using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using SharedLibraryCore.Commands; using SharedLibraryCore.Helpers; using SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions; using SharedLibraryCore.Objects; using SharedLibraryCore.Services; using IW4MAdmin.Application.API; using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; using WebfrontCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System.Text; namespace IW4MAdmin.Application { public class ApplicationManager : IManager { private List _servers; public List Servers => _servers.OrderByDescending(s => s.ClientNum).ToList(); public Dictionary PrivilegedClients { get; set; } public ILogger Logger { get; private set; } public bool Running { get; private set; } public EventHandler ServerEventOccurred { get; private set; } public DateTime StartTime { get; private set; } static ApplicationManager Instance; List TaskStatuses; List Commands; List MessageTokens; ClientService ClientSvc; AliasService AliasSvc; PenaltyService PenaltySvc; BaseConfigurationHandler ConfigHandler; EventApi Api; GameEventHandler Handler; ManualResetEventSlim OnEvent; Timer StatusUpdateTimer; #if FTP_LOG const int UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 700; #else const int UPDATE_FREQUENCY = 2000; #endif private ApplicationManager() { Logger = new Logger($@"{Utilities.OperatingDirectory}IW4MAdmin.log"); _servers = new List(); Commands = new List(); TaskStatuses = new List(); MessageTokens = new List(); ClientSvc = new ClientService(); AliasSvc = new AliasService(); PenaltySvc = new PenaltyService(); PrivilegedClients = new Dictionary(); Api = new EventApi(); ServerEventOccurred += Api.OnServerEvent; ConfigHandler = new BaseConfigurationHandler("IW4MAdminSettings"); Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(OnCancelKey); StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; OnEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(); } private void OnCancelKey(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs args) { Stop(); } public IList GetServers() { return Servers; } public IList GetCommands() { return Commands; } public static ApplicationManager GetInstance() { return Instance ?? (Instance = new ApplicationManager()); } public void UpdateStatus(object state) { foreach (var server in Servers) { Task.Run(() => server.ProcessUpdatesAsync(new CancellationToken())); } } public async Task Init() { // setup the event handler after the class is initialized Handler = new GameEventHandler(this); #region DATABASE var ipList = (await ClientSvc.Find(c => c.Level > Player.Permission.Trusted)) .Select(c => new { c.Password, c.PasswordSalt, c.ClientId, c.Level, c.Name }); foreach (var a in ipList) { try { PrivilegedClients.Add(a.ClientId, new Player() { Name = a.Name, ClientId = a.ClientId, Level = a.Level, PasswordSalt = a.PasswordSalt, Password = a.Password }); } catch (ArgumentException) { continue; } } #endregion #region CONFIG var config = ConfigHandler.Configuration(); // copy over default config if it doesn't exist if (config == null) { var defaultConfig = new BaseConfigurationHandler("DefaultSettings").Configuration(); ConfigHandler.Set((ApplicationConfiguration)new ApplicationConfiguration().Generate()); var newConfig = ConfigHandler.Configuration(); newConfig.AutoMessagePeriod = defaultConfig.AutoMessagePeriod; newConfig.AutoMessages = defaultConfig.AutoMessages; newConfig.GlobalRules = defaultConfig.GlobalRules; newConfig.Maps = defaultConfig.Maps; if (newConfig.Servers == null) { ConfigHandler.Set(newConfig); newConfig.Servers = new List(); do { newConfig.Servers.Add((ServerConfiguration)new ServerConfiguration().Generate()); } while (Utilities.PromptBool(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationSet["SETUP_SERVER_SAVE"])); config = newConfig; await ConfigHandler.Save(); } } else if (config != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.Id)) { config.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); await ConfigHandler.Save(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.WebfrontBindUrl)) { config.WebfrontBindUrl = ""; await ConfigHandler.Save(); } } else if (config.Servers.Count == 0) throw new ServerException("A server configuration in IW4MAdminSettings.json is invalid"); Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); Utilities.EncodingType = Encoding.GetEncoding(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.CustomParserEncoding) ? config.CustomParserEncoding : "windows-1252"); #endregion #region PLUGINS SharedLibraryCore.Plugins.PluginImporter.Load(this); foreach (var Plugin in SharedLibraryCore.