using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; namespace MessageBoard.Storage { class Database : SharedLibrary.Database { public Database(String FN) : base(FN) { } public override void Init() { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FileName)) { string createClientTable = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [USERS] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, [ranking] INTEGER DEFAULT 0, [username] TEXT COLLATE NOCASE NOT NULL, [email] TEXT NOT NULL, [passwordhash] TEXT NOT NULL, [passwordsalt] TEXT NOT NULL, [lastlogin] TEXT NOT NULL, [creationdate] TEXT NOT NULL, [subscribedthreads] TEXT DEFAULT 0, [avatarurl] TEXT );"; string createSessionTable = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [SESSIONS] ( [sessionid] TEXT NOT NULL, [sessionuserid] INTEGER NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(sessionuserid) REFERENCES USERS(id) );"; string createRankingTable = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [RANKS] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, [name] TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, [equivalentrank] INTEGER DEFAULT 0 );"; string createCategoryTable = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [CATEGORIES] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, [title] TEXT NOT NULL, [description] TEXT NOT NULL, [permissions] BLOB );"; string createThreadTable = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [THREADS] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, [title] TEXT NOT NULL, [categoryid] INTEGER NOT NULL, [replies] INTEGER DEFAULT 0, [authorid] INTEGER NOT NULL, [creationdate] TEXT NOT NULL, [updateddate] TEXT NOT NULL, [content] TEXT NOT NULL, [visible] INTEGER DEFAULT 1, FOREIGN KEY(authorid) REFERENCES USERS(id), FOREIGN KEY(categoryid) REFERENCES CATEGORIES(id) );"; string createReplyTable = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [REPLIES] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, [title] TEXT NOT NULL, [authorid] INT NOT NULL, [threadid] INT NOT NULL, [creationdate] TEXT NOT NULL, [updateddate] TEXT NOT NULL, [content] TEXT NOT NULL, [visible] INTEGER DEFAULT 1, FOREIGN KEY(authorid) REFERENCES USERS(id), FOREIGN KEY(threadid) REFERENCES THREADS(id) );"; string createUserProfileTable = @"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [PROFILES] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, [userid] INTEGER NOT NULL, [showemail] INTEGER DEFAULT 1, [bannercolor] TEXT DEFAULT '#ff6633', [birthday] TEXT, [showage] INTEGER DEFAULT 0 );"; ExecuteNonQuery(createClientTable); ExecuteNonQuery(createSessionTable); ExecuteNonQuery(createRankingTable); ExecuteNonQuery(createCategoryTable); ExecuteNonQuery(createThreadTable); ExecuteNonQuery(createReplyTable); ExecuteNonQuery(createUserProfileTable); Rank guestRank = new Rank(1, "Guest", SharedLibrary.Player.Permission.User); Rank userRank = new Rank(2, "User", SharedLibrary.Player.Permission.Trusted); Rank modRank = new Rank(3, "Moderator", SharedLibrary.Player.Permission.Moderator); Rank adminRank = new Rank(4, "Administrator", SharedLibrary.Player.Permission.Owner); addRank(guestRank); addRank(userRank); addRank(modRank); addRank(adminRank); List defaultCatPerms = new List { new Permission(guestRank.getID(), Permission.Action.READ), new Permission(userRank.getID(), Permission.Action.READ | Permission.Action.WRITE), new Permission(modRank.getID(), Permission.Action.READ | Permission.Action.WRITE | Permission.Action.MODIFY), new Permission(adminRank.getID(), Permission.Action.READ | Permission.Action.WRITE | Permission.Action.MODIFY | Permission.Action.DELETE) }; Category defaultCat = new Category(1, "Default Category", "This is the default category.", defaultCatPerms); addCategory(defaultCat); } } #region SESSIONS public Session getSession(string sessionID) { DataTable Result = GetDataTable("SESSIONS", new KeyValuePair("sessionid", sessionID)); if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow ResponseRow = Result.Rows[0]; int userID = Int32.Parse(ResponseRow["sessionuserid"].ToString()); User sessionUser = getUser(userID); // this shouldn't happen.. but it might :c if (sessionUser == null) return null; Session foundSession = new Session(sessionUser, sessionID); return foundSession; } else return null; } public Session setSession(int userID, string sessionID) { // prevent duplicated tuples if (getSession(sessionID) != null) { updateSession(sessionID, userID); return getSession(sessionID); } Dictionary newSession = new Dictionary(); newSession.Add("sessionid", sessionID); newSession.Add("sessionuserid", userID); Insert("SESSIONS", newSession); return getSession(sessionID); } public