using IW4MAdmin.Application.API.Master; using IW4MAdmin.Application.EventParsers; using IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc; using IW4MAdmin.Application.RconParsers; using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Commands; using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration; using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Validation; using SharedLibraryCore.Database; using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models; using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos; using SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions; using SharedLibraryCore.Helpers; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using SharedLibraryCore.Services; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using static SharedLibraryCore.GameEvent; namespace IW4MAdmin.Application { public class ApplicationManager : IManager { private readonly ConcurrentBag _servers; public List Servers => _servers.OrderByDescending(s => s.ClientNum).ToList(); public ILogger Logger => GetLogger(0); public bool IsRunning { get; private set; } public bool IsInitialized { get; private set; } public DateTime StartTime { get; private set; } public string Version => Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); public IList AdditionalRConParsers { get; } public IList AdditionalEventParsers { get; } public ITokenAuthentication TokenAuthenticator { get; } public CancellationToken CancellationToken => _tokenSource.Token; public string ExternalIPAddress { get; private set; } public bool IsRestartRequested { get; private set; } public IMiddlewareActionHandler MiddlewareActionHandler { get; } public event EventHandler OnGameEventExecuted; private readonly List _commands; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly List MessageTokens; private readonly ClientService ClientSvc; readonly AliasService AliasSvc; readonly PenaltyService PenaltySvc; public IConfigurationHandler ConfigHandler; readonly IPageList PageList; private readonly Dictionary _loggers = new Dictionary(); private readonly MetaService _metaService; private readonly TimeSpan _throttleTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0); private readonly CancellationTokenSource _tokenSource; private readonly Dictionary> _operationLookup = new Dictionary>(); private readonly ITranslationLookup _translationLookup; private readonly IConfigurationHandler _commandConfiguration; private readonly IGameServerInstanceFactory _serverInstanceFactory; private readonly IParserRegexFactory _parserRegexFactory; private readonly IEnumerable _customParserEvents; private readonly IEventHandler _eventHandler; private readonly IScriptCommandFactory _scriptCommandFactory; public ApplicationManager(ILogger logger, IMiddlewareActionHandler actionHandler, IEnumerable commands, ITranslationLookup translationLookup, IConfigurationHandler commandConfiguration, IConfigurationHandler appConfigHandler, IGameServerInstanceFactory serverInstanceFactory, IEnumerable plugins, IParserRegexFactory parserRegexFactory, IEnumerable customParserEvents, IEventHandler eventHandler, IScriptCommandFactory scriptCommandFactory, IDatabaseContextFactory contextFactory) { MiddlewareActionHandler = actionHandler; _servers = new ConcurrentBag(); MessageTokens = new List(); ClientSvc = new ClientService(contextFactory); AliasSvc = new AliasService(); PenaltySvc = new PenaltyService(); ConfigHandler = appConfigHandler; StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; PageList = new PageList(); AdditionalEventParsers = new List() { new BaseEventParser(parserRegexFactory, logger) }; AdditionalRConParsers = new List() { new BaseRConParser(parserRegexFactory) }; TokenAuthenticator = new TokenAuthentication(); _logger = logger; _metaService = new MetaService(); _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); _loggers.Add(0, logger); _commands = commands.ToList(); _translationLookup = translationLookup; _commandConfiguration = commandConfiguration; _serverInstanceFactory = serverInstanceFactory; _parserRegexFactory = parserRegexFactory; _customParserEvents = customParserEvents; _eventHandler = eventHandler; _scriptCommandFactory = scriptCommandFactory; Plugins = plugins; } public IEnumerable Plugins { get; } public async Task ExecuteEvent(GameEvent newEvent) { #if DEBUG == true Logger.WriteDebug($"Entering event process for {newEvent.Id}"); #endif // the event has failed already if (newEvent.Failed) { goto skip; } try { await newEvent.Owner.ExecuteEvent(newEvent); // save the event info to the database var changeHistorySvc = new ChangeHistoryService(); await changeHistorySvc.Add(newEvent); #if DEBUG Logger.WriteDebug($"Processed event with id {newEvent.Id}"); #endif } catch (TaskCanceledException) { Logger.WriteInfo($"Received quit signal for event id {newEvent.Id}, so we are aborting early"); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { Logger.WriteInfo($"Received quit signal for event id {newEvent.Id}, so we are aborting early"); } // this happens if a plugin requires login catch (AuthorizationException ex) { newEvent.FailReason = EventFailReason.Permission; newEvent.Origin.Tell($"{Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["COMMAND_NOTAUTHORIZED"]} - {ex.Message}"); } catch (NetworkException ex) { newEvent.FailReason = EventFailReason.Exception; Logger.WriteError(ex.Message); Logger.WriteDebug(ex.GetExceptionInfo()); } catch (ServerException ex) { newEvent.FailReason = EventFailReason.Exception; Logger.WriteWarning(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { newEvent.FailReason = EventFailReason.Exception; Logger.WriteError(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["SERVER_ERROR_EXCEPTION"].FormatExt(newEvent.Owner)); Logger.WriteDebug(ex.GetExceptionInfo()); } skip: // tell anyone waiting for the output that we're done newEvent.Complete(); OnGameEventExecuted?.Invoke(this, newEvent); #if DEBUG == true Logger.WriteDebug($"Exiting event process for {newEvent.Id}"); #endif } public IList GetServers() { return Servers; } public IList GetCommands() { return _commands; } public async Task UpdateServerStates() { // store the server hash code and task for it var runningUpdateTasks = new Dictionary(); while (!_tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { // select the server ids that have completed the update task var serverTasksToRemove = runningUpdateTasks .Where(ut => ut.Value.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion || ut.Value.Status == TaskStatus.Canceled || ut.Value.Status == TaskStatus.Faulted) .Select(ut => ut.Key) .ToList(); // this is to prevent the log reader from starting before the initial // query of players on the server if (serverTasksToRemove.Count > 0) { IsInitialized = true; } // remove the update tasks as they have completd foreach (long serverId in serverTasksToRemove) { runningUpdateTasks.Remove(serverId); } // select the servers where the tasks have completed var serverIds = Servers.Select(s => s.EndPoint).Except(runningUpdateTasks.Select(r => r.Key)).ToList(); foreach (var server in Servers.Where(s => serverIds.Contains(s.EndPoint))) { runningUpdateTasks.Add(server.EndPoint, Task.Run(async () => { try { await server.ProcessUpdatesAsync(_tokenSource.Token); if (server.Throttled) { await Task.Delay((int)_throttleTimeout.TotalMilliseconds, _tokenSource.Token); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteWarning($"Failed to update status for {server}"); Logger.WriteDebug(e.GetExceptionInfo()); } finally { server.IsInitialized = true; } })); } #if DEBUG Logger.WriteDebug($"{runningUpdateTasks.Count} servers queued for stats updates"); ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out int workerThreads, out int n); ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out int availableThreads, out int m); Logger.WriteDebug($"There are {workerThreads - availableThreads} active threading tasks"); #endif try { await Task.Delay(ConfigHandler.Configuration().RConPollRate, _tokenSource.Token); } // if a cancellation is received, we want to return immediately after shutting down catch { foreach (var server in Servers.Where(s => serverIds.Contains(s.EndPoint))) { await server.ProcessUpdatesAsync(_tokenSource.Token); } break; } } } public async Task Init() { IsRunning = true; ExternalIPAddress = await Utilities.GetExternalIP(); #region PLUGINS foreach (var plugin in Plugins) { try { if (plugin is ScriptPlugin scriptPlugin) { await scriptPlugin.Initialize(this, _scriptCommandFactory); scriptPlugin.Watcher.Changed += async (sender, e) => { try { await scriptPlugin.Initialize(this, _scriptCommandFactory); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteError(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["PLUGIN_IMPORTER_ERROR"].FormatExt(scriptPlugin.Name)); Logger.WriteDebug(ex.Message); } }; } else { await plugin.OnLoadAsync(this); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteError($"{_translationLookup["SERVER_ERROR_PLUGIN"]} {plugin.Name}"); Logger.WriteDebug(ex.GetExceptionInfo()); } } #endregion #region CONFIG var config = ConfigHandler.Configuration(); // copy over default config if it doesn't exist if (config == null) { var defaultConfig = new BaseConfigurationHandler("DefaultSettings").Configuration(); ConfigHandler.Set((ApplicationConfiguration)new ApplicationConfiguration().Generate()); var newConfig = ConfigHandler.Configuration(); newConfig.AutoMessages = defaultConfig.AutoMessages; newConfig.GlobalRules = defaultConfig.GlobalRules; newConfig.Maps = defaultConfig.Maps; newConfig.DisallowedClientNames = defaultConfig.DisallowedClientNames; newConfig.QuickMessages = defaultConfig.QuickMessages; if (newConfig.Servers == null) { ConfigHandler.Set(newConfig); newConfig.Servers = new ServerConfiguration[1]; do { var serverConfig = new ServerConfiguration(); foreach (var parser in AdditionalRConParsers) { serverConfig.AddRConParser(parser); } foreach (var parser in AdditionalEventParsers) { serverConfig.AddEventParser(parser); } newConfig.Servers = newConfig.Servers.Where(_servers => _servers != null).Append((ServerConfiguration)serverConfig.Generate()).ToArray(); } while (Utilities.PromptBool(_translationLookup["SETUP_SERVER_SAVE"])); config = newConfig; await ConfigHandler.Save(); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Id)) { config.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); await ConfigHandler.Save(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.WebfrontBindUrl)) { config.WebfrontBindUrl = ""; await ConfigHandler.Save(); } var validator = new ApplicationConfigurationValidator(); var validationResult = validator.Validate(config); if (!validationResult.IsValid) { throw new ConfigurationException("MANAGER_CONFIGURATION_ERROR") { Errors = validationResult.Errors.Select(_error => _error.ErrorMessage).ToArray(), ConfigurationFileName = ConfigHandler.FileName }; } foreach (var serverConfig in config.Servers) { Migration.ConfigurationMigration.ModifyLogPath020919(serverConfig); if (serverConfig.RConParserVersion == null || serverConfig.EventParserVersion == null) { foreach (var parser in AdditionalRConParsers) { serverConfig.AddRConParser(parser); } foreach (var parser in AdditionalEventParsers) { serverConfig.AddEventParser(parser); } serverConfig.ModifyParsers(); } await ConfigHandler.Save(); } } if (config.Servers.Length == 0) { throw new ServerException("A server configuration in IW4MAdminSettings.json is invalid"); } Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); Utilities.EncodingType = Encoding.GetEncoding(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.CustomParserEncoding) ? config.CustomParserEncoding : "windows-1252"); #endregion #region DATABASE using (var db = new DatabaseContext(GetApplicationSettings().Configuration()?.ConnectionString, GetApplicationSettings().Configuration()?.DatabaseProvider)) { await new ContextSeed(db).Seed(); } #endregion #region COMMANDS if (ClientSvc.GetOwners().Result.Count > 0) { _commands.RemoveAll(_cmd => _cmd.GetType() == typeof(OwnerCommand)); } List commandsToAddToConfig = new List(); var cmdConfig = _commandConfiguration.Configuration(); if (cmdConfig == null) { cmdConfig = new CommandConfiguration(); commandsToAddToConfig.AddRange(_commands); } else { var unsavedCommands = _commands.Where(_cmd => !cmdConfig.Commands.Keys.Contains(_cmd.GetType().Name)); commandsToAddToConfig.AddRange(unsavedCommands); } foreach (var cmd in commandsToAddToConfig) { cmdConfig.Commands.Add(cmd.GetType().Name, new CommandProperties() { Name = cmd.Name, Alias = cmd.Alias, MinimumPermission = cmd.Permission, AllowImpersonation = cmd.AllowImpersonation }); } _commandConfiguration.Set(cmdConfig); await _commandConfiguration.Save(); #endregion #region META async Task> getProfileMeta(int