using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Serilog.Context; using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using SharedLibraryCore.RCon; using ILogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger; namespace Integrations.Cod { /// <summary> /// implementation of IRConConnection /// </summary> public class CodRConConnection : IRConConnection { private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<EndPoint, ConnectionState> ActiveQueries = new(); public IPEndPoint Endpoint { get; } public string RConPassword { get; } private IRConParser _parser; private IRConParserConfiguration _config; private readonly ILogger _log; private readonly Encoding _gameEncoding; private readonly int _retryAttempts; public CodRConConnection(IPEndPoint ipEndpoint, string password, ILogger<CodRConConnection> log, Encoding gameEncoding, int retryAttempts) { RConPassword = password; _gameEncoding = gameEncoding; _log = log; Endpoint = ipEndpoint; _retryAttempts = retryAttempts; } public void SetConfiguration(IRConParser parser) { _parser = parser; _config = parser.Configuration; } public async Task<string[]> SendQueryAsync(StaticHelpers.QueryType type, string parameters = "", CancellationToken token = default) { try { return await SendQueryAsyncInternal(type, parameters, token); } catch (RConException ex) when (ex.IsOperationCancelled) { _log.LogDebug(ex, "Could not complete RCon request"); throw; } catch (Exception ex) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Endpoint.ToString())) { _log.LogWarning(ex, "Could not complete RCon request"); } throw; } finally { _log.LogDebug("Releasing OnComplete {Count}", ActiveQueries[Endpoint].OnComplete.CurrentCount); if (ActiveQueries[Endpoint].OnComplete.CurrentCount == 0) { ActiveQueries[Endpoint].OnComplete.Release(); } } } private async Task<string[]> SendQueryAsyncInternal(StaticHelpers.QueryType type, string parameters = "", CancellationToken token = default) { if (!ActiveQueries.ContainsKey(Endpoint)) { ActiveQueries.TryAdd(Endpoint, new ConnectionState()); } if (!ActiveQueries.TryGetValue(Endpoint, out var connectionState)) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Endpoint.ToString())) { _log.LogError("Could not retrieve connection state"); } throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not get connection state"); } _log.LogDebug("Waiting for semaphore to be released [{Endpoint}]", Endpoint); // enter the semaphore so only one query is sent at a time per server. try { await connectionState.OnComplete.WaitAsync(token); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { _log.LogDebug("OnComplete did not complete before timeout {Count}", connectionState.OnComplete.CurrentCount); throw new RConException("Timed out waiting for access to rcon socket", true); } var timeSinceLastQuery = (DateTime.Now - connectionState.LastQuery).TotalMilliseconds; if (timeSinceLastQuery < _config.FloodProtectInterval) { try { var delay = _config.FloodProtectInterval - (int)timeSinceLastQuery; _log.LogDebug("Delaying for {Delay}ms", delay); await Task.Delay(delay, token); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { _log.LogDebug("Waiting for flood protect did not complete before timeout timeout {Count}", connectionState.OnComplete.CurrentCount); throw new RConException("Timed out waiting for flood protect to expire", true); } } _log.LogDebug("Semaphore has been released [{Endpoint}]", Endpoint); _log.LogDebug("Query {@QueryInfo}", new { endpoint = Endpoint.ToString(), type, parameters }); byte[] payload = null; var waitForResponse = _config.WaitForResponse; string ConvertEncoding(string text) { var convertedBytes = Utilities.EncodingType.GetBytes(text); return _gameEncoding.GetString(convertedBytes); } try { var convertedRConPassword = ConvertEncoding(RConPassword); var convertedParameters = ConvertEncoding(parameters); switch (type) { case StaticHelpers.QueryType.GET_DVAR: waitForResponse = true; payload = string .Format(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConGetDvar, convertedRConPassword, convertedParameters + '\0').Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray(); break; case StaticHelpers.QueryType.SET_DVAR: payload = string .Format(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConSetDvar, convertedRConPassword, convertedParameters + '\0').Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray(); break; case StaticHelpers.QueryType.COMMAND: payload = string .Format(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConCommand, convertedRConPassword, convertedParameters + '\0').Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray(); break; case StaticHelpers.QueryType.GET_STATUS: waitForResponse = true; payload = (_config.CommandPrefixes.RConGetStatus + '\0').Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray(); break; case StaticHelpers.QueryType.GET_INFO: waitForResponse = true; payload = (_config.CommandPrefixes.RConGetInfo + '\0').Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray(); break; case StaticHelpers.QueryType.COMMAND_STATUS: waitForResponse = true; payload = string.Format(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConCommand, convertedRConPassword, "status\0") .Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray(); break; } } // this happens when someone tries to send something that can't be converted into a 7 bit character set // e.g: emoji -> windows-1252 catch (OverflowException ex) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Endpoint.ToString())) { _log.LogError(ex, "Could not convert RCon data payload to desired encoding {Encoding} {Params}", _gameEncoding.EncodingName, parameters); } throw new RConException("Invalid character encountered when converting encodings"); } byte[][] response; retrySend: using (var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp) { DontFragment = false, Ttl = 100, ExclusiveAddressUse = true, }) { if (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { connectionState.ConnectionAttempts++; } connectionState.ReceivedBytes.Clear(); _log.LogDebug( "Sending {PayloadLength} bytes to [{Endpoint}] ({ConnectionAttempts}/{AllowedConnectionFailures}) parameters {Payload}", payload.Length, Endpoint, connectionState.ConnectionAttempts, _retryAttempts, parameters); try { connectionState.LastQuery = DateTime.Now; var retryTimeout = StaticHelpers.SocketTimeout(connectionState.ConnectionAttempts); var overrideTimeout = _parser.OverrideTimeoutForCommand(parameters); var maxTimeout = !overrideTimeout.HasValue || overrideTimeout == TimeSpan.Zero ? retryTimeout : overrideTimeout.Value; using var internalTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(maxTimeout); using var chainedTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token, internalTokenSource.Token); if (connectionState.ConnectionAttempts > 1) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Endpoint.ToString())) { _log.LogInformation( "Retrying RCon message ({ConnectionAttempts}/{AllowedConnectionFailures} attempts, {Timeout}ms timeout) with parameters {Payload}", connectionState.ConnectionAttempts, _retryAttempts, maxTimeout.TotalMilliseconds, parameters); } } waitForResponse = waitForResponse && overrideTimeout.HasValue; response = await SendPayloadAsync(socket, payload, waitForResponse, chainedTokenSource.Token); if ((response?.Length == 0 || response[0].Length == 0) && waitForResponse) { _log.LogDebug("0 bytes received from rcon request"); throw new RConException("Expected response but got 0 bytes back"); } connectionState.ConnectionAttempts = 0; } catch (OperationCanceledException) { _log.LogDebug("OperationCanceledException when waiting for payload send to complete"); // if we timed out due to the cancellation token, // we don't want to count that as an attempt if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { if (connectionState.ConnectionAttempts > 0) { connectionState.ConnectionAttempts--; } throw new RConException("Timed out waiting on retry delay for RCon socket", token.IsCancellationRequested); } if (connectionState.ConnectionAttempts < _retryAttempts) { goto retrySend; } using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Endpoint.ToString())) { _log.LogWarning( "Made {ConnectionAttempts} attempts to send RCon data to server, but received no response", connectionState.ConnectionAttempts); } connectionState.ConnectionAttempts = 0; throw new NetworkException("Reached maximum retry attempts to send RCon data to server"); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.LogDebug(ex, "RCon Exception"); if (connectionState.ConnectionAttempts < _retryAttempts) { goto retrySend; } using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Endpoint.ToString())) { _log.LogWarning( "Made {ConnectionAttempts} attempts to send RCon data to server, but received no response", connectionState.ConnectionAttempts); } connectionState.ConnectionAttempts = 0; throw new NetworkException("Reached maximum retry attempts to send RCon data to server"); } } // at this point we can run in parallel and the next request can start because we have our data if (response.Length == 0) { _log.LogDebug("Received empty response for RCon request {@Query}", new { endpoint = Endpoint.ToString(), type, parameters }); return Array.Empty<string>(); } var responseString = type == StaticHelpers.QueryType.COMMAND_STATUS ? ReassembleSegmentedStatus(response) : RecombineMessages(response); var validatedResponse = ValidateResponse(type, responseString); return validatedResponse; } private async Task<byte[][]> SendPayloadAsync(Socket rconSocket, byte[] payload, bool waitForResponse, CancellationToken token = default) { var connectionState = ActiveQueries[Endpoint]; if (rconSocket