using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace IW4MAdmin { class Utilities { //Get string with specified number of spaces -- really only for visual output public static String getSpaces(int Num) { String SpaceString = String.Empty; while (Num > 0) { SpaceString += ' '; Num--; } return SpaceString; } //Sleep for x amount of seconds public static void Wait(double time) { Thread.Sleep((int)Math.Ceiling(time*1000)); } //Remove words from a space delimited string public static String removeWords(String str, int num) { String newStr = String.Empty; String[] tmp = str.Split(' '); for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++) { if (i >= num) newStr += tmp[i] + ' '; } return newStr; } public static Player.Permission matchPermission(String str) { String lookingFor = str.ToLower(); for (Player.Permission Perm = Player.Permission.User; Perm < Player.Permission.Owner; Perm++) { if (lookingFor.Contains(Perm.ToString().ToLower())) return Perm; } return Player.Permission.Banned; } public static String removeNastyChars(String str) { return str.Replace("`", "").Replace("'", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("^", "").Replace(""", "''"); } public static int GetLineNumber(Exception ex) { var lineNumber = 0; const string lineSearch = ":line "; var index = ex.StackTrace.LastIndexOf(lineSearch); if (index != -1) { var lineNumberText = ex.StackTrace.Substring(index + lineSearch.Length); if (int.TryParse(lineNumberText, out lineNumber)) { } } return lineNumber; } public static String stripColors(String str) { return Regex.Replace(str, @"\^[0-9]", ""); } } }