using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using System.Linq; using SharedLibraryCore; namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Helpers { public class PluginImporter : IPluginImporter { public IList CommandTypes { get; private set; } = new List(); public IList ActivePlugins { get; private set; } = new List(); public IList PluginAssemblies { get; private set; } = new List(); public IList Assemblies { get; private set; } = new List(); private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly ITranslationLookup _translationLookup; public PluginImporter(ILogger logger, ITranslationLookup translationLookup) { _logger = logger; _translationLookup = translationLookup; } /// /// Loads all the assembly and javascript plugins /// public void Load() { string pluginDir = $"{Utilities.OperatingDirectory}Plugins{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"; string[] dllFileNames = null; string[] scriptFileNames = null; if (Directory.Exists(pluginDir)) { dllFileNames = Directory.GetFiles($"{Utilities.OperatingDirectory}Plugins{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}", "*.dll"); scriptFileNames = Directory.GetFiles($"{Utilities.OperatingDirectory}Plugins{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}", "*.js"); } else { dllFileNames = new string[0]; scriptFileNames = new string[0]; } if (dllFileNames.Length == 0 && scriptFileNames.Length == 0) { _logger.WriteDebug(_translationLookup["PLUGIN_IMPORTER_NOTFOUND"]); return; } // load up the script plugins foreach (string fileName in scriptFileNames) { var plugin = new ScriptPlugin(fileName); _logger.WriteDebug($"Loaded script plugin \"{ plugin.Name }\" [{plugin.Version}]"); ActivePlugins.Add(plugin); } ICollection assemblies = new List(dllFileNames.Length); foreach (string dllFile in dllFileNames) { assemblies.Add(Assembly.LoadFrom(dllFile)); } int LoadedCommands = 0; foreach (Assembly Plugin in assemblies) { if (Plugin != null) { Assemblies.Add(Plugin); Type[] types = Plugin.GetTypes(); foreach (Type assemblyType in types) { if (assemblyType.IsClass && assemblyType.BaseType == typeof(Command)) { CommandTypes.Add(assemblyType); _logger.WriteDebug($"{_translationLookup["PLUGIN_IMPORTER_REGISTERCMD"]} \"{assemblyType.Name}\""); LoadedCommands++; continue; } try { if (assemblyType.GetInterface("IPlugin", false) == null) continue; var notifyObject = Activator.CreateInstance(assemblyType); IPlugin newNotify = (IPlugin)notifyObject; if (ActivePlugins.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == newNotify.Name) == null) { ActivePlugins.Add(newNotify); PluginAssemblies.Add(Plugin); _logger.WriteDebug($"Loaded plugin \"{newNotify.Name}\" [{newNotify.Version}]"); } } catch (Exception e) { _logger.WriteWarning(_translationLookup["PLUGIN_IMPORTER_ERROR"].FormatExt(Plugin.Location)); _logger.WriteDebug(e.GetExceptionInfo()); } } } } _logger.WriteInfo($"Loaded {ActivePlugins.Count} plugins and registered {LoadedCommands} plugin commands."); } } }