using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters; using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Database; using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Claims; using WebfrontCore.ViewModels; namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers { public class BaseController : Controller { protected IManager Manager; protected readonly DatabaseContext Context; protected bool Authorized { get; set; } protected SharedLibraryCore.Localization.Index Localization { get; private set; } protected EFClient Client { get; private set; } private static readonly byte[] LocalHost = { 127, 0, 0, 1 }; private static string SocialLink; private static string SocialTitle; protected List Pages; public BaseController() { if (Manager == null) { Manager = Program.Manager; } if (Localization == null) { Localization = Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex; } if (Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().EnableSocialLink && SocialLink == null) { SocialLink = Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().SocialLinkAddress; SocialTitle = Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().SocialLinkTitle; } Pages = Manager.GetPageList().Pages .Select(page => new Page { Name = page.Key, Location = page.Value }).ToList(); ViewBag.Version = Manager.Version; } public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context) { Client = Client ?? new EFClient() { ClientId = -1, Level = EFClient.Permission.User, CurrentAlias = new EFAlias() { Name = "Webfront Guest" } }; if (!HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.GetAddressBytes().SequenceEqual(LocalHost)) { try { Client.ClientId = Convert.ToInt32(base.User.Claims.First(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Sid).Value); Client.NetworkId = User.Claims.First(_claim => _claim.Type == ClaimTypes.PrimarySid).Value.ConvertLong(); Client.Level = (EFClient.Permission)Enum.Parse(typeof(EFClient.Permission), User.Claims.First(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Role).Value); Client.CurrentAlias = new EFAlias() { Name = User.Claims.First(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value }; Authorized = Client.ClientId >= 0; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { // force the "banned" client to be signed out HttpContext.SignOutAsync().Wait(5000); } } // give the local host full access else { Client.ClientId = 1; Client.Level = EFClient.Permission.Console; Client.CurrentAlias = new EFAlias() { Name = "IW4MAdmin" }; Authorized = true; } ViewBag.Authorized = Authorized; ViewBag.Url = Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().WebfrontUrl; ViewBag.User = Client; ViewBag.SocialLink = SocialLink ?? ""; ViewBag.SocialTitle = SocialTitle; ViewBag.Pages = Pages; base.OnActionExecuting(context); } } }