFromInt: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] }, hi = {}, g = null, ii = function() { var n = /D{1,4}|M{1,4}|Y{1,4}|h{1,2}|H{1,2}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|f{1,3}|t{1,2}|T{1,2}|K|z{1,3}|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, t = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], i = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], r = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], u = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], f = /\b(?:[PMCEA][SDP]T|(?:Pacific|Mountain|Central|Eastern|Atlantic) (?:Standard|Daylight|Prevailing) Time|(?:GMT|UTC)(?:[-+]\d{4})?)\b/g, e = /[^-+\dA-Z]/g; return function(o, s, h) { var tt = h ? h.days : t, it = h ? h.months : r, rt = h ? h.shortDays : i, ut = h ? h.shortMonths : u, y = !1; if (o = o && o.getTime ? o : o ? new Date(o) : new Date, isNaN(o)) throw SyntaxError("invalid date"); s.slice(0, 4) === "UTC:" && (s = s.slice(4), y = !0); var c = y ? "getUTC" : "get", k = o[c + "Date"](), d = o[c + "Day"](), p = o[c + "Month"](), w = o[c + "FullYear"](), l = o[c + "Hours"](), g = o[c + "Minutes"](), nt = o[c + "Seconds"](), b = o[c + "Milliseconds"](), a = y ? 0 : o.getTimezoneOffset(); return s.replace(n, function(n) { switch (n) { case "D": return k; case "DD": return v(k, 2); case "DDD": return rt[d]; case "DDDD": return tt[d]; case "M": return p + 1; case "MM": return v(p + 1, 2); case "MMM": return ut[p]; case "MMMM": return it[p]; case "Y": return parseInt(String(w).slice(-2)); case "YY": return v(String(w).slice(-2), 2); case "YYY": return v(String(w).slice(-3), 3); case "YYYY": return v(w, 4); case "h": return l % 12 || 12; case "hh": return v(l % 12 || 12, 2); case "H": return l; case "HH": return v(l, 2); case "m": return g; case "mm": return v(g, 2); case "s": return nt; case "ss": return v(nt, 2); case "f": return String(b).slice(0, 1); case "ff": return v(String(b).slice(0, 2), 2); case "fff": return v(String(b).slice(0, 3), 3); case "t": return l < 12 ? "a" : "p"; case "tt": return l < 12 ? "am" : "pm"; case "T": return l < 12 ? "A" : "P"; case "TT": return l < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"; case "K": return y ? "UTC" : (String(o).match(f) || [""]).pop().replace(e, ""); case "z": return (a > 0 ? "-" : "+") + Math.floor(Math.abs(a) / 60); case "zz": return (a > 0 ? "-" : "+") + v(Math.floor(Math.abs(a) / 60), 2); case "zzz": return (a > 0 ? "-" : "+") + v(Math.floor(Math.abs(a) / 60), 2) + v(Math.abs(a) % 60, 2); default: return n.slice(1, n.length - 1) } }) } }(), it = function(n, t, i) { var w, r, e, nt, s, ft; if (n === null) return ""; n = Number(n); w = n < 0 ? !0 : !1; w && (n *= -1); var at = i ? i.decimalSeparator : ".", b = i ? i.digitGroupSeparator : ",", ot = ""; t = String(t); var a = 1, u = "", y = "", h = -1, k = [], d = [], p = 0, st = 0, g = 0, ht = !1, c = 0; for (y = t.match(/"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[eE][+-]*[0]+|[,]+[.]|�|./g), r = null, e = 0; y && e < y.length; e++) { if (r = y[e], r === "." && h < 0) { h = e; continue } else if (r === "%") a *= 100; else if (r === "�") { a *= 1e3; continue } else if (r[0] === "," && r[r.length - 1] === ".") { a /= Math.pow(1e3, r.length - 1); h = e + r.length - 1; continue } else(r[0] === "E" || r[0] === "e") && r[r.length - 1] === "0" && (ht = !0); h < 0 ? (k.push(r), r === "#" || r === "0" ? p++ : r === "," && g++) : (d.push(r), (r === "#" || r === "0") && st++) } ht && (nt = Math.floor(n), c = (nt === 0 ? "" : String(nt)).length - p, a /= Math.pow(10, c)); n *= a; h < 0 && (h = e); ot = n.toFixed(st); var ct = ot.split("."), f = (ct[0] + "").split(""), tt = (ct[1] + "").split(""); f && f[0] === "0" && f.shift(); for (var lt = 0, it = 0, rt = 0, ut = 0, o = 0; k.length > 0;) if (r = k.pop(), r === "#" || r === "0") if (lt++, lt === p) { if (s = f, f = [], r === "0") for (ft = p - it - (s ? s.length : 0); ft > 0;) s.unshift("0"), ft--; while (s.length > 0) u = s.pop() + u, o++, o % ut == 0 && rt === g && s.length > 0 && (u = b + u); w && (u = "-" + u) } else f.length > 0 ? (u = f.pop() + u, it++, o++) : r === "0" && (u = "0" + u, it++, o++), o % ut == 0 && rt === g && f.length > 0 && (u = b + u); else(r[0] === "E" || r[0] === "e") && r[r.length - 1] === "0" && /[eE][+-]*[0]+/.test(r) ? (r = c < 0 ? r.replace("+", "").replace("-", "") : r.replace("-", ""), u += r.replace(/[0]+/, function(n) { return v(c, n.length) })) : r === "," ? (rt++, ut = o, o = 0, f.length > 0 && (u = b + u)) : u = r.length > 1 && (r[0] === '"' && r[r.length - 1] === '"' || r[0] === "'" && r[r.length - 1] === "'") ? r.slice(1, r.length - 1) + u : r + u; for (var l = "", et = !1; d.length > 0;) r = d.shift(), r === "#" || r === "0" ? tt.length > 0 && Number(tt.join("")) !== 0 ? (l += tt.shift(), et = !0) : r === "0" && (l += "0", et = !0) : r.length > 1 && (r[0] === '"' && r[r.length - 1] === '"' || r[0] === "'" && r[r.length - 1] === "'") ? l += r.slice(1, r.length - 1) : (r[0] === "E" || r[0] === "e") && r[r.length - 1] === "0" && /[eE][+-]*[0]+/.test(r) ? (r = c < 0 ? r.replace("+", "").replace("-", "") : r.replace("-", ""), l += r.replace(/[0]+/, function(n) { return v(c, n.length) })) : l += r; return u + ((et ? at : "") + l) }, wt = function(n) { var t = 0, i = 0; return n = n || window.event, n.offsetX || n.offsetX === 0 ? (t = n.offsetX, i = n.offsetY) : n.layerX || n.layerX == 0 ? (t = n.layerX, i = n.layerY) : (t = n.pageX - n.target.offsetLeft, i = n.pageY - n.target.offsetTop), { x: t, y: i } }, li = !0, ri = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, bt = 1, l = li ? ri / bt : 1, nr = { reset: { image: "" }, pan: { image: "" }, zoom: { image: "" }, menu: { image: "" } }, o, dt; h.prototype.setOptions = function(n, t) { var r, i; if (et[this._defaultsKey]) { r = et[this._defaultsKey]; for (i in r) this[i] = n && i in n ? n[i] : t && i in t ? t[i] : r[i] } else yt && window.console && console.log("defaults not set") }; h.prototype.updateOption = function(n) { !et[this._defaultsKey] && yt && window.console && console.log("defaults not set"); var u = et[this._defaultsKey], t = this._options.theme ? this._options.theme : this.chart && this.chart._options.theme ? this.chart._options.theme : "theme1", i = {}, r = this[n]; return (t && ut[t] && ut[t][this._defaultsKey] && (i = ut[t][this._defaultsKey]), n in u && (r = n in this._options ? this._options[n] : i && n in i ? i[n] : u[n]), r === this[n]) ? !1 : (this[n] = r, !0) }; h.prototype.trackChanges = function(n) { this._options._oldOptions || (this._options._oldOptions = {}); this._options._oldOptions[n] = this._options[n] }; h.prototype.isBeingTracked = function(n) { return this._options._oldOptions || (this._options._oldOptions = {}), this._options._oldOptions[n] ? !0 : !1 }; h.prototype.hasOptionChanged = function(n) { this._options._oldOptions || (this._options._oldOptions = {}); return !(this._options._oldOptions[n] === this._options[n]) }; h.prototype.addEventListener = function(n, t, i) { n && t && (i = i || this, this._eventListeners[n] = this._eventListeners[n] || [], this._eventListeners[n].push({ context: i, eventHandler: t })) }; h.prototype.removeEventListener = function(n, t) { var r, i; if (n && t && this._eventListeners[n]) for (r = this._eventListeners[n], i = 0; i < r.length; i++) if (r[i].eventHandler === t) { r[i].splice(i, 1); break } }; h.prototype.removeAllEventListeners = function() { this._eventListeners = [] }; h.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(n, t) { var r, i; if (n && this._eventListeners[n]) for (t = t || {}, r = this._eventListeners[n], i = 0; i < r.length; i++) r[i].eventHandler.call(r[i].context, t) }; w(t, h); t.prototype._updateOptions = function() { var t = this, i, u, f, r; this.updateOption("width"); this.updateOption("height"); this.updateOption("theme"); this.updateOption("colorSet") && (this._selectedColorSet = typeof tt[this.colorSet] != "undefined" ? tt[this.colorSet] : tt.colorSet1); this.updateOption("backgroundColor"); this.backgroundColor || (this.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"); this.updateOption("culture"); this._cultureInfo = new vt(this._options.culture); this.updateOption("animationEnabled"); this.animationEnabled = this.animationEnabled && n; this._options.zoomEnabled ? (this._zoomButton || (nt(this._zoomButton = document.createElement("button")), b(this, this._zoomButton, "pan"), this._toolBar.appendChild(this._zoomButton), s(this._zoomButton, "click", function() { t.zoomEnabled ? (t.zoomEnabled = !1, t.panEnabled = !0, b(t, t._zoomButton, "zoom")) : (t.zoomEnabled = !0, t.panEnabled = !1, b(t, t._zoomButton, "pan")); t.render() })), this._resetButton || (nt(this._resetButton = document.createElement("button")), b(this, this._resetButton, "reset"), this._toolBar.appendChild(this._resetButton), s(this._resetButton, "click", function() { t._toolTip.hide(); t.zoomEnabled || t.panEnabled ? (t.zoomEnabled = !0, t.panEnabled = !1, b(t, t._zoomButton, "pan"), t._defaultCursor = "default", t.overlaidCanvas.style.cursor = t._defaultCursor) : (t.zoomEnabled = !1, t.panEnabled = !1); t.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMinimum = t._options.axisX && t._options.axisX.minimum ? t._options.axisX.minimum : null; t.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMaximum = t._options.axisX && t._options.axisX.maximum ? t._options.axisX.maximum : null; t.resetOverlayedCanvas(); nt(t._zoomButton, t._resetButton); t.render() }), this.overlaidCanvas.style.cursor = t._defaultCursor), this.zoomEnabled || this.panEnabled || (this._zoomButton ? (t._zoomButton.getAttribute("state") === t._cultureInfo.zoomText ? (this.panEnabled = !0, this.zoomEnabled = !1) : (this.zoomEnabled = !0, this.panEnabled = !1), ui(t._zoomButton, t._resetButton)) : (this.zoomEnabled = !0, this.panEnabled = !1))) : (this.zoomEnabled = !1, this.panEnabled = !1); typeof this._options.exportFileName != "undefined" && (this.exportFileName = this._options.exportFileName); typeof this._options.exportEnabled != "undefined" && (this.exportEnabled = this._options.exportEnabled); this._menuButton ? this.exportEnabled ? ui(this._menuButton) : nt(this._menuButton) : this.exportEnabled && n && (this._menuButton = document.createElement("button"), b(this, this._menuButton, "menu"), this._toolBar.appendChild(this._menuButton), s(this._menuButton, "click", function() { if (t._dropdownMenu.style.display === "none") { if (t._dropDownCloseTime && (new Date).getTime() - t._dropDownCloseTime.getTime() <= 500) return; t._dropdownMenu.style.display = "block"; t._menuButton.blur(); t._dropdownMenu.focus() } }, !0)); !this._dropdownMenu && this.exportEnabled && n && (this._dropdownMenu = document.createElement("div"), this._dropdownMenu.setAttribute("tabindex", -1), this._dropdownMenu.style.cssText = "position: absolute; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; cursor: pointer;right: 1px;top: 25px;min-width: 120px;outline: 0;border: 1px solid silver;font-size: 14px;font-family: Calibri, Verdana, sans-serif;padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;text-align: left;background-color: #fff;line-height: 20px;box-shadow: 2px 2px 10px #888888;", t._dropdownMenu.style.display = "none", this._toolBar.appendChild(this._dropdownMenu), s(this._dropdownMenu, "blur", function() { nt(t._dropdownMenu); t._dropDownCloseTime = new Date }, !0), i = document.createElement("div"), i.style.cssText = "padding: 2px 15px 2px 10px", i.innerHTML = this._cultureInfo.saveJPGText, this._dropdownMenu.appendChild(i), s(i, "mouseover", function() { this.style.backgroundColor = "#EEEEEE" }, !0), s(i, "mouseout", function() { this.style.backgroundColor = "transparent" }, !0), s(i, "click", function() { ai(t.canvas, "jpg", t.exportFileName); nt(t._dropdownMenu) }, !0), i = document.createElement("div"), i.style.cssText = "padding: 2px 15px 2px 10px", i.innerHTML = this._cultureInfo.savePNGText, this._dropdownMenu.appendChild(i), s(i, "mouseover", function() { this.style.backgroundColor = "#EEEEEE" }, !0), s(i, "mouseout", function() { this.style.backgroundColor = "transparent" }, !0), s(i, "click", function() { ai(t.canvas, "png", t.exportFileName); nt(t._dropdownMenu) }, !0)); this._toolBar.style.display !== "none" && this._zoomButton && (this.panEnabled ? b(t, t._zoomButton, "zoom") : b(t, t._zoomButton, "pan"), t._resetButton.getAttribute("state") !== t._cultureInfo.resetText && b(t, t._resetButton, "reset")); typeof et.Chart.creditHref == "undefined" ? (this.creditHref = "http://canvasjs.com/", this.creditText = "CanvasJS.com") : (u = this.updateOption("creditText"), f = this.updateOption("creditHref")); (this.renderCount === 0 || u || f) && (this._creditLink.setAttribute("href", this.creditHref), this._creditLink.innerHTML = this.creditText); this.creditHref && this.creditText ? this._creditLink.parentElement || this._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this._creditLink) : this._creditLink.parentElement && this._canvasJSContainer.removeChild(this._creditLink); this._options.toolTip && this._toolTip._options !== this._options.toolTip && (this._toolTip._options = this._options.toolTip); for (r in this._toolTip._options) this._toolTip._options.hasOwnProperty(r) && this._toolTip.updateOption(r) }; t.prototype._updateSize = function() { var n = 0, t = 0; return (this._options.width ? n = this.width : this.width = n = this._container.clientWidth > 0 ? this._container.clientWidth : this.width, this._options.height ? t = this.height : this.height = t = this._container.clientHeight > 0 ? this._container.clientHeight : this.height, this.canvas.width !== n * l || this.canvas.height !== t * l) ? (ct(this.canvas, n, t), ct(this.overlaidCanvas, n, t), ct(this._eventManager.ghostCanvas, n, t), !0) : !1 }; t.prototype._initialize = function() { var f, u, i, e, r; for (this._animator ? this._animator.cancelAllAnimations() : this._animator = new ei(this), this.removeAllEventListeners(), this.disableToolTip = !1, this.pieDoughnutClickHandler = null, this.animationRequestId && this.cancelRequestAnimFrame.call(window, this.animationRequestId), this._updateOptions(), this.animatedRender = n && this.animationEnabled && this.renderCount === 0, this._updateSize(), this.clearCanvas(), this.ctx.beginPath(), this.axisX = null, this.axisY = null, this.axisY2 = null, this._indexLabels = [], this._dataInRenderedOrder = [], this._events = [], this._eventManager && this._eventManager.reset(), this.plotInfo = { axisPlacement: null, axisXValueType: null, plotTypes: [] }, this.layoutManager = new ft(0, 0, this.width, this.height, 2), this.plotArea.layoutManager && this.plotArea.layoutManager.reset(), this.data = [], f = 0, u = 0; u < this._options.data.length; u++) if ((f++, !this._options.data[u].type || t._supportedChartTypes.indexOf(this._options.data[u].type) >= 0) && (i = new d(this, this._options.data[u], this.theme, f - 1, ++this._eventManager.lastObjectId), i.name === null && (i.name = "DataSeries " + f), i.color === null ? this._options.data.length > 1 ? (i._colorSet = [this._selectedColorSet[i.index % this._selectedColorSet.length]], i.color = this._selectedColorSet[i.index % this._selectedColorSet.length]) : i._colorSet = i.type === "line" || i.type === "stepLine" || i.type === "spline" || i.type === "area" || i.type === "stepArea" || i.type === "splineArea" || i.type === "stackedArea" || i.type === "stackedArea100" || i.type === "rangeArea" || i.type === "rangeSplineArea" || i.type === "candlestick" || i.type === "ohlc" ? [this._selectedColorSet[0]] : this._selectedColorSet : i._colorSet = [i.color], i.markerSize === null && ((i.type === "line" || i.type === "stepLine" || i.type === "spline") && i.dataPoints && i.dataPoints.length < this.width / 16 || i.type === "scatter") && (i.markerSize = 8), (i.type === "bubble" || i.type === "scatter") && i.dataPoints && i.dataPoints.sort(wi), this.data.push(i), e = i.axisPlacement, e === "normal" ? this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped" ? r = 'You cannot combine "' + i.type + '" with bar chart' : this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "none" ? r = 'You cannot combine "' + i.type + '" with pie chart' : this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === null && (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement = "normal") : e === "xySwapped" ? this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" ? r = 'You cannot combine "' + i.type + '" with line, area, column or pie chart' : this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "none" ? r = 'You cannot combine "' + i.type + '" with pie chart' : this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === null && (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement = "xySwapped") : e == "none" && (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" ? r = 'You cannot combine "' + i.type + '" with line, area, column or bar chart' : this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped" ? r = 'You cannot combine "' + i.type + '" with bar chart' : this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === null && (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement = "none")), r && window.console)) { window.console.log(r); return } this._objectsInitialized = !0 }; t._supportedChartTypes = di(["line", "stepLine", "spline", "column", "area", "stepArea", "splineArea", "bar", "bubble", "scatter", "stackedColumn", "stackedColumn100", "stackedBar", "stackedBar100", "stackedArea", "stackedArea100", "candlestick", "ohlc", "rangeColumn", "rangeBar", "rangeArea", "rangeSplineArea", "pie", "doughnut", "funnel"]); t.prototype.render = function(n) { var o, s, v, f, h, p, u, y, c, t, i, a, w, b, r; for (n && (this._options = n), this._initialize(), o = [], u = 0; u < this.data.length; u++)(this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" || this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped") && (this.data[u].axisYType && this.data[u].axisYType !== "primary" ? this.data[u].axisYType === "secondary" && (this.axisY2 || (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" ? this.axisY2 = new e(this, this._options.axisY2, "axisY", "right") : this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped" && (this.axisY2 = new e(this, this._options.axisY2, "axisY", "top"))), this.data[u].axisY = this.axisY2) : (this.axisY || (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" ? this.axisY = new e(this, this._options.axisY, "axisY", "left") : this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped" && (this.axisY = new e(this, this._options.axisY, "axisY", "bottom"))), this.data[u].axisY = this.axisY), this.axisX || (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" ? this.axisX = new e(this, this._options.axisX, "axisX", "bottom") : this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped" && (this.axisX = new e(this, this._options.axisX, "axisX", "left"))), this.data[u].axisX = this.axisX); if (this._processData(), this._options.title && (this._title = new lt(this, this._options.title), this._title.dockInsidePlotArea ? o.push(this._title) : this._title.render()), this._options.subtitles) for (u = 0; u < this._options.subtitles.length; u++) this.subtitles = [], s = new gt(this, this._options.subtitles[u]), this.subtitles.push(s), s.dockInsidePlotArea ? o.push(s) : s.render(); for (this.legend = new ni(this, this._options.legend, this.theme), u = 0; u < this.data.length; u++)(this.data[u].showInLegend || this.data[u].type === "pie" || this.data[u].type === "doughnut") && this.legend.dataSeries.push(this.data[u]); if (this.legend.dockInsidePlotArea ? o.push(this.legend) : this.legend.render(), this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" || this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped") e.setLayoutAndRender(this.axisX, this.axisY, this.axisY2, this.plotInfo.axisPlacement, this.layoutManager.getFreeSpace()); else if (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "none") this.preparePlotArea(); else return; v = 0; for (v in o) o[v].render(); for (f = [], this.animatedRender && (h = rt(this.width, this.height), p = h.getContext("2d"), p.drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0, this.width, this.height)), u = 0; u < this.plotInfo.plotTypes.length; u++) for (y = this.plotInfo.plotTypes[u], c = 0; c < y.plotUnits.length; c++) { for (t = y.plotUnits[c], i = null, t.targetCanvas = null, this.animatedRender && (t.targetCanvas = rt(this.width, this.height), t.targetCanvasCtx = t.targetCanvas.getContext("2d")), t.type === "line" ? i = this.renderLine(t) : t.type === "stepLine" ? i = this.renderStepLine(t) : t.type === "spline" ? i = this.renderSpline(t) : t.type === "column" ? i = this.renderColumn(t) : t.type === "bar" ? i = this.renderBar(t) : t.type === "area" ? i = this.renderArea(t) : t.type === "stepArea" ? i = this.renderStepArea(t) : t.type === "splineArea" ? i = this.renderSplineArea(t) : t.type === "stackedColumn" ? i = this.renderStackedColumn(t) : t.type === "stackedColumn100" ? i = this.renderStackedColumn100(t) : t.type === "stackedBar" ? i = this.renderStackedBar(t) : t.type === "stackedBar100" ? i = this.renderStackedBar100(t) : t.type === "stackedArea" ? i = this.renderStackedArea(t) : t.type === "stackedArea100" ? i = this.renderStackedArea100(t) : t.type === "bubble" ? i = i = this.renderBubble(t) : t.type === "scatter" ? i = this.renderScatter(t) : t.type === "pie" ? this.renderPie(t) : t.type === "doughnut" ? this.renderPie(t) : t.type === "candlestick" ? i = this.renderCandlestick(t) : t.type === "ohlc" ? i = this.renderCandlestick(t) : t.type === "rangeColumn" ? i = this.renderRangeColumn(t) : t.type === "rangeBar" ? i = this.renderRangeBar(t) : t.type === "rangeArea" ? i = this.renderRangeArea(t) : t.type === "rangeSplineArea" && (i = this.renderRangeSplineArea(t)), a = 0; a < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; a++) this._dataInRenderedOrder.push(this.data[t.dataSeriesIndexes[a]]); this.animatedRender && i && f.push(i) } this.animatedRender && this._indexLabels.length > 0 && (w = rt(this.width, this.height), b = w.getContext("2d"), f.push(this.renderIndexLabels(b))); r = this; f.length > 0 ? (r.disableToolTip = !0, r._animator.animate(200, r.animationDuration, function(n) { r.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, r.width, r.height); r.ctx.drawImage(h, 0, 0, Math.floor(r.width * l), Math.floor(r.height * l), 0, 0, r.width, r.height); for (var t = 0; t < f.length; t++) i = f[t], n < 1 && typeof i.startTimePercent != "undefined" ? n >= i.startTimePercent && i.animationCallback(i.easingFunction(n - i.startTimePercent, 0, 1, 1 - i.startTimePercent), i) : i.animationCallback(i.easingFunction(n, 0, 1, 1), i); r.dispatchEvent("dataAnimationIterationEnd", { chart: r }) }, function() { var e, n, i, t, u; for (f = [], e = 0, n = 0; n < r.plotInfo.plotTypes.length; n++) for (i = r.plotInfo.plotTypes[n], t = 0; t < i.plotUnits.length; t++) u = i.plotUnits[t], u.targetCanvas = null; h = null; r.disableToolTip = !1 })) : (r._indexLabels.length > 0 && r.renderIndexLabels(), r.dispatchEvent("dataAnimationIterationEnd", { chart: r })); this.attachPlotAreaEventHandlers(); this.zoomEnabled || this.panEnabled || !this._zoomButton || this._zoomButton.style.display === "none" || nt(this._zoomButton, this._resetButton); this._toolTip._updateToolTip(); this.renderCount++; yt && (r = this, setTimeout(function() { var n = document.getElementById("ghostCanvasCopy"), t; n && (ct(n, r.width, r.height), t = n.getContext("2d"), t.drawImage(r._eventManager.ghostCanvas, 0, 0)) }, 2e3)) }; t.prototype.attachPlotAreaEventHandlers = function() { this.attachEvent({ context: this, chart: this, mousedown: this._plotAreaMouseDown, mouseup: this._plotAreaMouseUp, mousemove: this._plotAreaMouseMove, cursor: this.zoomEnabled ? "col-resize" : "move", cursor: this.panEnabled ? "move" : "default", capture: !0, bounds: this.plotArea }) }; t.prototype.categoriseDataSeries = function() { for (var f, i, e, n, r = "", u = 0; u < this.data.length; u++) if ((r = this.data[u], r.dataPoints && r.dataPoints.length !== 0 && r.visible) && t._supportedChartTypes.indexOf(r.type) >= 0) { var i = null, o = !1, f = null, s = !1; for (n = 0; n < this.plotInfo.plotTypes.length; n++) if (this.plotInfo.plotTypes[n].type === r.type) { o = !0; i = this.plotInfo.plotTypes[n]; break } for (o || (i = { type: r.type, totalDataSeries: 0, plotUnits: [] }, this.plotInfo.plotTypes.push(i)), n = 0; n < i.plotUnits.length; n++) if (i.plotUnits[n].axisYType === r.axisYType) { s = !0; f = i.plotUnits[n]; break } s || (f = { type: r.type, previousDataSeriesCount: 0, index: i.plotUnits.length, plotType: i, axisYType: r.axisYType, axisY: r.axisYType === "primary" ? this.axisY : this.axisY2, axisX: this.axisX, dataSeriesIndexes: [], yTotals: [] }, i.plotUnits.push(f)); i.totalDataSeries++; f.dataSeriesIndexes.push(u); r.plotUnit = f } for (u = 0; u < this.plotInfo.plotTypes.length; u++) for (i = this.plotInfo.plotTypes[u], e = 0, n = 0; n < i.plotUnits.length; n++) i.plotUnits[n].previousDataSeriesCount = e, e += i.plotUnits[n].dataSeriesIndexes.length }; t.prototype.assignIdToDataPoints = function() { for (var t, r, i, n = 0; n < this.data.length; n++) if (t = this.data[n], t.dataPoints) for (r = t.dataPoints.length, i = 0; i < r; i++) t.dataPointIds[i] = ++this._eventManager.lastObjectId }; t.prototype._processData = function() { var t, r, i, n; for (this.assignIdToDataPoints(), this.categoriseDataSeries(), t = 0; t < this.plotInfo.plotTypes.length; t++) for (r = this.plotInfo.plotTypes[t], i = 0; i < r.plotUnits.length; i++) n = r.plotUnits[i], n.type === "line" || n.type === "stepLine" || n.type === "spline" || n.type === "column" || n.type === "area" || n.type === "stepArea" || n.type === "splineArea" || n.type === "bar" || n.type === "bubble" || n.type === "scatter" ? this._processMultiseriesPlotUnit(n) : n.type === "stackedColumn" || n.type === "stackedBar" || n.type === "stackedArea" ? this._processStackedPlotUnit(n) : n.type === "stackedColumn100" || n.type === "stackedBar100" || n.type === "stackedArea100" ? this._processStacked100PlotUnit(n) : (n.type === "candlestick" || n.type === "ohlc" || n.type === "rangeColumn" || n.type === "rangeBar" || n.type === "rangeArea" || n.type === "rangeSplineArea") && this._processMultiYPlotUnit(n) }; t.prototype._processMultiseriesPlotUnit = function(n) { var s, v, a, o; if (n.dataSeriesIndexes && !(n.dataSeriesIndexes.length < 1)) { var e = n.axisY.dataInfo, u = n.axisX.dataInfo, r, f, h = !1; for (s = 0; s < n.dataSeriesIndexes.length; s++) { var i = this.data[n.dataSeriesIndexes[s]], t = 0, c = !1, l = !1; for ((i.axisPlacement === "normal" || i.axisPlacement === "xySwapped") && (v = this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMinimum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.minimum ? this._options.axisX.minimum : -Infinity, a = this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMaximum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.maximum ? this._options.axisX.maximum : Infinity), (i.dataPoints[t].x && i.dataPoints[t].x.getTime || i.xValueType === "dateTime") && (h = !0), t = 0; t < i.dataPoints.length; t++) { if (typeof i.dataPoints[t].x == "undefined" && (i.dataPoints[t].x = t), i.dataPoints[t].x.getTime ? (h = !0, r = i.dataPoints[t].x.getTime()) : r = i.dataPoints[t].x, f = i.dataPoints[t].y, r < u.min && (u.min = r), r > u.max && (u.max = r), f < e.min && (e.min = f), f > e.max && (e.max = f), t > 0 && (o = r - i.dataPoints[t - 1].x, o < 0 && (o = o * -1), u.minDiff > o && o !== 0 && (u.minDiff = o)), r < v && !c) continue; else if (!c && (c = !0, t > 0)) { t -= 2; continue } if (r > a && !l) l = !0; else if (r > a && l) continue; (i.dataPoints[t].label && (n.axisX.labels[r] = i.dataPoints[t].label), r < u.viewPortMin && (u.viewPortMin = r), r > u.viewPortMax && (u.viewPortMax = r), f !== null) && (f < e.viewPortMin && (e.viewPortMin = f), f > e.viewPortMax && (e.viewPortMax = f)) } this.plotInfo.axisXValueType = i.xValueType = h ? "dateTime" : "number" } } }; t.prototype._processStackedPlotUnit = function(n) { var l, w, p, s, r; if (n.dataSeriesIndexes && !