<div id="consoleWrap"> <select id="serverSelection"></select> <hr /> <div id="console"> </div> <hr /> <div class="playerSearchWrap table"> <input type="text" class="search tableCell" placeholder="Enter Command..." /> <input type="button" class="searchButton tableCell" name="Search" value="Execute" /> </div> </div> <script> var cmdResultQueue = []; $(document).ready(function () { cmdResultQueue = []; $.getJSON("/_servers", function (servers) { $.each(servers, function (i, server) { $('select').append("<option value=\"" + server['serverPort'] + "\">" + server['serverName'] + "</option>"); }); }); }); function addCommandResult(line) { // $.each(result, function (i, line) { if (line == "You entered an invalid command!" || line == "All commands must start with '!'") { line = getColorForLevel("Banned", line); } else { line = getColorForLevel("Trusted", line); } if (cmdResultQueue.length > 12) cmdResultQueue.shift(); cmdResultQueue.push(line); // }); } function formatCommandResults() { $('#console').html(""); for (i = 0; i < cmdResultQueue.length; i++) $('#console').append("<span class=\"commandResult\">" + cmdResultQueue[i] + "</span><br/>" ); } $('.searchButton').click(function () { if ($('.search').val().length > 0) { if ($('.search').val()[0] != '!') { addCommandResult(["All commands must start with '!'"]); formatCommandResults(); return false; } $.getJSON("/_console?command=" + $('.search').val() + "&server=" + $('select').val(), function (result) { $.each(result, function (i, line) { addCommandResult(line.Message) }); }).done(function (data) { formatCommandResults(); $('.search').val(""); }); } }); $(document).keypress(function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { $('.searchButton').click(); } }); </script>