#if DEBUG using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage; #endif using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using static SharedLibraryCore.Server; namespace SharedLibraryCore { public static class Utilities { #if DEBUG == true public static string OperatingDirectory => $"{Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"; #else public static string OperatingDirectory => $"{Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}..{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}"; #endif public static Encoding EncodingType; public static Localization.Layout CurrentLocalization = new Localization.Layout(new Dictionary()); public static EFClient IW4MAdminClient(Server server = null) { return new EFClient() { ClientId = 1, State = EFClient.ClientState.Connected, Level = EFClient.Permission.Console, CurrentServer = server, CurrentAlias = new EFAlias() { Name = "IW4MAdmin" }, AdministeredPenalties = new List() }; } public static string HttpRequest(string location, string header, string headerValue) { using (var RequestClient = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient()) { RequestClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(header, headerValue); string response = RequestClient.GetStringAsync(location).Result; return response; } } //Get string with specified number of spaces -- really only for visual output public static String GetSpaces(int Num) { String SpaceString = String.Empty; while (Num > 0) { SpaceString += ' '; Num--; } return SpaceString; } //Remove words from a space delimited string public static String RemoveWords(this string str, int num) { if (str == null || str.Length == 0) { return ""; } String newStr = String.Empty; String[] tmp = str.Split(' '); for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++) { if (i >= num) { newStr += tmp[i] + ' '; } } return newStr; } /// /// helper method to get the information about an exception and inner exceptions /// /// /// public static string GetExceptionInfo(this Exception ex) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); int depth = 0; while (ex != null) { sb.AppendLine($"Exception[{depth}] Name: {ex.GetType().FullName}"); sb.AppendLine($"Exception[{depth}] Message: {ex.Message}"); sb.AppendLine($"Exception[{depth}] Call Stack: {ex.StackTrace}"); sb.AppendLine($"Exception[{depth}] Source: {ex.Source}"); depth++; ex = ex.InnerException; } return sb.ToString(); } public static EFClient.Permission MatchPermission(String str) { String lookingFor = str.ToLower(); for (EFClient.Permission Perm = EFClient.Permission.User; Perm < EFClient.Permission.Console; Perm++) { if (lookingFor.Contains(Perm.ToString().ToLower()) || lookingFor.Contains(CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex[$"GLOBAL_PERMISSION_{Perm.ToString().ToUpper()}"].ToLower())) { return Perm; } } return EFClient.Permission.Banned; } /// /// Remove all IW Engine color codes /// /// String containing color codes /// public static String StripColors(this string str) { if (str == null) { return ""; } str = Regex.Replace(str, @"(\^+((?![a-z]|[A-Z]).){0,1})+", ""); string str2 = Regex.Match(str, @"(^\/+.*$)|(^.*\/+$)") .Value .Replace("/", " /"); return str2.Length > 0 ? str2 : str; } /// /// Get the IW Engine color code corresponding to an admin level /// /// Specified player level /// public static String ConvertLevelToColor(EFClient.Permission level, string localizedLevel) { char colorCode = '6'; // todo: maybe make this game independant? switch (level) { case EFClient.Permission.Banned: colorCode = '1'; break; case EFClient.Permission.Flagged: colorCode = '9'; break; case EFClient.Permission.Owner: colorCode = '5'; break; case EFClient.Permission.User: colorCode = '2'; break; case EFClient.Permission.Trusted: colorCode = '3'; break; default: break; } return $"^{colorCode}{localizedLevel ?? level.ToString()}"; } public static string ToLocalizedLevelName(this EFClient.Permission perm) { return CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex[$"GLOBAL_PERMISSION_{perm.ToString().ToUpper()}"]; } public static String ProcessMessageToken(this Server server, IList tokens, String str) { MatchCollection RegexMatches = Regex.Matches(str, @"\{\{[A-Z]+\}\}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); foreach (Match M in RegexMatches) { String Match = M.Value; String Identifier = M.Value.Substring(2, M.Length - 4); var found = tokens.