using SharedLibraryCore; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; namespace IW4MAdmin.Application { class Logger : SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces.ILogger { enum LogType { Verbose, Info, Debug, Warning, Error, Assert } string FileName; object ThreadLock; public Logger(string fn) { FileName = fn; ThreadLock = new object(); if (File.Exists(fn)) File.Delete(fn); } void Write(string msg, LogType type) { if (!Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationSet.TryGetValue($"GLOBAL_{type.ToString().ToUpper()}", out string stringType)) stringType = type.ToString(); string LogLine = $"[{DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")}] - {stringType}: {msg}"; lock (ThreadLock) { #if DEBUG // lets keep it simple and dispose of everything quickly as logging wont be that much (relatively) Console.WriteLine(LogLine); File.AppendAllText(FileName, LogLine + Environment.NewLine); #else if (type == LogType.Error || type == LogType.Verbose) Console.WriteLine(LogLine); //if (type != LogType.Debug) File.AppendAllText(FileName, $"{LogLine}{Environment.NewLine}"); #endif } } public void WriteVerbose(string msg) { Write(msg, LogType.Verbose); } public void WriteDebug(string msg) { Write(msg, LogType.Debug); } public void WriteError(string msg) { Write(msg, LogType.Error); } public void WriteInfo(string msg) { Write(msg, LogType.Info); } public void WriteWarning(string msg) { Write(msg, LogType.Warning); } public void WriteAssert(bool condition, string msg) { if (!condition) Write(msg, LogType.Assert); } } }