var plugin = { author: 'RaidMax', version: 1.0, name: 'Shared GUID Kicker Plugin', onEventAsync: function (gameEvent, server) { // make sure we only check for IW4(x) if (server.GameName !== 2) { return false; } // connect or join event if (gameEvent.Type === 3 || gameEvent.Type === 4) { // this GUID seems to have been packed in a IW4 torrent and results in an unreasonable amount of people using the same GUID if (gameEvent.Origin.NetworkId === -805366929435212061) { gameEvent.Origin.Kick('Your GUID is generic. Delete players/guids.dat and rejoin', _IW4MAdminClient); } } }, onLoadAsync: function (manager) { }, onUnloadAsync: function () { }, onTickAsync: function (server) { } };