(n.dataSeriesIndexes.length < 1)) { var u = n.axisY.dataInfo, e = n.axisX.dataInfo, i, o, a = !1, h = [], c = []; for (l = 0; l < n.dataSeriesIndexes.length; l++) { var f = this.data[n.dataSeriesIndexes[l]], t = 0, v = !1, y = !1; for ((f.axisPlacement === "normal" || f.axisPlacement === "xySwapped") && (w = this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMinimum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.minimum ? this._options.axisX.minimum : -Infinity, p = this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMaximum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.maximum ? this._options.axisX.maximum : Infinity), (f.dataPoints[t].x && f.dataPoints[t].x.getTime || f.xValueType === "dateTime") && (a = !0), t = 0; t < f.dataPoints.length; t++) { if (typeof f.dataPoints[t].x == "undefined" && (f.dataPoints[t].x = t), f.dataPoints[t].x.getTime ? (a = !0, i = f.dataPoints[t].x.getTime()) : i = f.dataPoints[t].x, o = f.dataPoints[t].y, i < e.min && (e.min = i), i > e.max && (e.max = i), t > 0 && (s = i - f.dataPoints[t - 1].x, s < 0 && (s = s * -1), e.minDiff > s && s !== 0 && (e.minDiff = s)), i < w && !v) continue; else if (!v && (v = !0, t > 0)) { t -= 2; continue } if (i > p && !y) y = !0; else if (i > p && y) continue; (f.dataPoints[t].label && (n.axisX.labels[i] = f.dataPoints[t].label), i < e.viewPortMin && (e.viewPortMin = i), i > e.viewPortMax && (e.viewPortMax = i), o !== null) && (n.yTotals[i] = (n.yTotals[i] ? n.yTotals[i] : 0) + Math.abs(o), o >= 0 ? h[i] ? h[i] += o : h[i] = o : c[i] ? c[i] += o : c[i] = o) } this.plotInfo.axisXValueType = f.xValueType = a ? "dateTime" : "number" } for (t in h) isNaN(t) || (r = h[t], r < u.min && (u.min = r), r > u.max && (u.max = r), t < e.viewPortMin || t > e.viewPortMax) || (r < u.viewPortMin && (u.viewPortMin = r), r > u.viewPortMax && (u.viewPortMax = r)); for (t in c) isNaN(t) || (r = c[t], r < u.min && (u.min = r), r > u.max && (u.max = r), t < e.viewPortMin || t > e.viewPortMax) || (r < u.viewPortMin && (u.viewPortMin = r), r > u.viewPortMax && (u.viewPortMax = r)) } }; t.prototype._processStacked100PlotUnit = function(n) { var l, w, p, e; if (n.dataSeriesIndexes && !(n.dataSeriesIndexes.length < 1)) { var u = n.axisY.dataInfo, f = n.axisX.dataInfo, t, o, a = !1, s = !1, h = !1, c = []; for (l = 0; l < n.dataSeriesIndexes.length; l++) { var r = this.data[n.dataSeriesIndexes[l]], i = 0, v = !1, y = !1; for ((r.axisPlacement === "normal" || r.axisPlacement === "xySwapped") && (w = this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMinimum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.minimum ? this._options.axisX.minimum : -Infinity, p = this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMaximum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.maximum ? this._options.axisX.maximum : Infinity), (r.dataPoints[i].x && r.dataPoints[i].x.getTime || r.xValueType === "dateTime") && (a = !0), i = 0; i < r.dataPoints.length; i++) { if (typeof r.dataPoints[i].x == "undefined" && (r.dataPoints[i].x = i), r.dataPoints[i].x.getTime ? (a = !0, t = r.dataPoints[i].x.getTime()) : t = r.dataPoints[i].x, o = r.dataPoints[i].y, t < f.min && (f.min = t), t > f.max && (f.max = t), i > 0 && (e = t - r.dataPoints[i - 1].x, e < 0 && (e = e * -1), f.minDiff > e && e !== 0 && (f.minDiff = e)), t < w && !v) continue; else if (!v && (v = !0, i > 0)) { i -= 2; continue } if (t > p && !y) y = !0; else if (t > p && y) continue; (r.dataPoints[i].label && (n.axisX.labels[t] = r.dataPoints[i].label), t < f.viewPortMin && (f.viewPortMin = t), t > f.viewPortMax && (f.viewPortMax = t), o !== null) && (n.yTotals[t] = (n.yTotals[t] ? n.yTotals[t] : 0) + Math.abs(o), o >= 0 ? s = !0 : h = !0, c[t] ? c[t] += Math.abs(o) : c[t] = Math.abs(o)) } this.plotInfo.axisXValueType = r.xValueType = a ? "dateTime" : "number" } s && !h ? (u.max = 99, u.min = 1) : s && h ? (u.max = 99, u.min = -99) : !s && h && (u.max = -1, u.min = -99); u.viewPortMin = u.min; u.viewPortMax = u.max; n.dataPointYSums = c } }; t.prototype._processMultiYPlotUnit = function(n) { var c, p, y, e; if (n.dataSeriesIndexes && !(n.dataSeriesIndexes.length < 1)) { var f = n.axisY.dataInfo, u = n.axisX.dataInfo, r, o, s, h, l = !1; for (c = 0; c < n.dataSeriesIndexes.length; c++) { var i = this.data[n.dataSeriesIndexes[c]], t = 0, a = !1, v = !1; for ((i.axisPlacement === "normal" || i.axisPlacement === "xySwapped") && (p = this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMinimum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMinimum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.minimum ? this._options.axisX.minimum : -Infinity, y = this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMaximum ? this.sessionVariables.axisX.internalMaximum : this._options.axisX && this._options.axisX.maximum ? this._options.axisX.maximum : Infinity), (i.dataPoints[t].x && i.dataPoints[t].x.getTime || i.xValueType === "dateTime") && (l = !0), t = 0; t < i.dataPoints.length; t++) { if (typeof i.dataPoints[t].x == "undefined" && (i.dataPoints[t].x = t), i.dataPoints[t].x.getTime ? (l = !0, r = i.dataPoints[t].x.getTime()) : r = i.dataPoints[t].x, o = i.dataPoints[t].y, o && o.length && (s = Math.min.apply(null, o), h = Math.max.apply(null, o)), r < u.min && (u.min = r), r > u.max && (u.max = r), s < f.min && (f.min = s), h > f.max && (f.max = h), t > 0 && (e = r - i.dataPoints[t - 1].x, e < 0 && (e = e * -1), u.minDiff > e && e !== 0 && (u.minDiff = e)), r < p && !a) continue; else if (!a && (a = !0, t > 0)) { t -= 2; continue } if (r > y && !v) v = !0; else if (r > y && v) continue; (i.dataPoints[t].label && (n.axisX.labels[r] = i.dataPoints[t].label), r < u.viewPortMin && (u.viewPortMin = r), r > u.viewPortMax && (u.viewPortMax = r), o !== null) && (s < f.viewPortMin && (f.viewPortMin = s), h > f.viewPortMax && (f.viewPortMax = h)) } this.plotInfo.axisXValueType = i.xValueType = l ? "dateTime" : "number" } } }; t.prototype.getDataPointAtXY = function(n, t, i) { var u, e, h, o, f, s, r, c; for (i = i || !1, u = [], e = this._dataInRenderedOrder.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) h = this._dataInRenderedOrder[e], o = null, o = h.getDataPointAtXY(n, t, i), o && u.push(o); for (f = null, s = !1, r = 0; r < u.length; r++) if ((u[r].dataSeries.type === "line" || u[r].dataSeries.type === "stepLine" || u[r].dataSeries.type === "area" || u[r].dataSeries.type === "stepArea") && (c = p("markerSize", u[r].dataPoint, u[r].dataSeries) || 8, u[r].distance <= c / 2)) { s = !0; break } for (r = 0; r < u.length; r++) s && u[r].dataSeries.type !== "line" && u[r].dataSeries.type !== "stepLine" && u[r].dataSeries.type !== "area" && u[r].dataSeries.type !== "stepArea" || (f ? u[r].distance <= f.distance && (f = u[r]) : f = u[r]); return f }; t.prototype.getObjectAtXY = function(t, i, r) { var f, e, o, u; if (r = r || !1, f = null, e = this.getDataPointAtXY(t, i, r), e) f = e.dataSeries.dataPointIds[e.dataPointIndex]; else if (n) f = ci(t, i, this._eventManager.ghostCtx); else for (o = 0; o < this.legend.items.length; o++) u = this.legend.items[o], t >= u.x1 && t <= u.x2 && i >= u.y1 && i <= u.y2 && (f = u.id); return f }; t.prototype.getAutoFontSize = function(n, t, i) { t = t || this.width; i = i || this.height; var r = n / 400; return Math.round(Math.min(this.width, this.height) * r) }; t.prototype.resetOverlayedCanvas = function() { this.overlaidCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height) }; t.prototype.clearCanvas = function() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); this.backgroundColor && (this.ctx.fillStyle = this.backgroundColor, this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height)) }; t.prototype.attachEvent = function(n) { this._events.push(n) }; t.prototype._touchEventHandler = function(n) { var f, e, h, o; if (n.changedTouches && this.interactivityEnabled) { var i = [], u = n.changedTouches, t = u ? u[0] : n, r = null; switch (n.type) { case "touchstart": case "MSPointerDown": i = ["mousemove", "mousedown"]; this._lastTouchData = wt(t); this._lastTouchData.time = new Date; break; case "touchmove": case "MSPointerMove": i = ["mousemove"]; break; case "touchend": case "MSPointerUp": i = this._lastTouchEventType === "touchstart" || this._lastTouchEventType === "MSPointerDown" ? ["mouseup", "click"] : ["mouseup"]; break; default: return } if (!u || !(u.length > 1)) { r = wt(t); r.time = new Date; try { var s = r.y - this._lastTouchData.y, l = r.x - this._lastTouchData.x, c = r.time - this._lastTouchData.time; Math.abs(s) > 15 && (!!this._lastTouchData.scroll || c < 200) && (this._lastTouchData.scroll = !0, f = window.parent || window, f && f.scrollBy && f.scrollBy(0, -s)) } catch (a) {} if (this._lastTouchEventType = n.type, !!this._lastTouchData.scroll && this.zoomEnabled) { this.isDrag && this.resetOverlayedCanvas(); this.isDrag = !1; return } for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++) h = i[e], o = document.createEvent("MouseEvent"), o.initMouseEvent(h, !0, !0, window, 1, t.screenX, t.screenY, t.clientX, t.clientY, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null), t.target.dispatchEvent(o), n.preventManipulation && n.preventManipulation(), n.preventDefault && n.preventDefault() } } }; t.prototype._mouseEventHandler = function(n) { var r, u, i, s, h, f, e, o; if (this.interactivityEnabled) { if (this._ignoreNextEvent) { this._ignoreNextEvent = !1; return } if (n.preventManipulation && n.preventManipulation(), n.preventDefault && n.preventDefault(), typeof n.target == "undefined" && n.srcElement && (n.target = n.srcElement), r = wt(n), u = n.type, n || (h = window.event), n.which ? s = n.which == 3 : n.button && (s = n.button == 2), yt && window.console && (window.console.log(u + " --> x: " + r.x + "; y:" + r.y), s && window.console.log(n.which), u === "mouseup" && window.console.log("mouseup")), !s) { if (t.capturedEventParam) i = t.capturedEventParam, u === "mouseup" && (t.capturedEventParam = null, i.chart.overlaidCanvas.releaseCapture ? i.chart.overlaidCanvas.releaseCapture() : document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", i.chart._mouseEventHandler, !1)), i.hasOwnProperty(u) && i[u].call(i.context, r.x, r.y); else if (this._events) { for (f = 0; f < this._events.length; f++) if (this._events[f].hasOwnProperty(u)) if (i = this._events[f], e = i.bounds, r.x >= e.x1 && r.x <= e.x2 && r.y >= e.y1 && r.y <= e.y2) { i[u].call(i.context, r.x, r.y); u === "mousedown" && i.capture === !0 ? (t.capturedEventParam = i, this.overlaidCanvas.setCapture ? this.overlaidCanvas.setCapture() : document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", this._mouseEventHandler, !1)) : u === "mouseup" && (i.chart.overlaidCanvas.releaseCapture ? i.chart.overlaidCanvas.releaseCapture() : document.body.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._mouseEventHandler, !1)); break } else i = null; n.target.style.cursor = i && i.cursor ? i.cursor : this._defaultCursor } this._toolTip && this._toolTip.enabled && (o = this.plotArea, (r.x < o.x1 || r.x > o.x2 || r.y < o.y1 || r.y > o.y2) && this._toolTip.hide()); this.isDrag && this.zoomEnabled || !this._eventManager || this._eventManager.mouseEventHandler(n) } } }; t.prototype._plotAreaMouseDown = function(n, t) { this.isDrag = !0; this.dragStartPoint = this.plotInfo.axisPlacement !== "none" ? { x: n, y: t, xMinimum: this.axisX.minimum, xMaximum: this.axisX.maximum } : { x: n, y: t } }; t.prototype._plotAreaMouseUp = function(n, t) { var s, e, r; if ((this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" || this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped") && this.isDrag) { var o = 0, h = 0, i = this.axisX.lineCoordinates; if (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped" ? (o = t - this.dragStartPoint.y, h = Math.abs(this.axisX.maximum - this.axisX.minimum) / i.height * o) : (o = this.dragStartPoint.x - n, h = Math.abs(this.axisX.maximum - this.axisX.minimum) / i.width * o), Math.abs(o) > 2) { if (this.panEnabled) s = !1, e = 0, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum < this.axisX._absoluteMinimum ? (e = this.axisX._absoluteMinimum - this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum += e, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum += e, s = !0) : this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum > this.axisX._absoluteMaximum && (e = this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum - this.axisX._absoluteMaximum, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum -= e, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum -= e, s = !0), s && this.render(); else if (this.zoomEnabled) { if (this.resetOverlayedCanvas(), !this.dragStartPoint) return; if (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped") { if (r = { y1: Math.min(this.dragStartPoint.y, t), y2: Math.max(this.dragStartPoint.y, t) }, Math.abs(r.y1 - r.y2) > 1) { var i = this.axisX.lineCoordinates, u = this.axisX.maximum - (this.axisX.maximum - this.axisX.minimum) / i.height * (r.y2 - i.y1), f = this.axisX.maximum - (this.axisX.maximum - this.axisX.minimum) / i.height * (r.y1 - i.y1); u = Math.max(u, this.axisX.dataInfo.min); f = Math.min(f, this.axisX.dataInfo.max); Math.abs(f - u) > 2 * Math.abs(this.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff) && (this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum = u, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum = f, this.render()) } } else if (this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" && (r = { x1: Math.min(this.dragStartPoint.x, n), x2: Math.max(this.dragStartPoint.x, n) }, Math.abs(r.x1 - r.x2) > 1)) { var i = this.axisX.lineCoordinates, u = (this.axisX.maximum - this.axisX.minimum) / i.width * (r.x1 - i.x1) + this.axisX.minimum, f = (this.axisX.maximum - this.axisX.minimum) / i.width * (r.x2 - i.x1) + this.axisX.minimum; u = Math.max(u, this.axisX.dataInfo.min); f = Math.min(f, this.axisX.dataInfo.max); Math.abs(f - u) > 2 * Math.abs(this.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff) && (this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum = u, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum = f, this.render()) } } this._ignoreNextEvent = !0; this.zoomEnabled && this._zoomButton.style.display === "none" && (ui(this._zoomButton, this._resetButton), b(this, this._zoomButton, "pan"), b(this, this._resetButton, "reset")) } } this.isDrag = !1 }; t.prototype._plotAreaMouseMove = function(n, t) { var r, o, u, s; if (this.isDrag && this.plotInfo.axisPlacement !== "none") { var i = 0, f = 0, e = this.axisX.lineCoordinates; this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped" ? (i = t - this.dragStartPoint.y, f = Math.abs(this.axisX.maximum - this.axisX.minimum) / e.height * i) : (i = this.dragStartPoint.x - n, f = Math.abs(this.axisX.maximum - this.axisX.minimum) / e.width * i); Math.abs(i) > 2 && Math.abs(i) < 8 && (this.panEnabled || this.zoomEnabled) ? this._toolTip.hide() : this.panEnabled || this.zoomEnabled || this._toolTip.mouseMoveHandler(n, t); Math.abs(i) > 2 && (this.panEnabled || this.zoomEnabled) && (this.panEnabled ? (this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum = this.dragStartPoint.xMinimum + f, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum = this.dragStartPoint.xMaximum + f, r = 0, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum < this.axisX._absoluteMinimum - st(this.axisX.interval, this.axisX.intervalType) ? (r = this.axisX._absoluteMinimum - st(this.axisX.interval, this.axisX.intervalType) - this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum += r, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum += r) : this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum > this.axisX._absoluteMaximum + st(this.axisX.interval, this.axisX.intervalType) && (r = this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum - (this.axisX._absoluteMaximum + st(this.axisX.interval, this.axisX.intervalType)), this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMaximum -= r, this.axisX.sessionVariables.internalMinimum -= r), o = this, clearTimeout(this._panTimerId), this._panTimerId = setTimeout(function() { o.render() }, 0)) : this.zoomEnabled && (u = this.plotArea, this.resetOverlayedCanvas(), s = this.overlaidCanvasCtx.globalAlpha, this.overlaidCanvasCtx.globalAlpha = .7, this.overlaidCanvasCtx.fillStyle = "#A0ABB8", this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped" ? this.overlaidCanvasCtx.fillRect(u.x1, this.dragStartPoint.y, u.x2 - u.x1, t - this.dragStartPoint.y) : this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" && this.overlaidCanvasCtx.fillRect(this.dragStartPoint.x, u.y1, n - this.dragStartPoint.x, u.y2 - u.y1), this.overlaidCanvasCtx.globalAlpha = s)) } else this._toolTip.mouseMoveHandler(n, t) }; t.prototype.preparePlotArea = function() { var t = this.plotArea, i = this.axisY ? this.axisY : this.axisY2, r; !n && (t.x1 > 0 || t.y1 > 0) && t.ctx.translate(t.x1, t.y1); this.axisX && i ? (t.x1 = this.axisX.lineCoordinates.x1 < this.axisX.lineCoordinates.x2 ? this.axisX.lineCoordinates.x1 : i.lineCoordinates.x1, t.y1 = this.axisX.lineCoordinates.y1 < i.lineCoordinates.y1 ? this.axisX.lineCoordinates.y1 : i.lineCoordinates.y1, t.x2 = this.axisX.lineCoordinates.x2 > i.lineCoordinates.x2 ? this.axisX.lineCoordinates.x2 : i.lineCoordinates.x2, t.y2 = this.axisX.lineCoordinates.y2 > this.axisX.lineCoordinates.y1 ? this.axisX.lineCoordinates.y2 : i.lineCoordinates.y2, t.width = t.x2 - t.x1, t.height = t.y2 - t.y1) : (r = this.layoutManager.getFreeSpace(), t.x1 = r.x1, t.x2 = r.x2, t.y1 = r.y1, t.y2 = r.y2, t.width = r.width, t.height = r.height); n || (t.canvas.width = t.width, t.canvas.height = t.height, t.canvas.style.left = t.x1 + "px", t.canvas.style.top = t.y1 + "px", (t.x1 > 0 || t.y1 > 0) && t.ctx.translate(-t.x1, -t.y1)); t.layoutManager = new ft(t.x1, t.y1, t.x2, t.y2, 2) }; t.prototype.getPixelCoordinatesOnPlotArea = function(n, t) { return { x: this.axisX.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(n).x, y: this.axisY.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(t).y } }; t.prototype.renderIndexLabels = function(n) { for (var nt, ot = n || this.plotArea.ctx, u = this.plotArea, y = 0, w = 0, b = 0, d = 0, g = 0, h = 0, f = 0, l = 0, e = 0, it = 0; it < this._indexLabels.length; it++) { var t = this._indexLabels[it], i = t.chartType.toLowerCase(), a, o, wt, ct = p("indexLabelFontColor", t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries), rt = p("indexLabelFontSize", t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries), lt = p("indexLabelFontFamily", t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries), at = p("indexLabelFontStyle", t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries), vt = p("indexLabelFontWeight", t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries), yt = p("indexLabelBackgroundColor", t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries), st = p("indexLabelMaxWidth", t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries), pt = p("indexLabelWrap", t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries), ut = { percent: null, total: null }, ft = null; if ((t.dataSeries.type.indexOf("stacked") >= 0 || t.dataSeries.type === "pie" || t.dataSeries.type === "doughnut") && (ut = this.getPercentAndTotal(t.dataSeries, t.dataPoint)), (t.dataSeries.indexLabelFormatter || t.dataPoint.indexLabelFormatter) && (ft = { chart: this._options, dataSeries: t.dataSeries, dataPoint: t.dataPoint, index: t.indexKeyword, total: ut.total, percent: ut.percent }), nt = t.dataPoint.indexLabelFormatter ? t.dataPoint.indexLabelFormatter(ft) : t.dataPoint.indexLabel ? this.replaceKeywordsWithValue(t.dataPoint.indexLabel, t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries, null, t.indexKeyword) : t.dataSeries.indexLabelFormatter ? t.dataSeries.indexLabelFormatter(ft) : t.dataSeries.indexLabel ? this.replaceKeywordsWithValue(t.dataSeries.indexLabel, t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries, null, t.indexKeyword) : null, nt !== null && nt !== "") { var s = p("indexLabelPlacement", t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries), et = p("indexLabelOrientation", t.dataPoint, t.dataSeries), wt = 0, k = t.direction, tt = t.dataSeries.axisX, ht = t.dataSeries.axisY, v = new c(ot, { x: 0, y: 0, maxWidth: st ? st : this.width * .5, maxHeight: pt ? rt * 5 : rt * 1.5, angle: et === "horizontal" ? 0 : -90, text: nt, padding: 0, backgroundColor: yt, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: rt, fontFamily: lt, fontWeight: vt, fontColor: ct, fontStyle: at, textBaseline: "top" }), bt = v.measureText(); if (i.indexOf("line") >= 0 || i.indexOf("area") >= 0 || i.indexOf("bubble") >= 0 || i.indexOf("scatter") >= 0) { if (t.dataPoint.x < tt.minimum || t.dataPoint.x > tt.maximum || t.dataPoint.y < ht.minimum || t.dataPoint.y > ht.maximum) continue } else if (t.dataPoint.x < tt.minimum || t.dataPoint.x > tt.maximum) continue; f = 2; h = 2; et === "horizontal" ? (l = v.width, e = v.height) : (e = v.width, l = v.height); this.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "normal" ? (i.indexOf("line") >= 0 || i.indexOf("area") >= 0 ? (s = "auto", f = 4) : i.indexOf("stacked") >= 0 ? s === "auto" && (s = "inside") : (i === "bubble" || i === "scatter") && (s = "inside"), a = t.point.x - l / 2, s !== "inside" ? (w = u.y1, b = u.y2, k > 0 ? (o = t.point.y - e - f, o < w && (o = s === "auto" ? Math.max(t.point.y, w) + f : w + f)) : (o = t.point.y + f, o > b - e - f && (o = s === "auto" ? Math.min(t.point.y, b) - e - f : b - e - f))) : (w = Math.max(t.bounds.y1, u.y1), b = Math.min(t.bounds.y2, u.y2), y = i.indexOf("range") >= 0 ? k > 0 ? Math.max(t.bounds.y1, u.y1) + e / 2 + f : Math.min(t.bounds.y2, u.y2) - e / 2 - f : (Math.max(t.bounds.y1, u.y1) + Math.min(t.bounds.y2, u.y2)) / 2, k > 0 ? (o = Math.max(t.point.y, y) - e / 2, o < w && (i === "bubble" || i === "scatter") && (o = Math.max(t.point.y - e - f, u.y1 + f))) : (o = Math.min(t.point.y, y) - e / 2, o > b - e - f && (i === "bubble" || i === "scatter") && (o = Math.min(t.point.y + f, u.y2 - e - f))))) : (i.indexOf("line") >= 0 || i.indexOf("area") >= 0 || i.indexOf("scatter") >= 0 ? (s = "auto", h = 4) : i.indexOf("stacked") >= 0 ? s === "auto" && (s = "inside") : i === "bubble" && (s = "inside"), o = t.point.y - e / 2, s !== "inside" ? (d = u.x1, g = u.x2, k < 0 ? (a = t.point.x - l - h, a < d && (a = s === "auto" ? Math.max(t.point.x, d) + h : d + h)) : (a = t.point.x + h, a > g - l - h && (a = s === "auto" ? Math.min(t.point.x, g) - l - h : g - l - h))) : (d = Math.max(t.bounds.x1, u.x1), g = Math.min(t.bounds.x2, u.x2), y = i.indexOf("range") >= 0 ? k < 0 ? Math.max(t.bounds.x1, u.x1) + l / 2 + h : Math.min(t.bounds.x2, u.x2) - l / 2 - h : (Math.max(t.bounds.x1, u.x1) + Math.min(t.bounds.x2, u.x2)) / 2, a = k < 0 ? Math.max(t.point.x, y) - l / 2 : Math.min(t.point.x, y) - l / 2)); et === "vertical" && (o += e); v.x = a; v.y = o; v.render(!0) } } return { source: ot, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0, startTimePercent: .7 } }; t.prototype.renderLine = function(t) { var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, et = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, o, l, p, w, b, e, s, nt, ut, ft, tt, it, f, h, c, k, d, g, v, rt; if (!(et <= 0)) { for (o = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, i.save(), l = this.plotArea, i.beginPath(), i.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), i.clip(), p = [], w = 0; w < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; w++) if (b = t.dataSeriesIndexes[w], e = this.data[b], i.lineWidth = e.lineThickness, s = e.dataPoints, i.setLineDash && i.setLineDash(y(e.lineDashType, e.lineThickness)), nt = e.id, this._eventManager.objectMap[nt] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: b }, ut = u(nt), o.strokeStyle = ut, o.lineWidth = e.lineThickness > 0 ? Math.max(e.lineThickness, 4) : 0, ft = e._colorSet, tt = ft[0], i.strokeStyle = tt, it = !0, f = 0, i.beginPath(), s.length > 0) { for (d = !1, f = 0; f < s.length; f++) if (k = s[f].x.getTime ? s[f].x.getTime() : s[f].x, !(k < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(k > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) { if (typeof s[f].y != "number") { f > 0 && (i.stroke(), n && o.stroke()); d = !0; continue } h = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (k - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; c = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[f].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; g = e.dataPointIds[f]; this._eventManager.objectMap[g] = { id: g, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: b, dataPointIndex: f, x1: h, y1: c }; it || d ? (i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(h, c), n && (o.beginPath(), o.moveTo(h, c)), it = !1, d = !1) : (i.lineTo(h, c), n && o.lineTo(h, c), f % 500 == 0 && (i.stroke(), i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(h, c), n && (o.stroke(), o.beginPath(), o.moveTo(h, c)))); (s[f].markerSize > 0 || e.markerSize > 0) && (v = e.getMarkerProperties(f, h, c, i), p.push(v), rt = u(g), n && p.push({ x: h, y: c, ctx: o, type: v.type, size: v.size, color: rt, borderColor: rt, borderThickness: v.borderThickness })); (s[f].indexLabel || e.indexLabel || s[f].indexLabelFormatter || e.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "line", dataPoint: s[f], dataSeries: e, point: { x: h, y: c }, direction: s[f].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, color: tt }) } i.stroke(); n && o.stroke() } return a.drawMarkers(p), i.restore(), i.beginPath(), n && o.beginPath(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderStepLine = function(t) { var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, ot = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, o, l, p, w, b, e, s, nt, ft, et, tt, it, f, h, c, k, d, rt, g, v, ut; if (!(ot <= 0)) { for (o = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, i.save(), l = this.plotArea, i.beginPath(), i.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), i.clip(), p = [], w = 0; w < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; w++) if (b = t.dataSeriesIndexes[w], e = this.data[b], i.lineWidth = e.lineThickness, s = e.dataPoints, i.setLineDash && i.setLineDash(y(e.lineDashType, e.lineThickness)), nt = e.id, this._eventManager.objectMap[nt] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: b }, ft = u(nt), o.strokeStyle = ft, o.lineWidth = e.lineThickness > 0 ? Math.max(e.lineThickness, 4) : 0, et = e._colorSet, tt = et[0], i.strokeStyle = tt, it = !0, f = 0, i.beginPath(), s.length > 0) { for (d = !1, f = 0; f < s.length; f++) if (k = s[f].getTime ? s[f].x.getTime() : s[f].x, !(k < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(k > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) { if (typeof s[f].y != "number") { f > 0 && (i.stroke(), n && o.stroke()); d = !0; continue } rt = c; h = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (k - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; c = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[f].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; g = e.dataPointIds[f]; this._eventManager.objectMap[g] = { id: g, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: b, dataPointIndex: f, x1: h, y1: c }; it || d ? (i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(h, c), n && (o.beginPath(), o.moveTo(h, c)), it = !1, d = !1) : (i.lineTo(h, rt), n && o.lineTo(h, rt), i.lineTo(h, c), n && o.lineTo(h, c), f % 500 == 0 && (i.stroke(), i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(h, c), n && (o.stroke(), o.beginPath(), o.moveTo(h, c)))); (s[f].markerSize > 0 || e.markerSize > 0) && (v = e.getMarkerProperties(f, h, c, i), p.push(v), ut = u(g), n && p.push({ x: h, y: c, ctx: o, type: v.type, size: v.size, color: ut, borderColor: ut, borderThickness: v.borderThickness })); (s[f].indexLabel || e.indexLabel || s[f].indexLabelFormatter || e.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stepLine", dataPoint: s[f], dataSeries: e, point: { x: h, y: c }, direction: s[f].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, color: tt }) } i.stroke(); n && o.stroke() } return a.drawMarkers(p), i.restore(), i.beginPath(), n && o.beginPath(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderSpline = function(t) { function ft(t) { var r = kt(t, 2), u; if (r.length > 0) { for (i.beginPath(), n && s.beginPath(), i.moveTo(r[0].x, r[0].y), n && s.moveTo(r[0].x, r[0].y), u = 0; u < r.length - 3; u += 3) i.bezierCurveTo(r[u + 1].x, r[u + 1].y, r[u + 2].x, r[u + 2].y, r[u + 3].x, r[u + 3].y), n && s.bezierCurveTo(r[u + 1].x, r[u + 1].y, r[u + 2].x, r[u + 2].y, r[u + 3].x, r[u + 3].y), u > 0 && u % 3e3 == 0 && (i.stroke(), i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(r[u + 3].x, r[u + 3].y), n && (s.stroke(), s.beginPath(), s.moveTo(r[u + 3].x, r[u + 3].y))); i.stroke(); n && s.stroke() } } var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, et = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, s, l, w, b, k, e, o, nt, rt, ut, tt, g, p, it; if (!