$(document).ready(function () { /* Expand alias tab if they have any */ $('#profile_aliases_btn').click(function (e) { const aliases = $('#profile_aliases').text().trim(); if (aliases && aliases.length !== 0) { $('#profile_aliases').slideToggle(150); $(this).toggleClass('oi-caret-top'); } }); /* * load context of chat */ $(document).off('click', '.client-message'); $(document).on('click', '.client-message', function (e) { showLoader(); const location = $(this); $.get('/Stats/GetMessageAsync', { 'serverId': $(this).data('serverid'), 'when': $(this).data('when') }) .done(function (response) { $('.client-message-context').remove(); location.after(response); hideLoader(); }) .fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) { errorLoader(); }); }); /* * load info on ban/flag */ $(document).off('click', '.automated-penalty-info-detailed'); $(document).on('click', '.automated-penalty-info-detailed', function (e) { showLoader(); const location = $(this).parent(); $.get('/Stats/GetAutomatedPenaltyInfoAsync', { 'clientId': $(this).data('clientid'), }) .done(function (response) { $('.penalty-info-context').remove(); location.after(response); hideLoader(); }) .fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) { errorLoader(); }); }); /* get ip geolocation info into modal */ $('.ip-locate-link').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const ip = $(this).data("ip"); $.getJSON('https://extreme-ip-lookup.com/json/' + ip) .done(function (response) { $('#mainModal .modal-title').text(ip); $('#mainModal .modal-body').text(""); if (response.ipName.length > 0) { $('#mainModal .modal-body').append("Hostname — " + response.ipName + '
'); } if (response.isp.length > 0) { $('#mainModal .modal-body').append("ISP — " + response.isp + '
'); } if (response.org.length > 0) { $('#mainModal .modal-body').append("Organization — " + response.org + '
'); } if (response['businessName'].length > 0) { $('#mainModal .modal-body').append("Business — " + response.businessName + '
'); } if (response['businessWebsite'].length > 0) { $('#mainModal .modal-body').append("Website — " + response.businessWebsite + '
'); } if (response.city.length > 0 || response.region.length > 0 || response.country.length > 0) { $('#mainModal .modal-body').append("Location — "); } if (response.city.length > 0) { $('#mainModal .modal-body').append(response.city); } if (response.region.length > 0) { $('#mainModal .modal-body').append(', ' + response.region); } if (response.country.length > 0) { $('#mainModal .modal-body').append(', ' + response.country); } $('#mainModal').modal(); }) .fail(function (jqxhr, textStatus, error) { $('#mainModal .modal-title').text("Error"); $('#mainModal .modal-body').html('—' + error + ''); $('#mainModal').modal(); }); }); });