void removeSession(string sessionID) { ExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("DELETE FROM SESSIONS WHERE sessionid = '{0}'", sessionID)); } public bool updateSession(string sessionID, int userID) { if (getSession(sessionID) == null) return false; Dictionary updatedSession = new Dictionary(); updatedSession.Add("sessionuserid", userID); Update("SESSIONS", updatedSession, new KeyValuePair("sessionid", sessionID)); return true; } #endregion #region USERS private User getUserFromDataTable(DataTable Result) { if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow ResponseRow = Result.Rows[0]; int id = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["id"].ToString()); string passwordHash = ResponseRow["passwordhash"].ToString(); string passwordSalt = ResponseRow["passwordsalt"].ToString(); string username = ResponseRow["username"].ToString(); string email = ResponseRow["email"].ToString(); DateTime lastLogon = DateTime.Parse(ResponseRow["lastlogin"].ToString()); DateTime creationDate = DateTime.Parse(ResponseRow["creationdate"].ToString()); Rank ranking = getRank(Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["ranking"])); string avatarURL = ResponseRow["avatarurl"].ToString(); string posts = GetDataTable(String.Format("select (select count(*) from THREADS where authorid = {0}) + (select count(*) from REPLIES where authorid = {0}) as posts;", id)).Rows[0]["posts"].ToString(); User foundUser = new User(id, passwordHash, passwordSalt, username, email, Convert.ToInt32(posts), lastLogon, creationDate, ranking, avatarURL); return foundUser; } return null; } private Dictionary getDataTableFromUser(User addedUser) { Dictionary newUser = new Dictionary(); newUser.Add("username", addedUser.username); newUser.Add("email",; newUser.Add("passwordhash", addedUser.getPasswordHash()); newUser.Add("passwordsalt", addedUser.getPasswordSalt()); newUser.Add("lastlogin", SharedLibrary.Utilities.DateTimeSQLite(addedUser.lastLogin)); newUser.Add("creationdate", SharedLibrary.Utilities.DateTimeSQLite(addedUser.creationDate)); //newUser.Add("subscribedthreads", String.Join(",", addedUser.subscribedThreads)); newUser.Add("ranking", addedUser.ranking.getID()); newUser.Add("avatarurl", addedUser.avatarURL); return newUser; } public User getUser(int userid) { DataTable Result = GetDataTable("USERS", new KeyValuePair("id", userid)); return getUserFromDataTable(Result); } public User getUser(string username) { DataTable Result = GetDataTable("USERS", new KeyValuePair("username", username)); return getUserFromDataTable(Result); } public bool userExists(string username, string email) { String Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE username = '{0}' or email = '{1}'", username, email); DataTable Result = GetDataTable(Query); return Result.Rows.Count > 0; } /// /// Returns ID of added user /// /// /// /// public User addUser(User addedUser, Session userSession) { var newUser = getDataTableFromUser(addedUser); Insert("USERS", newUser); // fixme User createdUser = getUser(addedUser.username); return createdUser; } public bool updateUser(User updatedUser) { var user = getDataTableFromUser(updatedUser); Update("USERS", user, new KeyValuePair("id", updatedUser.getID())); return true; } public int getNumUsers() { var Result = GetDataTable("SELECT COUNT(id) AS userCount FROM `USERS`;"); return Convert.ToInt32(Result.Rows[0]["userCount"]); } #endregion #region CATEGORIES private Category getCategoryFromDataTable(DataTable Result) { if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow ResponseRow = Result.Rows[0]; int id = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["id"]); string title = ResponseRow["title"].ToString(); string description = ResponseRow["description"].ToString(); string permissions = Encoding.UTF8.GetString((byte[])ResponseRow["permissions"]); List perms = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(permissions); Category requestedCategory = new Category(id, title, description, perms); return requestedCategory; } return null; } public void addCategory(Category addingCategory) { Dictionary newCategory = new Dictionary(); newCategory.Add("title", addingCategory.title); newCategory.Add("description", addingCategory.description); newCategory.Add("permissions", Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addingCategory.permissions)); Insert("CATEGORIES", newCategory); } public Category getCategory(int id) { string Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM CATEGORIES WHERE id = {0}", id); DataTable Result = GetDataTable(Query); return getCategoryFromDataTable(Result); } public List getAllCategories() { string Query = String.Format("SELECT id FROM