(et <= 0)) { for (s = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, i.save(), l = this.plotArea, i.beginPath(), i.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), i.clip(), w = [], b = 0; b < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; b++) { k = t.dataSeriesIndexes[b]; e = this.data[k]; i.lineWidth = e.lineThickness; o = e.dataPoints; i.setLineDash && i.setLineDash(y(e.lineDashType, e.lineThickness)); nt = e.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[nt] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: k }; rt = u(nt); s.strokeStyle = rt; s.lineWidth = e.lineThickness > 0 ? Math.max(e.lineThickness, 4) : 0; ut = e._colorSet; tt = ut[0]; i.strokeStyle = tt; var f = 0, h, c, d, v = []; if (i.beginPath(), o.length > 0) for (f = 0; f < o.length; f++) if (d = o[f].getTime ? o[f].x.getTime() : o[f].x, !(d < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(d > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) { if (typeof o[f].y != "number") { f > 0 && (ft(v), v = []); continue } h = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (d - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; c = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (o[f].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; g = e.dataPointIds[f]; this._eventManager.objectMap[g] = { id: g, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: k, dataPointIndex: f, x1: h, y1: c }; v[v.length] = { x: h, y: c }; (o[f].markerSize > 0 || e.markerSize > 0) && (p = e.getMarkerProperties(f, h, c, i), w.push(p), it = u(g), n && w.push({ x: h, y: c, ctx: s, type: p.type, size: p.size, color: it, borderColor: it, borderThickness: p.borderThickness })); (o[f].indexLabel || e.indexLabel || o[f].indexLabelFormatter || e.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "spline", dataPoint: o[f], dataSeries: e, point: { x: h, y: c }, direction: o[f].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, color: tt }) } ft(v) } return a.drawMarkers(w), i.restore(), i.beginPath(), n && s.beginPath(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; o = function(n, t, i, r, u, f, e, o, s, h, c, l, a) { var v, w, y; typeof a == "undefined" && (a = 1); e = e || 0; o = o || "black"; var k = t, d = r, g = i, nt = u; v = r - t > 15 && u - i > 15 ? 8 : .35 * Math.min(r - t, u - i); var tt = "rgba(255, 255, 255, .4)", b = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)", p = f; n.beginPath(); n.moveTo(t, i); n.save(); n.fillStyle = p; n.globalAlpha = a; n.fillRect(t, i, r - t, u - i); n.globalAlpha = 1; e > 0 && (w = e % 2 == 0 ? 0 : .5, n.beginPath(), n.lineWidth = e, n.strokeStyle = o, n.moveTo(t, i), n.rect(t - w, i - w, r - t + 2 * w, u - i + 2 * w), n.stroke()); n.restore(); s === !0 && (n.save(), n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(t, i), n.lineTo(t + v, i + v), n.lineTo(r - v, i + v), n.lineTo(r, i), n.closePath(), y = n.createLinearGradient((r + t) / 2, g + v, (r + t) / 2, g), y.addColorStop(0, p), y.addColorStop(1, tt), n.fillStyle = y, n.fill(), n.restore()); h === !0 && (n.save(), n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(t, u), n.lineTo(t + v, u - v), n.lineTo(r - v, u - v), n.lineTo(r, u), n.closePath(), y = n.createLinearGradient((r + t) / 2, nt - v, (r + t) / 2, nt), y.addColorStop(0, p), y.addColorStop(1, tt), n.fillStyle = y, n.fill(), n.restore()); c === !0 && (n.save(), n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(t, i), n.lineTo(t + v, i + v), n.lineTo(t + v, u - v), n.lineTo(t, u), n.closePath(), y = n.createLinearGradient(k + v, (u + i) / 2, k, (u + i) / 2), y.addColorStop(0, p), y.addColorStop(1, b), n.fillStyle = y, n.fill(), n.restore()); l === !0 && (n.save(), n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(r, i), n.lineTo(r - v, i + v), n.lineTo(r - v, u - v), n.lineTo(r, u), y = n.createLinearGradient(d - v, (u + i) / 2, d, (u + i) / 2), y.addColorStop(0, p), y.addColorStop(1, b), n.fillStyle = y, y.addColorStop(0, p), y.addColorStop(1, b), n.fillStyle = y, n.fill(), n.closePath(), n.restore()) }; t.prototype.renderColumn = function(t) { var v = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, st = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, w, tt, a, y, e, s, ft, k, et, ot; if (!(st <= 0)) { var p = null, h = this.plotArea, i = 0, it, d, b, g = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, nt = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : Math.min(this.width * .15, this.plotArea.width / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9) << 0, rt = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, c = h.width / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(rt) / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9 << 0; for (c > nt ? c = nt : rt === Infinity ? c = nt / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9 : c < 1 && (c = 1), v.save(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(), v.beginPath(), v.rect(h.x1, h.y1, h.width, h.height), v.clip(), n && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(h.x1, h.y1, h.width, h.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()), w = 0; w < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; w++) { var ut = t.dataSeriesIndexes[w], l = this.data[ut], f = l.dataPoints; if (f.length > 0) for (tt = c > 5 && l.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, i = 0; i < f.length; i++)(b = f[i].getTime ? f[i].x.getTime() : f[i].x, b < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || b > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) || typeof f[i].y == "number" && (it = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (b - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, d = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f[i].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, a = it - t.plotType.totalDataSeries * c / 2 + (t.previousDataSeriesCount + w) * c << 0, y = a + c << 0, f[i].y >= 0 ? (e = d, s = g, e > s && (ft = e, e = s, s = e)) : (s = d, e = g, e > s && (ft = e, e = s, s = e)), p = f[i].color ? f[i].color : l._colorSet[i % l._colorSet.length], o(v, a, e, y, s, p, 0, null, tt && f[i].y >= 0, f[i].y < 0 && tt, !1, !1, l.fillOpacity), k = l.dataPointIds[i], this._eventManager.objectMap[k] = { id: k, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: ut, dataPointIndex: i, x1: a, y1: e, x2: y, y2: s }, p = u(k), n && o(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, a, e, y, s, p, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1), (f[i].indexLabel || l.indexLabel || f[i].indexLabelFormatter || l.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "column", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: l, point: { x: a + (y - a) / 2, y: f[i].y >= 0 ? e : s }, direction: f[i].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: a, y1: Math.min(e, s), x2: y, y2: Math.max(e, s) }, color: p })) } return v.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), et = Math.min(g, t.axisY.boundingRect.y2), ot = { source: v, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.yScaleAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: et }, ot } }; t.prototype.renderStackedColumn = function(t) { var v = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, ct = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, k, ft, p, b, s, h, y, d, st, ht; if (!(ct <= 0)) { var w = null, c = this.plotArea, g = [], nt = [], i = 0, tt, it, e, rt = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, ut = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.width * .15 << 0, et = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, l = c.width / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(et) / t.plotType.plotUnits.length * .9 << 0; for (l > ut ? l = ut : et === Infinity ? l = ut : l < 1 && (l = 1), v.save(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(), v.beginPath(), v.rect(c.x1, c.y1, c.width, c.height), v.clip(), n && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(c.x1, c.y1, c.width, c.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()), k = 0; k < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; k++) { var ot = t.dataSeriesIndexes[k], a = this.data[ot], f = a.dataPoints; if (f.length > 0) for (ft = l > 5 && a.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, v.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 ", i = 0; i < f.length; i++)(e = f[i].x.getTime ? f[i].x.getTime() : f[i].x, e < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || e > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) || typeof f[i].y == "number" && (tt = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, it = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f[i].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum), p = tt - t.plotType.plotUnits.length * l / 2 + t.index * l << 0, b = p + l << 0, f[i].y >= 0 ? (y = g[e] ? g[e] : 0, s = it - y, h = rt - y, g[e] = y + (h - s)) : (y = nt[e] ? nt[e] : 0, h = it + y, s = rt + y, nt[e] = y + (h - s)), w = f[i].color ? f[i].color : a._colorSet[i % a._colorSet.length], o(v, p, s, b, h, w, 0, null, ft && f[i].y >= 0, f[i].y < 0 && ft, !1, !1, a.fillOpacity), d = a.dataPointIds[i], this._eventManager.objectMap[d] = { id: d, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: ot, dataPointIndex: i, x1: p, y1: s, x2: b, y2: h }, w = u(d), n && o(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, p, s, b, h, w, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1), (f[i].indexLabel || a.indexLabel || f[i].indexLabelFormatter || a.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedColumn", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: a, point: { x: tt, y: f[i].y >= 0 ? s : h }, direction: f[i].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: p, y1: Math.min(s, h), x2: b, y2: Math.max(s, h) }, color: w })) } return v.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), st = Math.min(rt, t.axisY.boundingRect.y2), ht = { source: v, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.yScaleAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: st }, ht } }; t.prototype.renderStackedColumn100 = function(t) { var y = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, lt = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, k, ft, st, p, b, s, h, v, d, ht, ct; if (!(lt <= 0)) { var w = null, c = this.plotArea, g = [], nt = [], i = 0, tt, it, e, rt = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, ut = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.width * .15 << 0, et = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, l = c.width / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(et) / t.plotType.plotUnits.length * .9 << 0; for (l > ut ? l = ut : et === Infinity ? l = ut : l < 1 && (l = 1), y.save(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(), y.beginPath(), y.rect(c.x1, c.y1, c.width, c.height), y.clip(), n && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(c.x1, c.y1, c.width, c.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()), k = 0; k < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; k++) { var ot = t.dataSeriesIndexes[k], a = this.data[ot], f = a.dataPoints; if (f.length > 0) for (ft = l > 5 && a.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, i = 0; i < f.length; i++)(e = f[i].x.getTime ? f[i].x.getTime() : f[i].x, e < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || e > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) || typeof f[i].y == "number" && (tt = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, st = t.dataPointYSums[e] !== 0 ? f[i].y / t.dataPointYSums[e] * 100 : 0, it = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (st - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum), p = tt - t.plotType.plotUnits.length * l / 2 + t.index * l << 0, b = p + l << 0, f[i].y >= 0 ? (v = g[e] ? g[e] : 0, s = it - v, h = rt - v, g[e] = v + (h - s)) : (v = nt[e] ? nt[e] : 0, h = it + v, s = rt + v, nt[e] = v + (h - s)), w = f[i].color ? f[i].color : a._colorSet[i % a._colorSet.length], o(y, p, s, b, h, w, 0, null, ft && f[i].y >= 0, f[i].y < 0 && ft, !1, !1, a.fillOpacity), d = a.dataPointIds[i], this._eventManager.objectMap[d] = { id: d, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: ot, dataPointIndex: i, x1: p, y1: s, x2: b, y2: h }, w = u(d), n && o(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, p, s, b, h, w, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1), (f[i].indexLabel || a.indexLabel || f[i].indexLabelFormatter || a.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedColumn100", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: a, point: { x: tt, y: f[i].y >= 0 ? s : h }, direction: f[i].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: p, y1: Math.min(s, h), x2: b, y2: Math.max(s, h) }, color: w })) } return y.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), ht = Math.min(rt, t.axisY.boundingRect.y2), ct = { source: y, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.yScaleAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: ht }, ct } }; t.prototype.renderBar = function(t) { var c = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, ot = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, w, ut, l, y, a, v, k, ft, et; if (!(ot <= 0)) { var p = null, e = this.plotArea, i = 0, d, tt, b, g = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, nt = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : Math.min(this.height * .15, this.plotArea.height / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9) << 0, it = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, s = e.height / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(it) / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9 << 0; for (s > nt ? s = nt : it === Infinity ? s = nt / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9 : s < 1 && (s = 1), c.save(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(), c.beginPath(), c.rect(e.x1, e.y1, e.width, e.height), c.clip(), n && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(e.x1, e.y1, e.width, e.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()), w = 0; w < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; w++) { var rt = t.dataSeriesIndexes[w], h = this.data[rt], f = h.dataPoints; if (f.length > 0) for (ut = s > 5 && h.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, c.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 ", i = 0; i < f.length; i++)(b = f[i].getTime ? f[i].x.getTime() : f[i].x, b < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || b > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) || typeof f[i].y == "number" && (tt = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (b - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, d = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f[i].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, l = tt - t.plotType.totalDataSeries * s / 2 + (t.previousDataSeriesCount + w) * s << 0, y = l + s << 0, f[i].y >= 0 ? (a = g, v = d) : (a = d, v = g), p = f[i].color ? f[i].color : h._colorSet[i % h._colorSet.length], o(c, a, l, v, y, p, 0, null, ut, !1, !1, !1, h.fillOpacity), k = h.dataPointIds[i], this._eventManager.objectMap[k] = { id: k, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: rt, dataPointIndex: i, x1: a, y1: l, x2: v, y2: y }, p = u(k), n && o(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, a, l, v, y, p, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1), (f[i].indexLabel || h.indexLabel || f[i].indexLabelFormatter || h.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "bar", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: h, point: { x: f[i].y >= 0 ? v : a, y: l + (y - l) / 2 }, direction: f[i].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: Math.min(a, v), y1: l, x2: Math.max(a, v), y2: y }, color: p })) } return c.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), ft = Math.max(g, t.axisX.boundingRect.x2), et = { source: c, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xScaleAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: ft }, et } }; t.prototype.renderStackedBar = function(t) { var v = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, ct = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, k, ot, p, b, s, h, y, d, st, ht; if (!(ct <= 0)) { var w = null, c = this.plotArea, g = [], nt = [], i = 0, tt, it, e, rt = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, ut = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.height * .15 << 0, ft = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, l = c.height / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(ft) / t.plotType.plotUnits.length * .9 << 0; for (l > ut ? l = ut : ft === Infinity ? l = ut : l < 1 && (l = 1), v.save(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(), v.beginPath(), v.rect(c.x1, c.y1, c.width, c.height), v.clip(), n && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(c.x1, c.y1, c.width, c.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()), k = 0; k < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; k++) { var et = t.dataSeriesIndexes[k], a = this.data[et], f = a.dataPoints; if (f.length > 0) for (ot = l > 5 && a.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, v.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 ", i = 0; i < f.length; i++)(e = f[i].x.getTime ? f[i].x.getTime() : f[i].x, e < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || e > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) || typeof f[i].y == "number" && (it = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, tt = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f[i].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum), p = it - t.plotType.plotUnits.length * l / 2 + t.index * l << 0, b = p + l << 0, f[i].y >= 0 ? (y = g[e] ? g[e] : 0, s = rt + y, h = tt + y, g[e] = y + (h - s)) : (y = nt[e] ? nt[e] : 0, s = tt - y, h = rt - y, nt[e] = y + (h - s)), w = f[i].color ? f[i].color : a._colorSet[i % a._colorSet.length], o(v, s, p, h, b, w, 0, null, ot, !1, !1, !1, a.fillOpacity), d = a.dataPointIds[i], this._eventManager.objectMap[d] = { id: d, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: et, dataPointIndex: i, x1: s, y1: p, x2: h, y2: b }, w = u(d), n && o(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, s, p, h, b, w, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1), (f[i].indexLabel || a.indexLabel || f[i].indexLabelFormatter || a.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedBar", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: a, point: { x: f[i].y >= 0 ? h : s, y: it }, direction: f[i].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: Math.min(s, h), y1: p, x2: Math.max(s, h), y2: b }, color: w })) } return v.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), st = Math.max(rt, t.axisX.boundingRect.x2), ht = { source: v, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xScaleAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: st }, ht } }; t.prototype.renderStackedBar100 = function(t) { var v = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, lt = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, k, ot, st, p, b, s, h, y, d, ht, ct; if (!(lt <= 0)) { var w = null, c = this.plotArea, g = [], nt = [], i = 0, tt, it, e, rt = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, ut = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.height * .15 << 0, ft = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, l = c.height / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(ft) / t.plotType.plotUnits.length * .9 << 0; for (l > ut ? l = ut : ft === Infinity ? l = ut : l < 1 && (l = 1), v.save(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(), v.beginPath(), v.rect(c.x1, c.y1, c.width, c.height), v.clip(), n && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(c.x1, c.y1, c.width, c.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()), k = 0; k < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; k++) { var et = t.dataSeriesIndexes[k], a = this.data[et], f = a.dataPoints; if (f.length > 0) for (ot = l > 5 && a.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, v.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 ", i = 0; i < f.length; i++)(e = f[i].x.getTime ? f[i].x.getTime() : f[i].x, e < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || e > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) || typeof f[i].y == "number" && (it = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, st = t.dataPointYSums[e] !== 0 ? f[i].y / t.dataPointYSums[e] * 100 : 0, tt = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (st - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum), p = it - t.plotType.plotUnits.length * l / 2 + t.index * l << 0, b = p + l << 0, f[i].y >= 0 ? (y = g[e] ? g[e] : 0, s = rt + y, h = tt + y, g[e] = y + (h - s)) : (y = nt[e] ? nt[e] : 0, s = tt - y, h = rt - y, nt[e] = y + (h - s)), w = f[i].color ? f[i].color : a._colorSet[i % a._colorSet.length], o(v, s, p, h, b, w, 0, null, ot, !1, !1, !1, a.fillOpacity), d = a.dataPointIds[i], this._eventManager.objectMap[d] = { id: d, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: et, dataPointIndex: i, x1: s, y1: p, x2: h, y2: b }, w = u(d), n && o(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, s, p, h, b, w, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1), (f[i].indexLabel || a.indexLabel || f[i].indexLabelFormatter || a.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedBar100", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: a, point: { x: f[i].y >= 0 ? h : s, y: it }, direction: f[i].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: Math.min(s, h), y1: p, x2: Math.max(s, h), y2: b }, color: w })) } return v.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), ht = Math.max(rt, t.axisX.boundingRect.x2), ct = { source: v, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xScaleAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeOutQuart, animationBase: ht }, ct } }; t.prototype.renderArea = function(t) { function ut() { p && (o.lineThickness > 0 && i.stroke(), t.axisY.minimum <= 0 && t.axisY.maximum >= 0 ? v = lt : t.axisY.maximum < 0 ? v = ct.y1 : t.axisY.minimum > 0 && (v = ht.y2), i.lineTo(s, v), i.lineTo(p.x, v), i.closePath(), i.globalAlpha = o.fillOpacity, i.fill(), i.globalAlpha = 1, n && (e.lineTo(s, v), e.lineTo(p.x, v), e.closePath(), e.fill()), i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(s, c), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(s, c), p = { x: s, y: c }) } var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, st = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, k, et, g, nt, tt, w, rt; if (!(st <= 0)) { var e = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, ht = t.axisX.lineCoordinates, ct = t.axisY.lineCoordinates, b = [], l = this.plotArea; for (i.save(), n && e.save(), i.beginPath(), i.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), i.clip(), n && (e.beginPath(), e.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), e.clip()), k = 0; k < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; k++) { var it = t.dataSeriesIndexes[k], o = this.data[it], h = o.dataPoints, ft = o.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[ft] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: it }; et = u(ft); e.fillStyle = et; b = []; var ot = !0, f = 0, s, c, d, lt = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, v, p = null; if (h.length > 0) { for (g = o._colorSet[f % o._colorSet.length], i.fillStyle = g, i.strokeStyle = g, i.lineWidth = o.lineThickness, i.setLineDash && i.setLineDash(y(o.lineDashType, o.lineThickness)), nt = !0; f < h.length; f++) if (d = h[f].x.getTime ? h[f].x.getTime() : h[f].x, !(d < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(d > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) { if (typeof h[f].y != "number") { ut(); nt = !0; continue } s = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (d - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; c = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (h[f].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; ot || nt ? (i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(s, c), p = { x: s, y: c }, n && (e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(s, c)), ot = !1, nt = !1) : (i.lineTo(s, c), n && e.lineTo(s, c), f % 250 == 0 && ut()); tt = o.dataPointIds[f]; this._eventManager.objectMap[tt] = { id: tt, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: it, dataPointIndex: f, x1: s, y1: c }; h[f].markerSize !== 0 && (h[f].markerSize > 0 || o.markerSize > 0) && (w = o.getMarkerProperties(f, s, c, i), b.push(w), rt = u(tt), n && b.push({ x: s, y: c, ctx: e, type: w.type, size: w.size, color: rt, borderColor: rt, borderThickness: w.borderThickness })); (h[f].indexLabel || o.indexLabel || h[f].indexLabelFormatter || o.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "area", dataPoint: h[f], dataSeries: o, point: { x: s, y: c }, direction: h[f].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, color: g }) } ut(); a.drawMarkers(b) } } return i.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderSplineArea = function(t) { function ft() { var r = kt(d, 2), u; if (r.length > 0) { for (i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(r[0].x, r[0].y), n && (o.beginPath(), o.moveTo(r[0].x, r[0].y)), u = 0; u < r.length - 3; u += 3) i.bezierCurveTo(r[u + 1].x, r[u + 1].y, r[u + 2].x, r[u + 2].y, r[u + 3].x, r[u + 3].y), n && o.bezierCurveTo(r[u + 1].x, r[u + 1].y, r[u + 2].x, r[u + 2].y, r[u + 3].x, r[u + 3].y); e.lineThickness > 0 && i.stroke(); t.axisY.minimum <= 0 && t.axisY.maximum >= 0 ? c = ht : t.axisY.maximum < 0 ? c = st.y1 : t.axisY.minimum > 0 && (c = ot.y2); tt = { x: r[0].x, y: r[0].y }; i.lineTo(r[r.length - 1].x, c); i.lineTo(tt.x, c); i.closePath(); i.globalAlpha = e.fillOpacity; i.fill(); i.globalAlpha = 1; n && (o.lineTo(r[r.length - 1].x, c), o.lineTo(tt.x, c), o.closePath(), o.fill()) } } var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, et = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, b, ut, g, p, it; if (!(et <= 0)) { var o = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, ot = t.axisX.lineCoordinates, st = t.axisY.lineCoordinates, w = [], h = this.plotArea; for (i.save(), n && o.save(), i.beginPath(), i.rect(h.x1, h.y1, h.width, h.height), i.clip(), n && (o.beginPath(), o.rect(h.x1, h.y1, h.width, h.height), o.clip()), b = 0; b < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; b++) { var nt = t.dataSeriesIndexes[b], e = this.data[nt], s = e.dataPoints, rt = e.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[rt] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: nt }; ut = u(rt); o.fillStyle = ut; w = []; var f = 0, l, v, k, ht = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, c, tt = null, d = []; if (s.length > 0) { for (color = e._colorSet[f % e._colorSet.length], i.fillStyle = color, i.strokeStyle = color, i.lineWidth = e.lineThickness, i.setLineDash && i.setLineDash(y(e.lineDashType, e.lineThickness)); f < s.length; f++) if (k = s[f].x.getTime ? s[f].x.getTime() : s[f].x, !(k < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(k > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) { if (typeof s[f].y != "number") { f > 0 && (ft(), d = []); continue } l = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (k - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; v = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[f].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; g = e.dataPointIds[f]; this._eventManager.objectMap[g] = { id: g, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: nt, dataPointIndex: f, x1: l, y1: v }; d[d.length] = { x: l, y: v }; s[f].markerSize !== 0 && (s[f].markerSize > 0 || e.markerSize > 0) && (p = e.getMarkerProperties(f, l, v, i), w.push(p), it = u(g), n && w.push({ x: l, y: v, ctx: o, type: p.type, size: p.size, color: it, borderColor: it, borderThickness: p.borderThickness })); (s[f].indexLabel || e.indexLabel || s[f].indexLabelFormatter || e.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "splineArea", dataPoint: s[f], dataSeries: e, point: { x: l, y: v }, direction: s[f].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, color: color }) } ft(); a.drawMarkers(w) } } return i.