/********************************************************************************* * DISCLAIMER: * * * * This script is optional and not required for * * standard functionality. To use this script, a third-party * * plugin named "t6-gsc-utils" must be installed on the * * game server in the "*\storage\t6\plugins" folder * * * * The "t6-gsc-utils" plugin can be obtained from the GitHub * * repository at: * * https://github.com/fedddddd/t6-gsc-utils * * * * Please make sure to install the plugin before running this * * script. * *********************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************* * FUNCTIONALITY: * * * * This script extends the game interface to support the "file" * * bus mode for Plutonium T6, which allows the game server and IW4M-Admin * * to communicate via files, rather than over rcon using * * dvars. * * * * By enabling the "file" bus mode, IW4M-Admin can send * * commands and receive responses from the game server by * * reading and writing to specific files. This provides a * * flexible and efficient communication channel. * * * * Make sure to configure the server to use the "file" bus * * mode and set the appropriate file path to * * establish the communication between IW4M-Admin and the * * game server. * * * * The wiki page for the setup of the game interface, and the bus mode * * can be found on GitHub at: * * https://github.com/RaidMax/IW4M-Admin/wiki/GameInterface#configuring-bus-mode * *********************************************************************************/ Init() { thread Setup(); } Setup() { level waittill( level.notifyTypes.sharedFunctionsInitialized ); level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getInboundData] = ::GetInboundData; level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getOutboundData] = ::GetOutboundData; level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setInboundData] = ::SetInboundData; level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setOutboundData] = ::SetOutboundData; scripts\_integration_base::_SetDvarIfUninitialized( level.commonKeys.busdir, GetDvar("fs_homepath") ); } GetInboundData(location) { return readFile( location); } GetOutboundData(location) { return readFile( location ); } SetInboundData(location, data ) { writeFile( location, data ); } SetOutboundData(location, data ) { writeFile(location, data ); }