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name.ToLower() == Identifier.ToLower()); if (found != null) { str = str.Replace(Match, found.Process(server)); } } return str; } public static bool IsBroadcastCommand(this string str) { return str[0] == '@'; } /// /// Get the full gametype name /// /// Shorthand gametype reported from server /// public static string GetLocalizedGametype(String input) { switch (input) { case "dm": return "Deathmatch"; case "war": return "Team Deathmatch"; case "koth": return "Headquarters"; case "ctf": return "Capture The Flag"; case "dd": return "Demolition"; case "dom": return "Domination"; case "sab": return "Sabotage"; case "sd": return "Search & Destroy"; case "vip": return "Very Important Person"; case "gtnw": return "Global Thermonuclear War"; case "oitc": return "One In The Chamber"; case "arena": return "Arena"; case "dzone": return "Drop Zone"; case "gg": return "Gun Game"; case "snipe": return "Sniping"; case "ss": return "Sharp Shooter"; case "m40a3": return "M40A3"; case "fo": return "Face Off"; case "dmc": return "Deathmatch Classic"; case "killcon": return "Kill Confirmed"; case "oneflag": return "One Flag CTF"; default: return input; } } public static long ConvertLong(this string str) { str = str.Substring(0, Math.Min(str.Length, 16)); if (long.TryParse(str, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out long id)) { return id; } if (long.TryParse(str, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out id)) { return (uint)id; } var bot = Regex.Match(str, @"bot[0-9]+").Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bot)) { // should set their GUID to the negation of their 1 based index (-1 - -18) return -(Convert.ToInt64(bot.Substring(3)) + 1); } return long.MinValue; } public static int? ConvertToIP(this string str) { bool success = System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(str, out System.Net.IPAddress ip); return success && ip.GetAddressBytes().Count(_byte => _byte == 0) != 4 ? (int?)BitConverter.ToInt32(ip.GetAddressBytes(), 0) : null; } public static string ConvertIPtoString(this int? ip) { return !ip.HasValue ? "" : new System.Net.IPAddress(BitConverter.GetBytes(ip.Value)).ToString(); } public static string GetTimePassed(DateTime start) { return GetTimePassed(start, true); } public static string GetTimePassed(DateTime start, bool includeAgo) { TimeSpan Elapsed = DateTime.UtcNow - start; string ago = includeAgo ? $" {CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["WEBFRONT_PENALTY_TEMPLATE_AGO"]}" : ""; if (Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 30) { return CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_TIME_JUSTNOW"]; } if (Elapsed.TotalMinutes < 120) { if (Elapsed.TotalMinutes < 1.5) { return $"1 {CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_TIME_MINUTES"]}{ago}"; } return Math.Round(Elapsed.TotalMinutes, 0) + $" {CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_TIME_MINUTES"]}{ago}"; } if (Elapsed.TotalHours <= 24) { if (Elapsed.TotalHours < 1.5) { return $"1 {CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_TIME_HOURS"]}{ago}"; } return Math.Round(Elapsed.TotalHours, 0) + $" { CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_TIME_HOURS"]}{ago}"; } if (Elapsed.TotalDays <= 90) { if (Elapsed.TotalDays < 1.5) { return $"1 {CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_TIME_DAYS"]}{ago}"; } return Math.Round(Elapsed.TotalDays, 0) + $" {CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_TIME_DAYS"]}{ago}"; } if (Elapsed.TotalDays <= 365) { return $"{Math.Round(Elapsed.TotalDays / 7)} {CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_TIME_WEEKS"]}{ago}"; } else { return $"{Math.Round(Elapsed.TotalDays / 30, 0)} {CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_TIME_MONTHS"]}{ago}"; } } public static Game GetGame(string gameName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameName)) { return Game.UKN; } if (gameName.Contains("IW4")) { return Game.IW4; } if (gameName.Contains("CoD4")) { return Game.IW3; } if (gameName.Contains("COD_WaW")) { return Game.T4; } if (gameName.Contains("T5")) { return Game.T5; } if (gameName.Contains("IW5")) { return Game.IW5; } if (gameName.Contains("COD_T6_S")) { return Game.T6; } return Game.UKN; } public static string EscapeMarkdown(this string markdownString) { return markdownString.Replace("<", "\\<").Replace(">", "\\>").Replace("|", "\\|"); } public static TimeSpan ParseTimespan(this string input) { var expressionMatch = Regex.Match(input, @"([0-9]+)(\w+)"); if (!expressionMatch.Success) // fallback to default tempban length of 1 hour { return new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0); } char lengthDenote = expressionMatch.Groups[2].ToString()[0]; int length = Int32.Parse(expressionMatch.Groups[1].ToString()); var loc = CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex; if (lengthDenote == char.ToLower(loc["GLOBAL_TIME_MINUTES"][0])) { return new TimeSpan(0, length, 0); } if (lengthDenote == char.ToLower(loc["GLOBAL_TIME_HOURS"][0])) { return new TimeSpan(length, 0, 0); } if (lengthDenote == char.ToLower(loc["GLOBAL_TIME_DAYS"][0])) { return new