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderStepArea = function(t) { function ft() { p && (s.lineThickness > 0 && i.stroke(), t.axisY.minimum <= 0 && t.axisY.maximum >= 0 ? v = at : t.axisY.maximum < 0 ? v = lt.y1 : t.axisY.minimum > 0 && (v = ct.y2), i.lineTo(e, v), i.lineTo(p.x, v), i.closePath(), i.globalAlpha = s.fillOpacity, i.fill(), i.globalAlpha = 1, n && (o.lineTo(e, v), o.lineTo(p.x, v), o.closePath(), o.fill()), i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(e, h), o.beginPath(), o.moveTo(e, h), p = { x: e, y: h }) } var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, ht = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, k, ot, g, rt, nt, w, ut; if (!(ht <= 0)) { var o = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, ct = t.axisX.lineCoordinates, lt = t.axisY.lineCoordinates, b = [], l = this.plotArea; for (i.save(), n && o.save(), i.beginPath(), i.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), i.clip(), n && (o.beginPath(), o.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), o.clip()), k = 0; k < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; k++) { var tt = t.dataSeriesIndexes[k], s = this.data[tt], c = s.dataPoints, et = s.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[et] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: tt }; ot = u(et); o.fillStyle = ot; b = []; var st = !0, f = 0, e, h, d, at = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, v, p = null, it = !1; if (c.length > 0) { for (g = s._colorSet[f % s._colorSet.length], i.fillStyle = g, i.strokeStyle = g, i.lineWidth = s.lineThickness, i.setLineDash && i.setLineDash(y(s.lineDashType, s.lineThickness)); f < c.length; f++) if (d = c[f].x.getTime ? c[f].x.getTime() : c[f].x, !(d < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(d > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) { if (rt = h, typeof c[f].y != "number") { ft(); it = !0; continue } e = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (d - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; h = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (c[f].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; st || it ? (i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(e, h), p = { x: e, y: h }, n && (o.beginPath(), o.moveTo(e, h)), st = !1, it = !1) : (i.lineTo(e, rt), n && o.lineTo(e, rt), i.lineTo(e, h), n && o.lineTo(e, h), f % 250 == 0 && ft()); nt = s.dataPointIds[f]; this._eventManager.objectMap[nt] = { id: nt, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: tt, dataPointIndex: f, x1: e, y1: h }; c[f].markerSize !== 0 && (c[f].markerSize > 0 || s.markerSize > 0) && (w = s.getMarkerProperties(f, e, h, i), b.push(w), ut = u(nt), n && b.push({ x: e, y: h, ctx: o, type: w.type, size: w.size, color: ut, borderColor: ut, borderThickness: w.borderThickness })); (c[f].indexLabel || s.indexLabel || c[f].indexLabelFormatter || s.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stepArea", dataPoint: c[f], dataSeries: s, point: { x: e, y: h }, direction: c[f].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, color: g }) } ft(); a.drawMarkers(b) } } return i.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderStackedArea = function(t) { var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, lt = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, w, ct, v, rt, nt, l; if (!(lt <= 0)) { var tt = null, ut = [], p = this.plotArea, ft = [], d = [], s = 0, h, o, c, et = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, at = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, e = this._eventManager.ghostCtx; for (n && e.beginPath(), i.save(), n && e.save(), i.beginPath(), i.rect(p.x1, p.y1, p.width, p.height), i.clip(), n && (e.beginPath(), e.rect(p.x1, p.y1, p.width, p.height), e.clip()), xValuePresent = [], w = 0; w < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; w++) { var it = t.dataSeriesIndexes[w], f = this.data[it], b = f.dataPoints, g; for (f.dataPointIndexes = [], s = 0; s < b.length; s++) g = b[s].x.getTime ? b[s].x.getTime() : b[s].x, f.dataPointIndexes[g] = s, xValuePresent[g] || (d.push(g), xValuePresent[g] = !0); d.sort(si) } for (w = 0; w < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; w++) { var it = t.dataSeriesIndexes[w], f = this.data[it], b = f.dataPoints, st = !0, k = [], ht = f.id; if (this._eventManager.objectMap[ht] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: it }, ct = u(ht), e.fillStyle = ct, d.length > 0) { for (tt = f._colorSet[0], i.fillStyle = tt, i.strokeStyle = tt, i.lineWidth = f.lineThickness, i.setLineDash && i.setLineDash(y(f.lineDashType, f.lineThickness)), s = 0; s < d.length; s++) if ((c = d[s], v = null, v = f.dataPointIndexes[c] >= 0 ? b[f.dataPointIndexes[c]] : { x: c, y: 0 }, !(c < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(c > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) && typeof v.y == "number") { var h = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (c - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, o = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (v.y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum), ot = ft[c] ? ft[c] : 0; if (o = o - ot, k.push({ x: h, y: et - ot }), ft[c] = et - o, st) i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(h, o), n && (e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(h, o)), st = !1; else if (i.lineTo(h, o), n && e.lineTo(h, o), s % 250 == 0) { for (f.lineThickness > 0 && i.stroke(); k.length > 0;) l = k.pop(), i.lineTo(l.x, l.y), n && e.lineTo(l.x, l.y); i.closePath(); i.globalAlpha = f.fillOpacity; i.fill(); i.globalAlpha = 1; i.beginPath(); i.moveTo(h, o); n && (e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(h, o)); k.push({ x: h, y: et - ot }) } f.dataPointIndexes[c] >= 0 && (rt = f.dataPointIds[f.dataPointIndexes[c]], this._eventManager.objectMap[rt] = { id: rt, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: it, dataPointIndex: f.dataPointIndexes[c], x1: h, y1: o }); f.dataPointIndexes[c] >= 0 && v.markerSize !== 0 && (v.markerSize > 0 || f.markerSize > 0) && (nt = f.getMarkerProperties(s, h, o, i), ut.push(nt), markerColor = u(rt), n && ut.push({ x: h, y: o, ctx: e, type: nt.type, size: nt.size, color: markerColor, borderColor: markerColor, borderThickness: nt.borderThickness })); (v.indexLabel || f.indexLabel || v.indexLabelFormatter || f.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedArea", dataPoint: v, dataSeries: f, point: { x: h, y: o }, direction: b[s].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, color: tt }) } for (f.lineThickness > 0 && i.stroke(); k.length > 0;) l = k.pop(), i.lineTo(l.x, l.y), n && e.lineTo(l.x, l.y); i.closePath(); i.globalAlpha = f.fillOpacity; i.fill(); i.globalAlpha = 1; i.beginPath(); i.moveTo(h, o); n && (e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(h, o)) } delete f.dataPointIndexes } return a.drawMarkers(ut), i.restore(), n && e.restore(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderStackedArea100 = function(t) { var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, yt = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, w, at, k, wt, p, vt, ut, tt, l; if (!(yt <= 0)) { var it = null, v = this.plotArea, ft = [], et = [], g = [], s = 0, c, h, o, ot = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, st = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.width * .15 << 0, pt = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, d = v.width / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(pt) * .9 << 0, e = this._eventManager.ghostCtx; for (i.save(), n && e.save(), i.beginPath(), i.rect(v.x1, v.y1, v.width, v.height), i.clip(), n && (e.beginPath(), e.rect(v.x1, v.y1, v.width, v.height), e.clip()), xValuePresent = [], w = 0; w < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; w++) { var rt = t.dataSeriesIndexes[w], f = this.data[rt], b = f.dataPoints, nt; for (f.dataPointIndexes = [], s = 0; s < b.length; s++) nt = b[s].x.getTime ? b[s].x.getTime() : b[s].x, f.dataPointIndexes[nt] = s, xValuePresent[nt] || (g.push(nt), xValuePresent[nt] = !0); g.sort(si) } for (w = 0; w < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; w++) { var rt = t.dataSeriesIndexes[w], f = this.data[rt], b = f.dataPoints, ct = !0, lt = f.id; if (this._eventManager.objectMap[lt] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: rt }, at = u(lt), e.fillStyle = at, b.length == 1 && (d = st), d < 1 ? d = 1 : d > st && (d = st), k = [], g.length > 0) { for (it = f._colorSet[s % f._colorSet.length], i.fillStyle = it, i.strokeStyle = it, i.lineWidth = f.lineThickness, i.setLineDash && i.setLineDash(y(f.lineDashType, f.lineThickness)), wt = d > 5 ? !1 : !1, s = 0; s < g.length; s++) if ((o = g[s], p = null, p = f.dataPointIndexes[o] >= 0 ? b[f.dataPointIndexes[o]] : { x: o, y: 0 }, !(o < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(o > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) && typeof p.y == "number") { vt = t.dataPointYSums[o] !== 0 ? p.y / t.dataPointYSums[o] * 100 : 0; var c = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (o - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, h = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (vt - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum), ht = et[o] ? et[o] : 0; if (h = h - ht, k.push({ x: c, y: ot - ht }), et[o] = ot - h, ct) i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(c, h), n && (e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(c, h)), ct = !1; else if (i.lineTo(c, h), n && e.lineTo(c, h), s % 250 == 0) { for (f.lineThickness > 0 && i.stroke(); k.length > 0;) l = k.pop(), i.lineTo(l.x, l.y), n && e.lineTo(l.x, l.y); i.closePath(); i.globalAlpha = f.fillOpacity; i.fill(); i.globalAlpha = 1; i.beginPath(); i.moveTo(c, h); n && (e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(c, h)); k.push({ x: c, y: ot - ht }) } f.dataPointIndexes[o] >= 0 && (ut = f.dataPointIds[f.dataPointIndexes[o]], this._eventManager.objectMap[ut] = { id: ut, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: rt, dataPointIndex: f.dataPointIndexes[o], x1: c, y1: h }); f.dataPointIndexes[o] >= 0 && p.markerSize !== 0 && (p.markerSize > 0 || f.markerSize > 0) && (tt = f.getMarkerProperties(s, c, h, i), ft.push(tt), markerColor = u(ut), n && ft.push({ x: c, y: h, ctx: e, type: tt.type, size: tt.size, color: markerColor, borderColor: markerColor, borderThickness: tt.borderThickness })); (p.indexLabel || f.indexLabel || p.indexLabelFormatter || f.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "stackedArea100", dataPoint: p, dataSeries: f, point: { x: c, y: h }, direction: b[s].y >= 0 ? 1 : -1, color: it }) } for (f.lineThickness > 0 && i.stroke(); k.length > 0;) l = k.pop(), i.lineTo(l.x, l.y), n && e.lineTo(l.x, l.y); i.closePath(); i.globalAlpha = f.fillOpacity; i.fill(); i.globalAlpha = 1; i.beginPath(); i.moveTo(c, h); n && (e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(c, h)) } delete f.dataPointIndexes } return a.drawMarkers(ft), i.restore(), n && e.restore(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderBubble = function(t) { var o = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, ut = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, k, p, d, it, c, i, g, rt; if (!(ut <= 0)) { var s = this.plotArea, i = 0, v, y, h, ht = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, nt = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.width * .15 << 0, et = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, b = s.width / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(et) / ut * .9 << 0; for (o.save(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(), o.beginPath(), o.rect(s.x1, s.y1, s.width, s.height), o.clip(), n && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(s.x1, s.y1, s.width, s.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()), k = -Infinity, p = Infinity, c = 0; c < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; c++) { var tt = t.dataSeriesIndexes[c], l = this.data[tt], f = l.dataPoints, w = 0; for (i = 0; i < f.length; i++)(h = h = f[i].getTime ? f[i].x.getTime() : f[i].x, h < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || h > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) || typeof f[i].z != "undefined" && (w = f[i].z, w > k && (k = w), w < p && (p = w)) } for (d = Math.PI * 25, it = Math.max(Math.pow(Math.min(s.height, s.width) * .25 / 2, 2) * Math.PI, d), c = 0; c < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; c++) { var tt = t.dataSeriesIndexes[c], l = this.data[tt], f = l.dataPoints; if (f.length == 1 && (b = nt), b < 1 ? b = 1 : b > nt && (b = nt), f.length > 0) for (o.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 ", i = 0; i < f.length; i++) if ((h = h = f[i].getTime ? f[i].x.getTime() : f[i].x, !(h < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(h > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) && typeof f[i].y == "number") { v = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (h - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; y = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f[i].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; var w = f[i].z, ot = k === p ? it / 2 : d + (it - d) / (k - p) * (w - p), st = Math.max(Math.sqrt(ot / Math.PI) << 0, 1), ft = st * 2, e = l.getMarkerProperties(i, o); e.size = ft; o.globalAlpha = l.fillOpacity; a.drawMarker(v, y, o, e.type, e.size, e.color, e.borderColor, e.borderThickness); o.globalAlpha = 1; g = l.dataPointIds[i]; this._eventManager.objectMap[g] = { id: g, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: tt, dataPointIndex: i, x1: v, y1: y, size: ft }; rt = u(g); n && a.drawMarker(v, y, this._eventManager.ghostCtx, e.type, e.size, rt, rt, e.borderThickness); (f[i].indexLabel || l.indexLabel || f[i].indexLabelFormatter || l.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "bubble", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: l, point: { x: v, y: y }, direction: 1, bounds: { x1: v - e.size / 2, y1: y - e.size / 2, x2: v + e.size / 2, y2: y + e.size / 2 }, color: null }) } } return o.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), { source: o, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderScatter = function(t) { var s = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, nt = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, p, f, i, w, g; if (!(nt <= 0)) { var o = this.plotArea, f = 0, h, c, v, rt = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, b = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.width * .15 << 0, it = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, y = o.width / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(it) / nt * .9 << 0; for (s.save(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(), s.beginPath(), s.rect(o.x1, o.y1, o.width, o.height), s.clip(), n && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(o.x1, o.y1, o.width, o.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()), p = 0; p < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; p++) { var tt = t.dataSeriesIndexes[p], l = this.data[tt], e = l.dataPoints; if (e.length == 1 && (y = b), y < 1 ? y = 1 : y > b && (y = b), e.length > 0) { s.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 "; var ut = Math.pow(Math.min(o.height, o.width) * .3 / 2, 2) * Math.PI, k = 0, d = 0; for (f = 0; f < e.length; f++)(v = v = e[f].getTime ? e[f].x.getTime() : e[f].x, v < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || v > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) || typeof e[f].y == "number" && ((h = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (v - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, c = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e[f].y - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, i = l.getMarkerProperties(f, h, c, s), s.globalAlpha = l.fillOpacity, a.drawMarker(i.x, i.y, i.ctx, i.type, i.size, i.color, i.borderColor, i.borderThickness), s.globalAlpha = 1, Math.sqrt((k - h) * (k - h) + (d - c) * (d - c)) < Math.min(i.size, 5) && e.length > Math.min(this.plotArea.width, this.plotArea.height)) || (w = l.dataPointIds[f], this._eventManager.objectMap[w] = { id: w, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: tt, dataPointIndex: f, x1: h, y1: c }, g = u(w), n && a.drawMarker(i.x, i.y, this._eventManager.ghostCtx, i.type, i.size, g, g, i.borderThickness), (e[f].indexLabel || l.indexLabel || e[f].indexLabelFormatter || l.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "scatter", dataPoint: e[f], dataSeries: l, point: { x: h, y: c }, direction: 1, bounds: { x1: h - i.size / 2, y1: c - i.size / 2, x2: h + i.size / 2, y2: c + i.size / 2 }, color: null }), k = h, d = c)) } } return s.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), { source: s, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderCandlestick = function(t) { var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, f = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, st = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, it, ft, p, g; if (!(st <= 0)) { var y = null, w = this.plotArea, e = 0, h, c, b, d, l, tt, ht = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, ut = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.width * .015, et = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, k = w.width / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(et) * .7 << 0; for (k > ut ? k = ut : et === Infinity ? k = ut : k < 1 && (k = 1), i.save(), n && f.save(), i.beginPath(), i.rect(w.x1, w.y1, w.width, w.height), i.clip(), n && (f.rect(w.x1, w.y1, w.width, w.height), f.clip()), it = 0; it < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; it++) { var ot = t.dataSeriesIndexes[it], a = this.data[ot], s = a.dataPoints; if (s.length > 0) for (ft = k > 5 && a.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, e = 0; e < s.length; e++) if ((tt = s[e].getTime ? s[e].x.getTime() : s[e].x, !(tt < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(tt > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) && s[e].y !== null && s[e].y.length && typeof s[e].y[0] == "number" && typeof s[e].y[1] == "number" && typeof s[e].y[2] == "number" && typeof s[e].y[3] == "number") { h = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (tt - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; c = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[e].y[0] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; b = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[e].y[1] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; d = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[e].y[2] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; l = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (s[e].y[3] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; p = h - k / 2 << 0; g = p + k << 0; y = s[e].color ? s[e].color : a._colorSet[0]; var nt = Math.round(Math.max(1, k * .15)), v = nt % 2 == 0 ? 0 : .5, rt = a.dataPointIds[e]; this._eventManager.objectMap[rt] = { id: rt, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: ot, dataPointIndex: e, x1: p, y1: c, x2: g, y2: b, x3: h, y3: d, x4: h, y4: l, borderThickness: nt, color: y }; i.strokeStyle = y; i.beginPath(); i.lineWidth = nt; f.lineWidth = Math.max(nt, 4); a.type === "candlestick" ? (i.moveTo(h - v, b), i.lineTo(h - v, Math.min(c, l)), i.stroke(), i.moveTo(h - v, Math.max(c, l)), i.lineTo(h - v, d), i.stroke(), o(i, p, Math.min(c, l), g, Math.max(c, l), s[e].y[0] <= s[e].y[3] ? a.risingColor : y, nt, y, ft, ft, !1, !1, a.fillOpacity), n && (y = u(rt), f.strokeStyle = y, f.moveTo(h - v, b), f.lineTo(h - v, Math.min(c, l)), f.stroke(), f.moveTo(h - v, Math.max(c, l)), f.lineTo(h - v, d), f.stroke(), o(f, p, Math.min(c, l), g, Math.max(c, l), y, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1))) : a.type === "ohlc" && (i.moveTo(h - v, b), i.lineTo(h - v, d), i.stroke(), i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(h, c), i.lineTo(p, c), i.stroke(), i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(h, l), i.lineTo(g, l), i.stroke(), n && (y = u(rt), f.strokeStyle = y, f.moveTo(h - v, b), f.lineTo(h - v, d), f.stroke(), f.beginPath(), f.moveTo(h, c), f.lineTo(p, c), f.stroke(), f.beginPath(), f.moveTo(h, l), f.lineTo(g, l), f.stroke())); (s[e].indexLabel || a.indexLabel || s[e].indexLabelFormatter || a.indexLabelFormatter) && this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: a.type, dataPoint: s[e], dataSeries: a, point: { x: p + (g - p) / 2, y: b }, direction: 1, bounds: { x1: p, y1: Math.min(b, d), x2: g, y2: Math.max(b, d) }, color: y }) } } return i.restore(), n && f.restore(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderRangeColumn = function(t) { var y = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, ft = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, w, g, h, v, e, s, rt, k, ut; if (!(ft <= 0)) { var p = null, l = this.plotArea, i = 0, nt, e, s, b, et = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, d = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : this.width * .03, tt = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, a = l.width / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(tt) / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9 << 0; for (a > d ? a = d : tt === Infinity ? a = d / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9 : a < 1 && (a = 1), y.save(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(), y.beginPath(), y.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), y.clip(), n && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()), w = 0; w < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; w++) { var it = t.dataSeriesIndexes[w], c = this.data[it], f = c.dataPoints; if (f.length > 0) for (g = a > 5 && c.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, i = 0; i < f.length; i++)(b = f[i].getTime ? f[i].x.getTime() : f[i].x, b < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || b > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) || f[i].y !== null && f[i].y.length && typeof f[i].y[0] == "number" && typeof f[i].y[1] == "number" && (nt = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (b - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, e = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f[i].y[0] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, s = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f[i].y[1] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, h = nt - t.plotType.totalDataSeries * a / 2 + (t.previousDataSeriesCount + w) * a << 0, v = h + a << 0, p = f[i].color ? f[i].color : c._colorSet[i % c._colorSet.length], e > s && (rt = e, e = s, s = rt), k = c.dataPointIds[i], this._eventManager.objectMap[k] = { id: k, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: it, dataPointIndex: i, x1: h, y1: e, x2: v, y2: s }, ut = 0, o(y, h, e, v, s, p, ut, p, g, g, !1, !1, c.fillOpacity), p = u(k), n && o(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, h, e, v, s, p, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1), (f[i].indexLabel || c.indexLabel || f[i].indexLabelFormatter || c.indexLabelFormatter) && (this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeColumn", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: c, indexKeyword: 0, point: { x: h + (v - h) / 2, y: f[i].y[1] >= f[i].y[0] ? s : e }, direction: f[i].y[1] >= f[i].y[0] ? -1 : 1, bounds: { x1: h, y1: Math.min(e, s), x2: v, y2: Math.max(e, s) }, color: p }), this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeColumn", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: c, indexKeyword: 1, point: { x: h + (v - h) / 2, y: f[i].y[1] >= f[i].y[0] ? e : s }, direction: f[i].y[1] >= f[i].y[0] ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: h, y1: Math.min(e, s), x2: v, y2: Math.max(e, s) }, color: p }))) } return y.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), { source: y, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderRangeBar = function(t) { var v = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, ut = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, w, it, h, y, rt, k; if (!(ut <= 0)) { var p = null, l = this.plotArea, i = 0, e, s, g, b, ft = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) << 0, d = this.dataPointMaxWidth ? this.dataPointMaxWidth : Math.min(this.height * .15, this.plotArea.height / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9) << 0, nt = t.axisX.dataInfo.minDiff, a = l.height / Math.abs(t.axisX.maximum - t.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(nt) / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9 << 0; for (a > d ? a = d : nt === Infinity ? a = d / t.plotType.totalDataSeries * .9 : a < 1 && (a = 1), v.save(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.save(), v.beginPath(), v.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), v.clip(), n && (this._eventManager.ghostCtx.rect(l.x1, l.y1, l.width, l.height), this._eventManager.ghostCtx.clip()), w = 0; w < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; w++) { var tt = t.dataSeriesIndexes[w], c = this.data[tt], f = c.dataPoints; if (f.length > 0) for (it = a > 5 && c.bevelEnabled ? !0 : !1, v.strokeStyle = "#4572A7 ", i = 0; i < f.length; i++)(b = f[i].getTime ? f[i].x.getTime() : f[i].x, b < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin || b > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax) || f[i].y !== null && f[i].y.length && typeof f[i].y[0] == "number" && typeof f[i].y[1] == "number" && (e = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f[i].y[0] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, s = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (f[i].y[1] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, g = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (b - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, h = g - t.plotType.totalDataSeries * a / 2 + (t.previousDataSeriesCount + w) * a << 0, y = h + a << 0, e > s && (rt = e, e = s, s = rt), p = f[i].color ? f[i].color : c._colorSet[i % c._colorSet.length], o(v, e, h, s, y, p, 0, null, it, !1, !1, !1, c.fillOpacity), k = c.dataPointIds[i], this._eventManager.objectMap[k] = { id: k, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: tt, dataPointIndex: i, x1: e, y1: h, x2: s, y2: y }, p = u(k), n && o(this._eventManager.ghostCtx, e, h, s, y, p, 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1), (f[i].indexLabel || c.indexLabel || f[i].indexLabelFormatter || c.indexLabelFormatter) && (this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeBar", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: c, indexKeyword: 0, point: { x: f[i].y[1] >= f[i].y[0] ? e : s, y: h + (y - h) / 2 }, direction: f[i].y[1] >= f[i].y[0] ? -1 : 1, bounds: { x1: Math.min(e, s), y1: h, x2: Math.max(e, s), y2: y }, color: p }), this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeBar", dataPoint: f[i], dataSeries: c, indexKeyword: 1, point: { x: f[i].y[1] >= f[i].y[0] ? s : e, y: h + (y - h) / 2 }, direction: f[i].y[1] >= f[i].y[0] ? 1 : -1, bounds: { x1: Math.min(e, s), y1: h, x2: Math.max(e, s), y2: y }, color: p }))) } return v.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), { source: v, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.fadeInAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.easeInQuad, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderRangeArea = function(t) { function ft() { var n, t; if (ut) { for (n = null, s.lineThickness > 0 && i.stroke(), t = v.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) n = v[t], i.lineTo(n.x, n.y), h.lineTo(n.x, n.y); if (i.closePath(), i.globalAlpha = s.fillOpacity, i.fill(), i.globalAlpha = 1, h.fill(), s.lineThickness > 0) { for (i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(n.x, n.y), t = 0; t < v.length; t++) n = v[t], i.lineTo(n.x, n.y); i.stroke() } i.beginPath(); i.moveTo(o, c); h.beginPath(); h.moveTo(o, c); ut = { x: o, y: c }; v = []; v.push({ x: o, y: w }) } } var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, ht = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, nt, ot, d, it, g, l, k; if (!(ht <= 0)) { var h = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, ct = t.axisX.lineCoordinates, lt = t.axisY.lineCoordinates, b = [], p = this.plotArea; for (i.save(), n && h.save(), i.beginPath(), i.rect(p.x1, p.y1, p.width, p.height), i.clip(), n && (h.beginPath(), h.rect(p.x1, p.y1, p.width, p.height), h.clip()), nt = 0; nt < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; nt++) { var v = [], rt = t.dataSeriesIndexes[nt], s = this.data[rt], e = s.dataPoints, et = s.