using System; using SharedLibrary; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; namespace SamplePlugin { #if SAMPLE_CODE public class SampleCommand : Command { public SampleCommand() : base("testplugin", "sample plugin command. syntax !testplugin", "tp", Player.Permission.User, 0, false) { } public override void Execute(Event E) { Player clientWhoSent = E.Origin; Server originatingServer = E.Owner; String[] messageToClient = { String.Format("The command {0} was requested by ^3{1}", Name, clientWhoSent.Name), String.Format("The command was request on server ^1{0}", originatingServer.getName()) }; foreach (String Line in messageToClient) clientWhoSent.Tell(Line); } } public class AnotherSampleCommand : Command { public AnotherSampleCommand() : base("scream", "broadcast your message. syntax !scream ", "s", Player.Permission.Moderator, 1, false) { } public override void Execute(Event E) { Server originatingServer = E.Owner; String Message = E.Data; String Sender = E.Origin.Name; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) originatingServer.Broadcast(String.Format("^7{0}: ^{1}{2}^7", Sender, i, Message)); originatingServer.Log.Write("This line is coming from the plugin " + this.Name, Log.Level.Production); } } public class SampleEvent : EventNotify { public override void onLoad() { Console.WriteLine("The sample event plugin was loaded!"); } public override void onEvent(Event E) { E.Owner.Broadcast("An event occured of type: ^1" + E.Type); if (E.Data != null) E.Origin.Tell(E.Data); } } public class InvalidCommandExample { private void doNotDoThis() { } } #endif public class StatCommand : Command { public StatCommand() : base("stats", "view your stats. syntax !stats", "xlrstats", Player.Permission.User, 0, false) { } public override void Execute(Event E) { PlayerStats pStats = Stats.playerStats.getStats(E.Origin); String statLine = String.Format("^5{0} ^7KILLS | ^5{1} ^7DEATHS | ^5{2} ^7KDR | ^5{3} ^7SKILL", pStats.Kills, pStats.Deaths, pStats.KDR, pStats.Skill); E.Origin.Tell(statLine); } } public class Stats : Plugin { public static StatsDB playerStats { get; private set; } private DateTime[] lastKill = new DateTime[18]; private DateTime[] connectionTime = new DateTime[18]; private int[] inactiveMinutes = new int[18]; private int[] Kills = new int[18]; private int[] deathStreaks = new int[18]; private int[] killStreaks = new int[18]; public override void onEvent(Event E) { playerStats = new StatsDB("stats_" + E.Owner.getPort() + ".rm"); if (E.Type == Event.GType.Connect) { resetCounters(E.Origin.clientID); } if (E.Type == Event.GType.MapEnd) { foreach (Player P in E.Owner.getPlayers()) { calculateAndSaveSkill(P); resetCounters(P.clientID); E.Owner.Log.Write("Updated skill for client #" + P.databaseID, Log.Level.Debug); //E.Owner.Log.Write(String.Format("\r\nJoin: {0}\r\nInactive Minutes: {1}\r\nnewPlayTime: {2}\r\nnewSPM: {3}\r\nkdrWeight: {4}\r\nMultiplier: {5}\r\nscoreWeight: {6}\r\nnewSkillFactor: {7}\r\nprojectedNewSkill: {8}\r\nKills: {9}\r\nDeaths: {10}", connectionTime[P.clientID].ToShortTimeString(), inactiveMinutes[P.clientID], newPlayTime, newSPM, kdrWeight, Multiplier, scoreWeight, newSkillFactor, disconnectStats.Skill, disconnectStats.Kills, disconnectStats.Deaths)); } } if (E.Type == Event.GType.Disconnect) { calculateAndSaveSkill(E.Origin); E.Owner.Log.Write("Updated skill for disconnecting client #" + E.Origin.databaseID, Log.Level.Debug); } if (E.Type == Event.GType.Kill) { Player Killer = E.Origin; PlayerStats killerStats = playerStats.getStats(Killer); lastKill[E.Origin.clientID] = DateTime.Now; Kills[E.Origin.clientID]++; if ((lastKill[E.Origin.clientID] - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds > 60) { inactiveMinutes[E.Origin.clientID]++; } if (Killer != E.Target) { killerStats.Kills++; if (killerStats.Deaths == 0) killerStats.KDR = killerStats.Kills; else killerStats.KDR = (double)killerStats.Kills / (double)killerStats.Deaths; playerStats.updateStats(Killer, killerStats); killStreaks[E.Origin.clientID]++; deathStreaks[E.Origin.clientID] = 0; } Killer.Tell(messageOnStreak(killStreaks[E.Origin.clientID], deathStreaks[E.Origin.clientID])); } if (E.Type == Event.GType.Death) { Player Victim = E.Origin; PlayerStats victimStats = playerStats.getStats(Victim); victimStats.Deaths++; victimStats.KDR = (double)victimStats.Kills / (double)victimStats.Deaths; playerStats.updateStats(Victim, victimStats); deathStreaks[E.Origin.clientID]++; killStreaks[E.Origin.clientID] = 