TimeSpan(length, 0, 0, 0); } if (lengthDenote == char.ToLower(loc["GLOBAL_TIME_WEEKS"][0])) { return new TimeSpan(length * 7, 0, 0, 0); } if (lengthDenote == char.ToLower(loc["GLOBAL_TIME_YEARS"][0])) { return new TimeSpan(length * 365, 0, 0, 0); } return new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0); } public static string TimeSpanText(this TimeSpan span) { var loc = CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex; if (span.TotalMinutes < 60) { return $"{span.Minutes} {loc["GLOBAL_TIME_MINUTES"]}"; } else if (span.Hours >= 1 && span.TotalHours < 24) { return $"{span.Hours} {loc["GLOBAL_TIME_HOURS"]}"; } else if (span.TotalDays >= 1 && span.TotalDays < 7) { return $"{span.Days} {loc["GLOBAL_TIME_DAYS"]}"; } else if (span.TotalDays >= 7 && span.TotalDays < 90) { return $"{Math.Round(span.Days / 7.0, 0)} {loc["GLOBAL_TIME_WEEKS"]}"; } else if (span.TotalDays >= 90 && span.TotalDays < 365) { return $"{Math.Round(span.Days / 30.0, 0)} {loc["GLOBAL_TIME_MONTHS"]}"; } else if (span.TotalDays >= 365 && span.TotalDays < 36500) { return $"{Math.Round(span.Days / 365.0, 0)} {loc["GLOBAL_TIME_YEARS"]}"; } else if (span.TotalDays >= 36500) { return loc["GLOBAL_TIME_FOREVER"]; } return "unknown"; } public static bool IsPrivileged(this EFClient p) { return p.Level > EFClient.Permission.User; } /// /// prompt user to answer a yes/no question /// /// question to prompt the user with /// description of the question's value /// default value to set if no input is entered /// public static bool PromptBool(string question, string description = null, bool defaultValue = true) { Console.Write($"{question}?{(string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? " " : $" ({description}) ")}[y/n]: "); char response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower().FirstOrDefault(); return response != 0 ? response == 'y' : defaultValue; } /// /// prompt user to make a selection /// /// type of selection /// question to prompt the user with /// default value to set if no input is entered /// description of the question's value /// array of possible selections (should be able to convert to string) /// public static Tuple PromptSelection(string question, T defaultValue, string description = null, params T[] selections) { bool hasDefault = false; if (defaultValue != null) { hasDefault = true; selections = (new T[] { defaultValue }).Union(selections).ToArray(); } Console.WriteLine($"{question}{(string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? "" : $" [{ description}:]")}"); Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 52)); for (int index = 0; index < selections.Length; index++) { Console.WriteLine($"{(hasDefault ? index : index + 1)}] {selections[index]}"); } Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 52)); int selectionIndex = PromptInt(CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["SETUP_PROMPT_MAKE_SELECTION"], null, hasDefault ? 0 : 1, selections.Length, hasDefault ? 0 : (int?)null); if (!hasDefault) { selectionIndex--; } T selection = selections[selectionIndex ]; return Tuple.Create(selectionIndex, selection); } /// /// prompt user to enter a number /// /// question to prompt with /// maximum value to allow /// minimum value to allow /// default value to set the return value to /// a description of the question's value /// integer from user's input public static int PromptInt(this string question, string description = null, int minValue = 0, int maxValue = int.MaxValue, int? defaultValue = null) { Console.Write($"{question}{(string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? "" : $" ({description})")}{(defaultValue == null ? "" : $" [{CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["SETUP_PROMPT_DEFAULT"]} {defaultValue.Value.ToString()}]")}: "); int response; string inputOrDefault() { string input = Console.ReadLine(); return string.IsNullOrEmpty(input) && defaultValue != null ? defaultValue.ToString() : input; } while (!int.TryParse(inputOrDefault(), out response) || response < minValue || response > maxValue) { string range = ""; if (minValue != 0 || maxValue != int.MaxValue) { range = $" [{minValue}-{maxValue}]"; } Console.Write($"{CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["SETUP_PROMPT_INT"]}{range}: "); } return response; } /// /// prompt use to enter a string response /// /// question to prompt with /// description of the question's value /// default value to set the return value to /// public static string PromptString(string question, string description = null, string defaultValue = null) { string inputOrDefault() { string input = Console.ReadLine(); return string.IsNullOrEmpty(input) && defaultValue != null ? defaultValue.ToString() : input; } string response; do { Console.Write($"{question}{(string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? "" : $" ({description})")}{(defaultValue == null ? "" : $" [{CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["SETUP_PROMPT_DEFAULT"]} {defaultValue}]")}: "); response = inputOrDefault(); } while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(response)); return response; } public static int ClientIdFromString(String[] lineSplit, int cIDPos) { int pID = -2; // apparently falling = -1 cID so i can't use it now int.TryParse(lineSplit[cIDPos].Trim(), out pID); if (pID == -1) // special case similar to mod_suicide { int.TryParse(lineSplit[2], out pID); } return pID; } public static Dictionary DictionaryFromKeyValue(this string eventLine) { string[] values = eventLine.Substring(1).Split('\\'); Dictionary dict = null; if (values.Length % 2 == 0 && values.Length > 1) { dict = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i += 2) { dict.Add(values[i], values[i + 1]); } } return dict; } /* https://loune.net/2017/06/running-shell-bash-commands-in-net-core/ */ public static string GetCommandLine(int pId) { var cmdProcess = new Process() { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = "cmd.exe", Arguments = $"/c wmic process where processid={pId} get CommandLine", RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, } }; cmdProcess.Start(); cmdProcess.WaitForExit(); string[] cmdLine = cmdProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Split("\r\n", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); return cmdLine.Length > 1 ? cmdLine[1] : cmdLine[0]; } /// /// indicates if the given log path is a remote (http) uri /// /// /// public static bool IsRemoteLog(this string log) => (log ?? "").StartsWith("http"); public static string ToBase64UrlSafeString(this string src) { return Convert.ToBase64String(src.Select(c => Convert.ToByte(c)).ToArray()).Replace('+', '-').Replace('/', '_'); } public static Task> GetDvarAsync(this Server server, string dvarName) { return server.RconParser.GetDvarAsync(server.RemoteConnection, dvarName); } public static Task SetDvarAsync(this Server server, string dvarName, object dvarValue) { return server.RconParser.SetDvarAsync(server.RemoteConnection, dvarName, dvarValue); } public static async Task ExecuteCommandAsync(this Server server, string commandName) { return await server.RconParser.ExecuteCommandAsync(server.RemoteConnection, commandName); } public static Task> GetStatusAsync(this Server server) { return server.RconParser.GetStatusAsync(server.RemoteConnection); } public static async Task> GetInfoAsync(this Server server) { string[] response = new string[0]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { response = await server.RemoteConnection.SendQueryAsync(RCon.StaticHelpers.QueryType.GET_INFO); if (response.Length == 2) { break; } await Task.Delay(RCon.StaticHelpers.FloodProtectionInterval); } return response.FirstOrDefault(r => r[0] == '\\')?.DictionaryFromKeyValue(); } public static double GetVersionAsDouble() { string version = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); version = version.Replace(".", ""); return double.Parse(version) / 1000.0; } public static string GetVersionAsString() { return Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); } #if DEBUG == true private static readonly TypeInfo QueryCompilerTypeInfo = typeof(QueryCompiler).GetTypeInfo(); private static readonly FieldInfo QueryCompilerField = typeof(EntityQueryProvider).GetTypeInfo().DeclaredFields.First(x => x.Name == "_queryCompiler"); private static readonly FieldInfo QueryModelGeneratorField = QueryCompilerTypeInfo.DeclaredFields.First(x => x.Name == "_queryModelGenerator"); private static readonly FieldInfo DataBaseField = QueryCompilerTypeInfo.DeclaredFields.Single(x => x.Name == "_database"); private static readonly PropertyInfo DatabaseDependenciesField = typeof(Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.Database).GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties.Single(x => x.Name == "Dependencies"); public static string ToSql(this IQueryable query) where TEntity : class { var queryCompiler = (QueryCompiler)QueryCompilerField.GetValue(query.Provider); var modelGenerator = (QueryModelGenerator)QueryModelGeneratorField.GetValue(queryCompiler); var queryModel = modelGenerator.ParseQuery(query.Expression); var database = (IDatabase)DataBaseField.GetValue(queryCompiler); var databaseDependencies = (DatabaseDependencies)DatabaseDependenciesField.GetValue(database); var queryCompilationContext = databaseDependencies.QueryCompilationContextFactory.Create(false); var modelVisitor = (RelationalQueryModelVisitor)queryCompilationContext.CreateQueryModelVisitor(); modelVisitor.CreateQueryExecutor(queryModel); var sql = modelVisitor.Queries.First().ToString().Replace("\"", "`"); return sql; } #endif } }