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[et] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: rt }; ot = u(et); h.fillStyle = ot; b = []; var st = !0, f = 0, o, c, w, tt, at = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, ut = null; if (e.length > 0) { for (d = s._colorSet[f % s._colorSet.length], i.fillStyle = d, i.strokeStyle = d, i.lineWidth = s.lineThickness, i.setLineDash && i.setLineDash(y(s.lineDashType, s.lineThickness)), it = !0; f < e.length; f++) if (tt = e[f].x.getTime ? e[f].x.getTime() : e[f].x, !(tt < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(tt > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) { if (e[f].y === null || !e[f].y.length || typeof e[f].y[0] != "number" || typeof e[f].y[1] != "number") { ft(); it = !0; continue } o = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (tt - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; c = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e[f].y[0] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; w = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e[f].y[1] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; st || it ? (i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(o, c), ut = { x: o, y: c }, v = [], v.push({ x: o, y: w }), n && (h.beginPath(), h.moveTo(o, c)), st = !1, it = !1) : (i.lineTo(o, c), v.push({ x: o, y: w }), n && h.lineTo(o, c), f % 250 == 0 && ft()); g = s.dataPointIds[f]; this._eventManager.objectMap[g] = { id: g, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: rt, dataPointIndex: f, x1: o, y1: c, y2: w }; e[f].markerSize !== 0 && (e[f].markerSize > 0 || s.markerSize > 0) && (l = s.getMarkerProperties(f, o, w, i), b.push(l), k = u(g), n && b.push({ x: o, y: w, ctx: h, type: l.type, size: l.size, color: k, borderColor: k, borderThickness: l.borderThickness }), l = s.getMarkerProperties(f, o, c, i), b.push(l), k = u(g), n && b.push({ x: o, y: c, ctx: h, type: l.type, size: l.size, color: k, borderColor: k, borderThickness: l.borderThickness })); (e[f].indexLabel || s.indexLabel || e[f].indexLabelFormatter || s.indexLabelFormatter) && (this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeArea", dataPoint: e[f], dataSeries: s, indexKeyword: 0, point: { x: o, y: c }, direction: e[f].y[0] <= e[f].y[1] ? -1 : 1, color: d }), this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "rangeArea", dataPoint: e[f], dataSeries: s, indexKeyword: 1, point: { x: o, y: w }, direction: e[f].y[0] <= e[f].y[1] ? 1 : -1, color: d })) } ft(); a.drawMarkers(b) } } return i.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; t.prototype.renderRangeSplineArea = function(t) { function ft() { var t = kt(tt, 2), r; if (t.length > 0) { for (i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(t[0].x, t[0].y), n && (s.beginPath(), s.moveTo(t[0].x, t[0].y)), r = 0; r < t.length - 3; r += 3) i.bezierCurveTo(t[r + 1].x, t[r + 1].y, t[r + 2].x, t[r + 2].y, t[r + 3].x, t[r + 3].y), n && s.bezierCurveTo(t[r + 1].x, t[r + 1].y, t[r + 2].x, t[r + 2].y, t[r + 3].x, t[r + 3].y); for (o.lineThickness > 0 && i.stroke(), t = kt(h, 2), i.lineTo(h[h.length - 1].x, h[h.length - 1].y), r = t.length - 1; r > 2; r -= 3) i.bezierCurveTo(t[r - 1].x, t[r - 1].y, t[r - 2].x, t[r - 2].y, t[r - 3].x, t[r - 3].y), n && s.bezierCurveTo(t[r - 1].x, t[r - 1].y, t[r - 2].x, t[r - 2].y, t[r - 3].x, t[r - 3].y); if (i.closePath(), i.globalAlpha = o.fillOpacity, i.fill(), i.globalAlpha = 1, o.lineThickness > 0) { for (i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(h[h.length - 1].x, h[h.length - 1].y), r = t.length - 1; r > 2; r -= 3) i.bezierCurveTo(t[r - 1].x, t[r - 1].y, t[r - 2].x, t[r - 2].y, t[r - 3].x, t[r - 3].y), n && s.bezierCurveTo(t[r - 1].x, t[r - 1].y, t[r - 2].x, t[r - 2].y, t[r - 3].x, t[r - 3].y); i.stroke() } i.beginPath(); n && (s.closePath(), s.fill()) } } var i = t.targetCanvasCtx || this.plotArea.ctx, et = t.dataSeriesIndexes.length, g, ut, d, l, k; if (!(et <= 0)) { var s = this._eventManager.ghostCtx, ot = t.axisX.lineCoordinates, st = t.axisY.lineCoordinates, p = [], v = this.plotArea; for (i.save(), n && s.save(), i.beginPath(), i.rect(v.x1, v.y1, v.width, v.height), i.clip(), n && (s.beginPath(), s.rect(v.x1, v.y1, v.width, v.height), s.clip()), g = 0; g < t.dataSeriesIndexes.length; g++) { var it = t.dataSeriesIndexes[g], o = this.data[it], e = o.dataPoints, rt = o.id; this._eventManager.objectMap[rt] = { objectType: "dataSeries", dataSeriesIndex: it }; ut = u(rt); s.fillStyle = ut; p = []; var f = 0, c, w, b, nt, ht = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (0 - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0, tt = [], h = []; if (e.length > 0) { for (color = o._colorSet[f % o._colorSet.length], i.fillStyle = color, i.strokeStyle = color, i.lineWidth = o.lineThickness, i.setLineDash && i.setLineDash(y(o.lineDashType, o.lineThickness)); f < e.length; f++) if (nt = e[f].x.getTime ? e[f].x.getTime() : e[f].x, !(nt < t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMin) && !(nt > t.axisX.dataInfo.viewPortMax)) { if (e[f].y === null || !e[f].y.length || typeof e[f].y[0] != "number" || typeof e[f].y[1] != "number") { f > 0 && (ft(), tt = [], h = []); continue } c = t.axisX.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisX.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (nt - t.axisX.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; w = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e[f].y[0] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; b = t.axisY.conversionParameters.reference + t.axisY.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * (e[f].y[1] - t.axisY.conversionParameters.minimum) + .5 << 0; d = o.dataPointIds[f]; this._eventManager.objectMap[d] = { id: d, objectType: "dataPoint", dataSeriesIndex: it, dataPointIndex: f, x1: c, y1: w, y2: b }; tt[tt.length] = { x: c, y: w }; h[h.length] = { x: c, y: b }; e[f].markerSize !== 0 && (e[f].markerSize > 0 || o.markerSize > 0) && (l = o.getMarkerProperties(f, c, w, i), p.push(l), k = u(d), n && p.push({ x: c, y: w, ctx: s, type: l.type, size: l.size, color: k, borderColor: k, borderThickness: l.borderThickness }), l = o.getMarkerProperties(f, c, b, i), p.push(l), k = u(d), n && p.push({ x: c, y: b, ctx: s, type: l.type, size: l.size, color: k, borderColor: k, borderThickness: l.borderThickness })); (e[f].indexLabel || o.indexLabel || e[f].indexLabelFormatter || o.indexLabelFormatter) && (this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "splineArea", dataPoint: e[f], dataSeries: o, indexKeyword: 0, point: { x: c, y: w }, direction: e[f].y[0] <= e[f].y[1] ? -1 : 1, color: color }), this._indexLabels.push({ chartType: "splineArea", dataPoint: e[f], dataSeries: o, indexKeyword: 1, point: { x: c, y: b }, direction: e[f].y[0] <= e[f].y[1] ? 1 : -1, color: color })) } ft(); a.drawMarkers(p) } } return i.restore(), n && this._eventManager.ghostCtx.restore(), { source: i, dest: this.plotArea.ctx, animationCallback: r.xClipAnimation, easingFunction: r.easing.linear, animationBase: 0 } } }; dt = function(t, i, r, u, f, e, o, s) { var h, c, l; typeof s == "undefined" && (s = 1); n || (h = Number((o % (2 * Math.PI)).toFixed(8)), c = Number((e % (2 * Math.PI)).toFixed(8)), c === h && (o -= .0001)); t.save(); t.globalAlpha = s; f === "pie" ? (t.beginPath(), t.moveTo(i.x, i.y), t.arc(i.x, i.y, r, e, o, !1), t.fillStyle = u, t.strokeStyle = "white", t.lineWidth = 2, t.closePath(), t.fill()) : f === "doughnut" && (l = .6, t.beginPath(), t.arc(i.x, i.y, r, e, o, !1), t.arc(i.x, i.y, l * r, o, e, !0), t.closePath(), t.fillStyle = u, t.strokeStyle = "white", t.lineWidth = 2, t.fill()); t.globalAlpha = 1; t.restore() }; t.prototype.renderPie = function(n) { function et() { var w, b, tt, a, n; if (i && e) { var y = 0, p = 0, d = 0, g = 0; for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var h = e[o], nt = i.dataPointIds[o], n = { id: nt, objectType: "dataPoint", dataPointIndex: o, dataSeriesIndex: 0 }; t.push(n); w = { percent: null, total: null }; b = null; w = r.getPercentAndTotal(i, h); (i.indexLabelFormatter || h.indexLabelFormatter) && (b = { chart: r._options, dataSeries: i, dataPoint: h, total: w.total, percent: w.percent }); tt = h.indexLabelFormatter ? h.indexLabelFormatter(b) : h.indexLabel ? r.replaceKeywordsWithValue(h.indexLabel, h, i, o) : i.indexLabelFormatter ? i.indexLabelFormatter(b) : i.indexLabel ? r.replaceKeywordsWithValue(i.indexLabel, h, i, o) : h.label ? h.label : ""; r._eventManager.objectMap[nt] = n; n.center = { x: u.x, y: u.y }; n.y = h.y; n.radius = s; n.indexLabelText = tt; n.indexLabelPlacement = i.indexLabelPlacement; n.indexLabelLineColor = h.indexLabelLineColor ? h.indexLabelLineColor : i.indexLabelLineColor ? i.indexLabelLineColor : h.color ? h.color : i._colorSet[o % i._colorSet.length]; n.indexLabelLineThickness = h.indexLabelLineThickness ? h.indexLabelLineThickness : i.indexLabelLineThickness; n.indexLabelLineDashType = h.indexLabelLineDashType ? h.indexLabelLineDashType : i.indexLabelLineDashType; n.indexLabelFontColor = h.indexLabelFontColor ? h.indexLabelFontColor : i.indexLabelFontColor; n.indexLabelFontStyle = h.indexLabelFontStyle ? h.indexLabelFontStyle : i.indexLabelFontStyle; n.indexLabelFontWeight = h.indexLabelFontWeight ? h.indexLabelFontWeight : i.indexLabelFontWeight; n.indexLabelFontSize = h.indexLabelFontSize ? h.indexLabelFontSize : i.indexLabelFontSize; n.indexLabelFontFamily = h.indexLabelFontFamily ? h.indexLabelFontFamily : i.indexLabelFontFamily; n.indexLabelBackgroundColor = h.indexLabelBackgroundColor ? h.indexLabelBackgroundColor : i.indexLabelBackgroundColor ? i.indexLabelBackgroundColor : null; n.indexLabelMaxWidth = h.indexLabelMaxWidth ? h.indexLabelMaxWidth : i.indexLabelMaxWidth ? i.indexLabelMaxWidth : f.width * .33; n.indexLabelWrap = typeof h.indexLabelWrap != "undefined" ? h.indexLabelWrap : i.indexLabelWrap; n.startAngle = o === 0 ? i.startAngle ? i.startAngle / 180 * Math.PI : 0 : t[o - 1].endAngle; n.startAngle = (n.startAngle + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI); n.endAngle = n.startAngle + 2 * Math.PI / k * Math.abs(h.y); a = (n.endAngle + n.startAngle) / 2; a = (a + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI); n.midAngle = a; n.midAngle > Math.PI / 2 - l && n.midAngle < Math.PI / 2 + l ? ((y === 0 || t[d].midAngle > n.midAngle) && (d = o), y++) : n.midAngle > 3 * Math.PI / 2 - l && n.midAngle < 3 * Math.PI / 2 + l && ((p === 0 || t[g].midAngle > n.midAngle) && (g = o), p++); n.hemisphere = a > Math.PI / 2 && a <= 3 * Math.PI / 2 ? "left" : "right"; n.indexLabelTextBlock = new c(r.plotArea.ctx, { fontSize: n.indexLabelFontSize, fontFamily: n.indexLabelFontFamily, fontColor: n.indexLabelFontColor, fontStyle: n.indexLabelFontStyle, fontWeight: n.indexLabelFontWeight, horizontalAlign: "left", backgroundColor: n.indexLabelBackgroundColor, maxWidth: n.indexLabelMaxWidth, maxHeight: n.indexLabelWrap ? n.indexLabelFontSize * 5 : n.indexLabelFontSize * 1.5, text: n.indexLabelText, padding: 0, textBaseline: "top" }); n.indexLabelTextBlock.measureText() } var it = 0, rt = 0, v = !1; for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++) n = t[(d + o) % e.length], y > 1 && n.midAngle > Math.PI / 2 - l && n.midAngle < Math.PI / 2 + l && (it <= y / 2 && !v ? (n.hemisphere = "right", it++) : (n.hemisphere = "left", v = !0)); for (v = !1, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) n = t[(g + o) % e.length], p > 1 && n.midAngle > 3 * Math.PI / 2 - l && n.midAngle < 3 * Math.PI / 2 + l && (rt <= p / 2 && !v ? (n.hemisphere = "left", rt++) : (n.hemisphere = "right", v = !0)) } } function ot() { var u = r.plotArea.ctx, l, f, a, n, o, h, c; for (u.fillStyle = "black", u.strokeStyle = "grey", l = 16, u.textBaseline = "middle", u.lineJoin = "round", f = 0, a = 0, f = 0; f < e.length; f++)(n = t[f], n.indexLabelText) && (n.indexLabelTextBlock.y -= n.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, o = 0, o = n.hemisphere === "left" ? i.indexLabelPlacement !== "inside" ? -(n.indexLabelTextBlock.width + v) : -n.indexLabelTextBlock.width / 2 : i.indexLabelPlacement !== "inside" ? v : -n.indexLabelTextBlock.width / 2, n.indexLabelTextBlock.x += o, n.indexLabelTextBlock.render(!0), n.indexLabelTextBlock.x -= o, n.indexLabelTextBlock.y += n.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, n.indexLabelPlacement !== "inside" && (h = n.center.x + s * Math.cos(n.midAngle), c = n.center.y + s * Math.sin(n.midAngle), u.strokeStyle = n.indexLabelLineColor, u.lineWidth = n.indexLabelLineThickness, u.setLineDash && u.setLineDash(y(n.indexLabelLineDashType, n.indexLabelLineThickness)), u.beginPath(), u.moveTo(h, c), u.lineTo(n.indexLabelTextBlock.x, n.indexLabelTextBlock.y), u.lineTo(n.indexLabelTextBlock.x + (n.hemisphere === "left" ? -v : v), n.indexLabelTextBlock.y), u.stroke()), u.lineJoin = "miter") } function st(n) { var s = r.plotArea.ctx, h, u, a; for (s.clearRect(f.x1, f.y1, f.width, f.height), s.fillStyle = r.backgroundColor, s.fillRect(f.x1, f.y1, f.width, f.height), h = t[0].startAngle + 2 * Math.PI * n, u = 0; u < e.length; u++) { var c = u === 0 ? t[u].startAngle : o, o = c + (t[u].endAngle - t[u].startAngle), l = !1; if (o > h && (o = h, l = !0), a = e[u].color ? e[u].color : i._colorSet[u % i._colorSet.length], o > c && dt(r.plotArea.ctx, t[u].center, t[u].radius, a, i.type, c, o, i.fillOpacity), l) break } } function rt(n) { var c = r.plotArea.ctx, o, l, a, h, w; for (c.clearRect(f.x1, f.y1, f.width, f.height), c.fillStyle = r.backgroundColor, c.fillRect(f.x1, f.y1, f.width, f.height), o = 0; o < e.length; o++) if (l = t[o].startAngle, a = t[o].endAngle, a > l) { var v = s * .07 * Math.cos(t[o].midAngle), y = s * .07 * Math.sin(t[o].midAngle), p = !1; e[o].exploded ? (Math.abs(t[o].center.x - (u.x + v)) > 1e-9 || Math.abs(t[o].center.y - (u.y + y)) > 1e-9) && (t[o].center.x = u.x + v * n, t[o].center.y = u.y + y * n, p = !0) : (Math.abs(t[o].center.x - u.x) > 0 || Math.abs(t[o].center.y - u.y) > 0) && (t[o].center.x = u.x + v * (1 - n), t[o].center.y = u.y + y * (1 - n), p = !0); p && (h = {}, h.dataSeries = i, h.dataPoint = i.dataPoints[o], h.index = o, r._toolTip.highlightObjects([h])); w = e[o].color ? e[o].color : i._colorSet[o % i._colorSet.length]; dt(r.plotArea.ctx, t[o].center, t[o].radius, w, i.type, l, a, i.fillOpacity) } ot() } function ht(n, t) { var i = { x1: n.indexLabelTextBlock.x, y1: n.indexLabelTextBlock.y - n.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, x2: n.indexLabelTextBlock.x + n.indexLabelTextBlock.width, y2: n.indexLabelTextBlock.y + n.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 }, r = { x1: t.indexLabelTextBlock.x, y1: t.indexLabelTextBlock.y - t.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, x2: t.indexLabelTextBlock.x + t.indexLabelTextBlock.width, y2: t.indexLabelTextBlock.y + t.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 }; return i.x2 < r.x1 - v || i.x1 > r.x2 + v || i.y1 > r.y2 + v || i.y2 < r.y1 - v ? !1 : !0 } function b(n, t) { var i = { y: n.indexLabelTextBlock.y, y1: n.indexLabelTextBlock.y - n.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, y2: n.indexLabelTextBlock.y + n.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 }, r = { y: t.indexLabelTextBlock.y, y1: t.indexLabelTextBlock.y - t.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2, y2: t.indexLabelTextBlock.y + t.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 }; return r.y > i.y ? r.y1 - i.y2 : i.y1 - r.y2 } function d(n) { for (var i = null, r = 1; r < e.length; r++) if (i = (n + r + t.length) % t.length, t[i].hemisphere !== t[n].hemisphere) { i = null; break } else if (t[i].indexLabelText && i !== n && (b(t[i], t[n]) < 0 || (t[n].hemisphere === "right" ? t[i].indexLabelTextBlock.y >= t[n].indexLabelTextBlock.y : t[i].indexLabelTextBlock.y <= t[n].indexLabelTextBlock.y))) break; else i = null; return i } function ct(n) { for (var i = null, r = 1; r < e.length; r++) if (i = (n - r + t.length) % t.length, t[i].hemisphere !== t[n].hemisphere) { i = null; break } else if (t[i].indexLabelText && t[i].hemisphere === t[n].hemisphere && i !== n && (b(t[i], t[n]) < 0 || (t[n].hemisphere === "right" ? t[i].indexLabelTextBlock.y <= t[n].indexLabelTextBlock.y : t[i].indexLabelTextBlock.y >= t[n].indexLabelTextBlock.y))) break; else i = null; return i } function p(n, i) { var r, ut, st, b, v, ft, o; i = i || 0; var k = 0, rt = u.y - h * 1, et = u.y + h * 1; if (n >= 0 && n < e.length) { if (r = t[n], i < 0 && r.indexLabelTextBlock.y < rt || i > 0 && r.indexLabelTextBlock.y > et) return 0; var f = i, ot = 0, ht = 0, lt = 0, at = 0, vt = 0; f < 0 ? r.indexLabelTextBlock.y - r.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 > rt && r.indexLabelTextBlock.y - r.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 + f < rt && (f = -(rt - (r.indexLabelTextBlock.y - r.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 + f))) : r.indexLabelTextBlock.y + r.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 < rt && r.indexLabelTextBlock.y + r.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 + f > et && (f = r.indexLabelTextBlock.y + r.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 + f - et); ut = r.indexLabelTextBlock.y + f; st = 0; st = r.hemisphere === "right" ? u.x + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h, 2) - Math.pow(ut - u.y, 2)) : u.x - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h, 2) - Math.pow(ut - u.y, 2)); ht = u.x + s * Math.cos(r.midAngle); lt = u.y + s * Math.sin(r.midAngle); ot = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(st - ht, 2) + Math.pow(ut - lt, 2)); vt = Math.acos(s / h); at = Math.acos((h * h + s * s - ot * ot) / (2 * s * h)); f = at < vt ? ut - r.indexLabelTextBlock.y : 0; var yt = ct(n), pt = d(n), c, v, y = 0, g = 0; if (f < 0 ? (c = r.hemisphere === "right" ? yt : pt, k = f, c !== null && (b = -f, v = r.indexLabelTextBlock.y - r.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 - (t[c].indexLabelTextBlock.y + t[c].indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2), v - b < w && (y = -b, tt++, g = p(c, y), +g.toFixed(a) > +y.toFixed(a) && (k = v > w ? -(v - w) : -(b - (g - y)))))) : f > 0 && (c = r.hemisphere === "right" ? pt : yt, k = f, c !== null && (b = f, v = t[c].indexLabelTextBlock.y - t[c].indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 - (r.indexLabelTextBlock.y + r.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2), v - b < w && (y = b, tt++, g = p(c, y), +g.toFixed(a) < +y.toFixed(a) && (k = v > w ? v - w : b - (y - g))))), k) { if (ft = r.indexLabelTextBlock.y + k, o = 0, o = r.hemisphere === "right" ? u.x + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h, 2) - Math.pow(ft - u.y, 2)) : u.x - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(h, 2) - Math.pow(ft - u.y, 2)), r.midAngle > Math.PI / 2 - l && r.midAngle < Math.PI / 2 + l) { var wt = (n - 1 + t.length) % t.length, nt = t[wt], it = t[(n + 1 + t.length) % t.length]; r.hemisphere === "left" && nt.hemisphere === "right" && o > nt.indexLabelTextBlock.x ? o = nt.indexLabelTextBlock.x - 15 : r.hemisphere === "right" && it.hemisphere === "left" && o < it.indexLabelTextBlock.x && (o = it.indexLabelTextBlock.x + 15) } else if (r.midAngle > 3 * Math.PI / 2 - l && r.midAngle < 3 * Math.PI / 2 + l) { var wt = (n - 1 + t.length) % t.length, nt = t[wt], it = t[(n + 1 + t.length) % t.length]; r.hemisphere === "right" && nt.hemisphere === "left" && o < nt.indexLabelTextBlock.x ? o = nt.indexLabelTextBlock.x + 15 : r.hemisphere === "left" && it.hemisphere === "right" && o > it.indexLabelTextBlock.x && (o = it.indexLabelTextBlock.x - 15) } r.indexLabelTextBlock.y = ft; r.indexLabelTextBlock.x = o; r.indexLabelAngle = Math.atan2(r.indexLabelTextBlock.y - u.y, r.indexLabelTextBlock.x - u.x) } } return k } function lt() { var yt = r.plotArea.ctx, gt, tt, rt, l, kt, wt, n, ni, ti, dt, et, g, ot, nt, c, vt, lt; yt.fillStyle = "grey"; yt.strokeStyle = "grey"; gt = 16; yt.font = gt + "px Arial"; yt.textBaseline = "middle"; for (var o = 0, pt = 0, k = 0, pt = 0; pt < 10 && (pt < 1 || k > 0); pt++) { if (s -= k, k = 0, i.indexLabelPlacement !== "inside") { for (h = s * it, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) n = t[o], n.indexLabelTextBlock.x = u.x + h * Math.cos(n.midAngle), n.indexLabelTextBlock.y = u.y + h * Math.sin(n.midAngle), n.indexLabelAngle = n.midAngle, n.radius = s; for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++) if ((n = t[o], rt = d(o), rt !== null) && (tt = t[o], lt = t[rt], l = 0, l = b(tt, lt) - w, l < 0)) { for (kt = 0, wt = 0, c = 0; c < e.length; c++) c !== o && t[c].hemisphere === n.hemisphere && (t[c].indexLabelTextBlock.y < n.indexLabelTextBlock.y ? kt++ : wt++); var at = l / (kt + wt || 1) * wt, y = -1 * (l - at), ut = 0, ft = 0; n.hemisphere === "right" ? (ut = p(o, at), y = -1 * (l - ut), ft = p(rt, y), +ft.toFixed(a) < +y.toFixed(a) && +ut.toFixed(a) <= +at.toFixed(a) && p(o, -(y - ft))) : (ut = p(rt, at), y = -1 * (l - ut), ft = p(o, y), +ft.toFixed(a) < +y.toFixed(a) && +ut.toFixed(a) <= +at.toFixed(a) && p(rt, -(y - ft))) } } else for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++) n = t[o], h = i.type === "pie" ? s * .7 : s * .8, ni = u.x + h * Math.cos(n.midAngle), ti = u.y + h * Math.sin(n.midAngle), n.indexLabelTextBlock.x = ni, n.indexLabelTextBlock.y = ti; for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++)(n = t[o], dt = n.indexLabelTextBlock.measureText(), dt.height !== 0 && dt.width !== 0) && (et = 0, g = 0, et = n.hemisphere === "right" ? (f.x2 - (n.indexLabelTextBlock.x + n.indexLabelTextBlock.width + v)) * -1 : f.x1 - (n.indexLabelTextBlock.x - n.indexLabelTextBlock.width - v), et > 0 && (Math.abs(n.indexLabelTextBlock.y - n.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 - u.y) < s || Math.abs(n.indexLabelTextBlock.y + n.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 - u.y) < s) && (g = et / Math.abs(Math.cos(n.indexLabelAngle)), g > 9 && (g = g * .3), g > k && (k = g)), ot = 0, nt = 0, ot = n.indexLabelAngle > 0 && n.indexLabelAngle < Math.PI ? (f.y2 - (n.indexLabelTextBlock.y + n.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 + 5)) * -1 : f.y1 - (n.indexLabelTextBlock.y - n.indexLabelTextBlock.height / 2 - 5), ot > 0 && Math.abs(n.indexLabelTextBlock.x - u.x) < s && (nt = ot / Math.abs(Math.sin(n.indexLabelAngle)), nt > 9 && (nt = nt * .3), nt > k && (k = nt))); function r(n, i, r) { for (var f, o = [], s = 0, u = i;; u = (u + 1 + e.length) % e.length) if (o.push(t[u]), u === r) break; for (o.sort(function(n, t) { return n.y - t.y }), u = 0; u < o.length; u++) if (f = o[u], s < n) s += f.indexLabelTextBlock.height, f.indexLabelTextBlock.text = "", f.indexLabelText = "", f.indexLabelTextBlock.measureText(); else break } var st = -1, bt = -1, ct = 0; for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++)(tt = t[c], tt.indexLabelText) && (vt = d(c), vt !== null) && (lt = t[vt], l = 0, l = b(tt, lt), l < 0 && ht(tt, lt) ? (st < 0 && (st = c), vt !== st && (bt = vt), ct += -l) : ct > 0 && (r(ct, st, bt), st = -1, bt = -1, ct = 0)); ct > 0 && r(ct, st, bt) } } function g() { var t, n; if (r.plotArea.layoutManager.reset(), r._title && (r._title.dockInsidePlotArea || r._title.horizontalAlign === "center" && r._title.verticalAlign === "center") && r._title.render(), r.subtitles) for (t = 0; t < r.subtitles.length; t++) n = r.subtitles[t], (n.dockInsidePlotArea || n.horizontalAlign === "center" && n.verticalAlign === "center") && n.render(); r.legend && (r.legend.dockInsidePlotArea || r.legend.horizontalAlign === "center" && r.legend.verticalAlign === "center") && r.legend.render() } var r = this, ut = n.dataSeriesIndexes.length, o; if (!(ut <= 0)) { var ft = n.dataSeriesIndexes[0], i = this.data[ft], e = i.dataPoints, v = 10, nt = 500, f = this.plotArea, tt = 0, t = [], w = 2, it = 1.3, l = 20 / 180 * Math.PI, a = 6, u = { x: (f.x2 + f.x1) / 2, y: (f.y2 + f.y1) / 2 }, s = i.indexLabelPlacement === "inside" ? Math.min(f.width, f.height) * .92 / 2 : Math.min(f.width, f.height) * .8 / 2, at = s * .6, h = s * it, vt = s, k = 0; for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++) k += Math.abs(e[o].y); k !== 0 && (this.pieDoughnutClickHandler = function(n) { if (!r.isAnimating) { var u = n.dataPointIndex, t = n.dataPoint, i = this, f = i.dataPointIds[u]; t.exploded = t.exploded ? !1 : !0; i.dataPoints.length > 1 && r._animator.animate(0, nt, function(n) { rt(n); g() }); return } }, et(), lt(), this.disableToolTip = !0, this._animator.animate(0, this.animatedRender ? this.animationDuration : 0, function(n) { st(n); g() }, function() { r.disableToolTip = !1; r._animator.animate(0, r.animatedRender ? nt : 0, function(n) { rt(n); g() }) })) } }; t.prototype.animationRequestId = null; t.prototype.requestAnimFrame = function() { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(n) { window.setTimeout(n, 1e3 / 60) } }(); t.prototype.cancelRequestAnimFrame = function() { return window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame || window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame || clearTimeout }(); ft.prototype.registerSpace = function(n, t) { n === "top" ? this._topOccupied += t.height : n === "bottom" ? this._bottomOccupied += t.height : n === "left" ? this._leftOccupied += t.width : n === "right" && (this._rightOccupied += t.width) }; ft.prototype.unRegisterSpace = function(n, t) { n === "top" ? this._topOccupied -= t.height : n === "bottom" ? this._bottomOccupied -= t.height : n === "left" ? this._leftOccupied -= t.width : n === "right" && (this._rightOccupied -= t.width) }; ft.prototype.getFreeSpace = function() { return { x1: this._x1 + this._leftOccupied, y1: this._y1 + this._topOccupied, x2: this._x2 - this._rightOccupied, y2: this._y2 - this._bottomOccupied, width: this._x2 - this._x1 - this._rightOccupied - this._leftOccupied, height: this._y2 - this._y1 - this._bottomOccupied - this._topOccupied } }; ft.prototype.reset = function() { this._topOccupied = this._padding; this._bottomOccupied = this._padding; this._leftOccupied = this._padding; this._rightOccupied = this._padding }; w(c, h); c.prototype.render = function(n) { var f, i, u; n && this.ctx.save(); f = this.ctx.font; this.ctx.textBaseline = this.textBaseline; i = 0; this._isDirty && this.measureText(this.ctx); this.ctx.translate(this.x, this.y + i); this.textBaseline === "middle" && (i = -this._lineHeight / 2); this.ctx.font = this._getFontString(); this.ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * this.angle); var r = 0, e = this.padding, t = null; for ((this.borderThickness > 0 && this.borderColor || this.backgroundColor) && this.ctx.roundRect(0, i, this.width, this.height, this.cornerRadius, this.borderThickness, this.backgroundColor, this.borderColor), this.ctx.fillStyle = this.fontColor, u = 0; u < this._wrappedText.lines.length; u++) t = this._wrappedText.lines[u], this.horizontalAlign === "right" ? r = this.width - t.width - this.padding : this.horizontalAlign === "left" ? r = this.padding : this.horizontalAlign === "center" && (r = (this.width - this.padding * 2) / 2 - t.width / 2 + this.padding), this.ctx.fillText(t.text, r, e), e += t.height; this.ctx.font = f; n && this.ctx.restore() }; c.prototype.setText = function(n) { this.text = n; this._isDirty = !0; this._wrappedText = null }; c.prototype.measureText = function() { if (this.maxWidth === null) throw "Please set maxWidth and height for TextBlock"; return this._wrapText(this.ctx), this._isDirty = !1, { width: this.width, height: this.height } }; c.prototype._getLineWithWidth = function(n, t, i) { var r, h, e; if (n = String(n), i = i || !1, !n) return { text: "", width: 0 }; var u = 0, o = 0, s = n.length - 1, f = Infinity; for (this.ctx.font = this._getFontString(); o <= s;) if (f = Math.floor((o + s) / 2), r = n.substr(0, f + 1), u = this.ctx.measureText(r).width, u < t) o = f + 1; else if (u > t) s = f - 1; else break; return u > t && r.length > 1 && (r = r.substr(0, r.length - 1), u = this.ctx.measureText(r).width), h = !0, (r.length === n.length || n[r.length] === " ") && (h = !1), h && (e = r.split(" "), e.length > 1 && e.pop(), r = e.join(" "), u = this.ctx.measureText(r).width), { text: r, width: u } }; c.prototype._wrapText = function() { var t = new String(ht(String(this.text))), u = [], e = this.ctx.font, i = 0, r = 0, n; for (this.ctx.font = this._getFontString(); t.length > 0;) { var o = this.maxWidth - this.padding * 2, f = this.maxHeight - this.padding * 2, n = this._getLineWithWidth(t, o, !1); n.height = this._lineHeight; u.push(n); r = Math.max(r, n.width); i += n.height; t = ht(t.slice(n.text.length, t.length)); f && i > f && (n = u.pop(), i -= n.height) } this._wrappedText = { lines: u, width: r, height: i }; this.width = r + this.padding * 2; this.height = i + this.padding * 2; this.ctx.font = e }; c.prototype._getFontString = function() { return gi("", this, null) }; w(lt, h); lt.prototype.render = function() { var e, i; if (this.text) { var o = this.dockInsidePlotArea ? this.chart.plotArea : this.chart, n = o.layoutManager.getFreeSpace(), u = n.x1, f = n.y1, h = 0, s = 0, t = 2, a = this.chart._menuButton && this.chart.exportEnabled && this.verticalAlign === "top" ? 