is null) { _log.LogDebug("Invalid state"); throw new InvalidOperationException("State is not valid for socket operation"); } var sentByteCount = await rconSocket.SendToAsync(payload, SocketFlags.None, Endpoint, token); var complete = sentByteCount == payload.Length; if (!complete) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Endpoint.ToString())) { _log.LogWarning("Could not send data to remote RCon socket on attempt #{ConnectionAttempts}", connectionState.ConnectionAttempts); } rconSocket.Close(); throw new NetworkException("Could not send data to remote RCon socket", rconSocket); } if (!waitForResponse) { return Array.Empty<byte[]>(); } _log.LogDebug("Waiting to asynchronously receive data on attempt #{ConnectionAttempts}", connectionState.ConnectionAttempts); await ReceiveAndStoreSocketData(rconSocket, token, connectionState); if (_parser.GameName == Server.Game.IW3) { await Task.Delay(100, token); // CoD4x shenanigans } while (rconSocket.Available > 0) { await ReceiveAndStoreSocketData(rconSocket, token, connectionState); } rconSocket.Close(); return GetResponseData(connectionState); } private async Task ReceiveAndStoreSocketData(Socket rconSocket, CancellationToken token, ConnectionState connectionState) { var result = await rconSocket.ReceiveFromAsync(connectionState.ReceiveBuffer, SocketFlags.None, Endpoint, token); if (result.ReceivedBytes == 0) { return; } var storageBuffer = new byte[result.ReceivedBytes]; Array.Copy(connectionState.ReceiveBuffer, storageBuffer, storageBuffer.Length); connectionState.ReceivedBytes.Add(storageBuffer); } #region Helpers private string[] ValidateResponse(StaticHelpers.QueryType type, string responseString) { // note: not all games respond if the password is wrong or not set if (responseString.Contains("Invalid password", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || responseString.Contains("rconpassword")) { throw new RConException(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["SERVER_ERROR_RCON_INVALID"]); } if (responseString.Contains("rcon_password")) { throw new RConException(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["SERVER_ERROR_RCON_NOTSET"]); } if (responseString.Contains(_config.ServerNotRunningResponse)) { throw new ServerException(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["SERVER_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING"] .FormatExt(Endpoint.ToString())); } var responseHeaderMatch = Regex.Match(responseString, _config.CommandPrefixes.RConResponse).Value; var headerSplit = responseString.Split(type == StaticHelpers.QueryType.GET_INFO ? _config.CommandPrefixes.RconGetInfoResponseHeader : responseHeaderMatch); if (headerSplit.Length == 2) { return headerSplit.Last().Split(new[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(line => line.StartsWith("^7") ? line[2..] : line).ToArray(); } using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Endpoint.ToString())) { _log.LogWarning("Invalid response header from server. Expected {Expected}, but got {Response}", _config.CommandPrefixes.RConResponse, headerSplit.FirstOrDefault()); } throw new RConException("Unexpected response header from server"); } /// <summary> /// reassembles broken status segments into the 'correct' ordering /// <remarks>this is primarily for T7, and is really only reliable for 2 segments</remarks> /// </summary> /// <param name="segments">array of segmented byte arrays</param> /// <returns></returns> private string ReassembleSegmentedStatus(IEnumerable<byte[]> segments) { var splitStatusStrings = new List<string>(); foreach (var segment in segments) { var responseString = _gameEncoding.GetString(segment, 0, segment.Length); var statusHeaderMatch = _config.StatusHeader.PatternMatcher.Match(responseString); if (statusHeaderMatch.Success) { splitStatusStrings.Insert(0, responseString.TrimEnd('\0')); } else { splitStatusStrings.Add(responseString.Replace(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConResponse, "") .TrimEnd('\0')); } } return string.Join("", splitStatusStrings); } /// <summary> /// Recombines multiple game messages into one /// </summary> /// <param name="payload"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string RecombineMessages(IReadOnlyList<byte[]> payload) { if (payload.Count == 1) { return _gameEncoding.GetString(payload[0]).TrimEnd('\n') + '\n'; } var builder = new StringBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < payload.Count; i++) { var message = _gameEncoding.GetString(payload[i]).TrimEnd('\n') + '\n'; if (i > 0) { message = message.Replace(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConResponse, ""); } builder.Append(message); } builder.Append('\n'); return builder.ToString(); } private static byte[][] GetResponseData(ConnectionState connectionState) { return connectionState.ReceivedBytes.ToArray(); } #endregion } }