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActivePlugins) { try { await Plugin.OnLoadAsync(this); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteError($"{Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationSet["SERVER_ERROR_PLUGIN"]} {Plugin.Name}"); Logger.WriteDebug($"Exception: {e.Message}"); Logger.WriteDebug($"Stack Trace: {e.StackTrace}"); } } #endregion #region COMMANDS if (ClientSvc.GetOwners().Result.Count == 0) Commands.Add(new COwner()); Commands.Add(new CQuit()); Commands.Add(new CKick()); Commands.Add(new CSay()); Commands.Add(new CTempBan()); Commands.Add(new CBan()); Commands.Add(new CWhoAmI()); Commands.Add(new CList()); Commands.Add(new CHelp()); Commands.Add(new CFastRestart()); Commands.Add(new CMapRotate()); Commands.Add(new CSetLevel()); Commands.Add(new CUsage()); Commands.Add(new CUptime()); Commands.Add(new CWarn()); Commands.Add(new CWarnClear()); Commands.Add(new CUnban()); Commands.Add(new CListAdmins()); Commands.Add(new CLoadMap()); Commands.Add(new CFindPlayer()); Commands.Add(new CListRules()); Commands.Add(new CPrivateMessage()); Commands.Add(new CFlag()); Commands.Add(new CReport()); Commands.Add(new CListReports()); Commands.Add(new CListBanInfo()); Commands.Add(new CListAlias()); Commands.Add(new CExecuteRCON()); Commands.Add(new CPlugins()); Commands.Add(new CIP()); Commands.Add(new CMask()); Commands.Add(new CPruneAdmins()); //Commands.Add(new CKillServer()); Commands.Add(new CSetPassword()); Commands.Add(new CPing()); foreach (Command C in SharedLibraryCore.Plugins.PluginImporter.ActiveCommands) Commands.Add(C); #endregion #region INIT async Task Init(ServerConfiguration Conf) { try { var ServerInstance = new IW4MServer(this, Conf); await ServerInstance.Initialize(); lock (_servers) { _servers.Add(ServerInstance); } Logger.WriteVerbose($"{Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationSet["MANAGER_MONITORING_TEXT"]} {ServerInstance.Hostname}"); // add the start event for this server Handler.AddEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.EventType.Start, "Server started", null, null, ServerInstance)); } catch (ServerException e) { Logger.WriteError($"{Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationSet["SERVER_ERROR_UNFIXABLE"]} [{Conf.IPAddress}:{Conf.Port}]"); if (e.GetType() == typeof(DvarException)) Logger.WriteDebug($"{Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationSet["SERVER_ERROR_DVAR"]} {(e as DvarException).Data["dvar_name"]} ({Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationSet["SERVER_ERROR_DVAR_HELP"]})"); else if (e.GetType() == typeof(NetworkException)) { Logger.WriteDebug(e.Message); } // throw the exception to the main method to stop before instantly exiting throw e; } } await Task.WhenAll(config.Servers.Select(c => Init(c)).ToArray()); // start polling servers StatusUpdateTimer = new Timer(UpdateStatus, null, 0, 10000); #endregion Running = true; } private void HeartBeatThread() { bool successfulConnection = false; restartConnection: while (!successfulConnection) { try { API.Master.Heartbeat.Send(this, true).Wait(); successfulConnection = true; } catch (Exception e) { successfulConnection = false; Logger.WriteWarning($"Could not connect to heartbeat server - {e.Message}"); } Thread.Sleep(30000); } while (Running) { Logger.WriteDebug("Sending heartbeat..."); try { API.Master.Heartbeat.Send(this).Wait(); } catch (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException e) { Logger.WriteWarning($"Could not send heartbeat - {e.Message}"); } catch (AggregateException e) { Logger.WriteWarning($"Could not send heartbeat - {e.Message}"); var exceptions = e.InnerExceptions.Where(ex => ex.GetType() == typeof(RestEase.ApiException)); foreach (var ex in exceptions) { if (((RestEase.ApiException)ex).StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { successfulConnection = false; goto restartConnection; } } } catch (RestEase.ApiException e) { Logger.WriteWarning($"Could not send heartbeat - {e.Message}"); if (e.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { successfulConnection = false; goto restartConnection; } } Thread.Sleep(30000); } } public void Start() { Task.Run(() => HeartBeatThread()); GameEvent newEvent; while (Running) { // wait for new event to be added OnEvent.Wait(); // todo: sequencially or parallelize? while ((newEvent = Handler.GetNextEvent()) != null) { try { newEvent.Owner.ExecuteEvent(newEvent).Wait(); #if DEBUG Logger.WriteDebug("Processed Event"); #endif } catch (Exception E) { Logger.WriteError($"{Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationSet["SERVER_ERROR_EXCEPTION"]} {newEvent.Owner}"); Logger.WriteDebug("Error Message: " + E.Message); Logger.WriteDebug("Error Trace: " + E.StackTrace); newEvent.OnProcessed.Set(); continue; } // tell anyone waiting for the output that we're done newEvent.OnProcessed.Set(); } // signal that all events have been processed OnEvent.Reset(); } #if !DEBUG foreach (var S in Servers) S.Broadcast(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationSet["BROADCAST_OFFLINE"]).Wait(); #endif _servers.Clear(); } public void Stop() { Running = false; // trigger the event processing loop to end SetHasEvent(); } public ILogger GetLogger() { return Logger; } public IList GetMessageTokens() { return MessageTokens; } public IList GetActiveClients() { var ActiveClients = new List(); foreach (var server in _servers) ActiveClients.AddRange(server.Players.Where(p => p != null)); return ActiveClients; } public ClientService GetClientService() => ClientSvc; public AliasService GetAliasService() => AliasSvc; public PenaltyService GetPenaltyService() => PenaltySvc; public IConfigurationHandler GetApplicationSettings() => ConfigHandler; public IDictionary GetPrivilegedClients() => PrivilegedClients; public IEventApi GetEventApi() => Api; public bool ShutdownRequested() => !Running; public IEventHandler GetEventHandler() => Handler; public void SetHasEvent() { OnEvent.Set(); } } }