22 : 0, l, r; this.verticalAlign === "top" || this.verticalAlign === "bottom" ? (this.maxWidth === null && (this.maxWidth = n.width - t * 2 - a * (this.horizontalAlign === "center" ? 2 : 1)), s = n.height * .5 - this.margin - t, h = 0) : this.verticalAlign === "center" && (this.horizontalAlign === "left" || this.horizontalAlign === "right" ? (this.maxWidth === null && (this.maxWidth = n.height - t * 2), s = n.width * .5 - this.margin - t) : this.horizontalAlign === "center" && (this.maxWidth === null && (this.maxWidth = n.width - t * 2), s = n.height * .5 - t * 2)); this.wrap || (s = Math.min(s, Math.max(this.fontSize * 1.5, this.fontSize + this.padding * 2.5))); e = new c(this.ctx, { fontSize: this.fontSize, fontFamily: this.fontFamily, fontColor: this.fontColor, fontStyle: this.fontStyle, fontWeight: this.fontWeight, horizontalAlign: this.horizontalAlign, verticalAlign: this.verticalAlign, borderColor: this.borderColor, borderThickness: this.borderThickness, backgroundColor: this.backgroundColor, maxWidth: this.maxWidth, maxHeight: s, cornerRadius: this.cornerRadius, text: this.text, padding: this.padding, textBaseline: "top" }); i = e.measureText(); this.verticalAlign === "top" || this.verticalAlign === "bottom" ? (this.verticalAlign === "top" ? (f = n.y1 + t, r = "top") : this.verticalAlign === "bottom" && (f = n.y2 - t - i.height, r = "bottom"), this.horizontalAlign === "left" ? u = n.x1 + t : this.horizontalAlign === "center" ? u = n.x1 + n.width / 2 - i.width / 2 : this.horizontalAlign === "right" && (u = n.x2 - t - i.width - a), l = this.horizontalAlign, this.width = i.width, this.height = i.height) : this.verticalAlign === "center" && (this.horizontalAlign === "left" ? (u = n.x1 + t, f = n.y2 - t - (this.maxWidth / 2 - i.width / 2), h = -90, r = "left", this.width = i.height, this.height = i.width) : this.horizontalAlign === "right" ? (u = n.x2 - t, f = n.y1 + t + (this.maxWidth / 2 - i.width / 2), h = 90, r = "right", this.width = i.height, this.height = i.width) : this.horizontalAlign === "center" && (f = o.y1 + (o.height / 2 - i.height / 2), u = o.x1 + (o.width / 2 - i.width / 2), r = "center", this.width = i.width, this.height = i.height), l = "center"); e.x = u; e.y = f; e.angle = h; e.horizontalAlign = l; e.render(!0); o.layoutManager.registerSpace(r, { width: this.width + (r === "left" || r === "right" ? this.margin + t : 0), height: this.height + (r === "top" || r === "bottom" ? this.margin + t : 0) }); this.bounds = { x1: u, y1: f, x2: u + this.width, y2: f + this.height }; this.ctx.textBaseline = "top" } }; w(gt, h); gt.prototype.render = lt.prototype.render; w(ni, h); ni.prototype.render = function() { var ot = this.dockInsidePlotArea ? this.chart.plotArea : this.chart, f = ot.layoutManager.getFreeSpace(), ft = null, w = 0, b = 0, s = 0, h = 0, y = [], k = [], t, p, n, it, e, r, v, nt, at; for (this.verticalAlign === "top" || this.verticalAlign === "bottom" ? (this.orientation = "horizontal", ft = this.verticalAlign, s = this.maxWidth !== null ? this.maxWidth : f.width * .7, h = this.maxHeight !== null ? this.maxHeight : f.height * .5) : this.verticalAlign === "center" && (this.orientation = "vertical", ft = this.horizontalAlign, s = this.maxWidth !== null ? this.maxWidth : f.width * .5, h = this.maxHeight !== null ? this.maxHeight : f.height * .7), e = 0; e < this.dataSeries.length; e++) { if (t = this.dataSeries[e], t.type !== "pie" && t.type !== "doughnut" && t.type !== "funnel") { var st = t.legendMarkerType ? t.legendMarkerType : (t.type === "line" || t.type === "stepLine" || t.type === "spline" || t.type === "scatter" || t.type === "bubble") && t.markerType ? t.markerType : d.getDefaultLegendMarker(t.type), g = t.legendText ? t.legendText : this.itemTextFormatter ? this.itemTextFormatter({ chart: this.chart, legend: this._options, dataSeries: t, dataPoint: null }) : t.name, ht = t.legendMarkerColor ? t.legendMarkerColor : t.markerColor ? t.markerColor : t._colorSet[0], o = !t.markerSize && (t.type === "line" || t.type === "stepLine" || t.type === "spline") ? 0 : this.lineHeight * .6, ct = t.legendMarkerBorderColor ? t.legendMarkerBorderColor : t.markerBorderColor, lt = t.legendMarkerBorderThickness ? t.legendMarkerBorderThickness : t.markerBorderThickness ? Math.max(1, Math.round(o * .2)) : 0, vt = t._colorSet[0]; g = this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(g, t.dataPoints[0], t, e); n = { markerType: st, markerColor: ht, text: g, textBlock: null, chartType: t.type, markerSize: o, lineColor: t._colorSet[0], dataSeriesIndex: t.index, dataPointIndex: null, markerBorderColor: ct, markerBorderThickness: lt }; y.push(n) } else for (p = 0; p < t.dataPoints.length; p++) { var i = t.dataPoints[p], st = i.legendMarkerType ? i.legendMarkerType : t.legendMarkerType ? t.legendMarkerType : d.getDefaultLegendMarker(t.type), g = i.legendText ? i.legendText : t.legendText ? t.legendText : this.itemTextFormatter ? this.itemTextFormatter({ chart: this.chart, legend: this._options, dataSeries: t, dataPoint: i }) : i.name ? i.name : "DataPoint: " + (p + 1), ht = i.legendMarkerColor ? i.legendMarkerColor : t.legendMarkerColor ? t.legendMarkerColor : i.color ? i.color : t.color ? t.color : t._colorSet[p % t._colorSet.length], o = this.lineHeight * .6, ct = i.legendMarkerBorderColor ? i.legendMarkerBorderColor : t.legendMarkerBorderColor ? t.legendMarkerBorderColor : i.markerBorderColor ? i.markerBorderColor : t.markerBorderColor, lt = i.legendMarkerBorderThickness ? i.legendMarkerBorderThickness : t.legendMarkerBorderThickness ? t.legendMarkerBorderThickness : i.markerBorderThickness || t.markerBorderThickness ? Math.max(1, Math.round(o * .2)) : 0; g = this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(g, i, t, p); n = { markerType: st, markerColor: ht, text: g, textBlock: null, chartType: t.type, markerSize: o, dataSeriesIndex: e, dataPointIndex: p, markerBorderColor: ct, markerBorderThickness: lt }; (i.showInLegend || t.showInLegend && i.showInLegend !== !1) && y.push(n) } n = null } if (this.reversed === !0 && y.reverse(), y.length > 0) { var r = null, et = 0, l = 0, v = 0; for (l = this.itemWidth !== null ? this.itemMaxWidth !== null ? Math.min(this.itemWidth, this.itemMaxWidth, s) : Math.min(this.itemWidth, s) : this.itemMaxWidth !== null ? Math.min(this.itemMaxWidth, s) : s, o = o === 0 ? this.lineHeight * .6 : o, l = l - (o + this.horizontalSpacing * .1), e = 0; e < y.length; e++)(n = y[e], (n.chartType === "line" || n.chartType === "spline" || n.chartType === "stepLine") && (l = l - 2 * this.lineHeight * .1), h <= 0 || typeof h == "undefined" || l <= 0 || typeof l == "undefined") || (this.orientation === "horizontal" ? (n.textBlock = new c(this.ctx, { x: 0, y: 0, maxWidth: l, maxHeight: this.itemWrap ? h : this.lineHeight, angle: 0, text: n.text, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: this.fontSize, fontFamily: this.fontFamily, fontWeight: this.fontWeight, fontColor: this.fontColor, fontStyle: this.fontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), n.textBlock.measureText(), this.itemWidth !== null && (n.textBlock.width = this.itemWidth - (o + this.horizontalSpacing * .1 + (n.chartType === "line" || n.chartType === "spline" || n.chartType === "stepLine" ? 2 * this.lineHeight * .1 : 0))), (!r || r.width + Math.round(n.textBlock.width + this.horizontalSpacing * .1 + o + (r.width === 0 ? 0 : this.horizontalSpacing) + (n.chartType === "line" || n.chartType === "spline" || n.chartType === "stepLine" ? 2 * this.lineHeight * .1 : 0)) > s) && (r = { items: [], width: 0 }, k.push(r), this.height += v, v = 0), v = Math.max(v, n.textBlock.height), n.textBlock.x = r.width, n.textBlock.y = 0, r.width += Math.round(n.textBlock.width + this.horizontalSpacing * .1 + o + (r.width === 0 ? 0 : this.horizontalSpacing) + (n.chartType === "line" || n.chartType === "spline" || n.chartType === "stepLine" ? 2 * this.lineHeight * .1 : 0)), r.items.push(n), this.width = Math.max(r.width, this.width)) : (n.textBlock = new c(this.ctx, { x: 0, y: 0, maxWidth: l, maxHeight: this.itemWrap === !0 ? h : this.fontSize * 1.5, angle: 0, text: n.text, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: this.fontSize, fontFamily: this.fontFamily, fontWeight: this.fontWeight, fontColor: this.fontColor, fontStyle: this.fontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), n.textBlock.measureText(), this.itemWidth !== null && (n.textBlock.width = this.itemWidth - (o + this.horizontalSpacing * .1 + (n.chartType === "line" || n.chartType === "spline" || n.chartType === "stepLine" ? 2 * this.lineHeight * .1 : 0))), this.height <= h ? (r = { items: [], width: 0 }, k.push(r)) : (r = k[et], et = (et + 1) % k.length), this.height += n.textBlock.height, n.textBlock.x = r.width, n.textBlock.y = 0, r.width += Math.round(n.textBlock.width + this.horizontalSpacing * .1 + o + (r.width === 0 ? 0 : this.horizontalSpacing) + (n.chartType === "line" || n.chartType === "spline" || n.chartType === "stepLine" ? 2 * this.lineHeight * .1 : 0)), r.items.push(n), this.width = Math.max(r.width, this.width))); this.itemWrap === !1 ? this.height = k.length * this.lineHeight : this.height += v; this.height = Math.min(h, this.height); this.width = Math.min(s, this.width) } for (this.verticalAlign === "top" ? (b = this.horizontalAlign === "left" ? f.x1 : this.horizontalAlign === "right" ? f.x2 - this.width : f.x1 + f.width / 2 - this.width / 2, w = f.y1) : this.verticalAlign === "center" ? (b = this.horizontalAlign === "left" ? f.x1 : this.horizontalAlign === "right" ? f.x2 - this.width : f.x1 + f.width / 2 - this.width / 2, w = f.y1 + f.height / 2 - this.height / 2) : this.verticalAlign === "bottom" && (b = this.horizontalAlign === "left" ? f.x1 : this.horizontalAlign === "right" ? f.x2 - this.width : f.x1 + f.width / 2 - this.width / 2, w = f.y2 - this.height), this.items = y, e = 0; e < this.items.length; e++) n = y[e], n.id = ++this.chart._eventManager.lastObjectId, this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[n.id] = { id: n.id, objectType: "legendItem", legendItemIndex: e, dataSeriesIndex: n.dataSeriesIndex, dataPointIndex: n.dataPointIndex }; for (it = 0, e = 0; e < k.length; e++) { for (r = k[e], v = 0, nt = 0; nt < r.items.length; nt++) { var n = r.items[nt], tt = n.textBlock.x + b + (nt === 0 ? o * .2 : this.horizontalSpacing), rt = w + it, ut = tt; this.chart.data[n.dataSeriesIndex].visible || (this.ctx.globalAlpha = .5); this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.rect(b, w, s, h); this.ctx.clip(); (n.chartType === "line" || n.chartType === "stepLine" || n.chartType === "spline") && (this.ctx.strokeStyle = n.lineColor, this.ctx.lineWidth = Math.ceil(this.lineHeight / 8), this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(tt - this.lineHeight * .1, rt + this.lineHeight / 2), this.ctx.lineTo(tt + this.lineHeight * .7, rt + this.lineHeight / 2), this.ctx.stroke(), ut -= this.lineHeight * .1); a.drawMarker(tt + o / 2, rt + this.lineHeight / 2, this.ctx, n.markerType, n.markerSize, n.markerColor, n.markerBorderColor, n.markerBorderThickness); n.textBlock.x = tt + this.horizontalSpacing * .1 + o; (n.chartType === "line" || n.chartType === "stepLine" || n.chartType === "spline") && (n.textBlock.x = n.textBlock.x + this.lineHeight * .1); n.textBlock.y = rt; n.textBlock.render(!0); this.ctx.restore(); v = nt > 0 ? Math.max(v, n.textBlock.height) : n.textBlock.height; this.chart.data[n.dataSeriesIndex].visible || (this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1); at = u(n.id); this.ghostCtx.fillStyle = at; this.ghostCtx.beginPath(); this.ghostCtx.fillRect(ut, n.textBlock.y, n.textBlock.x + n.textBlock.width - ut, n.textBlock.height); n.x1 = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[n.id].x1 = ut; n.y1 = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[n.id].y1 = n.textBlock.y; n.x2 = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[n.id].x2 = n.textBlock.x + n.textBlock.width; n.y2 = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[n.id].y2 = n.textBlock.y + n.textBlock.height } it = it + v } ot.layoutManager.registerSpace(ft, { width: this.width + 2 + 2, height: this.height + 5 + 5 }); this.bounds = { x1: b, y1: w, x2: b + this.width, y2: w + this.height } }; w(fi, h); fi.prototype.render = function() { var n = this.chart.layoutManager.getFreeSpace(); this.ctx.fillStyle = "red"; this.ctx.fillRect(n.x1, n.y1, n.x2, n.y2) }; w(d, h); d.prototype.getDefaultAxisPlacement = function() { var n = this.type; return n === "column" || n === "line" || n === "stepLine" || n === "spline" || n === "area" || n === "stepArea" || n === "splineArea" || n === "stackedColumn" || n === "stackedLine" || n === "bubble" || n === "scatter" || n === "stackedArea" || n === "stackedColumn100" || n === "stackedLine100" || n === "stackedArea100" || n === "candlestick" || n === "ohlc" || n === "rangeColumn" || n === "rangeArea" || n === "rangeSplineArea" ? "normal" : n === "bar" || n === "stackedBar" || n === "stackedBar100" || n === "rangeBar" ? "xySwapped" : n === "pie" || n === "doughnut" || n === "funnel" ? "none" : (window.console.log("Unknown Chart Type: " + n), null) }; d.getDefaultLegendMarker = function(n) { return n === "column" || n === "stackedColumn" || n === "stackedLine" || n === "bar" || n === "stackedBar" || n === "stackedBar100" || n === "bubble" || n === "scatter" || n === "stackedColumn100" || n === "stackedLine100" || n === "stepArea" || n === "candlestick" || n === "ohlc" || n === "rangeColumn" || n === "rangeBar" || n === "rangeArea" || n === "rangeSplineArea" ? "square" : n === "line" || n === "stepLine" || n === "spline" || n === "pie" || n === "doughnut" || n === "funnel" ? "circle" : n === "area" || n === "splineArea" || n === "stackedArea" || n === "stackedArea100" ? "triangle" : (window.console.log("Unknown Chart Type: " + n), null) }; d.prototype.getDataPointAtX = function(n, t) { var s, h, c; if (!this.dataPoints || this.dataPoints.length === 0) return null; var i = { dataPoint: null, distance: Infinity, index: NaN }, o = null, r = 0, u = 0, f = 1, l = Infinity, a = 0, v = 0, y = 1e3, e = 0; for (this.chart.plotInfo.axisPlacement !== "none" && (s = this.dataPoints[this.dataPoints.length - 1].x - this.dataPoints[0].x, e = s > 0 ? Math.min(Math.max((this.dataPoints.length - 1) / s * (n - this.dataPoints[0].x) >> 0, 0), this.dataPoints.length) : 0);;) { if (u = f > 0 ? e + r : e - r, u >= 0 && u < this.dataPoints.length) { if (o = this.dataPoints[u], h = Math.abs(o.x - n), h < i.distance && (i.dataPoint = o, i.distance = h, i.index = u), c = Math.abs(o.x - n), c <= l ? l = c : f > 0 ? a++ : v++, a > y && v > y) break } else if (e - r < 0 && e + r >= this.dataPoints.length) break; f === -1 ? (r++, f = 1) : f = -1 } return t || i.dataPoint.x !== n ? t && i.dataPoint !== null ? i : null : i }; d.prototype.getDataPointAtXY = function(n, t, i) { var et, ut, nt, a, h, d, ot, tt, v, y, w; if (!this.dataPoints || this.dataPoints.length === 0) return null; i = i || !1; var e = [], b = 0, f = 0, l = 1, s = !1, g = Infinity, it = 0, rt = 0, ft = 1e3, k = 0; for (this.chart.plotInfo.axisPlacement !== "none" && (et = this.chart.axisX.getXValueAt({ x: n, y: t }), ut = this.dataPoints[this.dataPoints.length - 1].x - this.dataPoints[0].x, k = ut > 0 ? Math.min(Math.max((this.dataPoints.length - 1) / ut * (et - this.dataPoints[0].x) >> 0, 0), this.dataPoints.length) : 0);;) { if (f = l > 0 ? k + b : k - b, f >= 0 && f < this.dataPoints.length) { var st = this.dataPointIds[f], r = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[st], o = this.dataPoints[f], u = null; if (r) { switch (this.type) { case "column": case "stackedColumn": case "stackedColumn100": case "bar": case "stackedBar": case "stackedBar100": case "rangeColumn": case "rangeBar": n >= r.x1 && n <= r.x2 && t >= r.y1 && t <= r.y2 && (e.push({ dataPoint: o, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: Math.min(Math.abs(r.x1 - n), Math.abs(r.x2 - n), Math.abs(r.y1 - t), Math.abs(r.y2 - t)) }), s = !0); break; case "line": case "stepLine": case "spline": case "area": case "stepArea": case "stackedArea": case "stackedArea100": case "splineArea": case "scatter": h = p("markerSize", o, this) || 4; nt = i ? 20 : h; u = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r.x1 - n, 2) + Math.pow(r.y1 - t, 2)); u <= nt && e.push({ dataPoint: o, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: u }); a = Math.abs(r.x1 - n); a <= g ? g = a : l > 0 ? it++ : rt++; u <= h / 2 && (s = !0); break; case "rangeArea": case "rangeSplineArea": h = p("markerSize", o, this) || 4; nt = i ? 20 : h; u = Math.min(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r.x1 - n, 2) + Math.pow(r.y1 - t, 2)), Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r.x1 - n, 2) + Math.pow(r.y2 - t, 2))); u <= nt && e.push({ dataPoint: o, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: u }); a = Math.abs(r.x1 - n); a <= g ? g = a : l > 0 ? it++ : rt++; u <= h / 2 && (s = !0); break; case "bubble": h = r.size; u = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r.x1 - n, 2) + Math.pow(r.y1 - t, 2)); u <= h / 2 && (e.push({ dataPoint: o, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: u }), s = !0); break; case "pie": case "doughnut": if (d = r.center, ot = this.type === "doughnut" ? .6 * r.radius : 0, u = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(d.x - n, 2) + Math.pow(d.y - t, 2)), u < r.radius && u > ot) { var ht = t - d.y, ct = n - d.x, c = Math.atan2(ht, ct); c < 0 && (c += Math.PI * 2); c = Number(((c / Math.PI * 180 % 360 + 360) % 360).toFixed(12)); tt = Number(((r.startAngle / Math.PI * 180 % 360 + 360) % 360).toFixed(12)); v = Number(((r.endAngle / Math.PI * 180 % 360 + 360) % 360).toFixed(12)); v === 0 && r.endAngle > 1 && (v = 360); tt >= v && o.y !== 0 && (v += 360, c < tt && (c += 360)); c > tt && c < v && (e.push({ dataPoint: o, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: 0 }), s = !0) } break; case "candlestick": (n >= r.x1 - r.borderThickness / 2 && n <= r.x2 + r.borderThickness / 2 && t >= r.y2 - r.borderThickness / 2 && t <= r.y3 + r.borderThickness / 2 || Math.abs(r.x2 - n + r.x1 - n) < r.borderThickness && t >= r.y1 && t <= r.y4) && (e.push({ dataPoint: o, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: Math.min(Math.abs(r.x1 - n), Math.abs(r.x2 - n), Math.abs(r.y2 - t), Math.abs(r.y3 - t)) }), s = !0); break; case "ohlc": (Math.abs(r.x2 - n + r.x1 - n) < r.borderThickness && t >= r.y2 && t <= r.y3 || n >= r.x1 && n <= (r.x2 + r.x1) / 2 && t >= r.y1 - r.borderThickness / 2 && t <= r.y1 + r.borderThickness / 2 || n >= (r.x1 + r.x2) / 2 && n <= r.x2 && t >= r.y4 - r.borderThickness / 2 && t <= r.y4 + r.borderThickness / 2) && (e.push({ dataPoint: o, dataPointIndex: f, dataSeries: this, distance: Math.min(Math.abs(r.x1 - n), Math.abs(r.x2 - n), Math.abs(r.y2 - t), Math.abs(r.y3 - t)) }), s = !0) } if (s || it > ft && rt > ft) break } } else if (k - b < 0 && k + b >= this.dataPoints.length) break; l === -1 ? (b++, l = 1) : l = -1 } for (y = null, w = 0; w < e.length; w++) y ? e[w].distance <= y.distance && (y = e[w]) : y = e[w]; return y }; d.prototype.getMarkerProperties = function(n, t, i, r) { var u = this.dataPoints, f = this, e = u[n].markerColor ? u[n].markerColor : f.markerColor ? f.markerColor : u[n].color ? u[n].color : f.color ? f.color : f._colorSet[n % f._colorSet.length], o = u[n].markerBorderColor ? u[n].markerBorderColor : f.markerBorderColor ? f.markerBorderColor : null, s = u[n].markerBorderThickness ? u[n].markerBorderThickness : f.markerBorderThickness ? f.markerBorderThickness : null, h = u[n].markerType ? u[n].markerType : f.markerType, c = u[n].markerSize ? u[n].markerSize : f.markerSize; return { x: t, y: i, ctx: r, type: h, size: c, color: e, borderColor: o, borderThickness: s } }; w(e, h); e.prototype.createLabels = function() { var i, n = 0, f, r = 0, u = 0, e = 0, s, o, t; if (this._position === "bottom" || this._position === "top" ? (e = this.lineCoordinates.width / Math.abs(this.maximum - this.minimum) * this.interval, r = this.labelAutoFit ? typeof this._options.labelMaxWidth == "undefined" ? e * .9 >> 0 : this.labelMaxWidth : typeof this._options.labelMaxWidth == "undefined" ? this.chart.width * .7 >> 0 : this.labelMaxWidth, u = typeof this._options.labelWrap == "undefined" || this.labelWrap ? this.chart.height * .5 >> 0 : this.labelFontSize * 1.5) : (this._position === "left" || this._position === "right") && (e = this.lineCoordinates.height / Math.abs(this.maximum - this.minimum) * this.interval, r = this.labelAutoFit ? typeof this._options.labelMaxWidth == "undefined" ? this.chart.width * .3 >> 0 : this.labelMaxWidth : typeof this._options.labelMaxWidth == "undefined" ? this.chart.width * .5 >> 0 : this.labelMaxWidth, u = typeof this._options.labelWrap == "undefined" || this.labelWrap ? e * 2 >> 0 : this.labelFontSize * 1.5), this.type === "axisX" && this.chart.plotInfo.axisXValueType === "dateTime") for (f = oi(new Date(this.maximum), this.interval, this.intervalType), n = this.intervalstartTimePercent; n < f; oi(n, this.interval, this.intervalType)) s = n.getTime(), o = this.labelFormatter ? this.labelFormatter({ chart: this.chart, axis: this._options, value: n, label: this.labels[n] ? this.labels[n] : null }) : this.type === "axisX" && this.labels[s] ? this.labels[s] : ii(n, this.valueFormatString, this.chart._cultureInfo), i = new c(this.ctx, { x: 0, y: 0, maxWidth: r, maxHeight: u, angle: this.labelAngle, text: this.prefix + o + this.suffix, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: this.labelFontSize, fontFamily: this.labelFontFamily, fontWeight: this.labelFontWeight, fontColor: this.labelFontColor, fontStyle: this.labelFontStyle, textBaseline: "middle" }), this._labels.push({ position: n.getTime(), textBlock: i, effectiveHeight: null }); else { if (f = this.maximum, this.labels && this.labels.length) { var l = Math.ceil(this.interval), a = Math.ceil(this.intervalstartTimePercent), h = !1; for (n = a; n < this.maximum; n += l) if (this.labels[n]) h = !0; else { h = !1; break } h && (this.interval = l, this.intervalstartTimePercent = a) } for (n = this.intervalstartTimePercent; n <= f; n = parseFloat((n + this.interval).toFixed(14))) o = this.labelFormatter ? this.labelFormatter({ chart: this.chart, axis: this._options, value: n, label: this.labels[n] ? this.labels[n] : null }) : this.type === "axisX" && this.labels[n] ? this.labels[n] : it(n, this.valueFormatString, this.chart._cultureInfo), i = new c(this.ctx, { x: 0, y: 0, maxWidth: r, maxHeight: u, angle: this.labelAngle, text: this.prefix + o + this.suffix, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: this.labelFontSize, fontFamily: this.labelFontFamily, fontWeight: this.labelFontWeight, fontColor: this.labelFontColor, fontStyle: this.labelFontStyle, textBaseline: "middle", borderThickness: 0 }), this._labels.push({ position: n, textBlock: i, effectiveHeight: null }) } for (n = 0; n < this.stripLines.length; n++) t = this.stripLines[n], i = new c(this.ctx, { x: 0, y: 0, backgroundColor: t.labelBackgroundColor, maxWidth: r, maxHeight: u, angle: this.labelAngle, text: t.labelFormatter ? t.labelFormatter({ chart: this.chart, axis: this, stripLine: t }) : t.label, horizontalAlign: "left", fontSize: t.labelFontSize, fontFamily: t.labelFontFamily, fontWeight: t.labelFontWeight, fontColor: t._options.labelFontColor || t.color, fontStyle: t.labelFontStyle, textBaseline: "middle", borderThickness: 0 }), this._labels.push({ position: t.value, textBlock: i, effectiveHeight: null, stripLine: t }) }; e.prototype.createLabelsAndCalculateWidth = function() { var t = 0, u, f; if (this._labels = [], this._position === "left" || this._position === "right") for (this.createLabels(), i = 0; i < this._labels.length; i++) { var e = this._labels[i].textBlock, r = e.measureText(), n = 0; n = this.labelAngle === 0 ? r.width : r.width * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * Math.abs(this.labelAngle)) + r.height / 2 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * Math.abs(this.labelAngle)); t < n && (t = n); this._labels[i].effectiveWidth = n } return u = this.title ? pt(this.titleFontFamily, this.titleFontSize, this.titleFontWeight) + 2 : 0, f = u + t + this.tickLength + 5, f }; e.prototype.createLabelsAndCalculateHeight = function() { var r = 0, u, n, i, t, f; if (this._labels = [], n = 0, this.createLabels(), this._position === "bottom" || this._position === "top") for (n = 0; n < this._labels.length; n++) u = this._labels[n].textBlock, i = u.measureText(), t = 0, t = this.labelAngle === 0 ? i.height : i.width * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * Math.abs(this.labelAngle)) + i.height / 2 * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * Math.abs(this.labelAngle)), r < t && (r = t), this._labels[n].effectiveHeight = t; return f = this.title ? pt(this.titleFontFamily, this.titleFontSize, this.titleFontWeight) + 2 : 0, f + r + this.tickLength + 5 }; e.setLayoutAndRender = function(n, t, i, r, u) { var e, o, f, s, b = n.chart, c = b.ctx, a, v, k, y, p, w, d, g, h; n.calculateAxisParameters(); t && t.calculateAxisParameters(); i && i.calculateAxisParameters(); t && i && typeof t._options.maximum == "undefined" && typeof t._options.minimum == "undefined" && typeof t._options.interval == "undefined" && typeof i._options.maximum == "undefined" && typeof i._options.minimum == "undefined" && typeof i._options.interval == "undefined" && (a = (t.maximum - t.minimum) / t.interval, v = (i.maximum - i.minimum) / i.interval, a > v ? i.maximum = i.interval * a + i.minimum : v > a && (t.maximum = t.interval * v + t.minimum)); var nt = t ? t.lineThickness ? t.lineThickness : 0 : 0, tt = i ? i.lineThickness ? i.lineThickness : 0 : 0, it = t ? t.gridThickness ? t.gridThickness : 0 : 0, rt = i ? i.gridThickness ? i.gridThickness : 0 : 0, l = t ? t.margin : 0, ut = t ? t.margin : 0; r === "normal" ? (n.lineCoordinates = {}, k = Math.ceil(t ? t.createLabelsAndCalculateWidth() : 0), e = Math.round(u.x1 + k + l), n.lineCoordinates.x1 = e, y = Math.ceil(i ? i.createLabelsAndCalculateWidth() : 0), f = Math.round(u.x2 - y > n.chart.width - 10 ? n.chart.width - 10 : u.x2 - y), n.lineCoordinates.x2 = f, n.lineCoordinates.width = Math.abs(f - e), p = Math.ceil(n.createLabelsAndCalculateHeight()), o = Math.round(u.y2 - p - n.margin), s = Math.round(u.y2 - n.margin), n.lineCoordinates.y1 = o, n.lineCoordinates.y2 = o, n.boundingRect = { x1: e, y1: o, x2: f, y2: s, width: f - e, height: s - o }, t && (e = Math.round(u.x1 + t.margin), o = Math.round(u.y1 < 10 ? 10 : u.y1), f = Math.round(u.x1 + k + t.margin), s = Math.round(u.y2 - p - n.margin), t.lineCoordinates = { x1: f, y1: o, x2: f, y2: s, height: Math.abs(s - o) }, t.boundingRect = { x1: e, y1: o, x2: f, y2: s, width: f - e, height: s - o }), i && (e = Math.round(n.lineCoordinates.x2), o = Math.round(u.y1 < 10 ? 10 : u.y1), f = Math.round(e + y + i.margin), s = Math.round(u.y2 - p - n.margin), i.lineCoordinates = { x1: e, y1: o, x2: e, y2: s, height: Math.abs(s - o) }, i.boundingRect = { x1: e, y1: o, x2: f, y2: s, width: f - e, height: s - o }), n.calculateValueToPixelconversionParameters(), t && t.calculateValueToPixelconversionParameters(), i && i.calculateValueToPixelconversionParameters(), c.save(), c.rect(5, n.boundingRect.y1, n.chart.width - 10, n.boundingRect.height), c.clip(), n.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle(), c.restore(), t && t.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle(), i && i.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle(), b.preparePlotArea(), h = n.chart.plotArea, c.save(), c.rect(h.x1, h.y1, Math.abs(h.x2 - h.x1), Math.abs(h.y2 - h.y1)), c.clip(), n.