clientId, int offset, int count, DateTime? startAt) { var metaList = new List(); // we don't want to return anything because it means we're trying to retrieve paged meta data if (count > 1) { return metaList; } var lastMapMeta = await _metaService.GetPersistentMeta("LastMapPlayed", new EFClient() { ClientId = clientId }); if (lastMapMeta != null) { metaList.Add(new ProfileMeta() { Id = lastMapMeta.MetaId, Key = Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_CLIENT_META_LAST_MAP"], Value = lastMapMeta.Value, Show = true, Type = ProfileMeta.MetaType.Information, }); } var lastServerMeta = await _metaService.GetPersistentMeta("LastServerPlayed", new EFClient() { ClientId = clientId }); if (lastServerMeta != null) { metaList.Add(new ProfileMeta() { Id = lastServerMeta.MetaId, Key = Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_CLIENT_META_LAST_SERVER"], Value = lastServerMeta.Value, Show = true, Type = ProfileMeta.MetaType.Information }); } var client = await GetClientService().Get(clientId); if (client == null) { _logger.WriteWarning($"No client found with id {clientId} when generating profile meta"); return metaList; } metaList.Add(new ProfileMeta() { Id = client.ClientId, Key = $"{Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_TIME_HOURS"]} {Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_PROFILE_PLAYER"]}", Value = Math.Round(client.TotalConnectionTime / 3600.0, 1).ToString("#,##0", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationName)), Show = true, Column = 1, Order = 0, Type = ProfileMeta.MetaType.Information }); metaList.Add(new ProfileMeta() { Id = client.ClientId, Key = Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_PROFILE_FSEEN"], Value = Utilities.GetTimePassed(client.FirstConnection, false), Show = true, Column = 1, Order = 1, Type = ProfileMeta.MetaType.Information }); metaList.Add(new ProfileMeta() { Id = client.ClientId, Key = Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_PROFILE_LSEEN"], Value = Utilities.GetTimePassed(client.LastConnection, false), Show = true, Column = 1, Order = 2, Type = ProfileMeta.MetaType.Information }); metaList.Add(new ProfileMeta() { Id = client.ClientId, Key = Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_CLIENT_META_CONNECTIONS"], Value = client.Connections.ToString("#,##0", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationName)), Show = true, Column = 1, Order = 3, Type = ProfileMeta.MetaType.Information }); metaList.Add(new ProfileMeta() { Key = Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_CLIENT_META_MASKED"], Value = client.Masked ? Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_CLIENT_META_TRUE"] : Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_CLIENT_META_FALSE"], Sensitive = true, Column = 1, Order = 4, Type = ProfileMeta.MetaType.Information }); return metaList; } async Task> getPenaltyMeta(int clientId, int offset, int count, DateTime? startAt) { if (count <= 1) { return new List(); } var penalties = await GetPenaltyService().GetClientPenaltyForMetaAsync(clientId, count, offset, startAt); return penalties.Select(_penalty => new ProfileMeta() { Id = _penalty.Id, Type = _penalty.PunisherId == clientId ? ProfileMeta.MetaType.Penalized : ProfileMeta.MetaType.ReceivedPenalty, Value = _penalty, When = _penalty.TimePunished, Sensitive = _penalty.Sensitive }) .ToList(); } MetaService.AddRuntimeMeta(getProfileMeta); MetaService.AddRuntimeMeta(getPenaltyMeta); #endregion #region CUSTOM_EVENTS foreach (var customEvent in _customParserEvents.SelectMany(_events => _events.Events)) { foreach (var parser in AdditionalEventParsers) { parser.RegisterCustomEvent(customEvent.Item1, customEvent.Item2, customEvent.Item3); } } #endregion await InitializeServers(); } private async Task InitializeServers() { var config = ConfigHandler.Configuration(); int successServers = 0; Exception lastException = null; async Task Init(ServerConfiguration Conf) { try { // todo: this might not always be an IW4MServer var ServerInstance = _serverInstanceFactory.CreateServer(Conf, this) as IW4MServer; await ServerInstance.Initialize(); _servers.Add(ServerInstance); Logger.WriteVerbose(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["MANAGER_MONITORING_TEXT"].FormatExt(ServerInstance.Hostname)); // add