0; Victim.Tell(messageOnStreak(killStreaks[E.Origin.clientID], deathStreaks[E.Origin.clientID])); } } private void calculateAndSaveSkill(Player P) { PlayerStats disconnectStats = playerStats.getStats(P); if (Kills[P.clientID] == 0) return; else if (lastKill[P.clientID] > connectionTime[P.clientID]) inactiveMinutes[P.clientID] += (int)(DateTime.Now - lastKill[P.clientID]).TotalMinutes; int newPlayTime = (int)(DateTime.Now - connectionTime[P.clientID]).TotalMinutes - inactiveMinutes[P.clientID]; double newSPM = Kills[P.clientID] * 50 / Math.Max(newPlayTime, 1); double kdrWeight = Math.Round(Math.Pow(disconnectStats.KDR, 2 / Math.E), 3); double Multiplier; if (disconnectStats.scorePerMinute == 1) Multiplier = 1; else Multiplier = newSPM / disconnectStats.scorePerMinute; double scoreWeight = (newSPM * (newPlayTime / disconnectStats.playTime)); double newSkillFactor = Multiplier * scoreWeight; if (Multiplier >= 1) disconnectStats.scorePerMinute += newSkillFactor; else disconnectStats.scorePerMinute -= (scoreWeight - newSkillFactor); disconnectStats.Skill = disconnectStats.scorePerMinute * kdrWeight / 10; disconnectStats.playTime += newPlayTime; playerStats.updateStats(P, disconnectStats); } private void resetCounters(int cID) { Kills[cID] = 0; connectionTime[cID] = DateTime.Now; inactiveMinutes[cID] = 0; deathStreaks[cID] = 0; killStreaks[cID] = 0; } public override void onLoad() { for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) { Kills[i] = 0; connectionTime[i] = DateTime.Now; inactiveMinutes[i] = 0; deathStreaks[i] = 0; killStreaks[i] = 0; } } public override void onUnload() { } private String messageOnStreak(int killStreak, int deathStreak) { String Message = ""; switch (killStreak) { case 5: Message = "Great job! You're on a ^55 killstreak!"; break; case 10: Message = "Amazing! ^510 kills ^7without dying!"; break; } switch (deathStreak) { case 5: Message = "Pick it up soldier, you've died ^55 times ^7in a row..."; break; case 10: Message = "Seriously? ^510 deaths ^7without getting a kill?"; break; } return Message; } public override string Name { get { return "Basic Stats"; } } public override float Version { get { return 0.2f; } } public override string Author { get { return "RaidMax"; } } } public class StatsDB : Database { public StatsDB(String FN) : base(FN) { } public override void Init() { if (!File.Exists(FileName)) { String Create = "CREATE TABLE [STATS] ( [npID] TEXT, [KILLS] INTEGER DEFAULT 0, [DEATHS] INTEGER DEFAULT 0, [KDR] TEXT DEFAULT 0, [SKILL] TEXT DEFAULT 0, [MEAN] REAL DEFAULT 0, [DEV] REAL DEFAULT 0, [SPM] TEXT DEFAULT 0, [PLAYTIME] INTEGER DEFAULT 0);"; ExecuteNonQuery(Create); } } public void addPlayer(Player P) { Dictionary newPlayer = new Dictionary(); newPlayer.Add("npID", P.npID); newPlayer.Add("KILLS", 0); newPlayer.Add("DEATHS", 0); newPlayer.Add("KDR", 0.0); newPlayer.Add("SKILL", 1.0); newPlayer.Add("SPM", 1.0); newPlayer.Add("PLAYTIME", 1.0); Insert("STATS", newPlayer); } public PlayerStats getStats(Player P) { String Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM STATS WHERE npID = '{0}'", P.npID); DataTable Result = GetDataTable(Query); if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow ResponseRow = Result.Rows[0]; return new PlayerStats( Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["KILLS"]), Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["DEATHS"]), Convert.ToDouble(ResponseRow["KDR"]), Convert.ToDouble(ResponseRow["SKILL"]), Convert.ToDouble(ResponseRow["SPM"]), Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["PLAYTIME"]) ); } else { addPlayer(P); return getStats(P); } } public void updateStats(Player P, PlayerStats S) { Dictionary updatedPlayer = new Dictionary(); updatedPlayer.Add("KILLS", S.Kills); updatedPlayer.Add("DEATHS", S.Deaths); updatedPlayer.Add("KDR", Math.Round(S.KDR, 2)); updatedPlayer.Add("SKILL", Math.Round(S.Skill, 1)); updatedPlayer.Add("SPM", Math.Round(S.scorePerMinute, 0)); updatedPlayer.Add("PLAYTIME", S.playTime); Update("STATS", updatedPlayer, String.Format("npID = '{0}'", P.npID)); } } public struct PlayerStats { public PlayerStats(int K, int D, double DR, double S, double sc, int P) { Kills = K; Deaths = D; KDR = DR; Skill = S; scorePerMinute = sc; playTime = P; } public int Kills; public int Deaths; public double KDR; public double Skill; public double scorePerMinute; public int playTime; } }