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("value"), t && t.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("value"), i && i.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("value"), n.renderInterlacedColors(), t && t.renderInterlacedColors(), i && i.renderInterlacedColors(), c.restore(), n.renderGrid(), t && t.renderGrid(), i && i.renderGrid(), n.renderAxisLine(), t && t.renderAxisLine(), i && i.renderAxisLine(), n.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("pixel"), t && t.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("pixel"), i && i.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("pixel")) : (w = Math.ceil(n.createLabelsAndCalculateWidth()), t && (t.lineCoordinates = {}, e = Math.round(u.x1 + w + n.margin), f = Math.round(u.x2 > t.chart.width - 10 ? t.chart.width - 10 : u.x2), t.lineCoordinates.x1 = e, t.lineCoordinates.x2 = f, t.lineCoordinates.width = Math.abs(f - e)), i && (i.lineCoordinates = {}, e = Math.round(u.x1 + w + n.margin), f = Math.round(u.x2 > i.chart.width - 10 ? i.chart.width - 10 : u.x2), i.lineCoordinates.x1 = e, i.lineCoordinates.x2 = f, i.lineCoordinates.width = Math.abs(f - e)), d = Math.ceil(t ? t.createLabelsAndCalculateHeight() : 0), g = Math.ceil(i ? i.createLabelsAndCalculateHeight() : 0), t && (o = Math.round(u.y2 - d - t.margin), s = Math.round(u.y2 - l > t.chart.height - 10 ? t.chart.height - 10 : u.y2 - l), t.lineCoordinates.y1 = o, t.lineCoordinates.y2 = o, t.boundingRect = { x1: e, y1: o, x2: f, y2: s, width: f - e, height: d }), i && (o = Math.round(u.y1 + i.margin), s = u.y1 + i.margin + g, i.lineCoordinates.y1 = s, i.lineCoordinates.y2 = s, i.boundingRect = { x1: e, y1: o, x2: f, y2: s, width: f - e, height: g }), e = Math.round(u.x1 + n.margin), o = Math.round(i ? i.lineCoordinates.y2 : u.y1 < 10 ? 10 : u.y1), f = Math.round(u.x1 + w + n.margin), s = Math.round(t ? t.lineCoordinates.y1 : u.y2 - l > n.chart.height - 10 ? n.chart.height - 10 : u.y2 - l), n.lineCoordinates = { x1: f, y1: o, x2: f, y2: s, height: Math.abs(s - o) }, n.boundingRect = { x1: e, y1: o, x2: f, y2: s, width: f - e, height: s - o }, n.calculateValueToPixelconversionParameters(), t && t.calculateValueToPixelconversionParameters(), i && i.calculateValueToPixelconversionParameters(), t && t.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle(), i && i.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle(), n.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle(), b.preparePlotArea(), h = n.chart.plotArea, c.save(), c.rect(h.x1, h.y1, Math.abs(h.x2 - h.x1), Math.abs(h.y2 - h.y1)), c.clip(), n.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("value"), t && t.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("value"), i && i.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("value"), n.renderInterlacedColors(), t && t.renderInterlacedColors(), i && i.renderInterlacedColors(), c.restore(), n.renderGrid(), t && t.renderGrid(), i && i.renderGrid(), n.renderAxisLine(), t && t.renderAxisLine(), i && i.renderAxisLine(), n.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("pixel"), t && t.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("pixel"), i && i.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType("pixel")) }; e.prototype.renderLabelsTicksAndTitle = function() { var u = !1, o = 0, l = 1, s = 0, v = this.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * this.interval, h, r, f, a, t, i, n, e; if (this.labelAngle !== 0 && this.labelAngle !== 360 && (l = 1.2), typeof this._options.interval == "undefined") { if (this._position === "bottom" || this._position === "top") { for (n = 0; n < this._labels.length; n++)(t = this._labels[n], t.position < this.minimum || t.stripLine) || (h = t.textBlock.width * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) + t.textBlock.height * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle), o += h); o > this.lineCoordinates.width * l && (u = !0) } if (this._position === "left" || this._position === "right") { for (n = 0; n < this._labels.length; n++)(t = this._labels[n], t.position < this.minimum || t.stripLine) || (h = t.textBlock.height * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) + t.textBlock.width * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle), o += h); o > this.lineCoordinates.height * l && (u = !0) } } if (this._position === "bottom") { for (n = 0, n = 0; n < this._labels.length; n++)(t = this._labels[n], t.position < this.minimum || t.position > this.maximum) || (i = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(t.position), (this.tickThickness && !this._labels[n].stripLine || this._labels[n].stripLine && this._labels[n].stripLine._thicknessType === "pixel") && (this._labels[n].stripLine ? (r = this._labels[n].stripLine, this.ctx.lineWidth = r.thickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = r.color) : (this.ctx.lineWidth = this.tickThickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.tickColor), f = this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 == 1 ? (i.x << 0) + .5 : i.x << 0, this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(f, i.y << 0), this.ctx.lineTo(f, i.y + this.tickLength << 0), this.ctx.stroke()), !u || s++ % 2 == 0 || this._labels[n].stripLine) && (t.textBlock.angle === 0 ? (i.x -= t.textBlock.width / 2, i.y += this.tickLength + t.textBlock.fontSize / 2) : (i.x -= this.labelAngle < 0 ? t.textBlock.width * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) : 0, i.y += this.tickLength + Math.abs(this.labelAngle < 0 ? t.textBlock.width * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) - 5 : 5)), t.textBlock.x = i.x, t.textBlock.y = i.y, t.textBlock.render(!0)); this.title && (this._titleTextBlock = new c(this.ctx, { x: this.lineCoordinates.x1, y: this.boundingRect.y2 - this.titleFontSize - 5, maxWidth: this.lineCoordinates.width, maxHeight: this.titleFontSize * 1.5, angle: 0, text: this.title, horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: this.titleFontSize, fontFamily: this.titleFontFamily, fontWeight: this.titleFontWeight, fontColor: this.titleFontColor, fontStyle: this.titleFontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), this._titleTextBlock.measureText(), this._titleTextBlock.x = this.lineCoordinates.x1 + this.lineCoordinates.width / 2 - this._titleTextBlock.width / 2, this._titleTextBlock.y = this.boundingRect.y2 - this._titleTextBlock.height - 3, this._titleTextBlock.render(!0)) } else if (this._position === "top") { for (n = 0, n = 0; n < this._labels.length; n++)(t = this._labels[n], t.position < this.minimum || t.position > this.maximum) || (i = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(t.position), (this.tickThickness && !this._labels[n].stripLine || this._labels[n].stripLine && this._labels[n].stripLine._thicknessType === "pixel") && (this._labels[n].stripLine ? (r = this._labels[n].stripLine, this.ctx.lineWidth = r.thickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = r.color) : (this.ctx.lineWidth = this.tickThickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.tickColor), f = this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 == 1 ? (i.x << 0) + .5 : i.x << 0, this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(f, i.y << 0), this.ctx.lineTo(f, i.y - this.tickLength << 0), this.ctx.stroke()), !u || s++ % 2 == 0 || this._labels[n].stripLine) && (t.textBlock.angle === 0 ? (i.x -= t.textBlock.width / 2, i.y -= this.tickLength + t.textBlock.height / 2) : (i.x -= this.labelAngle > 0 ? t.textBlock.width * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) : 0, i.y -= this.tickLength + Math.abs(this.labelAngle > 0 ? t.textBlock.width * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) + 5 : 5)), t.textBlock.x = i.x, t.textBlock.y = i.y, t.textBlock.render(!0)); this.title && (this._titleTextBlock = new c(this.ctx, { x: this.lineCoordinates.x1, y: this.boundingRect.y1 + 1, maxWidth: this.lineCoordinates.width, maxHeight: this.titleFontSize * 1.5, angle: 0, text: this.title, horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: this.titleFontSize, fontFamily: this.titleFontFamily, fontWeight: this.titleFontWeight, fontColor: this.titleFontColor, fontStyle: this.titleFontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), this._titleTextBlock.measureText(), this._titleTextBlock.x = this.lineCoordinates.x1 + this.lineCoordinates.width / 2 - this._titleTextBlock.width / 2, this._titleTextBlock.render(!0)) } else if (this._position === "left") { for (n = 0; n < this._labels.length; n++)(t = this._labels[n], t.position < this.minimum || t.position > this.maximum) || (i = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(t.position), (this.tickThickness && !this._labels[n].stripLine || this._labels[n].stripLine && this._labels[n].stripLine._thicknessType === "pixel") && (this._labels[n].stripLine ? (r = this._labels[n].stripLine, this.ctx.lineWidth = r.thickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = r.color) : (this.ctx.lineWidth = this.tickThickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.tickColor), e = this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 == 1 ? (i.y << 0) + .5 : i.y << 0, this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(i.x << 0, e), this.ctx.lineTo(i.x - this.tickLength << 0, e), this.ctx.stroke()), !u || s++ % 2 == 0 || this._labels[n].stripLine) && (t.textBlock.x = i.x - t.textBlock.width * Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle) - this.tickLength - 5, t.textBlock.y = this.labelAngle === 0 ? i.y : i.y - t.textBlock.width * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * this.labelAngle), t.textBlock.render(!0)); this.title && (this._titleTextBlock = new c(this.ctx, { x: this.boundingRect.x1 + 1, y: this.lineCoordinates.y2, maxWidth: this.lineCoordinates.height, maxHeight: this.titleFontSize * 1.5, angle: -90, text: this.title, horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: this.titleFontSize, fontFamily: this.titleFontFamily, fontWeight: this.titleFontWeight, fontColor: this.titleFontColor, fontStyle: this.titleFontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), a = this._titleTextBlock.measureText(), this._titleTextBlock.y = this.lineCoordinates.height / 2 + this._titleTextBlock.width / 2 + this.lineCoordinates.y1, this._titleTextBlock.render(!0)) } else if (this._position === "right") { for (n = 0; n < this._labels.length; n++)(t = this._labels[n], t.position < this.minimum || t.position > this.maximum) || (i = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(t.position), (this.tickThickness && !this._labels[n].stripLine || this._labels[n].stripLine && this._labels[n].stripLine._thicknessType === "pixel") && (this._labels[n].stripLine ? (r = this._labels[n].stripLine, this.ctx.lineWidth = r.thickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = r.color) : (this.ctx.lineWidth = this.tickThickness, this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.tickColor), e = this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 == 1 ? (i.y << 0) + .5 : i.y << 0, this.ctx.beginPath(), this.ctx.moveTo(i.x << 0, e), this.ctx.lineTo(i.x + this.tickLength << 0, e), this.ctx.stroke()), !u || s++ % 2 == 0 || this._labels[n].stripLine) && (t.textBlock.x = i.x + this.tickLength + 5, t.textBlock.y = this.labelAngle === 0 ? i.y : i.y, t.textBlock.render(!0)); this.title && (this._titleTextBlock = new c(this.ctx, { x: this.boundingRect.x2 - 1, y: this.lineCoordinates.y2, maxWidth: this.lineCoordinates.height, maxHeight: this.titleFontSize * 1.5, angle: 90, text: this.title, horizontalAlign: "center", fontSize: this.titleFontSize, fontFamily: this.titleFontFamily, fontWeight: this.titleFontWeight, fontColor: this.titleFontColor, fontStyle: this.titleFontStyle, textBaseline: "top" }), this._titleTextBlock.measureText(), this._titleTextBlock.y = this.lineCoordinates.height / 2 - this._titleTextBlock.width / 2 + this.lineCoordinates.y1, this._titleTextBlock.render(!0)) } }; e.prototype.renderInterlacedColors = function() { var u = this.chart.plotArea.ctx, t, f, i = this.chart.plotArea, n = 0, r = !0; if ((this._position === "bottom" || this._position === "top") && this.interlacedColor) for (u.fillStyle = this.interlacedColor, n = 0; n < this._labels.length; n++) this._labels[n].stripLine || (r ? (t = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[n].position), f = n + 1 >= this._labels.length - 1 ? this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this.maximum) : this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[n + 1].position), u.fillRect(t.x, i.y1, Math.abs(f.x - t.x), Math.abs(i.y1 - i.y2)), r = !1) : r = !0); else if ((this._position === "left" || this._position === "right") && this.interlacedColor) for (u.fillStyle = this.interlacedColor, n = 0; n < this._labels.length; n++) this._labels[n].stripLine || (r ? (f = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[n].position), t = n + 1 >= this._labels.length - 1 ? this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this.maximum) : this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[n + 1].position), u.fillRect(i.x1, t.y, Math.abs(i.x1 - i.x2), Math.abs(t.y - f.y)), r = !1) : r = !0); u.beginPath() }; e.prototype.renderStripLinesOfThicknessType = function(n) { var r, i, t; if (this.stripLines && this.stripLines.length > 0 && n) for (r = this, i = 0, i = 0; i < this.stripLines.length; i++)(t = this.stripLines[i], t._thicknessType === n) && (n === "pixel" && (t.value < this.minimum || t.value > this.maximum) || (t.showOnTop ? this.chart.addEventListener("dataAnimationIterationEnd", t.render, t) : t.render())) }; e.prototype.renderGrid = function() { var n, i, r, u, t, f; if (this.gridThickness && this.gridThickness > 0) if (n = this.chart.ctx, r = this.chart.plotArea, n.lineWidth = this.gridThickness, n.strokeStyle = this.gridColor, n.setLineDash && n.setLineDash(y(this.gridDashType, this.gridThickness)), this._position === "bottom" || this._position === "top") for (t = 0; t < this._labels.length && !this._labels[t].stripLine; t++) this._labels[t].position < this.minimum || this._labels[t].position > this.maximum || (n.beginPath(), i = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[t].position), u = n.lineWidth % 2 == 1 ? (i.x << 0) + .5 : i.x << 0, n.moveTo(u, r.y1 << 0), n.lineTo(u, r.y2 << 0), n.stroke()); else if (this._position === "left" || this._position === "right") for (t = 0; t < this._labels.length && !this._labels[t].stripLine; t++) t === 0 && this.type === "axisY" && this.chart.axisX && this.chart.axisX.lineThickness || this._labels[t].position < this.minimum || this._labels[t].position > this.maximum || (n.beginPath(), i = this.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this._labels[t].position), f = n.lineWidth % 2 == 1 ? (i.y << 0) + .5 : i.y << 0, n.moveTo(r.x1 << 0, f), n.lineTo(r.x2 << 0, f), n.stroke()) }; e.prototype.renderAxisLine = function() { var n = this.chart.ctx, t, i; this._position === "bottom" || this._position === "top" ? this.lineThickness && (n.lineWidth = this.lineThickness, n.strokeStyle = this.lineColor ? this.lineColor : "black", n.setLineDash && n.setLineDash(y(this.lineDashType, this.lineThickness)), t = this.lineThickness % 2 == 1 ? (this.lineCoordinates.y1 << 0) + .5 : this.lineCoordinates.y1 << 0, n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(this.lineCoordinates.x1, t), n.lineTo(this.lineCoordinates.x2, t), n.stroke()) : (this._position === "left" || this._position === "right") && this.lineThickness && (n.lineWidth = this.lineThickness, n.strokeStyle = this.lineColor, n.setLineDash && n.setLineDash(y(this.lineDashType, this.lineThickness)), i = this.lineThickness % 2 == 1 ? (this.lineCoordinates.x1 << 0) + .5 : this.lineCoordinates.x1 << 0, n.beginPath(), n.moveTo(i, this.lineCoordinates.y1), n.lineTo(i, this.lineCoordinates.y2), n.stroke()) }; e.prototype.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis = function(n) { var t = {}, r = this.lineCoordinates.width, u = this.lineCoordinates.height, i; return (this._position === "bottom" || this._position === "top") && (i = r / Math.abs(this.maximum - this.minimum), t.x = this.lineCoordinates.x1 + i * (n - this.minimum), t.y = this.lineCoordinates.y1), (this._position === "left" || this._position === "right") && (i = u / Math.abs(this.maximum - this.minimum), t.y = this.lineCoordinates.y2 - i * (n - this.minimum), t.x = this.lineCoordinates.x2), t }; e.prototype.getXValueAt = function(n) { if (!n) return null; var t = null; return this._position === "left" ? t = (this.chart.axisX.maximum - this.chart.axisX.minimum) / this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.height * (this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.y2 - n.y) + this.chart.axisX.minimum : this._position === "bottom" && (t = (this.chart.axisX.maximum - this.chart.axisX.minimum) / this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.width * (n.x - this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.x1) + this.chart.axisX.minimum), t }; e.prototype.calculateValueToPixelconversionParameters = function() { var n = { pixelPerUnit: null, minimum: null, reference: null }, t = this.lineCoordinates.width, i = this.lineCoordinates.height; n.minimum = this.minimum; (this._position === "bottom" || this._position === "top") && (n.pixelPerUnit = t / Math.abs(this.maximum - this.minimum), n.reference = this.lineCoordinates.x1); (this._position === "left" || this._position === "right") && (n.pixelPerUnit = -1 * i / Math.abs(this.maximum - this.minimum), n.reference = this.lineCoordinates.y2); this.conversionParameters = n }; e.prototype.calculateAxisParameters = function() { var h = this.chart.layoutManager.getFreeSpace(), l = !1, t, r, i, o, n, u, s, c; if (this._position === "bottom" || this._position === "top" ? (this.maxWidth = h.width, this.maxHeight = h.height) : (this.maxWidth = h.height, this.maxHeight = h.width), t = this.type === "axisX" ? this.maxWidth < 500 ? 8 : Math.max(6, Math.floor(this.maxWidth / 62)) : Math.max(Math.floor(this.maxWidth / 40), 2), u = 0, this.type === "axisX" ? (r = this.sessionVariables.internalMinimum !== null ? this.sessionVariables.internalMinimum : this.dataInfo.viewPortMin, i = this.sessionVariables.internalMaximum !== null ? this.sessionVariables.internalMaximum : this.dataInfo.viewPortMax, i - r == 0 && (u = typeof this._options.interval == "undefined" ? .4 : this._options.interval, i += u, r -= u), this.dataInfo.minDiff !== Infinity ? o = this.dataInfo.minDiff : i - r > 1 ? o = Math.abs(i - r) * .5 : (o = 1, this.chart.plotInfo.axisXValueType === "dateTime" && (l = !0))) : this.type === "axisY" && (r = typeof this._options.minimum == "undefined" || this._options.minimum === null ? this.dataInfo.viewPortMin : this._options.minimum, i = typeof this._options.maximum == "undefined" || this._options.maximum === null ? this.dataInfo.viewPortMax : this._options.maximum, isFinite(r) || isFinite(i) ? r === 0 && i === 0 ? (i += 9, r = 0) : i - r == 0 ? (u = Math.min(Math.abs(Math.abs(i) * .01), 5), i += u, r -= u) : r > i ? (u = Math.min(Math.abs(Math.abs(i - r) * .01), 5), i >= 0 ? r = i - u : i = r + u) : (u = Math.min(Math.abs(Math.abs(i - r) * .01), .05), i !== 0 && (i += u), r !== 0 && (r -= u)) : (i = typeof this._options.interval == "undefined" ? -Infinity : this._options.interval, r = 0), this.includeZero && (typeof this._options.minimum == "undefined" || this._options.minimum === null) && r > 0 && (r = 0), this.includeZero && (typeof this._options.maximum == "undefined" || this._options.maximum === null) && i < 0 && (i = 0)), this.type === "axisX" && this.chart.plotInfo.axisXValueType === "dateTime" ? (n = i - r, this.intervalType || (n / 1 <= t ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 2 <= t ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 5 <= t ? (this.interval = 5, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 10 <= t ? (this.interval = 10, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 20 <= t ? (this.interval = 20, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 50 <= t ? (this.interval = 50, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 100 <= t ? (this.interval = 100, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 200 <= t ? (this.interval = 200, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 250 <= t ? (this.interval = 250, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 300 <= t ? (this.interval = 300, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 400 <= t ? (this.interval = 400, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / 500 <= t ? (this.interval = 500, this.intervalType = "millisecond") : n / (f.secondDuration * 1) <= t ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "second") : n / (f.secondDuration * 2) <= t ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "second") : n / (f.secondDuration * 5) <= t ? (this.interval = 5, this.intervalType = "second") : n / (f.secondDuration * 10) <= t ? (this.interval = 10, this.intervalType = "second") : n / (f.secondDuration * 15) <= t ? (this.interval = 15, this.intervalType = "second") : n / (f.secondDuration * 20) <= t ? (this.interval = 20, this.intervalType = "second") : n / (f.secondDuration * 30) <= t ? (this.interval = 30, this.intervalType = "second") : n / (f.minuteDuration * 1) <= t ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "minute") : n / (f.minuteDuration * 2) <= t ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "minute") : n / (f.minuteDuration * 5) <= t ? (this.interval = 5, this.intervalType = "minute") : n / (f.minuteDuration * 10) <= t ? (this.interval = 10, this.intervalType = "minute") : n / (f.minuteDuration * 15) <= t ? (this.interval = 15, this.intervalType = "minute") : n / (f.minuteDuration * 20) <= t ? (this.interval = 20, this.intervalType = "minute") : n / (f.minuteDuration * 30) <= t ? (this.interval = 30, this.intervalType = "minute") : n / (f.hourDuration * 1) <= t ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "hour") : n / (f.hourDuration * 2) <= t ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "hour") : n / (f.hourDuration * 3) <= t ? (this.interval = 3, this.intervalType = "hour") : n / (f.hourDuration * 6) <= t ? (this.interval = 6, this.intervalType = "hour") : n / (f.dayDuration * 1) <= t ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "day") : n / (f.dayDuration * 2) <= t ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "day") : n / (f.dayDuration * 4) <= t ? (this.interval = 4, this.intervalType = "day") : n / (f.weekDuration * 1) <= t ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "week") : n / (f.weekDuration * 2) <= t ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "week") : n / (f.weekDuration * 3) <= t ? (this.interval = 3, this.intervalType = "week") : n / (f.monthDuration * 1) <= t ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "month") : n / (f.monthDuration * 2) <= t ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "month") : n / (f.monthDuration * 3) <= t ? (this.interval = 3, this.intervalType = "month") : n / (f.monthDuration * 6) <= t ? (this.interval = 6, this.intervalType = "month") : n / (f.yearDuration * 1) <= t ? (this.interval = 1, this.intervalType = "year") : n / (f.yearDuration * 2) <= t ? (this.interval = 2, this.intervalType = "year") : n / (f.yearDuration * 4) <= t ? (this.interval = 4, this.intervalType = "year") : (this.interval = Math.floor(e.getNiceNumber(n / (t - 1), !0) / f.yearDuration), this.intervalType = "year")), this.minimum = this.sessionVariables.internalMinimum !== null ? this.sessionVariables.internalMinimum : r - o / 2, this.maximum = this.sessionVariables.internalMaximum !== null ? this.sessionVariables.internalMaximum : i + o / 2, this.valueFormatString || (l ? this.valueFormatString = "MMM DD YYYY HH:mm" : this.intervalType === "year" ? this.valueFormatString = "YYYY" : this.intervalType === "month" ? this.valueFormatString = "MMM YYYY" : this.intervalType === "week" ? this.valueFormatString = "MMM DD YYYY" : this.intervalType === "day" ? this.valueFormatString = "MMM DD YYYY" : this.intervalType === "hour" ? this.valueFormatString = "hh:mm TT" : this.intervalType === "minute" ? this.valueFormatString = "hh:mm TT" : this.intervalType === "second" ? this.valueFormatString = "hh:mm:ss TT" : this.intervalType === "millisecond" && (this.valueFormatString = "fff'ms'")), this.intervalstartTimePercent = this.getLabelStartPoint(new Date(this.minimum), this.intervalType, this.interval)) : (this.intervalType = "number", n = e.getNiceNumber(i - r, !1), this.interval = this._options && this._options.interval ? this._options.interval : e.getNiceNumber(n / (t - 1), !0), this.minimum = this.sessionVariables.internalMinimum !== null ? this.sessionVariables.internalMinimum : Math.floor(r / this.interval) * this.interval, this.maximum = this.sessionVariables.internalMaximum !== null ? this.sessionVariables.internalMaximum : Math.ceil(i / this.interval) * this.interval, this.maximum === 0 && this.minimum === 0 && (this._options.minimum === 0 ? this.maximum += 10 : this._options.maximum === 0 && (this.minimum -= 10), this._options && typeof this._options.interval == "undefined" && (this.interval = e.getNiceNumber((this.maximum - this.minimum) / (t - 1), !0))), this.type === "axisX" ? (this.sessionVariables.internalMinimum !== null || (this.minimum = r - o / 2), this.sessionVariables.internalMaximum !== null || (this.maximum = i + o / 2), this.intervalstartTimePercent = Math.floor((this.minimum + this.interval * .2) / this.interval) * this.interval) : this.type === "axisY" && (this.intervalstartTimePercent = this.minimum)), this.type === "axisX" && (this._absoluteMinimum = this._options && typeof this._options.minimum != "undefined" ? this._options.minimum : this.dataInfo.min - o / 2, this._absoluteMaximum = this._options && typeof this._options.maximum != "undefined" ? this._options.maximum : this.dataInfo.max + o / 2), !this.valueFormatString && (this.valueFormatString = "#,##0.##", n = Math.abs(this.maximum - this.minimum), n < 1 && (s = Math.floor(Math.abs(Math.log(n) / Math.LN10)) + 2, (isNaN(s) || !isFinite(s)) && (s = 2), s > 2))) for (c = 0; c < s - 2; c++) this.valueFormatString += "#" }; e.getNiceNumber = function(n, t) { var r = Math.floor(Math.log(n) / Math.LN10), i = n / Math.pow(10, r), u; return u = t ? i < 1.5 ? 1 : i < 3 ? 2 : i < 7 ? 5 : 10 : i <= 1 ? 1 : i <= 2 ? 2 : i <= 5 ? 5 : 10, Number((u * Math.pow(10, r)).toFixed(20)) }; e.prototype.getLabelStartPoint = function() { var t = st(this.interval, this.intervalType), i = Math.floor(this.minimum / t) * t, n = new Date(i); return this.intervalType === "millisecond" || (this.intervalType === "second" ? n.getMilliseconds() > 0 && (n.setSeconds(n.getSeconds() + 1), n.setMilliseconds(0)) : this.intervalType === "minute" ? (n.getSeconds() > 0 || n.getMilliseconds() > 0) && (n.setMinutes(n.getMinutes() + 1), n.setSeconds(0), n.setMilliseconds(0)) : this.intervalType === "hour" ? (n.getMinutes() > 0 || n.getSeconds() > 0 || n.getMilliseconds() > 0) && (n.setHours(n.getHours() + 1), n.setMinutes(0), n.setSeconds(0), n.setMilliseconds(0)) : this.intervalType === "day" ? (n.getHours() > 0 || n.getMinutes() > 0 || n.getSeconds() > 0 || n.getMilliseconds() > 0) && (n.setDate(n.getDate() + 1), n.setHours(0), n.setMinutes(0), n.setSeconds(0), n.setMilliseconds(0)) : this.intervalType === "week" ? (n.getDay() > 0 || n.getHours() > 0 || n.getMinutes() > 0 || n.getSeconds() > 0 || n.getMilliseconds() > 0) && (n.setDate(n.getDate() + (7 - n.getDay())), n.setHours(0), n.setMinutes(0), n.setSeconds(0), n.setMilliseconds(0)) : this.intervalType === "month" ? (n.getDate() > 1 || n.getHours() > 0 || n.getMinutes() > 0 || n.getSeconds() > 0 || n.getMilliseconds() > 0) && (n.setMonth(n.getMonth() + 1), n.setDate(1), n.setHours(0), n.setMinutes(0), n.setSeconds(0), n.setMilliseconds(0)) : this.intervalType === "year" && (n.getMonth() > 0 || n.getDate() > 1 || n.getHours() > 0 || n.getMinutes() > 0 || n.getSeconds() > 0 || n.getMilliseconds() > 0) && (n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear() + 1), n.setMonth(0), n.setDate(1), n.setHours(0), n.setMinutes(0), n.setSeconds(0), n.setMilliseconds(0))), n }; w(ti, h); ti.prototype.render = function() { var n = this.parent.getPixelCoordinatesOnAxis(this.value), t = Math.abs(this._thicknessType === "pixel" ? this.thickness : this.parent.conversionParameters.pixelPerUnit * this.thickness), o, s, l, i, r, f, e, h, c; t > 0 && (o = this.opacity === null ? 