CATEGORIES"); List cats = new List(); DataTable Result = GetDataTable(Query); if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Result.Rows.Count; i++) cats.Add(getCategory(Convert.ToInt32(Result.Rows[i]["id"]))); } return cats; } #endregion #region THREADS public Dictionary getDataTableFromThread(ForumThread Thread) { Dictionary newThread = new Dictionary(); newThread.Add("title", Thread.title); newThread.Add("categoryid", Thread.threadCategory.getID()); newThread.Add("replies", Thread.replies); newThread.Add("authorid",; newThread.Add("creationdate", SharedLibrary.Utilities.DateTimeSQLite(Thread.creationDate)); newThread.Add("updateddate", SharedLibrary.Utilities.DateTimeSQLite(Thread.updatedDate)); newThread.Add("content", Thread.content); newThread.Add("visible", Convert.ToInt32(Thread.visible)); return newThread; } public int addThread(ForumThread Thread) { Insert("THREADS", getDataTableFromThread(Thread)); return getThreadID(Thread.creationDate); } public bool updateThread(ForumThread updatedThread) { var user = getDataTableFromThread(updatedThread); Update("THREADS", user, new KeyValuePair("id", updatedThread.getID())); return true; } public ForumThread getThread(int id) { DataTable Result = GetDataTable("THREADS", new KeyValuePair("id", id)); return getThreadFromDataTable(Result); } private ForumThread getThreadFromDataTable(DataTable Result) { if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow ResponseRow = Result.Rows[0]; int id = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["id"].ToString()); int categoryid = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["categoryid"].ToString()); int authorid = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["authorid"].ToString()); int replies = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["replies"].ToString()); string title = ResponseRow["title"].ToString(); var category = getCategory(categoryid); var author = getUser(authorid); bool visible = Convert.ToBoolean((Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["visible"]))); DateTime creationDate = DateTime.Parse(ResponseRow["creationdate"].ToString()); DateTime updatedDate = DateTime.Parse(ResponseRow["updateddate"].ToString()); string content = ResponseRow["content"].ToString(); ForumThread retrievedThread = new ForumThread(id, title, visible, content, replies, author, category, creationDate, updatedDate); return retrievedThread; } return null; } // we have no other unique id yet private int getThreadID(DateTime creationDate) { string Query = String.Format("SELECT * FROM THREADS WHERE creationdate = \"{0}\"", SharedLibrary.Utilities.DateTimeSQLite(creationDate)); DataTable Result = GetDataTable(Query); if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) return Convert.ToInt32(Result.Rows[0]["id"].ToString()); return 0; } public List getRecentThreads(int categoryID) { List threads = new List(); string Query = String.Format("SELECT id FROM THREADS WHERE categoryid = {0} AND visible = 1 ORDER BY `updateddate` DESC LIMIT 3", categoryID); DataTable Result = GetDataTable(Query); if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Result.Rows.Count; i++) threads.Add(getThread(Convert.ToInt32(Result.Rows[i]["id"]))); } return threads; } public List getCategoryThreads(int categoryID) { List threads = new List(); string Query = String.Format("SELECT id FROM THREADS WHERE categoryid = {0} and visible = 1 ORDER BY `updateddate` DESC", categoryID); DataTable Result = GetDataTable(Query); if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Result.Rows.Count; i++) threads.Add(getThread(Convert.ToInt32(Result.Rows[i]["id"]))); } return threads; } #endregion #region RANKING public int addRank(Rank newRank) { Dictionary rank = new Dictionary(); rank.Add("name",; rank.Add("equivalentrank", (int)newRank.equivalentRank); Insert("RANKS", rank); Rank r = getRank(; if (r == null) return 0; return r.getID(); } public Rank getRank(string rankName) { DataTable Result = GetDataTable("RANKS", new KeyValuePair("name", rankName)); if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow ResponseRow = Result.Rows[0]; string name = ResponseRow["name"].ToString(); int equivRank = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["equivalentrank"].ToString()); int id = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["id"].ToString()); Rank retrievedRank = new Rank(id, name, (SharedLibrary.Player.Permission)equivRank); return retrievedRank; } return null; } public Rank getRank(int rankID) { DataTable Result = GetDataTable("RANKS", new KeyValuePair("id", rankID)); if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow ResponseRow = Result.Rows[0]; string name = ResponseRow["name"].ToString(); int