the start event for this server var e = new GameEvent() { Type = GameEvent.EventType.Start, Data = $"{ServerInstance.GameName} started", Owner = ServerInstance }; AddEvent(e); successServers++; } catch (ServerException e) { Logger.WriteError(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["SERVER_ERROR_UNFIXABLE"].FormatExt($"[{Conf.IPAddress}:{Conf.Port}]")); if (e.GetType() == typeof(DvarException)) { Logger.WriteDebug($"{e.Message} {(e.GetType() == typeof(DvarException) ? $"({Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["SERVER_ERROR_DVAR_HELP"]})" : "")}"); } lastException = e; } } await Task.WhenAll(config.Servers.Select(c => Init(c)).ToArray()); if (successServers == 0) { throw lastException; } if (successServers != config.Servers.Length) { if (!Utilities.PromptBool(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["MANAGER_START_WITH_ERRORS"])) { throw lastException; } } } private async Task SendHeartbeat() { bool connected = false; while (!_tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { if (!connected) { try { await Heartbeat.Send(this, true); connected = true; } catch (Exception e) { connected = false; Logger.WriteWarning($"Could not connect to heartbeat server - {e.Message}"); } } else { try { await Heartbeat.Send(this); } catch (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException e) { Logger.WriteWarning($"Could not send heartbeat - {e.Message}"); } catch (AggregateException e) { Logger.WriteWarning($"Could not send heartbeat - {e.Message}"); var exceptions = e.InnerExceptions.Where(ex => ex.GetType() == typeof(RestEase.ApiException)); foreach (var ex in exceptions) { if (((RestEase.ApiException)ex).StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { connected = false; } } } catch (RestEase.ApiException e) { Logger.WriteWarning($"Could not send heartbeat - {e.Message}"); if (e.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { connected = false; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteWarning($"Could not send heartbeat - {e.Message}"); } } try { await Task.Delay(30000, _tokenSource.Token); } catch { break; } } } public async Task Start() { await Task.WhenAll(new[] { SendHeartbeat(), UpdateServerStates() }); } public void Stop() { _tokenSource.Cancel(); IsRunning = false; } public void Restart() { IsRestartRequested = true; Stop(); } public ILogger GetLogger(long serverId) { if (_loggers.ContainsKey(serverId)) { return _loggers[serverId]; } else { var newLogger = new Logger($"IW4MAdmin-Server-{serverId}"); _loggers.Add(serverId, newLogger); return newLogger; } } public IList GetMessageTokens() { return MessageTokens; } public IList GetActiveClients() { // we're adding another to list here so we don't get a collection modified exception.. return _servers.SelectMany(s => s.Clients).ToList().Where(p => p != null).ToList(); } public ClientService GetClientService() { return ClientSvc; } public AliasService GetAliasService() { return AliasSvc; } public PenaltyService GetPenaltyService() { return PenaltySvc; } public IConfigurationHandler GetApplicationSettings() { return ConfigHandler; } public void AddEvent(GameEvent gameEvent) { _eventHandler.HandleEvent(this, gameEvent); } public IPageList GetPageList() { return PageList; } public IRConParser GenerateDynamicRConParser(string name) { return new DynamicRConParser(_parserRegexFactory) { Name = name }; } public IEventParser GenerateDynamicEventParser(string name) { return new DynamicEventParser(_parserRegexFactory, _logger) { Name = name }; } public async Task> ExecuteSharedDatabaseOperation(string operationName) { var result = await _operationLookup[operationName]; return (IList)result; } public void RegisterSharedDatabaseOperation(Task operation, string operationName) { _operationLookup.Add(operationName, operation); } public void AddAdditionalCommand(IManagerCommand command) { if (_commands.Any(_command => _command.Name == command.Name || _command.Alias == command.Alias)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Duplicate command name or alias ({command.Name}, {command.Alias})"); } _commands.Add(command); } public void RemoveCommandByName(string commandName) => _commands.RemoveAll(_command => _command.Name == commandName); } }