1 : this.opacity, this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.color, this.ctx.beginPath(), s = this.ctx.globalAlpha, this.ctx.globalAlpha = o, l = u(this.id), this.ctx.lineWidth = t, this.ctx.setLineDash && this.ctx.setLineDash(y(this.lineDashType, t)), this.parent._position === "bottom" || this.parent._position === "top" ? (h = this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 == 1 ? (n.x << 0) + .5 : n.x << 0, i = r = h, f = this.chart.plotArea.y1, e = this.chart.plotArea.y2) : (this.parent._position === "left" || this.parent._position === "right") && (c = this.ctx.lineWidth % 2 == 1 ? (n.y << 0) + .5 : n.y << 0, f = e = c, i = this.chart.plotArea.x1, r = this.chart.plotArea.x2), this.ctx.moveTo(i, f), this.ctx.lineTo(r, e), this.ctx.stroke(), this.ctx.globalAlpha = s) }; w(k, h); k.prototype._initialize = function() { if (this.enabled) { this.container = document.createElement("div"); this.container.setAttribute("class", "canvasjs-chart-tooltip"); this.container.style.position = "absolute"; this.container.style.height = "auto"; this.container.style.boxShadow = "1px 1px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"; this.container.style.zIndex = "1000"; this.container.style.display = "none"; var t = '<div style=" width: auto;'; t += "height: auto;"; t += "min-width: 50px;"; t += "line-height: auto;"; t += "margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"; t += "padding: 5px;"; t += "font-family: Calibri, Arial, Georgia, serif;"; t += "font-weight: normal;"; t += "font-style: " + (n ? "italic;" : "normal;"); t += "font-size: 14px;"; t += "color: #000000;"; t += "text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);"; t += "text-align: left;"; t += "border: 2px solid gray;"; t += n ? "background: rgba(255,255,255,.9);" : "background: rgb(255,255,255);"; t += "text-indent: 0px;"; t += "white-space: nowrap;"; t += "border-radius: 5px;"; t += "-moz-user-select:none;"; t += "-khtml-user-select: none;"; t += "-webkit-user-select: none;"; t += "-ms-user-select: none;"; t += "user-select: none;"; n || (t += "filter: alpha(opacity = 90);", t += "filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=3, Direction=135, Color='#666666');"); t += '} "> Sample Tooltip<\/div>'; this.container.innerHTML = t; this.contentDiv = this.container.firstChild; this.container.style.borderRadius = this.contentDiv.style.borderRadius; this.chart._canvasJSContainer.appendChild(this.container) } }; k.prototype.mouseMoveHandler = function(n, t) { this._lastUpdated && (new Date).getTime() - this._lastUpdated < 40 || (this._lastUpdated = (new Date).getTime(), this._updateToolTip(n, t)) }; k.prototype._updateToolTip = function(t, i) { var o, e, p, a, v, f, h, c, y; if (!this.chart.disableToolTip) { if (typeof t == "undefined" || typeof i == "undefined") { if (isNaN(this._prevX) || isNaN(this._prevY)) return; t = this._prevX; i = this._prevY } else this._prevX = t, this._prevY = i; var l = null, u = null, r = [], s, h = 0; if (this.shared && this.enabled && this.chart.plotInfo.axisPlacement !== "none") { for (h = this.chart.plotInfo.axisPlacement === "xySwapped" ? (this.chart.axisX.maximum - this.chart.axisX.minimum) / this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.height * (this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.y2 - i) + this.chart.axisX.minimum : (this.chart.axisX.maximum - this.chart.axisX.minimum) / this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.width * (t - this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.x1) + this.chart.axisX.minimum, o = [], e = 0; e < this.chart.data.length; e++) f = this.chart.data[e].getDataPointAtX(h, !0), f && f.index >= 0 && (f.dataSeries = this.chart.data[e], f.dataPoint.y !== null && o.push(f)); if (o.length === 0) return; for (o.sort(function(n, t) { return n.distance - t.distance }), p = o[0], e = 0; e < o.length; e++) o[e].dataPoint.x.valueOf() === p.dataPoint.x.valueOf() && r.push(o[e]); o = null } else { if (a = this.chart.getDataPointAtXY(t, i, !0), a) this.currentDataPointIndex = a.dataPointIndex, this.currentSeriesIndex = a.dataSeries.index; else if (n) if (v = ci(t, i, this.chart._eventManager.ghostCtx), v > 0 && typeof this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[v] != "undefined") { if (eventObject = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[v], eventObject.objectType === "legendItem") return; this.currentSeriesIndex = eventObject.dataSeriesIndex; this.currentDataPointIndex = eventObject.dataPointIndex >= 0 ? eventObject.dataPointIndex : -1 } else this.currentDataPointIndex = -1; else this.currentDataPointIndex = -1; if (this.currentSeriesIndex >= 0) { if (u = this.chart.data[this.currentSeriesIndex], f = {}, this.currentDataPointIndex >= 0) l = u.dataPoints[this.currentDataPointIndex], f.dataSeries = u, f.dataPoint = l, f.index = this.currentDataPointIndex, f.distance = Math.abs(l.x - h); else if (this.enabled && (u.type === "line" || u.type === "stepLine" || u.type === "spline" || u.type === "area" || u.type === "stepArea" || u.type === "splineArea" || u.type === "stackedArea" || u.type === "stackedArea100" || u.type === "rangeArea" || u.type === "rangeSplineArea" || u.type === "candlestick" || u.type === "ohlc")) h = (this.chart.axisX.maximum - this.chart.axisX.minimum) / this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.width * (t - this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.x1) + this.chart.axisX.minimum.valueOf(), f = u.getDataPointAtX(h, !0), f.dataSeries = u, this.currentDataPointIndex = f.index, l = f.dataPoint; else return; f.dataPoint.y !== null && r.push(f) } } if (r.length > 0 && (this.highlightObjects(r), this.enabled)) if (c = "", c = this.getToolTipInnerHTML({ entries: r }), c !== null) { this.contentDiv.innerHTML = c; this.contentDiv.innerHTML = c; y = !1; this.container.style.display === "none" && (y = !0, this.container.style.display = "block"); try { this.contentDiv.style.background = this.backgroundColor ? this.backgroundColor : n ? "rgba(255,255,255,.9)" : "rgb(255,255,255)"; this.contentDiv.style.borderRightColor = this.contentDiv.style.borderLeftColor = this.contentDiv.style.borderColor = this.borderColor ? this.borderColor : r[0].dataPoint.color ? r[0].dataPoint.color : r[0].dataSeries.color ? r[0].dataSeries.color : r[0].dataSeries._colorSet[r[0].index % r[0].dataSeries._colorSet.length]; this.contentDiv.style.borderWidth = this.borderThickness || this.borderThickness === 0 ? this.borderThickness + "px" : "2px"; this.contentDiv.style.borderRadius = this.cornerRadius || this.cornerRadius === 0 ? this.cornerRadius + "px" : "5px"; this.container.style.borderRadius = this.contentDiv.style.borderRadius; this.contentDiv.style.fontSize = this.fontSize || this.fontSize === 0 ? this.fontSize + "px" : "14px"; this.contentDiv.style.color = this.fontColor ? this.fontColor : "#000000"; this.contentDiv.style.fontFamily = this.fontFamily ? this.fontFamily : "Calibri, Arial, Georgia, serif;"; this.contentDiv.style.fontWeight = this.fontWeight ? this.fontWeight : "normal"; this.contentDiv.style.fontStyle = this.fontStyle ? this.fontStyle : n ? "italic" : "normal" } catch (w) {} toolTipLeft = r[0].dataSeries.type === "pie" || r[0].dataSeries.type === "doughnut" || r[0].dataSeries.type === "funnel" || r[0].dataSeries.type === "bar" || r[0].dataSeries.type === "rangeBar" || r[0].dataSeries.type === "stackedBar" || r[0].dataSeries.type === "stackedBar100" ? t - 10 - this.container.clientWidth : (this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.width / Math.abs(this.chart.axisX.maximum - this.chart.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(r[0].dataPoint.x - this.chart.axisX.minimum) + this.chart.axisX.lineCoordinates.x1 + .5 - this.container.clientWidth << 0) - 10; toolTipLeft < 0 && (toolTipLeft += this.container.clientWidth + 20); toolTipLeft + this.container.clientWidth > this.chart._container.clientWidth && (toolTipLeft = Math.max(0, this.chart._container.clientWidth - this.container.clientWidth)); toolTipLeft += "px"; s = r.length !== 1 || this.shared || r[0].dataSeries.type !== "line" && r[0].dataSeries.type !== "stepLine" && r[0].dataSeries.type !== "spline" && r[0].dataSeries.type !== "area" && r[0].dataSeries.type !== "stepArea" && r[0].dataSeries.type !== "splineArea" && r[0].dataSeries.type !== "stackedArea" && r[0].dataSeries.type !== "stackedArea100" ? r[0].dataSeries.type === "bar" || r[0].dataSeries.type === "rangeBar" || r[0].dataSeries.type === "stackedBar" || r[0].dataSeries.type === "stackedBar100" ? r[0].dataSeries.axisX.lineCoordinates.y2 - r[0].dataSeries.axisX.lineCoordinates.height / Math.abs(r[0].dataSeries.axisX.maximum - r[0].dataSeries.axisX.minimum) * Math.abs(r[0].dataPoint.x - r[0].dataSeries.axisX.minimum) + .5 << 0 : i : r[0].dataSeries.axisY.lineCoordinates.y2 - r[0].dataSeries.axisY.lineCoordinates.height / Math.abs(r[0].dataSeries.axisY.maximum - r[0].dataSeries.axisY.minimum) * Math.abs(r[0].dataPoint.y - r[0].dataSeries.axisY.minimum) + .5 << 0; s = -s + 10; s + this.container.clientHeight + 5 > 0 && (s -= s + this.container.clientHeight + 5 - 0); s += "px"; this.container.style.left = toolTipLeft; this.container.style.bottom = s; !this.animationEnabled || y ? this.disableAnimation() : this.enableAnimation() } else this.hide(!1) } }; k.prototype.highlightObjects = function(n) { var i = this.chart.overlaidCanvasCtx, l, f, e, s, t, u; for (this.chart.resetOverlayedCanvas(), i.save(), l = this.chart.plotArea, f = 0, e = 0; e < n.length; e++) if (s = n[e], t = this.chart._eventManager.objectMap[s.dataSeries.dataPointIds[s.index]], t && t.objectType && t.objectType === "dataPoint") { var r = this.chart.data[t.dataSeriesIndex], c = r.dataPoints[t.dataPointIndex], h = t.dataPointIndex; c.highlightEnabled !== !1 && (r.highlightEnabled === !0 || c.highlightEnabled === !0) && (r.type === "line" || r.type === "stepLine" || r.type === "spline" || r.type === "scatter" || r.type === "area" || r.type === "stepArea" || r.type === "splineArea" || r.type === "stackedArea" || r.type === "stackedArea100" || r.type === "rangeArea" || r.type === "rangeSplineArea" ? (u = r.getMarkerProperties(h, t.x1, t.y1, this.chart.overlaidCanvasCtx), u.size = Math.max(u.size * 1.5 << 0, 10), u.borderColor = u.borderColor || "#FFFFFF", u.borderThickness = u.borderThickness || Math.ceil(u.size * .1), a.drawMarkers([u]), typeof t.y2 != "undefined" && (u = r.getMarkerProperties(h, t.x1, t.y2, this.chart.overlaidCanvasCtx), u.size = Math.max(u.size * 1.5 << 0, 10), u.borderColor = u.borderColor || "#FFFFFF", u.borderThickness = u.borderThickness || Math.ceil(u.size * .1), a.drawMarkers([u]))) : r.type === "bubble" ? (u = r.getMarkerProperties(h, t.x1, t.y1, this.chart.overlaidCanvasCtx), u.size = t.size, u.color = "white", u.borderColor = "white", i.globalAlpha = .3, a.drawMarkers([u]), i.globalAlpha = 1) : r.type === "column" || r.type === "stackedColumn" || r.type === "stackedColumn100" || r.type === "bar" || r.type === "rangeBar" || r.type === "stackedBar" || r.type === "stackedBar100" || r.type === "rangeColumn" ? o(i, t.x1, t.y1, t.x2, t.y2, "white", 0, null, !1, !1, !1, !1, .3) : r.type === "pie" || r.type === "doughnut" ? dt(i, t.center, t.radius, "white", r.type, t.startAngle, t.endAngle, .3) : r.type === "candlestick" ? (i.globalAlpha = 1, i.strokeStyle = t.color, i.lineWidth = t.borderThickness * 2, f = i.lineWidth % 2 == 0 ? 0 : .5, i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(t.x3 - f, t.y2), i.lineTo(t.x3 - f, Math.min(t.y1, t.y4)), i.stroke(), i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(t.x3 - f, Math.max(t.y1, t.y4)), i.lineTo(t.x3 - f, t.y3), i.stroke(), o(i, t.x1, Math.min(t.y1, t.y4), t.x2, Math.max(t.y1, t.y4), "transparent", t.borderThickness * 2, t.color, !1, !1, !1, !1), i.globalAlpha = 1) : r.type === "ohlc" && (i.globalAlpha = 1, i.strokeStyle = t.color, i.lineWidth = t.borderThickness * 2, f = i.lineWidth % 2 == 0 ? 0 : .5, i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(t.x3 - f, t.y2), i.lineTo(t.x3 - f, t.y3), i.stroke(), i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(t.x3, t.y1), i.lineTo(t.x1, t.y1), i.stroke(), i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(t.x3, t.y4), i.lineTo(t.x2, t.y4), i.stroke(), i.globalAlpha = 1)) } i.globalAlpha = 1; i.beginPath(); return }; k.prototype.getToolTipInnerHTML = function(n) { for (var c, s, f = n.entries, r = null, t = null, i = null, o = 0, u = "", h = !0, e = 0; e < f.length; e++) if (f[e].dataSeries.toolTipContent || f[e].dataPoint.toolTipContent) { h = !1; break } if (h && (this.content && typeof this.content == "function" || this.contentFormatter)) c = { chart: this.chart, toolTip: this._options, entries: f }, r = this.contentFormatter ? this.contentFormatter(c) : this.content(c); else if (this.shared && this.chart.plotInfo.axisPlacement !== "none") { for (s = "", e = 0; e < f.length; e++)(t = f[e].dataSeries, i = f[e].dataPoint, o = f[e].index, u = "", e === 0 && h && !this.content && (s += typeof this.chart.axisX.labels[i.x] != "undefined" ? this.chart.axisX.labels[i.x] : "{x}", s += "<\/br>", s = this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(s, i, t, o)), i.toolTipContent !== null && (typeof i.toolTipContent != "undefined" || t._options.toolTipContent !== null)) && (t.type === "line" || t.type === "stepLine" || t.type === "spline" || t.type === "area" || t.type === "stepArea" || t.type === "splineArea" || t.type === "column" || t.type === "bar" || t.type === "scatter" || t.type === "stackedColumn" || t.type === "stackedColumn100" || t.type === "stackedBar" || t.type === "stackedBar100" || t.type === "stackedArea" || t.type === "stackedArea100" ? u += i.toolTipContent ? i.toolTipContent : t.toolTipContent ? t.toolTipContent : this.content && typeof this.content != "function" ? this.content : "<span style='\"'color:{color};'\"'>{name}:<\/span> {y}" : t.type === "bubble" ? u += i.toolTipContent ? i.toolTipContent : t.toolTipContent ? t.toolTipContent : this.content && typeof this.content != "function" ? this.content : "<span style='\"'color:{color};'\"'>{name}:<\/span> {y}, {z}" : t.type === "pie" || t.type === "doughnut" || t.type === "funnel" ? u += i.toolTipContent ? i.toolTipContent : t.toolTipContent ? t.toolTipContent : this.content && typeof this.content != "function" ? this.content : " {y}" : t.type === "rangeColumn" || t.type === "rangeBar" || t.type === "rangeArea" || t.type === "rangeSplineArea" ? u += i.toolTipContent ? i.toolTipContent : t.toolTipContent ? t.toolTipContent : this.content && typeof this.content != "function" ? this.content : "<span style='\"'color:{color};'\"'>{name}:<\/span> {y[0]}, {y[1]}" : (t.type === "candlestick" || t.type === "ohlc") && (u += i.toolTipContent ? i.toolTipContent : t.toolTipContent ? t.toolTipContent : this.content && typeof this.content != "function" ? this.content : "<span style='\"'color:{color};'\"'>{name}:<\/span><br/>Open: {y[0]}<br/>High: {y[1]}<br/>Low: {y[2]}<br/>Close: {y[3]}"), r === null && (r = ""), this.reversed === !0 ? (r = this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(u, i, t, o) + r, e < f.length - 1 && (r = "<\/br>" + r)) : (r += this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(u, i, t, o), e < f.length - 1 && (r += "<\/br>"))); r !== null && (r = s + r) } else { if (t = f[0].dataSeries, i = f[0].dataPoint, o = f[0].index, i.toolTipContent === null || typeof i.toolTipContent == "undefined" && t._options.toolTipContent === null) return null; t.type === "line" || t.type === "stepLine" || t.type === "spline" || t.type === "area" || t.type === "stepArea" || t.type === "splineArea" || t.type === "column" || t.type === "bar" || t.type === "scatter" || t.type === "stackedColumn" || t.type === "stackedColumn100" || t.type === "stackedBar" || t.type === "stackedBar100" || t.type === "stackedArea" || t.type === "stackedArea100" ? u = i.toolTipContent ? i.toolTipContent : t.toolTipContent ? t.toolTipContent : this.content && typeof this.content != "function" ? this.content : "<span style='\"'color:{color};'\"'>" + (i.label ? "{label}" : "{x}") + " :<\/span> {y}" : t.type === "bubble" ? u = i.toolTipContent ? i.toolTipContent : t.toolTipContent ? t.toolTipContent : this.content && typeof this.content != "function" ? this.content : "<span style='\"'color:{color};'\"'>" + (i.label ? "{label}" : "{x}") + ":<\/span> {y}, {z}" : t.type === "pie" || t.type === "doughnut" || t.type === "funnel" ? u = i.toolTipContent ? i.toolTipContent : t.toolTipContent ? t.toolTipContent : this.content && typeof this.content != "function" ? this.content : (i.name ? "{name}: " : i.label ? "{label}: " : "") + "{y}" : t.type === "rangeColumn" || t.type === "rangeBar" || t.type === "rangeArea" || t.type === "rangeSplineArea" ? u = i.toolTipContent ? i.toolTipContent : t.toolTipContent ? t.toolTipContent : this.content && typeof this.content != "function" ? this.content : "<span style='\"'color:{color};'\"'>" + (i.label ? "{label}" : "{x}") + " :<\/span> {y[0]}, {y[1]}" : (t.type === "candlestick" || t.type === "ohlc") && (u = i.toolTipContent ? i.toolTipContent : t.toolTipContent ? t.toolTipContent : this.content && typeof this.content != "function" ? this.content : "<span style='\"'color:{color};'\"'>" + (i.label ? "{label}" : "{x}") + "<\/span><br/>Open: {y[0]}<br/>High: {y[1]}<br/>Low: {y[2]}<br/>Close: {y[3]}"); r === null && (r = ""); r += this.chart.replaceKeywordsWithValue(u, i, t, o) } return r }; k.prototype.enableAnimation = function() { this.container.style.WebkitTransition || (this.container.style.WebkitTransition = "left .2s ease-out, bottom .2s ease-out", this.container.style.MozTransition = "left .2s ease-out, bottom .2s ease-out", this.container.style.MsTransition = "left .2s ease-out, bottom .2s ease-out", this.container.style.transition = "left .2s ease-out, bottom .2s ease-out") }; k.prototype.disableAnimation = function() { this.container.style.WebkitTransition && (this.container.style.WebkitTransition = "", this.container.style.MozTransition = "", this.container.style.MsTransition = "", this.container.style.transition = "") }; k.prototype.hide = function(n) { this.enabled && (n = typeof n == "undefined" ? !0 : n, this.container.style.display = "none", this.currentSeriesIndex = -1, this._prevX = NaN, this._prevY = NaN, n && this.chart.resetOverlayedCanvas()) }; t.prototype.getPercentAndTotal = function(n, t) { var u = null, r = null, f = null; if (n.type.indexOf("stacked") >= 0) r = 0, u = t.x.getTime ? t.x.getTime() : t.x, u in n.plotUnit.yTotals && (r = n.plotUnit.yTotals[u], f = isNaN(t.y) ? 0 : r === 0 ? 0 : t.y / r * 100); else if (n.type === "pie" || n.type === "doughnut") { for (r = 0, i = 0; i < n.dataPoints.length; i++) isNaN(n.dataPoints[i].y) || (r += n.dataPoints[i].y); f = isNaN(t.y) ? 0 : t.y / r * 100 } return { percent: f, total: r } }; t.prototype.replaceKeywordsWithValue = function(n, t, i, r, u) { var f = this, e, o, l, a; if (u = typeof u == "undefined" ? 0 : u, (i.type.indexOf("stacked") >= 0 || i.type === "pie" || i.type === "doughnut") && (n.indexOf("#percent") >= 0 || n.indexOf("#total") >= 0)) { var s = "#percent", c = "#total", h = this.getPercentAndTotal(i, t); c = h.total ? h.total : c; s = isNaN(h.percent) ? s : h.percent; do { if (e = "", i.percentFormatString) e = i.percentFormatString; else for (e = "#,##0.", o = Math.max(Math.ceil(Math.log(1 / Math.abs(s)) / Math.LN10), 2), (isNaN(o) || !isFinite(o)) && (o = 2), l = 0; l < o; l++) e += "#"; n = n.replace("#percent", it(s, e, f._cultureInfo)); n = n.replace("#total", it(c, i.yValueFormatString ? i.yValueFormatString : "#,##0.########")) } while (n.indexOf("#percent") >= 0 || n.indexOf("#total") >= 0) } return a = function(n) { var e, h, s, c, o; if (n[0] === '"' && n[n.length - 1] === '"' || n[0] === "'" && n[n.length - 1] === "'") return n.slice(1, n.length - 1); e = ht(n.slice(1, n.length - 1)); e = e.replace("#index", u); h = null; try { s = e.match(/(.*?)\s*\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]/); s && s.length > 0 && (h = ht(s[2]), e = ht(s[1])) } catch (l) {} if (c = null, e === "color") return t.color ? t.color : i.color ? i.color : i._colorSet[r % i._colorSet.length]; if (t.hasOwnProperty(e)) c = t; else if (i.hasOwnProperty(e)) c = i; else return ""; return o = c[e], h !== null && (o = o[h]), e === "x" ? f.axisX && f.plotInfo.axisXValueType === "dateTime" ? ii(o, t.xValueFormatString ? t.xValueFormatString : i.xValueFormatString ? i.xValueFormatString : f.axisX && f.axisX.valueFormatString ? f.axisX.valueFormatString : "DD MMM YY", f._cultureInfo) : it(o, t.xValueFormatString ? t.xValueFormatString : i.xValueFormatString ? i.xValueFormatString : "#,##0.########", f._cultureInfo) : e === "y" ? it(o, t.yValueFormatString ? t.yValueFormatString : i.yValueFormatString ? i.yValueFormatString : "#,##0.########", f._cultureInfo) : e === "z" ? it(o, t.zValueFormatString ? t.zValueFormatString : i.zValueFormatString ? i.zValueFormatString : "#,##0.########", f._cultureInfo) : o }, n.replace(/\{.*?\}|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/g, a) }; at.prototype.reset = function() { this.lastObjectId = 0; this.objectMap = []; this.rectangularRegionEventSubscriptions = []; this.previousDataPointEventObject = null; this.eventObjects = []; n && (this.ghostCtx.clearRect(0, 0, this.chart.width, this.chart.height), this.ghostCtx.beginPath()) }; at.prototype.getNewObjectTrackingId = function() { return ++this.lastObjectId }; at.prototype.mouseEventHandler = function(n) { var t, r, o, h, c, i, l, e; if (n.type === "mousemove" || n.type === "click") { var u = [], f = wt(n), s = null; if (s = this.chart.getObjectAtXY(f.x, f.y, !1), s && typeof this.objectMap[s] != "undefined") if (t = this.objectMap[s], t.objectType === "dataPoint") { var r = this.chart.data[t.dataSeriesIndex], o = r.dataPoints[t.dataPointIndex], a = t.dataPointIndex; t.eventParameter = { x: f.x, y: f.y, dataPoint: o, dataSeries: r._options, dataPointIndex: a, dataSeriesIndex: r.index, chart: this.chart._publicChartReference }; t.eventContext = { context: o, userContext: o, mouseover: "mouseover", mousemove: "mousemove", mouseout: "mouseout", click: "click" }; u.push(t); t = this.objectMap[r.id]; t.eventParameter = { x: f.x, y: f.y, dataPoint: o, dataSeries: r._options, dataPointIndex: a, dataSeriesIndex: r.index, chart: this.chart._publicChartReference }; t.eventContext = { context: r, userContext: r._options, mouseover: "mouseover", mousemove: "mousemove", mouseout: "mouseout", click: "click" }; u.push(this.objectMap[r.id]) } else t.objectType === "legendItem" && (r = this.chart.data[t.dataSeriesIndex], o = t.dataPointIndex !== null ? r.dataPoints[t.dataPointIndex] : null, t.eventParameter = { x: f.x, y: f.y, dataSeries: r._options, dataPoint: o, dataPointIndex: t.dataPointIndex, dataSeriesIndex: t.dataSeriesIndex, chart: this.chart._publicChartReference }, t.eventContext = { context: this.chart.legend, userContext: this.chart.legend._options, mouseover: "itemmouseover", mousemove: "itemmousemove", mouseout: "itemmouseout", click: "itemclick" }, u.push(t)); for (h = [], i = 0; i < this.mouseoveredObjectMaps.length; i++) { for (c = !0, e = 0; e < u.length; e++) if (u[e].id === this.mouseoveredObjectMaps[i].id) { c = !1; break } c ? this.fireEvent(this.mouseoveredObjectMaps[i], "mouseout", n) : h.push(this.mouseoveredObjectMaps[i]) } for (this.mouseoveredObjectMaps = h, i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { for (l = !1, e = 0; e < this.mouseoveredObjectMaps.length; e++) if (u[i].id === this.mouseoveredObjectMaps[e].id) { l = !0; break } l || (this.fireEvent(u[i], "mouseover", n), this.mouseoveredObjectMaps.push(u[i])); n.type === "click" ? this.fireEvent(u[i], "click", n) : n.type === "mousemove" && this.fireEvent(u[i], "mousemove", n) } } }; at.prototype.fireEvent = function(n, t, i) { if (n && t) { var f = n.eventParameter, u = n.eventContext, r = n.eventContext.userContext; r && u && r[u[t]] && r[u[t]].call(r, f); t !== "mouseout" ? r.cursor && r.cursor !== i.target.style.cursor && (i.target.style.cursor = r.cursor) : (i.target.style.cursor = this.chart._defaultCursor, delete n.eventParameter, delete n.eventContext); t === "click" && n.objectType === "dataPoint" && this.chart.pieDoughnutClickHandler && this.chart.pieDoughnutClickHandler.call(this.chart.data[n.dataSeriesIndex], f) } }; w(vt, h); ei.prototype.animate = function(n, t, i, u, f) { var h = this, s; for (this.chart.isAnimating = !0, f = f || r.easing.linear, i && this.animations.push({ startTime: (new Date).getTime() + (n ? n : 0), duration: t, animationCallback: i, onComplete: u }), s = []; this.animations.length > 0;) { var o = this.animations.shift(), c = (new Date).getTime(), e = 0; o.startTime <= c && (e = f(Math.min(c - o.startTime, o.duration), 0, 1, o.duration), e = Math.min(e, 1), (isNaN(e) || !isFinite(e)) && (e = 1)); e < 1 && s.push(o); o.animationCallback(e); e >= 1 && o.onComplete && o.onComplete() } this.animations = s; this.animations.length > 0 ? this.animationRequestId = this.chart.requestAnimFrame.call(window, function() { h.animate.call(h) }) : this.chart.isAnimating = !1 }; ei.prototype.cancelAllAnimations = function() { this.animations = []; this.animationRequestId && this.chart.cancelRequestAnimFrame.call(window, this.animationRequestId); this.animationRequestId = null; this.chart.isAnimating = !1 }; var r = { yScaleAnimation: function(n, t) { if (n !== 0) { var i = t.dest, r = t.source.canvas, u = t.animationBase, f = u - u * n; i.drawImage(r, 0, 0, r.width, r.height, 0, f, i.canvas.width / l, n * i.canvas.height / l) } }, xScaleAnimation: function(n, t) { if (n !== 0) { var i = t.dest, r = t.source.canvas, u = t.animationBase, f = u - u * n; i.drawImage(r, 0, 0, r.width, r.height, f, 0, n * i.canvas.width / l, i.canvas.height / l) } }, xClipAnimation: function(n, t) { if (n !== 0) { var r = t.dest, i = t.source.canvas; r.save(); n > 0 && r.drawImage(i, 0, 0, i.width * n, i.height, 0, 0, i.width * n / l, i.height / l); r.restore() } }, fadeInAnimation: function(n, t) { if (n !== 0) { var i = t.dest, r = t.source.canvas; i.save(); i.globalAlpha = n; i.drawImage(r, 0, 0, r.width, r.height, 0, 0, i.canvas.width / l, i.canvas.height / l); i.restore() } }, easing: { linear: function(n, t, i, r) { return i * n / r + t }, easeOutQuad: function(n, t, i, r) { return -i * (n /= r) * (n - 2) + t }, easeOutQuart: function(n, t, i, r) { return -i * ((n = n / r - 1) * n * n * n - 1) + t }, easeInQuad: function(n, t, i, r) { return i * (n /= r) * n + t }, easeInQuart: function(n, t, i, r) { return i * (n /= r) * n * n * n + t } } }, a = { drawMarker: function(n, t, i, r, u, f, e, o) { if (i) { var s = 1; i.fillStyle = f ? f : "#000000"; i.strokeStyle = e ? e : "#000000"; i.lineWidth = o ? o : 0; r === "circle" ? (i.moveTo(n, t), i.beginPath(), i.arc(n, t, u / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, !1), f && i.fill(), o && (e ? i.stroke() : (s = i.globalAlpha, i.globalAlpha = .15, i.strokeStyle = "black", i.stroke(), i.globalAlpha = s))) : r === "square" ? (i.beginPath(), i.rect(n - u / 2, t - u / 2, u, u), f && i.fill(), o && (e ? i.stroke() : (s = i.globalAlpha, i.globalAlpha = .15, i.strokeStyle = "black", i.stroke(), i.globalAlpha = s))) : r === "triangle" ? (i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(n - u / 2, t + u / 2), i.lineTo(n + u / 2, t + u / 2), i.lineTo(n, t - u / 2), i.closePath(), f && i.fill(), o && (e ? i.stroke() : (s = i.globalAlpha, i.globalAlpha = .15, i.strokeStyle = "black", i.stroke(), i.globalAlpha = s)), i.beginPath()) : r === "cross" && (i.strokeStyle = f, o = u / 4, i.lineWidth = o, i.beginPath(), i.moveTo(n - u / 2, t - u / 2), i.lineTo(n + u / 2, t + u / 2), i.stroke(), i.moveTo(n + u / 2, t - u / 2), i.lineTo(n - u / 2, t + u / 2), i.stroke()) } }, drawMarkers: function(n) { for (var t, i = 0; i < n.length; i++) t = n[i], a.drawMarker(t.x, t.y, t.ctx, t.type, t.size, t.color, t.borderColor, t.borderThickness) } }, vi = { Chart: function(n, i) { var r = new t(n, i, this); this.render = function() { r.render(this.options) }; this.options = r._options }, addColorSet: function(n, t) { tt[n] = t }, addCultureInfo: function(n, t) { ot[n] = t }, formatNumber: function(n, t, i) { if (i = i || "en", t = t || "#,##0.##", ot[i]) return it(n, t, new vt(i)); throw "Unknown Culture Name"; }, formatDate: function(n, t, i) { if (i = i || "en", t = t || "DD MMM YYYY", ot[i]) return ii(n, t, new vt(i)); throw "Unknown Culture Name"; } }; vi.Chart.version = "v1.7.0 GA"; window.CanvasJS = vi })();