equivRank = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["equivalentrank"].ToString()); Rank retrievedRank = new Rank(rankID, name, (SharedLibrary.Player.Permission)equivRank); return retrievedRank; } return null; } #endregion #region REPLIES public int addReply(Post reply) { Insert("REPLIES", getDataTableFromReply(reply)); return getReplyID(reply.creationDate); } public bool updateReply(Post reply) { return Update("REPLIES", getDataTableFromReply(reply), new KeyValuePair("id",; } public Post getReply(int id) { DataTable Result = GetDataTable("REPLIES", new KeyValuePair("id", id)); return getReplyFromDataTable(Result); } public List getRepliesFromThreadID(int threadID) { List replies = new List(); //var Result = GetDataTable("REPLIES", new KeyValuePair("threadid", threadID)); var Result = GetDataTable("SELECT * FROM REPLIES WHERE threadid = " + threadID + " AND visible = 1"); foreach (DataRow row in Result.Rows) { replies.Add(getReply(Convert.ToInt32(row["id"].ToString()))); } return replies; } private Dictionary getDataTableFromReply(Post reply) { Dictionary newReply = new Dictionary(); newReply.Add("title", reply.title); newReply.Add("authorid",; newReply.Add("threadid", reply.threadid); newReply.Add("creationdate", SharedLibrary.Utilities.DateTimeSQLite(reply.creationDate)); newReply.Add("updateddate", SharedLibrary.Utilities.DateTimeSQLite(reply.updatedDate)); newReply.Add("content", reply.content); newReply.Add("visible", Convert.ToInt32(reply.visible)); return newReply; } private Post getReplyFromDataTable(DataTable Result) { if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow ResponseRow = Result.Rows[0]; int id = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["id"].ToString()); int threadid = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["threadid"].ToString()); int authorid = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["authorid"].ToString()); string title = ResponseRow["title"].ToString(); var author = getUser(authorid); DateTime creationDate = DateTime.Parse(ResponseRow["creationdate"].ToString()); DateTime updatedDate = DateTime.Parse(ResponseRow["updateddate"].ToString()); string content = ResponseRow["content"].ToString(); bool visible = Convert.ToBoolean((Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["visible"]))); Post retrievedPost = new Post(id, threadid, visible, title, content, author, creationDate, updatedDate); return retrievedPost; } return null; } // we have no other unique id yet private int getReplyID(DateTime creationDate) { DataTable Result = GetDataTable("REPLIES", new KeyValuePair("creationdate", SharedLibrary.Utilities.DateTimeSQLite(creationDate))); if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) return Convert.ToInt32(Result.Rows[0]["id"].ToString()); return 0; } #endregion #region PROFILES private ProfileSettings getProfileFromDataTable(DataTable Result) { if (Result != null && Result.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow ResponseRow = Result.Rows[0]; int id = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["id"].ToString()); int userID = Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["userid"].ToString()); bool showEmail = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["showemail"].ToString())); string bannerColor = ResponseRow["bannercolor"].ToString(); DateTime birthday = DateTime.Parse(ResponseRow["birthday"].ToString()); bool showAge = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(ResponseRow["showage"].ToString())); ProfileSettings foundProfile = new ProfileSettings(id, userID, showEmail, bannerColor, birthday, showAge); return foundProfile; } return null; } private Dictionary getDataTableFromProfile(ProfileSettings addedSettings) { Dictionary newSettings = new Dictionary(); if( > 0) newSettings.Add("id",; newSettings.Add("userid", addedSettings.userid); newSettings.Add("showemail", Convert.ToInt32(addedSettings.showEmail)); newSettings.Add("bannercolor", addedSettings.bannerColor); newSettings.Add("birthday", SharedLibrary.Utilities.DateTimeSQLite(addedSettings.birthday)); newSettings.Add("showage", Convert.ToInt32(addedSettings.showAge)); return newSettings; } public ProfileSettings getProfileSettings(int userid) { DataTable Result = GetDataTable("PROFILES", new KeyValuePair("userid", userid)); return getProfileFromDataTable(Result); } public bool addProfileSettings(ProfileSettings newProfile) { return Insert("PROFILES", getDataTableFromProfile(newProfile)); } public bool updateProfileSettings(ProfileSettings updatedProfile) { return Update("PROFILES", getDataTableFromProfile(updatedProfile), new KeyValuePair("userid", updatedProfile.userid)); } #endregion } }